J. C. Bequaert.
Catalogue of Recent and Fossil Nemestrinidae of America North of Mexico.
Psyche 54(3):194-207, 1947.
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Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. The present compilation arranges all published refer- ences of North American Nemestrinidse, known to the author, so as to present a reliable key to the literature and a clear historical view of the subject. All citations have been checked with the originals. The actual date of publication follows the author's name while any other date mentioned in connection with the work is inserted in parentheses after the abbreviated title and volume number. The type localities and present location of the types are noted with the original descriptions of either sex. Other references mention localities based on new material, as well as important biological data. I have used the opportunity to publish additional localities for some of the forms.
The abbreviations have been chosen so that even the beginner and non-specialist will be able to trace them in the literature. In my experience Catalogues are more useful to the uninitiated than to the strict specialist. The following abbreviations are used for the depositories of types : A.M.N.H. for American Museum of Natural His- tory, New York; Brit. Mus. for British Museum (Natural History), London ; Kansas Un. for Department of Zool- ogy and Entomology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas; M.C.Z. for Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Melander Coll. for private collection of A. L. Melander, now at Riverside, Califor- nia ; Painter Coll. for private collection of R. H. Painter, now at Manhattan, Kansas; Peabody Mus. for Peabody Museum of Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut; U. Colo. Mus. for Museum of the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; and U.S.N.M. for United States Na- tional Museum, Washington, D. 0.
The Catalogue covers the Dominion of Canada and the United States, no species being known from Alaska. This area includes the major part of the Nearctic Region, which, as is well known, extends some distance into Mex- ico, its southern boundary being irregular and often dis- puted. Two of the species here listed are known also from farther south, extending to Guatemala in one case and to Panama in the other. Moreover, most probably some of the other forms will also be taken eventually south of the Mexican border. On the other hand, three additional species, Neorhynchocephalus mexicanus Be- quaert, Hirmoneura (Neohirmoneura) psilotes Osten Sacken, and Hirmoneura (Hyrmophlaba) lirevirostris Macquart, are known from Mexico and Central America. One or more of these might possibly yet be discovered in the southwestern United States. With this reservation, it is doubtful whether many additions will be made in the future to the Recent Catalogue. In any case, such addi- tions will not alter appreciably the general character of the fauna.
Even if we include the Mexican and Central American forms, the Nearctic nemes trinid fauna is very scant, con- sisting of only nine species and one subspecies. These are now placed in three subfamilies and three genera, an unusually high proportion of supra-specific groups. All the species are precinctive; while one of the three genera only (Neor7~ynchocephalus) is strictly American, occurring as far south as Argentina. The other two genera (Hirmoneura and Trichopsidea) are nearly cos- mopolitan; but the Nearctic species belong to peculiarly American subgenera (Neohirmoneura, Hyrmophlaba, and Paras ymmictus) .
Throughout the world the majority of Recent Nemes- trinidae occur in five widely separated areas : the Nearctic Region; the warm temperate areas of Chile and Argen- tina; the Mediterranean subregion and Central Asia; Africa south of the Zambesi ; and Australasia. In point of number of species, the Nearctic Region is the poorest of these five areas. The Recent North American mem- bers of the family appear to be remnants of what may
196 Psyche [Sept.
have been a flourishing fauna at some earlier geological period.
This is strongly suggested by the relatively rich fossil fauna.
One set of Miocene strata in one locality has now yielded five species, belonging to at least three genera, one of the latter no longer found in the New World.
The fact that only one fossil species is known outside North America makes this even more remarkable. Bequaert and Carpenter (1936) have commented upon the astonishing similarity between the Miocene and Re- cent Nemestrinidffi. The evolution of the family seems to have been at a standstill since mid-Tertiary times, which also points to the great antiquity of the group. RECENT SPECIES
Nemestrinidas Macquart, 1834, Hist. Nat. Ins. Dipt., I, p. 370.
Fallenina Rondani, 1856, Dipt. Italics Prodr., I, p. 33 and 161.
Nemestrinidii Bigot, 1856, Ann. Soc. Ent. France (3) IV, pp. 63 and 85.
Nemestrinites Walker, 1857, Trans. Ent. Soc. London (N. S.) IV,pt.5,p.133.
Hirmoneuridae H. Loew, 1860, Abh. Naturw. Ver. Halle, 11, pt. 2, pp. ix and 317 (Dipteren-Fauna Sudafrikas, I, pp. ix and 245).
Nemistrinidie Williston, 1883, Canad. Entom., XV, p. 69. Subfamily HIRMONEURIN.~:
Hirmoneurina H. Loew, 1860, Abh. Naturw. Ver. Halle, 11, pt. 2, p. ix (Dipteren-Fmna Sudafrikas, I, p. ix). Hirmononeurina H. Loew, 1860, Abh. Naturw. Ver. Halle, 11, pt. 2, p. 318 (Dipteren-Fauna Siidafrikas, I, p. 246). Hirmoneurinae Bequaert, 1930, Psyche, XXXVII, p. 295. Hirmoneura Meigen
Hirmoneura Meigen, 1820, Syst. Beschr. Europ. Zweifl.
Ins., 11, p. 132 (monotypic for Hirmoneura obscura Wiedemann, 1820).
Hirmonevra Blanchard, 1840, in BrulE, Hist. Nat. Anim. ArticuEs, 111, p. 387 (emendation of Hirmoneura; same type).
Hyrmoneura Rondani, 1864, Arch. Zool. Modena, 111, p. 50 (misspelling of Hirmoneura; same type). Hermoneura Philippi, 1865, Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, XV, p. 655, footnote (emendation of Hirrnoneura; same [ subg* I type )
clausa Osten Sacken. See TricJiopsidea.
Subgenus Neohirmoneura Bequaert
Hirrnoneura subg. Neohirmoneura Bequaert, 1920, Jl. New York Ent. Soc., XXVII (for 1919), p. 306 (type by original designation: Hhoneura flavzpes Williston, 1886).
1. H. (Neohirmoneura) bradleyi Bequaert. Hirmoneura (Neotzirrnoneura) bradleyi Bequaert, 1920, Jl. New York Ent. Soc., XXVII (for 1919), p. 301, fig. (on p. 302) (holotype Q and allotype <? : Anhalt, Coma1 Co., Texas.-Both A.M.N.H. ; paratypes : Helotes, Bexar Co., Texas).
Hirmoneura bradleyi Hull, 1923, Ent. News, XXXIV, p. 277 (Texas: Bee Creek Canyon near Austin ; Austin). Bequaert and Carpenter, 1936, Jl. of Paleontology, X, p. 396, fig. 1.
Distr. : Tex.
2. H. (Neohirmoneura) flavipes Williston. Hirmoneura flavipes Williston, 1886, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XIII, p. 292 (holotype ?: "United States.?'-Kansas Un.). Johnson, 1895, Proc. Ac. N. S. Philadelphia, XLVII, p. 325 ("Florida"; erroneous locality). Aldrich, 1905, Smithson. Misc. Coll., XLVI, No. 1444, p. 218. Cockerell, 1908, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XXXIV, pp. 251 and 252 (erroneously given as <?). Lichtwardt, 1910, Deutsch. Ent. Zeitschr., p. 589. Schaeffer,
198 Psyche [Sept.
1912, Jl. New York Ent. Soc., XX, p. 296 (Ari- zona: Huachuca Mts.). Johnson, 1913, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXII, p. 54 ("Florida" ; erroneous locality). Hunter, 1914, Kansas Un. Sci. Bull., VIII, pt. 1, p. 19 (type in Snow Coll., Kansas Un.).
Hermoneura flavipes Kertesz, 1909, Cat. Dipt., IV, p. 26.
Hirmoneura (Neohirmoneura) flavipes Bequaert, 1920, Jl. New York Ent. Soc., XXVII (for 1919), p. 306 (9 8) ; 1934, op. cit., XLII, p. 176 (allotype 8: Huachuca Mts., Cochise Co., Arizona.-M.C.Z. Also Arizona: Pinery Canyon, Chiracahua Mts., 6,500 ft., Cochise Co.; Post Creek Canyon, Pina- leiio Mts., Fort Grant, 6,000 ft., Graham Co.). Distr. : Ariz.
Subgenus HyrmopUceba Rondani
HyrmopUceba Rondani, 1864, Arch. Zool. Modena, 111, p. 51 (monotypic for Hirmoneura brevirostris Macquart, 1845).
Hirmophlceba Bigot, 1881, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (6) I, p. 17 (misspelling of HyrmopUceba; same type). Hyrmophlceba Curran, 1934, Fam. Gen. North Am. Dipt., p. 202 (misspelling of HyrmopMceba; same type). EirmopUceba Curran, 1934, Fam. Gen. North Am. Dipt., p. 202 (misspelling of Hyrmop'hlceba; same type). 3. H. (Hyrmophlaba) texana Cockerell.
Hirmoneura texana Cockerell, 1908, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XXXIV, p. 253 (holotype J: New Braunfels, Texas.-Melander Coll.) [1908, Amer. Jl. Sci., (4) XXV, p. 311, fig. (on p. 310) ; as Hhoneura B] ; 1910, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXVIII, p. 286. Lichtwardt, 1910, Deutsch. Ent. Zeitschr., p. 591.
Hyrmophlieba texana Bequaert, 1920, Jl. New York Ent. Soc., XXVII, (for 1919), p. 306.
Hirmoneura (Hyrmophlceba) texana Bequaert, 1934, Jl. New York Ent. Soc., XLII, p. 178 (allotype
-?: Helotes, Bexar Co., Texas.-M.C.Z. Also Texas : Nueces R., Uvalde Co. ; Sabinal R.? Uvalde Co. Arizona : Post Creek Canyon, Pinaleiio Mts., Fort Grant, 6,000 ft., Graham Co.
Hirmophleba texa~a Curran, 1934, Fam. Gen. North Am. Dipt., p. 202, figs. 34.
Distr.: Tex.? Ariz. Also Panama (Tapia, collected by G. Fairchild).
3a. H. (H. ) t esana var. arigomensis Bequaert. Hi~rnofieura (Hyrmophlaba) texawx var. arkonem- sis Bequaert, 1934, Jl. New York Ent. Soc., XLII? p. 180 (holotype 8: San Diego Canyon, Baboqui- vari Mts., 25 miles SE of Sells, Pima Co., Ari- zona.-Painter Coll. ; allotype 9 : Baboquivari Mts., Pima Goe7 Arizona.-Kansas Un.) .
Additiomal Record.-Arizona : Tucson, many 3, Sep-
tember 3 (F. M. Carpenter).
Distr. : Ariz.
Rhynchocephalina H. Loew, 1860, Abh. Naturw. Ver. Halle7 11, pt. z7 p. x (Dipteren-Fauna Sudafrikas? I7 P*
Nernestrinin~ Bequaert? 1930, Psyche? XXXVII, p. 286. Neorhynchocephalus Lichtwardt
iVeorhy~chocephalus Lichtwardt, 1909 (July), Deutsch. Ent. Zeitschr., p. 512 (for 2 species ; type by designa- tion of Bequaert? 1930 : Rhy~chocephalus volaticus Williston, 1883).
Rhynchocephalus subg. Nemestrinopsis Cockerell? 1910, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXVIII, p. 285 (type by original designation : Rhy~c7~ocephalus volaticus Wil- liston, 1883).
I. N. suclcenii (Williston).
Rhynchocephalus saclce~ii Williston, 18607 Trans. Conn. Ac. Sci.? IV, p. 243, fig. (holotype T: Olympia, State of Washington.-Kansas Un.). Hine, 1904, Canad. Entom., XXXVI, pp. 86 and
200 Psyche [sept.
90 (British Columbia : Vernon). Schaeffer, 1912, Jl. New York Ent. SOC., XX, p. 296 (Arizona: Huachuca Mts.) .
Rhy~chocep7~alus sacke~i Williston, 1883, Canad. Entom., XV, pp. 70 and 71 (allotype d: State of Washington.-Kansas Un.) ; 1894, Ent. News, V, p. 47 (oviposition. Colorado : Colorado Springs). Snow, 1903, Kansas Un. Sci. Bull., 11, pt. 5, p. 214 (Kansas : Clark Co. ; Morton Co.). Aldrich, 1905, Smithson. Misc. Coll., XLVI, No. 1444, p. 219. Cockerell, 1908, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XXXIV, p. 249, Pl. XVI, figs. I and 3 (Colorado: Ft. Col- lins). Kertgsz, 1909, Cat. Dipt., IV, p. 30. Cock- erell, 1910, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXVIII, p. 286. Hunter, 1914, Kansas Un. Sci. Bull., VIII, pt. I, p. 19 (type in Snow Coll., Kansas Un). Gibson, 1916, 46th Ann. Rept. Ent. Soc. Ontario (for Igl5), p.. 211. Cole and Lovett, 1921, Proc. Calif. Ac. Sci., (4) XI, p. 239 (Oregon: Forest Grove ; Mary's Peak ; Corvallis ; Lewisburg ; Union Co.). Robertson, 1928, Flowers and In- sects, p. 47 (Illinois : Carlinville, at fl. of Achdlea millef olium). Curran, 1931, Canad. Entom*, LXIII, pp. 69 and 72 (California).
Neo~hy~chocephalus sacke~i Lichtwardt, 1909, Deutsch. Ent. Zeitschr., p. 512; 1910, op. cit., p. 593 (8 9). Bequaert, 1930, Psyche, XXXVII, p. 291 (v 8. State of Washington : Yakima River ; Rock Lake. Oregon : Mt. Angel. California : Goose Lake, Medoc Go. Idaho : Grangeville ; Whitebird. Utah: Mill Creek; Salt Lake City. Colorado : Boulder. New Mexico : West Canyon Camp, Koehler) ; 1932, Zoolog. Anzeiger, C, p. 33. James, 1938, Jl. Kansas Ent. Soc., XI, p. 21 (Colorado : Boulder ; Masonville ; Spring Canyon, Fort Collins ; Horsetooth Gulch, Fort Collins ; Crystal Springs Country Club, Flagler ; Fort Col- lins). Spencer, 1945, Proc. Ent. Soc. British Columbia, XLII, p. 18 (British Columbia: Karn- loops. Bred from Mela~oplus m. memkanus; descr. of larva).
Neorhy~c7~ocephalus sacke~ii Bequaert, 1934, $1. New York Ent. Soc., XLII, pp. 165 and 169 (9 3; oviposition. State of Washington : Spanaway, Pierce Co.; Roy, Pierce Co. Oregon: Salem, Marion Co. Utah: Mt. Buncombe near Logan, Cache Co., 10,000 ft. Kansas : Manhattan, Riley Co.; Medora, Reno Co.; Kiowa Co. ; Scott Co.; Cheyenne Co.; Norton Co.; McPherson Co.
Oklahoma : Lawton, Comanche Co. Arkansas : Springdale, Washington Co. Michigan : Douglas Lake, Cheboygan Co.).
R7~y9~chocephalus sub~item Cockerell, 1908, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XXXIV, p. 250 (holotype 9: Clark Co., Kansas, 17960 ft.-Melander Coll.) ; 1910, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.? XXVIII, p. 286. Schaeffer, 1912, Jl. New York Ent. Soc., XX, p. 296 (Arizona: Huachuca Mts.). Curran, 1931, Canad. Entorn., LXIII, pp. 69 and 72. Neorhy~chocephalus subwitem Lichtwardt, 1910, Deutsch. Ent. Zeitschr., p. 593.
R7~y~c7~ocep7~alus clausus Brauer, 1880, Offenes Schreiben Antwort Osten Sacken's ' ' Critical Re- view," p. 8 (Colorado). Not of Osten Sacken, 1877.
Additional Beco~ds.-Oregon: Bush's Pasture, Salem (G. F. Smith) ; [also Sparta, Baker Co., according to T. H. G. Aitken, in lit t.] -Calif ornia : Santa Cruz. Distr. : Brit. Col., Wash., Ore., Calif., Ida., Ut., Ariz., Colo.? N. M., Kans., Okla., Ark., Mich., Ill. 2. N. volaticm (Williston).
Rhy~c7~ocephalus volaticus Willi~ton~ 1883, Canad. Entom., XV, pp. 70 and 71, fig. 4 (described from 2 '9 cotypes, from "Florida" ; the type locality is Georgiana, Florida, according to Bequaert, 1934, Jl. New York Ent. Soc., XLII, p. 167, foot- note.-Lecto-holotype at Kansas Un; cotype at U.S.N.M.) ; 1886, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XIII, p. 293 (descr. corrected) ; 1888, Synopsis North Amer. Dipt., p. 33, fig. Johnson, 1895, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, XLVII, p. 325 (Florida:
202 Psyche [ sept.
St. Augustine) . Aldrich, 1905, Smithson. Misc. Coll., XLVI, No. 1444, p. 219. Williston, 1908, Manual North Amer. Dipt., 3d Ed., p. 186, fig. 68. Cockerell, 1908, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XXXIV? p. 250. Kertesz, 1909, Cat. Dipt., IV, p. 30. Hunter, 1914, Kansas Un. Sci. Bull., VIII, pt. I, p. 19 (type in Snow Coll., Kansas Un.). Curran? 1931, Canad. Entom., LXIII, pp. 69 and 72. Neorhynchocephalus volaticus Lichtwardt, 1909, Deutsch. Ent. Zeitschr., p. 512; 1910, op. cite, p. 593, fig. 2 (on p. 592). Johnson, 1913, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXII, p. 54. Hull, 1923, Ent. News, XXXIV, p. 275 (Mississippi: A. and M. College near Starkville ; West Point. Texas : Kingsville ; Raymondville) . Bequaert, 1930? Psyche, XXXVII, p. 290 (Texas : Cotula ; Nueces R. Kansas : Bourbon Co., 800 ft.; Sumner Co., 1189 ft.; Lawrence; Douglas Co.) ; 1934, Jl. New York Ent. Soc., XLII, pp. 165 and 166, figs. IE-G (on p. 172) (Kansas : Atchison Go.; Morris Co.; Medicine Lodge, Barber CQ. ; Onaga, Pottawa- tomie (30. ; Riley Co. ; Cowley Co. ; Doniphan Co. ; Saline Co.; Manhattan, Riley Co.; Leavenworth Co. ; Dickinson Co. Oklahoma : Arbuckle Mts., Murray Co. Florida : Sanford, Seminole Co. ; Wildwood, Sumter Co. Missouri : Hollister, Taney Co. Arizona : San Diego Canyon on west side of Baboquivari Mts., 25 miles SE of Sells, Pima Co. At fl. of Houstonia in Kansas; descr- pupa). Curran, 1934, Fam. Gen. North Am. Dipt., p. 202, figs. 5-6.
Rhynchocephalus (iVeo~-hync7aocephalus) volaticus Cockerell, 1910, Bull. Amer. MUS. Nat. Hist., XXVIII, pp. 285 and 286.
Rhynchocep7aalus ~aculutus Curran, 1931, Canad. Entom., LXIII, p. 69 (cotypes $? 3: Lawrence, Kans.-Kansas Un.) .
Rhynchocephalus flavus Curran, 1931, Canad. Entom., LXIII, pp. 69 and 70 (holotype 8: Har- per Co., Kansas; allotype y: Sumner Co., Kan-
sas.-Both Kansas Un. Also paratypes Kansas : Bourbon Co. ; Cherokee Co. ; Waubaunsee Co.). Additio~al Records.-Florida : Indian River (Whit- feld) ; Monticello (G. Fairchild) .-Missouri : Willard, Greene Co. (A. E. Brower).
Distr.: Ariz., Kans., Okla., Mo., Tex., Miss., Fla. Also Mexico (Baja California, Sinaloa, Guerrero, Colima, Morelos, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Yucatan) and Guatemala. Rhynchocephalus Fischer, 1806
clausus Brauer (not Osten Sacken).
See Neorhyncho-
cephalus sackemii.
flavus Curran. See Neorhymhocephalus volaticus. maculatus Curran. See Neorhy~chocephalus volaticus. sackenii Osten Sacken. See Neorhynchocephalus. subwitens Cockerell. See Neodiynchocephalus sackeaii. volaticus Williston. See Neorhynchocephalus. Subfamily TRICHOPSIDEINX
Trichopsideins Bequaert, 1932, Zoolog. Anzeiger, C, p. 33. Trichopsidea Westwood
Trichopsidea Westwood, 1839, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 11, p. 151 (monotypic for Trichopsidea oestracea West- wood, 1839).
Subgenus Parasymrnictus Bigot
Parasymmictus Bigot, 1879, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (5) IX, Bull. SGances, p. lxvii (monotypic for Hirmoneura clausa Osten Sacken, 1877).
Parasymrnyctus Curran, 1934, Fam. Gen. North Am. Dipt., p. 202 (misspelling of Parasymmictus; same t~pe)*
I. T. (Pa~asymmictus) clausa (Osten Sacken). Hirmonewa clausa Osten Sacken, 1877, Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, 111, pt. 2, p. 225 (holotype 8, erroneously given as : Dallas, Texas.-M.C.Z.) ; 1878, Smithson. Misc. Coll., No. 270, pp. 85 and
204 Psyche [Sept.
237. Williston, 1883, Canad. Entom., XV, p. 70. Osten Sacken, 1898, Berlin. Ent. Zeitschr., XLII (for 1897), p. 148. Aldrich, Smithson. Misc. Coll., XLVI, No. 1444, p. 218.
Parasymmictus clausus Bigot, 1879, Ann. Soc. Ent, France (5) IX, Bull. Seances, p. lxvii; 1881, op. cit. (6) I, p. 15. Kertesz, 1909, Cat. Dipt., IV, p. 31. Lichtwardt, 1910, Deutsch. Ent. Zeitschr., pp. 589 and 591. Johnson, 1913, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXII, p. 54 (Florida: Beres- ford). Bequaert, 1920, Jl. New York Ent. Soc., XXVII (for 1919), p. 306.
J. Comstock, 1924,
Introduction to Entomology, p. 836, fig. 1077. Spencer, 1945, Proc. Ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia, XLII, p. 18 (British Columbia: Riske Creek, Chilcotin ; Lac du Bois, Kamloops. Oviposition ; descr. larva; bred from Camnula pellucida and other grasshoppers).
Hirmoneura (Paras ymmictus ) clausa Cockerell, 1908, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XXXIV, p. 251; 1908, Amer. Jl. Sci. (4) XXV, p. 311, fig. (on p. 310) ; 1910, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXVIII, p. 286.
Trichopsidea (Parasymmictus) clausa Bequaert, 1934, Jl. New York Ent. Soc., XLII, pp. 181 and 182 (Kansas : Medora, Reno Co.).
Parasymmyctus clausus Curran, 1934, Fam. Gen. North Am. Dipt., p. 202, figs. 1-2.
Rhynchocephalus sacketai J. and A. Comstock, 1895, Manual Study Insects, 1st. Ed., p. 460, fig. 555 (repeated in later editions of this work). Spen- cer, 1931, Proc. Ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia, XXVII1, p. 21, figs. (on p. 24) (British Columbia: Riske Creek, Chilcotin. Oviposition) ; 1932, op. cit., XXIX, p. 25 (oviposition). Graham, 1932, Canad. Entom., LXIV, p. 167 (British Columbia. Variation). Not of Williston, 1880.
Rhynchocephalus sp. J. Comstock, 1918, The Wings of Insects,p. 347, fig. 358.
Distr. : Brit. Col., Kans., Tex., Fla.
Hirmoneura Meigen
occultator Cockerell. See Neorhynchocephalus. melanderi Cockerell.
See Neorhynchocephalus ( ?).
vulcanicus Cockerell. See Neorhynchoce'nJialus. Subgenus Hirrnoneurites Cockerel1
Hirmoneurites Cockerell, 1910, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXVIII, pp. 283 and 285 (monotypic for Hkoneurites willistoni Cockerell, 1910). 1. H. (Hirmoneurites) willistoni (Cockerell). Hirmoneurites willistoni Cockerell, 1910, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXVIII, pp. 283 and 286, fig. 3 (on p. 283) (no sex given; holotype: Floris- . sant, Colorado.-A.M.N.H.) .
Hhoneura (Hirmoneurites) willistoni Bequaert, 1932, Zoolog. Anzeiger, C, p. 15.
Bequaert and
Carpenter, 1936, Jl. of Paleontology, X, p. 399, figs. 2 (on p. 400) and 7 (2) (on p. 405) (holo- type 9).
Distr. : Miocene of Colo.
Neorhynchocephalus Lichtwardt
1. N. occultator (Cockerell).
Hhoneura occuZtator Cockerell, 1908, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XXXIV, p. 254 (no sex given; holotype : Florissant, Colorado.-Obverse at IT. Colo. Mus. ; reverse at Brit. Mus.) . Bather, 1909, Proc. Geologists' Assoc., XXI, pt. 3, p. 162 (type at Brit. Mus.). Cockerell, 1910, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXVIII, p. 286.
Neorh ynchocephalus occultator Bequaert and Car- penter, 1936, Jl. of Paleontology, X, pp. 399 and 402, figs. 4 (on p. 400) and 7 (1) (on p. 405) (obverse of type $).
Distr. : Miocene of Colo.
206 Psyche [ Sept.
2. N. vulcanicus (Cockerell).
Hirmoneura vulcanica Cockerell, 1908, Amer. Jl. Sci. (4) XXV, p. 311 (no sex given; holotype : Florissant, Colorado.-Obverse at Peabody Mus. ; reverse at U. Colo. Mus.); 1908, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XXXIV, pp. 251 and 253; 1910, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXVIII, p. 286.
Neo~chocephalus vulcanicus Bequaert and Car- penter, 1936, Jl. of Paleontology, X, pp. 399 and 401, figs. 3 (on p. 400) and 7 (4) (on p. 405) (obverse and reverse of type ?).
Distr. : Miocene of Colo.
Generic Position Doubtful
3. N. (7) melawderi (Cockerell).
Hirmoneura melanderi Cockerell, 1908, Amer. Jl. Sci. (4) XXV, p. 311 (no sex given; holotype: Florissant, Colorado.-Obverse at Peabody Mus. ; reverse at IT. Colo. Mus.) ; 1908, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XXXIV, pp. 251 and 253; PI. XVI, fig. 4 (add. specimen, prob. 9, Florissant) ; 1910, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXVII1,p. 286.
( ? ) melanderz Bequaert and
Carpenter, 1936, Jl. of Paleontology, X, pp. 399 and 403, figs. 5 (on p. 400) and 7 (3) (on p. 405) (obverse and reverse of type, of doubtful sex. Also 2 add. specimens, one J, Florissant, at M.C.Z.).
Distr. : Miocene of Colo.
Prosma Schiner
Prosa-ca Schiner, 1867, Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, XVII, pp. 306 and 311 (type by original designation: Nemes- trina westermami Wiedemann, 1821).
Subgenus Palembolus Scudder
Palembolus Scudder, 1878, Bull. U. 8. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr., IV, p. 526 (monotypic for Palembolus fiorigerus Scudder, 1878).
Palombolus Handlirsch, 1907, Die Fossilen Insekten, pt. 7, p. 1009 (misspelling of Palembolus).
1. P. (Palembolus) florigera (Scudder).
Palernbolus florigerus Scudder, 1878, Bull. U. S. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr., IV, pp. 519 and 528 (no sex given ; holotype : Florissant, Colorado.-Ob- verse and reverse at M.C.Z.) ; 1885, in Zittel, Handbuch d. Palaeontologie, Abt. I, 11, p. 808, fig. 1076 ; 1887, in Zittel, Trait6 de Pal6ontologie, Barrois Ed., 11, p. 809, fig. 1093; 1890, Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr., XIII, p. 29. Zittel, 1895, Grundziige d. Palaeontologie, p. 506, fig. 1380. Scudder, 1900, in Zittel, Text-Book of Palaeon- tology, Eastman Ed., I, pt. 2, p. 688, fig. 1567. Zittel, 1903, Grundzuge d. Palaeontologie, 2d Ed., I, p. 542, fig. 1400.
Cockerell, 1908, Trans. Amer.
Ent. Soc., XXXIV, p. 248; 1910, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXVIII, p. 286. Scudder, 1913, in Zittel, Text-Book of Paleontology, 2d Eastman Ed., I, p. 816, fig. 1586.
Palombolus florigerus Handlirsch, 1907, Die Fos- silen Insekten, pt. 7, p. 1009. Broili, 1915, in Zittel, Grundziige d. Palaeontologie, I, p. 666, fig. 1454. Handlirsch, 1921, in Schroder, Handbuch d. Entomologie, 111, p. 264, fig. 227.
Prosma (Palembolus) florigera Bequaert and Car- penter, 1936, Jl. of Paleontology, X, pp. 399 and 406, figs. 6 (on p. 400) and 7 (5) (on p. 405) (ob- verse and reverse of type 8).
Distr. : Miocene of Colo.
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