Index to Volume 59.
Psyche 59(4):163-?, 1952.
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A Journal of Entomology
Volume 59
Editorial Board
Published Quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club Editorial Office ; Biological Laboratories Harvard University
Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A.
The numbers of Psyche issued during the past year were mailed on rthe fo11owing dates :
Vol. 58, no. 4, Dee., 19'51: June 4, 1952 Vol. 59, no. 1, March, 1952: August 19, 1952 Vol. 59, no. 2, June, 1952: October 16, 1952 vol. 59, no. 3, Sept., 1952: January 30, 1953
INDEX TO VOL. 59, 1952
Bellinger, P. F. A New Genus and Species of Isotomidae (Collembola). 20 Bickley, Wm. E. Inheritance of Some Varietal Characters in Chrysopa oculata Say (Neuroptera : Chrysopidae) . 41 Blake, D. H.
Six New Species of Megistops with Keys to the Known Species (Coleoptera) . 1
Brown, W. L., Jr. Interesting Northern Records for Eastern Hymenoptera (Formicidae and Embolemidae) . 12
Correction to the Synonymy of the Ant Ccmponotus jormosensis Wheeler. 19
M ystrium in Australia (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) . 25 Heteroponera Mayr Reinstated (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) . 70 Composition of the Ant Tribe Typhlomyrmicini. 104
Callan, E. McC.
Observations on the Distribution of Tabanidae in the Caribbean Area, with New Records of Species from Trinidad, B.W.I. (Diptera). 37
Cheng, F. Y.
Additions to the Mecopterous Fauna of Formosa. 89
Creighton, Wm. S.
Studies on Arizona Ants (3). The Habits of Pogono- myrmex hnachucanus Wheeler and a Description of the Sexual Castes. 71
Pseudomyrmex apache, a New Species from the Southwestern United States (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) . 131
Studies on Arizona Ants (4). Camponotus (Colobopsis) papago, a New Species from Southern Arizona.
Darlington, P. J., Jr.
Notes on Brachyonychus Chd. (Coleoptera, Cam- bidae, Panagaeini) , 126
Drake, C. J. The Genus Parada Horvath (Hempitera: Tingidae). 143 Drake, C. J., and L. Hoberlandt. A New Genus and Species of Saldidae from South America (Hemiptera) . 85
Edwards, R. L.
Notes on Some of Osborn's Mallophaga Types and the Description of a New Genus, Rotundiceps (Philopteridae). 26 Eisner, T., and E. 0. Wilson.
The Morphology of the Proventriculus of
a Formicine Ant. 47
Feldman, A. E., and N. S. Bailey. The Taxonomic Value of the Ovipositor in the New England Species of the Genus Corythucha St51 (Hemiptera : Tingidae) . 96
'Gaul, A. T. Audio Mimicry: An Adjunct to Color Mimicry. 82
Gregg, R. E.
The Female of Formica opaciventris Emery (Formicidae). 13
Remington, C. I,. The Biology of Nearctic Lepidoptera. I. Foodplants and Life-histories of Colorado Papilionoidea. 61 The Biology of Nearctic Lepidoptera. 11. Foodplant and Pupa of Hemiargus iftolus. 129
Ross, H. H. Lectotypes of Hagen Species Belonging to Certain Families of Trichoptera. 31
Wheeler, G. C.. and J. Wheeler. The Ant Larvae of the Myrmicine Tribe Myrmkini. 105
164 Psyche [December
All new genera. new species and new names are printed in LARGE AND SMALL CAPITAL TYPE.
A Xew Genus and Species of Iso-
tomidae (Collenhola), 20
A New Genus and Species of Sal-
didae from South America (Hcm-
iptera). 85
Additions to the Mecopterous
Fauna of Formosa. 89
Ant Larvae of the Myrmicine Tribe
Myrmicini, 105
Audio Mimicry: An Adiunct to
Color Mimicry, 82
Biology of Nearctic Lepidoptcra,
61. 129
Camponot us ( Colobopsis) PAPAGO.
Camponotus formosensis, 19
Carabidae, 126
Chrysopa oculata, 41
Chrysopidae. 41
Coleoptera. 1. 126
Collembola, 20
Correction to the Synonymy of
the Ant Cat~ipo~totus formosmsi.~
Wheeler, 19
Diptera, 37
Embolemidae. 12
Foodplant of H emid i'gits is01 ÌàS 129
Foodplants of Papilionoidea, 61
Formica opaciveni~is, 13
Formicidae, 12, 13, 25. 70. 131. 148
Formicine Proventriculus, 47
Hemiargit~ isolw, 129
Hemiptera. 96, 143
Heteroponern Mayr Rein-tiited
(Hymenoptera : Foimicidac) , 70
Hymenoptera. 12
Inheritance of Some Varietal Char-
acters in Chrysopa oculata Say
(Neuroptera : Chrysopidae) , 41
Interesting Northern Records for
Eastern Hymenoptera (Formi-
cidae and Embolemidae), 12
Isotomidae, 20
Lcctotypes of Hagen Species Be-
longing to Certain Families of
Trichoptera, 31
Lepidoptera, 61
Life-histories of Papilionoidea, 61
Mallophaga, 26
Mecoptera, 89
Megist ops ARGEXTIXENSI S, 8
&g'kt~p.~ BAHAMEXSIS, 6
.Pfegi~tops BRYANTI, 4
A~ff?gkhp~ COSTARICEN SIS, 11
Megistops MELANOLOMA, 8
Alff?g?%t~p~ TAUROPS, 10
Morphology of the Proventriculus
of a Formicine Ant, 47
Myrmicini, 105
*If ystrium in Australia (Hymenop-
tera : Formicidae), 25
A~eopan~rp~ GRADAXA. 92
A~e0pC!770T~ K-MACULAT.4, 90
N~uroptera, 41
Notes on Brachyoriychus Chd.
(Coleoptera, Carabidae, Pana-
gacini), 126
Notes on Some of Osborn's Mallo-
phaga Types and the Description
of a New Genus Rotzan(Iiceps
( PI1 i lop t eridae ) , 26
Obm.v:1tions on the Distribution of
Tabanidae in the Caribbean
Area. with New Records of
Specips from Trinidad. B.W.I.
( Dip tera ) . 37
Panorpa LIWIEX SHAX.4, 89
Papilionoidea, 61
Parc~da ABSONA, 146
Parclda HACKERI, 145
Parada torta PULLA, 147
Philopteridae, 26
l~hilupterus OSBORXI, 27
Pogonomyrmex huachucamts. 71
Proventriculus, 47
Pseudomyrmex APACHE, a New
Species from the Southwestern
United States (Hymenoptera :
Formicidae), 131
Pupa of Hemiargus isolus, 129
Six Sew Species of Megistops with
Keys to the Known Species
(Coleoptera), 1
Studies on Arizona Ants, 71, 148
Tabanidae, 37
Taxonomic Value of the Ovipositor
in the New England Species
of the Genus Corythucha Stal
(Hemiptera : Tingidae) , 96
The Female of Formica opaciven-
his Emery (Formicidae), 13
The Genus Parada Horvath (Hem-
iptera : Tingidae) , 143
Tingidae, 96, 143
Trichoptera, 31
Volume 59 table of contents