K. C. Emerson.
North American Menoponidae (Mallophaga). III; Notes on Some of Kellogg's Types.
Psyche 56(2):89-92, 1949.
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Oklahoma A. and M. College, Stillwater, Oklahoma Kellogg in his numerous papers on Mallophaga de- scribed many new North American species. The taxo- nomic importance of the male genitalia was unknown to him, and a large number of his host records have been proven incorrect. The latter item, particularly, has led to great confusion; the only solution has been to remount and examine his type specimens.
His types in many instances have proved to be imma- ture specimens of known species. For such instances indicative of incorrect host designation, records of the correct host with the same date and locality information can be found leaving little doubt that the hosts were not kept separated in the game bag.
Hopkins has presented an interesting discussion on synonymy of Mallophagan names, and the author agrees with his views. The purpose of this paper is not to dis- cuss the validity of certain forms sometimes referred to the names listed, but the validity of those names. The author wishes to acknowledge the kindness of Dr. G. F. Ferris in lending the Stanford University Collec- tion containing V. L. Kellogg's type material, and of Mr. G. H. E. Hopkins of the Tring Museum and Miss Theresa Clay of the British Museum for their help and criticisms. Colpocephalum abbotti Kellogg 1899 = Actornithophi- lus lari (Packard 1870). The type is an immature speci- men, and the correct host is probably Larus sp. Colpocephalum fumidum Kellogg 1896 = Actornitho- philus lari (Packard 1870). The type is an immature specimen, and the correct host is probably Larus sp. 89
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90 Psyche [June
Colpocephalum grandiculum Kellogg and Chapman 1899 = Actornithophilus lari (Packard 1870). The type is an immature specimen, and the correct host is prob- ably Larus sp.
Colpocephalum pcetulum Kellogg and Kuwana 1900 = Actornithophilus bicolor (Piaget 1880). Absolute syn- onymy.
Menopon striaturn Kellogg 1899 = Amyrsidea lagopi (Grube 1851). Absolute synonymy.
Menopow irrumpens Kellogg and Chapman 1899 = Austromenopon navigans (Kellogg 1896). Absolute syn- onymy; with each sex being described as a different spe- cies.
Menopon petulans Kellogg and Chapman 1899 = Aus- tromenopon paululum (Kellogg and Chapman 1899). M.
paululum was described from male specimens collected from the Black-vented Shearwater, Puffinus opisthornelas Coues ; the Sooty Shearwater, Puffinus griseus (Gmelin) ; and the Pink-footed Shearwater, Puffinus creatopus Coues. I designate as lectotypes the types collected from Puffinus griseus (Gmelin). M. petulans was described from a single female specimen collected from the Sooty Shearwater, Puffinus griseus (Gmelin). The types of both species were collected on the same day from the same locality. An examination of the types proved them to represent only a single species with the name paulu- lum having page priority.
Colpocephalurn laticeps Kellogg 1896 = Ciconiphilus obscurus (Giebel 1874). Absolute synonymy, and the latter name may prove to be a synonym of Ciconiphilits decim-fasciaturn (Boisduval and Lacordaire 1835). Menopon decoraturn Kellogg 1896 described from spe- cimens taken from the White-tailed Kite has led to a great deal of confusion. The correct host for this species is the California Cuckoo, Coccyzus americanus occidentalis Ridgway ; and the correct name should be Cuculiphilus decoratum (Kellogg 1896). This species is distinctly dif- f erent from Cucu1i'pJiUv.s f asciatus ( Scopoli l763), which probably does not occur in North America.
Menopon galapagensis Kellogg and Kuwana 1902 = Cuculiphilus snodgrassi
(Kellogg and Kuwana 1902).
Absolute synonymy, and the correct host is Coccyzus melacoryphus Vieillot.
Menopon longicephalum Kellogg 1896 = Menopon gal- lines (Linnaeus 1758). Absolute synonymy. Menopon mesoleucum americanum Kellogg 1896 = Myrsidea interruptus (Osborn 1896). Absolute syno- nymy*
Menopon titan impar Kellogg 1896 = Piagetiella pera- Us (Leidy 1878). Absolute synonymy.
Menopon titan linearis Kellogg 1896 = Piagetiella bursa-pelecani (Perry 1876). Absolute synonymy. Ferris has stated that Menoporn tridens pacificurn Kellogg 1896 could not be separated from Pseudomeno- yon tridens (Burmeister 1838). The author has com- pared Kellogg's material of M. tridens insolens, M. tri- dens par, and a slide labeled "var C " with specimens of P. tridens (Burmeister 1838) collected from Fulica atra atra (Linnaeus) and believes them to be the same. The
forms were separated only on size ; but in any large series from the American Coot, Fulica americanus Gmelin, forms representing all of Kellogg's sub-species can be found.
Boisduval and Lacordaire
1835. Faune Entomologique des Environs de Paris, Paris. pp. 117- 125.
Handbuch der Entomologie, Berlin.
Bd 11, pp. 418433.
The Mallophagan Family Menoponidse, Part I. Parasitology,
XVI, pp. 55-65.
Insecta Epizoa, Leipzig.
Parasiten. MiddendorffJs Sibirische Reise, Bd 11, Th. I, pp. 467-497.
Stray Notes on Ma1lophaga.-V.
Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist.,
ser. I1 IX, pp. 108-118.
New Mallophaga, I. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., VI, pp. 31-168.
New Mallophaga, 11. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., VI, p. 431-548. and Chapman
1899. New Mallophaga, 111. Occ. Papers Calif. Acad. Sci., VI, pp. 1-142.
and Kuwana
Mallophaga from Alaskan birds. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1900, pp. 151-159.
Mallophaga from birds.
Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. IV, pp. 457-
A Louse of the Pelican.
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1878, p.
Systema Naturae, 10th Edition.
Bull. No. 5 (n. ser.), Div. Ent., U. S. Dept. of Agri., pp. 189-249
Certain parasitic insects.
Amer. Naturalist, IV, pp. 83-99.
Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Liverpool, XXX, pp. lxxx and lxxxi. Les pediculines, Essai Monographique, Leyden. Entomologia Carniolica, Vindobonse, pp. 381-385.
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