A. E. Feldman and N. S. Bailey.
The Taxonomic Value of the Ovipositor in the New England Species of the Genus Corythucha Stål (Hemiptera: Tingidae).
Psyche 59(3):96-104, 1952.
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BY ALBERT EDWARD FELDMAN* AND NORMAN S. BAILEY? Department of Biology, Boston University The purpose of this paper is to present evidence that the ovipositor of the New England species in the genus Cory- thucha St&l is of taxonomic value in the separation of the species. This work is based upon a study of thirteen species, of which over 450 whole mounts have been prepared and examined.
I. Procedure for the preparation of the ovipositor To prepare the entire ovipositor for study the abdo- men was first separated from the insect and placed in a Figs. 1-4.
Lateral view of valve one. Fig. 1. C. pergandei. Fig. 2. C. nturmoruta. Fig. 3. C. cydoniae. Fig. 4. C. pruni. cell of a white porcelain spot-plate (Coors #OOO). Five percent sodium hypochlorite solution was used to clear The material in this paper was included in a thesis written by Mr. Feldman in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Arts at Boston University.
t Now of Wiscasset, Maine.
9 6
1.9521 F'eldman and Bailey - Corythucha 97 the abdomen. Clearing was continued until the last few segments became transparent. Depending on the maturity of the insect, considerable variation in the time of clearing was encountered. A somewhat teneral (incompletely pig- mented adult) female cleared sufficiently in 30 minutes whereas an older one required as much as three hours. The specimen was washed, stained with 5 percent acid fuchsin, dehydrated, and mounted ventral side up in permount on a microscope slide.
Preparation of the valves of the ovipositor requires ten minutes. Abdomens from insects previously st,ore,d in 70 percent alcohol, can be run up to 9(5 percent alcohol, then put into absolute alcohol, and clearing agent. With a pair of minuten nadeZn mounted in needle holders, the valves are dissected and mounted on a microscope slide. 11.
Morphology of the abdomen and ovipositor The abdomen of the female consists of nine seg- ments with a much reduced tenth segment, represented by a pair of lateral plates and a single tergite. Snodgrassl showed that in Anasa tristis DeGeer the sternum of the first segment is absent; the first ventral plate of the abdo- men is therefore the second sternite.
This is also true of
Corythucha. The dorsal aspect of the abdomen is flat but the ventral side is convex. Sternite VII is modified along its posterior medial border to form a single lobe, the sub- genital plate. Sternites VIII, IX, and x are paired and modi- fied to form the ovipositor.
In a typical case exhibited by Corythucha heide- manni Drake, the ovipositor comprises two fifths of the entire length of the abdomen, the pregenital segments making up the remaining three fifths (figure 18). The shape of the abdomen from the ventral aspect is elliptical. The posterior segments progressively diminish in size so that the terminal part of the abdomen tapers more or less to a rounded point.
From the ventral view the upper pair of valves is valve one. These are symmetrical and possess a score or more ridges over the entire surface except the dorsal side 1933. Morphology of the Insect Abdomen. Part 11. The genital ducts and the ovipositor. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 89(8): 1-148.
98 Psyche
and the anterior end of the valve. A fold of tissue connects these two valves along their medial borders. On each valve is inserted a ramus which is a prolongation of the first valvifer, the basal plate or lobe which supports the valves of the ovipositor.
0.5 MM.
Figs. 5-17. The second valves in ventral aspect. Fig. 5. C. mollicula. Fig. 6. C. arcuata. Fig. 7. C. cydoniae. Fig. 8. C. marmorata. Fig. 9. C. pruni. Fig. 10. C. juglandis. Fig. 11. C. ulmi. Fig. 12. C. caryae. Fig. 13. C. ciliata. Fig. 14. C. pergandei. Fig. 15. C. coryli. Fig. 16. C. heidemanni. Fig. 17. C. pallipes.
The first valvifer is rectangular, with a lobed pos- terior medial margin. The dorsal surface of the first valves bears two parallel ridges; between these is a groove into which fits a ridge on the ventral surface of the correspond- ing second valve.
The second valves are above or dorsal to the first valves. They are united with each other at their proximal ends by a common base. Valve two is elongate and sharply pointed distally and each valve is connected to the cor-
19521 Feldman and Bailey - Corythucha 99 responding first valve by a slide and groove arrangement. The second valvifer is an oblong plate lying lateral and somewhat dorsal to the first valve. Its proximal end fits snugly posterior to the ramus of the first valve. At the distal end of the second valvifer is a much reduced third valve.
In all cases valve one is measured from the most proximal part of its ramus to the distal end of the valve. Valve two is measured from the common base to the distal end.
0.5 MM.
Fig. 18. Ovipositor of Corythucha heidemanni Drake in ventral aspect. (Vl 1) valve one, (Vl 2) valve two, (VI 3) valve three, (Vlf 1) valvifer one, (Vlf 2) valvifer two, (S-P) subgenital plate, (Rl 1) ramus of valve one.
C. arczjata (Say)
The length of valve one varies from 0.29-0.33 mm. and its average length is 0.31 rnm. Valve two varies in length from 0.25-0.28 mm. with an average length of 0.26 mm. The shape of valve two is triangular from the ventral aspect (fig. 6). On the basis of the shape of valve two, this species can readily be differentiated from all other species studied with the exception of C. mollicuh. The second valves of these two species are identical. The subgenital plate is circular.
100 Psyche [September
C. caryae Bailey2
The average length of the first valve is- 0.50 mm. and it varies from 0.46-0.53 mm. Valve two has a ridge present on the posterior margin of the common base con- necting the two valves. Variation in the length of these valves ranges from 0.40-0.44 mm. and the average length is 0.43 mm. Valve two is elongate. The subgenital plate is subcircular and is approximately twice as large as that of C. arcuata.
C. ciliata (Say)
This species exhibits the longest valves of any species studied. By comparing the length of each valve of this species with those of other species, C. ciliata can readily be separated from all others. The length of valve one ranges from 0.53-0.61 mm. and its average length is 0.58 mm. The configuration of the ventral aspect of valve two affords a second excellent method of separating this species from all others (fig. 13). Its shape is extremely elongate and narrow compared to other species. The average length of valve two is 0.53 mm. and it varies from 0.50-0.56 mm. The subgenital plate is elliptical.
C. coryli Osborn and Drake
The average length of valve one is 0.46 mm. with variation occurring from 0.43-0.48 mm. Valve two is elongate with its anterior lateral angles pointed (fig. 15). Lengths of the latter valve vary from 0.42-0.43 mm. with an average length of 0.43 mm. The subgenital plate is elliptical.
C. cydoniae (Fitch)
The length of valve one varies from 0.36-0.43 mm. and its average length is 0.40 mm. The diagnostic character separating this species from all others is the convex shape of valve one (fig. 3). Valve two varies from 0.31-0.35 mm. and its average length is 0.33 mm. The shape of valve two is very diagnostic since it is unique (fig. 7). The subgenital plate is almost square with the posterior margin rounded. C. heidemanni Drake
The length of valve one in this species varies from 1951. The Tingoidea of New England and their Biollogy. Ent. Arner., 31 n.s.: 1-140.
19521 Feldnzan and Bailey - Corythucha I01 0.49-0.52 mm. and its average length is 0.51 mm. Valve two has an average length of 0.45 mm. and its range of variation is 0.44-0.47 mm. The shape of this valve is elongate and its anterior lateral margins are rounded (fig. 16). The subgenital plate is elliptical. C. juglandis (Fitch)
The length of valve one varies from 0.47-0.53 mm. and its average length is 0.49 mm. Valve two ranges from 0.42-0.47 mm. and its average length is 0.45 mm. The latter valve is elongate and its anterior lateral margins are pointed* The subgenital plate is elliptical. C. marmorata (Uhler)
On the average, valve one measures 0.39 mm. and its range of variation extends from 0.36-0.41 mm. The shape of this valve in lateral view is unique (fig. 2). Valve two presents an interesting configuration which by itself is highly diagnostic. The anterior halves of these valves
together form a shape not unlike that of a mushroom (fig. 8). The average length of the second valves is 0.32 mm. and it varies from 0.30-0.32 mm. The subgenital plate is much broader than long.
C. mollicula Osborn and Drake
Valve one has an average length of 0.31 mm. and its range of variation is 0.29-0.34 mm. The shapes of valves one and two are identical to those of C. arcuata (fig. 5). Valve two measures on the average 0.26 mm. and its variation ranges from 0.23-0.28 mm. The subgenital plate is circular.
C. pallipes Parshley
Valve one varies in length from 0.52-0.154 mm, and its average length is 0.54 mm. Valve two varies from 0.47- 0.52 mm. and the average measurement is 0.49 mm. The subgenital plate is elliptical.
C. pergandei Heidemann
Valve one varies from 0.44-0.50 mm. with an average length of 0.47 mm. The shape of the distal end of this valve is abruptly pointed (fig. I ) . Valve two is elongate and tapers posteriorly (fig. 14). Its measurements vary from 0.37-0.45 mm. and its average length is 0.41 mm. The sub- genital plate is elliptical.
102 PsYc~~? [September
C. przd Osborn and Drake
The average length of valve one is 0.42 mm. with variation between 0.40-0.45 mm. Valve two varies from 0.34-0.41 mm. and its average length is 0.38 mm. Valve two is triangular with a convex base. The subgenital plate is circular.
C. ulmi Osborn and Drake
Valve one varies in length from 0.47-0.44 mm. and its average length is 0.46 mm. Valve two varies in length from 0.32-0.41 mm. and its average length is 0.37 mm. The shape of valve two is elongate and tapers at its distal end. The subgenital plate is elliptical. 111 Characters of taxonomic value
The features of taxonomic value in separating the New England species of Co~ythucha are: the shape of the ventral aspect of a pair of second valves? the length of valve two, the shape of the lateral aspect of valve one? the Iength of valve one, and the shape of the subgenital plate. On the basis of the above characters? ten species
can be easily separated. The remaining three species which could not be separated in this way are: C. juglardis, C. h efdemanni, and C. coryli.
I Vl 2 Vl
C. alrcuata
0.31 mm.
(10) 0.26 mm. (4)
C. mollicula
(131 0.26 (9)
C marmorata
(12) 0.32 (9)
C. qjdoniae
(13) 0.33 (5)
C. pmni
(9) 0.38 (3)
C. coryli
('0 0.43 (6)
C. ulmi
(6) 0.43 (6)
C. pergandei
(17) 0.41 (4)
C. juglandis
(7) 0.45 (4)
C. caryae
(11) 0.43 (6)
C. heidemanni
(13) 0.45 (6)
C. pallipes
(9) 0.49 (5)
C. ciliata
(11) 0.53 (6)
Table 1. Average comparative lengths of valves one and two. The numbers in parentthesis indicate the actual number of measurements determined for eaeh case.
19521 Feldman and Bailey - Corythucha 103 IV. A key to the New England species of the genus Cor~thucha Stil based upon characters of the ovipositor. I. Second valvulae broad? the length of either valve 2 never more than two and one-half times the width of their common base (fig. 5-9) ..................... .2 Second valvulae elongate, the length of either valve 2 at least 3 times the width of their common base (figs. 10-17) ...................................... 5 2. Common base of the second valves mushroom shaped ..........................
(fig. 8) C. rnarrno~ata
Not as above .................................... 3 3. Base 'of second valves markedly broad, 0.31-0.35 mm. . . . . . . . .
Iong, subgenital plate elliptical
C. cydoniae
Base of second valves not so broad, subgenital plate circular ..................................... 4 4. Second valves larger, 0.34-0.41 mm. long; first valves ..............
larger? 0.40-0.45 mm. long
C. pruni
Second valves smaller? 0.23-0.28 mm. long; first valves smaller, 0.29-0.34 mm. long . . C. arcmta, C. wzollicula 5. Valve 2 extremely elongate; its length at least four times the width of its common base; valve 1 long, 0.53-0.61 .................................
mm. C. ciliata
Valve 2 never more than four times longer than its com- ...................................
mon base 6
6. Subgenital plate circular
C. caryae
Subgenital plate elliptical 7
7. Distal end of valve I abruptly pointed . . , , C. pergandei ....................................
Not as above 8
8. Posteri,or margin of common base of valve 2 with a median projection? valve 2 longer, 0.52-0.54 mm. C. pallipes
Posterior margin of common base of valve 2 with a median ridge, xdve 2 shorter, 0.32-0.41 mm.. C. ulmi V. Conclusion
On the basis of the characters of the female genital
104 Pspche
segments and their appendages, ten of the New England species of Corythuchu were separated. These were: C. mmoratuJ C, cydoniae, C. wni, C. a~mta, C. rnollimh, C. ciliutu, C. caryue) C, pwgandei, C, pullipes, and C. u1mL The remaining species could not be separated: C. he&- mami, C. jughndis, and C. coryli,
COMPOS~ON OF THE ANT TRIBE TYPHLOMYRMICINL - In 1911, Emery (Gem 111s. 118 : 32) raised a subtribe of his tribe Ectatommini to include the genera Typhlomymex Mayr, Prionopelta Mayr and Rhopalopone Emery, and named this subtribe Typhlomyrmicini. It has already been proposed on morpho~ogical grounds that Prionopelta be removed to tribe Amblyoponini and Rhopalopom remain in tribe Ectatommini, while Typhl~mymex has been seen as the sole group representing an isolated line (Brown, 1950, Wasmann Jour, Eel., San Francisco, 8 : 243-2441 The triM name Typhlomyxmkini is hereby placed in use to include the Neotropieal genus Typhlomymex. Tribal distinction is considered to be complete. The male specimen without head, doubtfu~ly referred by me in 1950 (lm. tit.) to P&onopelh, is now definibly recog- nized as a Typhlomymex of unknown species, It appears characteristic of Tpphlo?n$i~??Mx males that vein Mfl arises basad of m-a. Other characters of the genus and tribe will be brought out in a forthcoming key to the ponerine genera. Examination of a cotype ("Zig-zag, Venezuela") of' Forel's Prionopelta mrthae (1909, Deutsch, ent. Zeitxhr., p. 240, worker) in the Nuseum of Comparative Zoology shows that this specie8 must be removed from Priofiopdfa and placed as a new synonym of Typhlomymwx rogm- hofe~i Mayr (1862, Verh. zcmLbot. GIX Wien 12: 737, worker; 1887, Ibid. 37: 538, 9 8). Comparison was made with workers of T. rogenhofwi determined by Mann and Wheeler from Far& Brazil {Mann leg.}, and these proved closely similar, The mrthae type differs distinctly from types of T, pmillus Emery and T. rd)usha Emery in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. -WILLIAM L. BROWN, JR., Museum of Comparative Zoology.
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