F. Y. Cheng.
Additions to the Mecopterous Fauna of Formosa.
Psyche 59(3):89-95, 1952.
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Harvard University
The scorpion-flies described below are part of a collection secured at several localities in Formosa in 1948. Family Panorpidae
Panorpa lintknshana, n. sp.
Figures 3-5, 8-10
Vertex black, with a median reddish brown mark pos- teriorly; rostrum yellowish brown with broad and slightly blackish brown stripe on each side ; thorax yellowish brown laterally, blackish brown dorsally, meso- and meta-notum with a broad yellowish brown median band; 1st-6th ab- dominal segments of both male and female blackish brown dorsally and ventrally, last few abdominal segments yellow- ish brown, anal horn of male absent. Fore wing: length, 13 mm. ; width, 3.2 mm. ; membrane hyaline, markings sooty brown; pterostigmal band complete, with a broad basal branch and a separated and reduced apical branch; basal band prominent; apical band broad and ill-defined, repre- sented by many small spots; both basal and marginal spots very small ; pterostigma not prominent. Hind wing : length, 12.3 mm.; width, 3.2 mm.; similar to fore wings, except that the basal band, basal spot and marginal spot are en- tirely lacking. $ genitalia: genital bulb oblong; coxopo- dites rather short; harpagones slender, the outer margins slightly concave at the middle, inner margin with a median angle and a large basal concave area; hypandrium short, branches of hypovalvae slightly divergent, never reaching to the base of the harpagones; parameres simple, stout, each consisting of a single rod, with tooth-like apex and bearing on its inner apical margin a number of distinct stiff hairs and a small dark sharp tooth-like process; pre- Published with a grant from the Museum of Comparativ~ Zoology at Harvard College.
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90 Psyche [September
epiproct slightly narrow towards apex, with deep U-shaped distal incision; aedeagus with truncated apical processes and rounded lateral processes, the inner margins nearly parallel with each other. Q genitalia; subgenital plate broad at the middle, narrow towards the apex, with V-
shaped distal incision ; internal skeleton large, the plate with a pair of elongated less sclerotized areas, the posterior margin of the plate with V-shaped incision, the axis ex- tending beyond the plate nearly half its length. Holotype ( 8 ) : Lin-tien-shan, Karenko, Formosa ; May 15-20, 1948; Cheng; in Cheng Collection. Allotype ( Q ) : Same collecting data as holotype ; in Cheng Collection.
Paratypes : I 8, 1 Q , same collection data as holotype, in the Museum of Comparative Zoology; 4 8 8, 1 s , same col- lecting data, in the Museum of Taiwan University. This species, which has the characters of the Formosan deceptor-group, is closely allied to Panorpa angustistriata Issiki; however, the shape of the parameres of the male and the subgenital plate of the female are quite different from those of the latter.
Neopanorpa k-maculata, n. sp.
Figures 1, 2, 6, 14-16
Body mostly brown; vertex deep brown posteriorly, red- dish brown anteriorly with small black mark enclosing ocelli ; rostrum uniformly reddish brown ; prothorax blackish brown dorsally ; meso- and meta-notum yellowish brown with blackish brown median streak and anterior margin; the 1st-5th abdominal segments of male reddish brown dorsally and ventrally, last few abdominal segments long, twice the length of their preceding segments, uni- formly reddish brown in color; median process of 3rd tergite small and short, just reaching to the process of the median 4th tergite; the 1st-6th abdominal segments of female blackish brown dorsally, last few segments reddish brown. Fore wing: length, 8 , 18 mm.,
Q , 20.5 mm. ; width,
8, 4.5 mm., Q , 4.8 mm. ; membrane slightly brown; mark- ings sooty brown; veins of the basal half of wing mostly sooty brown, those of the apical half show two kinds of colors according to their position, those within the mark-
19521 Cheng -Formosan Mecoptera 91
ings usually sooty brown and those situated in the hyaline areas usually yellowish brown ; pterostigmal band complete with broad basal branch and apical branch; basal band incomplete, represented by a lower spot and some upper fragmentary thread-like cross-bands along the veins ; apical Figs. 1-4. Fig. 1. Neopanorpa k-maculata, n. sip., subgenital plate of female (allotype) . Fig. 2. Neopanorpa k-maculata, internal skeleton of eighth segment of female. Fig. 3. Panorpa lintienshana, n. sp., subgenital plate of female (allotype) . Fig. 4. Panorpa lintienshana, internal skeleton of eighth segment of female. band large with two very small hyaline spots and a lower small additional mark; basal spot absent; marginal spot large. band-like, extended downward to meet the basal branch of pterostigmal band so as to form a K-shaped mark ; pterostigma not very prominent. Hind wing : length, 8, 16.5 mm., 9, 19 mm.; width, 8, 4.3 mm., 9, 4.5 mm.; similar to the fore wing. 8 genitalia: genital bulb oval; coxopodites short with rounded apex; harpagones long and slender, its median part covered with dense hairs, the outer margin concave at the middle, inner margin with a tooth-like angle and a basal square-shaped lobe ; hypandri- um rather broad; branches of hypovalvae stout, broadened towards apex, their inner margins bearing dense long hairs, the basal half blackish brown in color, slender, their basal inner margins with a pair of curved ear-shaped lobes, the apical half less sclerotized, more or less hyaline with many dot-like markings, its distal end bent inwardly with rounded apex. Parameres stout, each consisting of a very
92 Psyche [September
short stalk, which gives rise to two strong branches, the inner branch free, spine-like with sharp and crooked distal apex, the outer branch twice the length of the inner one, its apex united with the outer margin of the aedeagus, the two parameres usually joined basally to each other by a strongly sclerotized U-shaped bar; preepiproct narrow towards the apex with a shallow V-shaped distal incision, the outer margins slightly concave medially, prolonged downward to form a finger-like lobe distally; aedeagus simple, the apical processes knob-like, extended upward, with a little concave apex, the lateral processes not prom- inent. $ genitalia: subgenital plate broad with deep V- shaped distal incision, the distal outer margin of the plate concave; internal skeleton small, the plate small, less selero- tized, posterior arms finger-shaped with black and stout base, connected to each other by a narrow brown bridge. Holotype ( 8 ) : Ta-shu-lin, Takao Hsien, Formosa ; April 27, 1948 ; Cheng ; in Cheng Collection.
Allotype ( 9 ) : Same collecting data as holotype ; in Cheng Collection.
Paratypes : 7 8 5 , 1 9 , same locality and date as holotype, Cheng, Yie, in the Museum of Taiwan University; 2 s 8, 1 $ , same collecting data, in the Museum of Comparative Zoology.
This species is easily recognized by its K-shaped median wing marking and the peculiar shape of both its male and female genitalia. This is the largest species of all Formosan Neopanorpa which I have examined; the female of this species is usually much larger than that of Neopanorpa magna Issiki.
Neopanorpa gradana, n. sp.
Figures 7, 11-13
Body yellowish white; vertex yellowish brown with two deep brown marks, the anterior one enclosing the median ocellus, the posterior one behind the lateral ocelli; com- pound eyes as well as ocelli blue in color; rostrum yellow- ish brown with deep brown longitudinal stripe on each side of its upper portion; prothorax deep brown dorsally, meso- and meta-notum yellowish white with blackish brown
IB~~I Cheng - Formoaan Meeopteru 93 IB~V Cheng - Formoaan Meeopteru median longitudinal streak ; the lsb6th abdominal aes- memta of male brown dorsally, 6th segment prolonged, 7th and 8th segments nearly same length as 6th segment, yel- lowish white in color, median process of 3rd tergite short, extending a little beyond the hind margin of the 4th tergite, the middle of 4th tergite protruded to form a convex process. Fore wing; length, 12.6 mm.; width, 3.2 mrn.; Figs. 5-7. Fig. 5. Panorpa lintienshana, n. sp. (holotype) . Fig. 6. Neupanorpa. k-ĺ´maculata n. sp.
(hvlotype). Fig. 7, Neopanorpa gradma,
n. sp. ~h0lOtype~.
membrane slightly yellow, markings grayish brown ; ptero- stigma1 band complete with broad basal branch and apical branch; basal band represented by two large spots; apical band larye with a large hyaline band which crosses the veins to form six cells; basal spots small, two in number; marginal spots three in number, connected to each other;
94 Psyche [September
pterostigma not prominent. Hind wing : length, 11.5 mm. ; width, 2.8 mm.; similar to fore wings, except that the basal band is represented only by a single spot and both basal arid marginal spots are entirely lacking. 8 genitalia: geni-
tal bulb oval; coxopodites rather long with truncated apex; harpagones rather stout, the outer margin slightly concave at the middle, inner margin with a median rounded pro- truded portion and a basal produced process; hypandrium very broad; branches of hypovalvae short, slightly con- traded basally, rather broad distally, with rounded apices which overlap each other, the outer margins folded upward to form half cone-shaped lobes ; parameres consisting of a very weak and slender stalk, which gives rise to two strong branches, the inner branch free with broad lobes distally, the outer branch united with the lateral process of aede- agus; preepiproct narrow towards apex with shallowly concaved distal margin ; apical processes of aedeagus covered with membrane, united together, lateral processes tooth-like, extended upward and strongly sclerotized. 9 unknown.
Holotype ( 8 ) : Karenko, Formosa; March 23, 1948; Hu; in Cheng Collection.
This species is easily recognized by the yellowish white color of the body by the hyaline spots within its apical band, and by the peculiar shape of its male genitalia. This is the smallest species of all Formosan Neopanorpa which I have ever seen.
Figs. 8-10. Panorpa lintienshana, n. sp. Fig. 8. Genital bulb of male (holotype). Fig. 9. Pregpiproct of same. Fig. 10. Genital bulb of male,
hypovalvae removed (holotype) .
Figs. 11-13. Neopanorpa gradam, n. sp. Fig. 11. Genital bulb of male (holotype). Fig. 12. Preepiproct of same. Fig. 13. Genital bulb of male, hypovalvae removed (holotype) .
Figs. 14-16. Neopanorpa k-maculata, n. sp. Fig. 14. Genital bulb of male (holotype). Fig. 15. Preepiproct of same. Fig. 16. Genital bulb of male, hypovalvae removed (holotype) .
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