C. A. Frost.
Tritoma dissimulator Crotch.
Psyche 56(3):115, 1949.
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Figueroa Mt., Santa Barbara County; 11-4-45; C. H. Muller; from an oak gall.
From these data it can be seen that the new ant is corn- monly found on the canyon live oak7 Quercus chrysolepis Liebm., which is distributed along the California Coast Range and the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada. This oak however, is not confined to California? but occurs in southwestern Oregon, northern Mexico and Baja Cali- fornia? southwestern Utah and New Mexico, southeastern Nevada? and much of Arizona. At Los Gatos the species has been oollected from twig galls made on the canyon live oak by cynipid wasps belonging to the following species : Heteroecus pacificus (Ashm.) H. safict~-clam (B'ullaway ) and Disholeaspis truckeemsis (Ashm. ) . TRITOMA DISSIMULATOR CROTCH.-There seems to be no record of this species from either Maine or Mass. and it is listed as from '(Ill.,77 which is the locality given by the describer. I took it at Paris, Me., June 15, 1910, and July 12? 1914, and in June, 1945. My records from Mass. are: Framingham, Oct. 10, 1915* under bark; Sherborn, June 8, 1913 ; Hopkinton? June 7,1925 ; Berlin, July 5, 1936, in fungus. Other records in my col- lection are: Mt. Washington, N. H., June 24? 1913 ; Mont- real Id., Quebec, taken by G. Chagnon; Edmonton and Leduc, Alta.? F. S. Carr ; Victoria Beach, Man., June 17> 1923, C. S. Brooks. There are single records in both the New York and the New Jersey lists.-C. A. FROST, Fram- ingham, Mass.
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