P. J. Darlington, Jr.
Two New Paussid Beetles from the Panama Canal Zone and the Philippines.
Psyche 57(2):68-71, 1950.
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Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. The following two new species of paussid beetles are described here for reference in other connections. Homoptertis (s. s.) subcordatus n. sp.
Fig. 1
Form average in genus; castaneous, moderately shining; most of head, pronotum, and elytra rather closely punctate with punctures of moderate size, but not obviously pubescent (some of the punc- tures have very short hairs which scarcely rise above the level of the body surf ace). Head across eyes (not including post-ocular tubercles) about 5/6 as wide as prothorax; post-ocular tubercles prominent; occiput only vaguely swollen; front concave, with a pair of deeper impressions within the concavity; antennae as figured, the flattened segments irregularly granulate above, more closely SO on the anterior sides of the transverse segments and around the apical segment, the granules bearing short, inconspicuous hairs; mouth-parts normal for genus. Prothorax as figured, wide, with sides sinuate before base; disk convex, slightly swollen on each side, rather deeply longitudinally impressed at middle; disk also vaguely impressed or flattened across base and apex; lateral margins nn- usually broad, running into moderate baso-lateral impressions. Elytra rather elongate (in genus), about '4 wider than prothorax, subparallel, with outer sides very weakly arcuate. Femora and tibiae only moderately wide in genus. Pygidium closely punctate; preceding dorsal abdominal segment more finely and less closely so. Male copulatory organs as figured. Length to apex of elytra, about 8 mm.; width, about 3 mm. or slightly more (both specimens too warped for accurate measurement of width). Holotype 8 in the Museum of Comparative Zoology (No. 28,369) from BARRO COLORADO ISLAND, PANAMA CANAL ZONE, 5-6-37, col- Published with a grant from the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College.
6 8
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19501 Darlington - Paussid Beetles
lected and very kindly presented by Prof. S. W. Frost. One 8 paratype in the United States National Museum (No. 59,425) from the same locality, June 1940, collected by James Zetek (original Pig. 1. Homopterus subcordatus n. sp. (Holotype 8 ) : prothorax, head, and right antenna; left hind tibia with retractile tarsus indicated; and male copulatory organs from left.
Fig. 2. Paussus occlusus n. sp. (Holotype 8 : whole insect; left antenna
from above and (flagellum only) from behind; and male copulatory organs from left.
The subcordate prothorax, prominent post-ocular tubercles, un- usually wide lateral prothoracic margins, triangular rather than rounded tibiae, absence of distinct pubescence on upper surface of body, and antenna1 form are characters which, combined, distinguish
70 Psyche [June
this new species from all previously known Homopterus. The an-
tennae are intermediate in form within the genus, with the posterior edges of the flagellar segments not so straight as in kriegi Reich- ensp., bolivianus Kolbe, or brasiliensis Westw., but not so deeply emarginate as in steinbachi Kolbe etc, (cf. Reichensperger 1938, Figs. 1-8). As compared with H. hondurensis Darl., which is of about the same size and general appearance and which also occurs on Barro Colorado Island (five specimens from various sources in M. C. 2. and U. S. N. M.), the present new species has a more cordate prothorax, slightly different antennae, and more prominent post-ocular tubercles, and the new species lacks the light but dis- tinct pubescence of hondurensis.
I suspect, incidentally, that my Homopterus hondurensis (1937) and H. kriegi Reichensperger (1938) are the same, but a comparison of specimens will be necessary to establish the synonymy. Paussus occlusus n. sp.
Fig. 2
Form as figured, convex; color light brown, redder anteriorly, with the following parts black or piceous: anterior and supra-ocular callosities of head, lateral and apical marks of elytra, lower sur- faces of head and prothorax and (in part) mesothorax, and main portions of appendages; surface of body above (including elytra) and below dull, microscopically wrinkled; pubescence above of rather sparse, short, slightly curved, slightly thickened, yellowish hairs (this type of pubescence lacking in depressions of back of head and of pronotum, and rubbed off inner portions of disk of elytra) ; pubescence below of more inconspicuous, minute, pale hairs. Head: front with 2 longitudinal, parallel ridges anteriorly, curving in and nearly meeting above bases of antennae, and with 4 tubercles, 1 median, 1 occipital, and 1 above and behind each eye, each supra- ocular tubercle with a semicircular impression concave inwardly; antennae as figured, flagellum sub-cylindrical, with fine raised margin along anterior edge, and with the vestige of a longitudinal sulcus posteriorly under a slight ridge which shows traces of seg- mentation although the bottom of the sulcus does not; surface of both basal and flagellar parts of antennae closely, coarsely punctate, each puncture with a short, slightly thickened, pale hair; labial and especially maxillary palpi broad, moderately flattened, more finely sculptured and pubescent than antennae. Prothorax deeply, trans-
19501 Darlington - Paussid Beetles 71
versely divided, with large trichomes in the cleft on each side, and pronotum also with a less sharply defined longitudinal depression, widest basally but deepest toward the middle. Elytra and pygidium withlout dense trichome-fringes or special marginal hairs; pygidial margin indistinct. Legs not flattened.
Male copulatory organs as
figured. Length (to apex of elytra), just over 7 mm. Holotype 8 in the United States National Museum (No. 59,426) from BILIRAN ISLAND [north of Leyte], PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, C. F. Baker Collection ; unique.
This new Paussus goes in a group to which belong also P. cat- oxanthus Gestro, tagalicus Gestro, and k'olbei Reichensperger. The group in the strictest sense may be confined to the Philippines, but it is probably related to Paussus waterhousei Westwood and some other Oriental-Malayan forms. The new species is probably closest to tagalicus (Gestro 1918), which it resembles in coloration and most other details, but the new species is distinguished from tagalicus by much more strongly tuberculate head and much narrower pos- terior sulcus of the antenna1 flagellum. DARLINGTON, P. J., JR.
1937. A new paussid bettle from Central America. Psyche 44, 56-7. GESTRO, R.
1918. Sui Paussidi delle Isole Filippine. Ann. Mus. Civ. Geneva 48, 5-8. R~ICHENSPERGER, A.
1938. Sudamerikanische Paussiden (Col.)
und einige Vorbemerkungen.
Rev. de Entomologia (Rio de Janeiro) 8, 68-79.
Volume 57 table of contents