Index to Volume 57.
Psyche 57(4):147-?, 1950.
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A Journal of Entomology
Volume 57
Editorial Board
Published Quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club Editorial Office; Biological Laboratories Harvard University
Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A.
The numbers of Psyche issued during the past year were mailed on the following dates :
Vol. 56, no. 4, Dec., 1949: January 19, 1950 Vol. 57, no. 1, March, 1949: June 16, 1950 Vol. 57, no. 2, June, 1950: Septemb'er 29, 1950 Vol. 57, no. 3, Sept., 1950: Decemb~er 29, 1950
INDEX TO VOL. 7, 1950
Bailey, N. 8. An Asiatic Tingid New to North America (Heteroptera). 143 Banks, N. Notes and Descriptions of Western Chrysopidae. (Neuroptera). 45
A New Species of Limnephilidse from Maine (Trichoptera). 72 Bequaert, J. The C. Andresen Hubbard Collection of Fleas of the Pacific Northwest. 44
The Northernmost Extension of Bird Hippoboscidae in the New World (Diptera). 113
A Bibliographic Note on Say's Two Tracts of March, 1831, and January 1832. 146
Blake, D. H.
A New Genus of Flea Beetles from the West Indies. 10 Brown, W. L., Jr. Ants of North America. (Book Review). 31 Brues, C. T.
The Salagubong Gong, a Filipino Insect Toy. 26 Large Raptorial Birds as Enemies of Cicadas. 74 Vespid Wasps (Eumenes curvata) Attracted to Smoke. 114 Christiansen, K. A. Massachusetts Records of Cyphoderus assirnilis Borner (Collembola) . 94
Cooper, K. W., and J. Bequaert. Records and Flower Preferences of Masarid Wasps (Hymenoptera : Vespidae) . 137 Creighton, W. S. Polyhomoa Azuma, a Synonym of Kyidris Brown (Hy- menoptera : Formicidae) . 93
Darlington, P. J., Jr. Two New Paussid Beetles from the Panama Canal Zone and the Philippines. 68
Edwards, G. A., and W. L. Nutting. The Influence of Temperature upon the Respiration and Heart Activity of Thermobia and Grylloblatta. 33
Fairchild, G. B. The Generic Names for Tabanidae (Diptera) Proposed by Adolfo Lutz. 117
Focarile, A. The Alessandro Focarile Collection of Carabidae (Coleoptera). 116
Frost, C. A. Chalepus bicolor Oh. 92
Haskins, C. P., and E. F. Haskins. Note on the Method of Colony founda- tion of the Ponerine Ant Brachyponera (Euponera) lutea Mayr. 1 Humes, A. G.. and H. A. Jamnback. A Water-mite Parasitic in Freshwater ' clams. 77
Nutting, W. L. The European Mantis (Mantis religiosa L.) in New Eng- land. 28
Smith, M. R.
On the Status of Leptothorax Mayr and Some of its Sub- genera. 29
Werner, F. G.
Additions to the Nearctic Meloidae (Coleop.). 131 Wheeler, G. C. Ant Larvae of the Subfamily Cerapachyinae. 102 Wilson, E. 0. A New Leptothorax from Alabama (Hymenoptera: Form- icidae). 128
Wray, D. L. Some New Nearctic Collembola. 95 Young, F. hT. Notes on the Habits and Habitat of Geotrvpes chalybaeus LeConte in Florida (Coleoptera) . 88
All new genera, new species and new names are print,ed in LARGE AND SMALL CAPITAL TYPE.
Acanthostichus, 109
Additions to the Nearctic Meloidae
(Coleop.), 131
An Asiatic Tingid New to North
America (Heteroptera), 143
A New Genus of Flea-beetles from
the West Indies, 10
A New Leptothorax from Alabama
(Hymenoptera : Formicidae, 128
A New Species of Limnephilidae
from Maine (Trichoptera) , 72
Ant Larvae of the Subfamily Cera-
pachyinae, 102
Ants of North America (Book Re-
view), 31
Bibliographic Note on Say's Two
Tracts of March, 1831, and Jan-
uary, 1832, 146
Brachyponera (Euponera) lutea, 1
Carabidae, Focarile Collection, 116
Cerapachyinae, 102
Cerapachys, 105
Chalepus bicolor Oliv. (Coleoptera),
Chrysopa CLARIVENA, 50
Chrysopa PINALEN.4, 49
Chrysopa YUMA, 49
Collembola, 95
Colony Foundation of Brach yponera
(Euponera) lutea, 1
C yphoderus assimilis, 94
Enemies of Cicadas, 74
Epicauta CICATRIX, 131
Eremochrysa ALTILIS, 56
Eremochrysa fraterna, 53
Eremochrysa (Lolochrysa) californ-
ica, 62
Eremochrysa (Lolochrysa) cana-
densis, 64
Eremochrysa (Lolochrysa) hageni,
Eremochrysa (Lolochrysa) PIMA. 61
Eremochrysa (Lolochrysa) SPILOTA,
6 1
Eremochrysa (Lolochrysa) YOSEMITE,
Eremochrysa PUMILIS, 58
Eremochrysa punctinervis, 53
Eremochrysa RUFIFRONS, 57
Eremochrysa RUFINA, 54
Eremochrysa TIBIALIS, 55
Eumenes curvata, 114
Eusphinctus, 104
Flea-beetles, 10
Fleas, Hubbard Collection, 44
Formicidae, 93, 128
Geotrupes chalybaeus, 88
Grylloblatta, 33
Habits and Habitat of Geotrupes
chalybaeus, 88
Hippoboscidae, 113
Homopterus SUBCORDATUS, 68
Homoschema ANDROSENSE, 25
Homoschema BUSCKI, 20
Homoschema DARLINGTONI, 24
Homoschema FELIS, 18
Homoschema FRATERNUM, 19
Homoschema HOFFMANI, 15
Homoschema JAMAICENSE, 19
Homoschema LATITARSUM, 16
Homoschema LATUM. 20
Homoschema LEUCURUM, 15
Homoschema MANNI, 24
Homoschema KIGRIVENTRE, 18
Homoschema OBESUM, 22
Homoschema ORIENTENSE, 23
Homoschema OPIMUM, 23
Homoschema ORNATUM, 16
Homoschema PINGUE, 22
Influence of Temperature upon the
Respiration and Heart Activity of
Thermobia and Grglloblatta, 33
Insect Toy, 26
Large Raptorial Birds as Enemies
of Cicadas, 74
Leptothorax, 29
Leptothorax (Myra fant) TUSCA-
LOOS.E, 128
19501 Index 149
Limnephilidae, 72
Lioponera, 108
Lytta MIRIFICA, 133
Lytta NAVAJO, 134
Mantis religiosa, 28
Masarid Wasps, 137
Massachusetts Records of Cppho-
derus assimilis Borner (Collem-
bola), 94
Meleoma CAVIFRONS, 46
Meleoma COMATA, 45
Meloidae, 131
Najadicola ingens (Koenike) , a
Water-mite Parasitic in Fresh-
water Clams, 77
Nesomyrmex, 30
Note on the Method of Colony
Foundation of the Ponerine Ant
Brachyponera (Euponera) lutea
Mayr, 1
Notes and Descriptions of Western
Chrysopidae (Neuroptera) . 45
Notes on the Habits and Habitat of
Geotrupes chalybaeus Le Conte in
Florida, 88
Onychiurus WILCHI, 98
On the Status of Leptothora,~ Mayr
and Some of its Subgenera, 29
Paussid Beetles, 68
Paussus OCCLUSUS, 70
Polyhomoa Azuma, a Synonym of
Kyidris Brown (Hymenoptera :
Formicidae, 93
Records and Flower Preferences of
Masarid Wasps (Hymenoptera :
Vespidae) , 137
Respiration and Heart Activity of
Thermobia and Grylloblatta, 33
Some New Nearctic Collembola, 95
Tabanidae, 117
The Alessandro Focarile Collection
of Carabidae (Coleoptera) , 116
The C. Andresen Hubbard Collec-
tion of Fleas of the Pacific North-
west, 44
The European Mantis (Mantis re-
ligiosa L.) in New England, 28
The Generic Names for Tabanidae
(Diptera) Proposed by Adolfo
Lutz, 117
The Northernmost Extension of
Bird Hippoboscidae in the New
World (Diptera), 113
Thermobia, 33
The Salagubong Gong, a Filipino
Insect Toy, 26
Tingid, 143
Tullbergia (Mesapho~ura) KNOWL-
TONI, 97
Two New Paussid Beetles from the
Panama Canal Zone and the Phil-
ippines, 68
Vespid Wasps (Eumenes curvata)
Attracted to Smoke, 114
Water-mite Parasitic in Fresh-water
Clams, 77
Xenyllndes armatus, 99
Volume 57 table of contents