H. Donisthorpe.
A Redescription of the Types of Strumigenys mandibularis F. Smith, and Cephaloxys capitata F. Smith (Hymenoptera).
Psyche 55(2):78-81, 1948.
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British Museum (Natural History), London As my old friend the late Professor W. M. Wheeler once said to me, the Genus Strumigen-ys F. Smith much requires to be revised. This revision, I understand, is now being- undertaken by Mr. W. L. Brown, Jr., at the Biological Laboratories, Harvard University. As I?. Smith's descriptions of Strninigenys mandibularis and CepJzaloscys capitata are quite inadequate for modern re- quirements; and as tlie rules of tlie British Museum do not allow types to be sent out of the Museum, I decided to redescribe the types of these two species. This I have done in the following short paper, which I trust will be of use to Mr. Brown in his revision of the genus Strumigeizys F. Smith.
Strz~wuigeyys (Strzimigenys) mandibularis F. Smith. $. Reddish brown, top of head blackish, the clypeus and base of lobes being' reddish brown, first segment of gaster somewhat marked with black, eyes black, legs brownish yellow. Head triangular or cordate, narrowed in front, posterior border deeply excised, the excision being rounded, the posterior angles, consisting of two broad bluntly pointed lobes, separated by the excision, which are depressed above anteriorly, feebly longitudinally striate and very finely granulate, clothed with a number of very short and narrow adpressed glittering scale-like hairs; mamdibles not very long (0.6 mm.), stout, inner border above armed with two blunt teeth towards the apex, apex armed with three teeth, the two outside ones long and pointed, crossing each other when closed, the one be- tween them short and blunt; a row of blunt not very close spine-like outstanding hairs is arranged along the inner border and also between the apical teeth; clypeus large, rather flat, transverse anterior border rounded and furnished with a row of clubbed hairs, posterior bor- 78
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der widely V-shaped, the furrow which separates it from the rest of the head rather deep; frontal carince forming the upper border of a rather deeply hollowed scrobe above the eyes; rps large, round oval, ocelli small; antenna six-jointed, fairly long; scape stout, curved, longer than the funiculus, very finely granulate, with a few adpressed short hairs on upper surface, anterior border with a row of longer and shorter not very close outstanding blunt spine-like hairs; funiculus covered with close adpressed silvery hairs pointing forwards, last two joints long and broader than those preceding, last joint pointed and longer than the two preceding taken together. Thorax stout, convex, very finely granulate; pronoturn furnished with a neck anteriorly, transverse, posterior border semicircular, embracing the mesonotum ; meso11ot2~m large, prominent, about as long as broad, broadest just before base, posterior border almost straight, a very fine narrow suture separates it from prasscutellum ; prascut ellurn narrow, transverse, alniost flat, separated from scutellum by a broad rounded suture which is deeper than that separating it from mesonotmn ; scutellum round oval, lozenge-shaped, transverse, some- what prominent; mtanotum very narrow, transverse, situated beneath scutellum ; epkot urn descending abruptly from beneath metanotum, armed with two short sharp teeth, space between the teeth somewhat hollowed out. Petiole with a long peduncle, and a node at apex rounded above and at sides, finely granulate ; post-pe tiole finely granulate, broader than node of petiole, broadest at apex, rounded above and at sides. A white spongiform sub- stance is present beneath the petiole and post-petiole and also along the junction between the petiole and post- petiole, and the post-petiole and gaster; gaster broadly oval, pointed at apex, broader in front than behind, broadest just before apex of first segment which is con- siderably longer than the rest of the gaster and very finely longitudinally striate. Rest of segments smooth and shining. Legs rather long, clothed with long decum- bent glittering scale-like hairs. Long. 5 mm. Redescription of F. Smith's type of Strw12igemjs mau-
80 Psyche [June
clibdaris, a dealated female taken by Henery Walter Bates at St. Pawlo, Brazil.
F. Smith's original description may be found in the Journal of Entomology, 1862, vol. 1, pp. 72-73, pi. 4, figs. 6 and 7.
Strumigenys (Cephaloxys) capitata F. Smith 9.
Light brownish red ; eyes, space between ocelli, and teeth of mandibles black.
Head, thorax, and node of
petiole finely granulate, declivity of epinotum, petiole, and master smooth and shining.
Head long triangular, or cordate, considerably nar- rower at apex than at base, broadest across ocelli, pos- terior angles rounded, posterior border moderately deeply excised; mandibles (only the left is present) rather short, pointed at apex, curved, the masticatory bor- der armed with a row of small sharp teeth; clypeus almost as broad as long, somewhat flat, anterior and posterior borders rounded, furrows separating it from 'est of head narrow but well marked; frontal carincs forming the upper border of two rather deep scrobes above and ending beyond eyes; eyes fairly large, round oval, not very convex ; ocelli small ; antennae six- jointed, scape curved, upper surface flat, not as long as funiculus ; funiculus with last two joints long, but last joint pointed, and about as long as the preceding joints all taken to- gether. Thorax longer than broad, but stout and con- vex; pronotum with a neck, anterior border rounded, anterior angles blunt, posterior border deeply excised embracing the mesonotum ; mesonotwn about as long as broad, narrower in front than behind, narrowed to apex, anterior border rounded, posterior border almost straight, a thin slightly raised line is present down centre of mesonotum ; prmutellum very narrow, marked with short, not very close longitudinal ridges ; scutellt~m fairly convex, transverse oval, anterior border almost straight, posterior border rounded, jutting out over metanotum and epinotum ; metanotum very narrow and transverse, almost hidden beneath scutellum; epinotum armed with two short pointed teeth, dorsal surface transverse,
19481 Donist7xo~pe-St rwnigenys and Cephaloxys 81 somewhat flat, angle between dorsal surface and declivity abrupt, declivity longer than dorsal surface, somewhat concave. Petiole pedunculate, upper side of node trans- verse, flat, anterior border and angles rounded, sides and posterior border almost straight; post-petiole convex, broader than node of petiole, broadest before apex, sides upper surface somewhat convex, and very finely longitudinally striate at base ; gaster long oval, pointed at apex, a row of short longitudinal striae are present at base of first segment which is considerably longer than the rest of the gaster. A white spongiform substance is present beneath the petiole and post-petiole, and at the junction of the same, and with the gaster. The whole body appears to have been clothed with short narrow scale-like hairs and scattered outstanding spine- like hairs, but many of the former, and most of the latter have apparently been rubbed off. Legs moderate. Long. 3 mm. Described from a single dealated female, the type of F. Smith's Ceplialoxys capitata from New Guinea.
P. Smith's original description may be found in the Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool., 1864, vol. 8, p. 77, pi. 4, fig. 5. In the larger figure of the head, the antennse are drawn with only five joints !
My best thanks are due to Professor G. D. Hale Car- penter for kindly lending me the type to redescribe.
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