![]() | PSYCHE A Journal of Entomology founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club | |
Volume 6 (1891-1893)A List of the Orthoptera of Illinois.—I. Notes on Three Species of Hylotoma. A Novel Diagrammatic Representation of the Orders of Insects. Descriptions of the Larva and Pupa of Scotobates Calcaratus Fabr. Recent English Publications. A New Introduction to Entomology. The March of Hyperchiria 10. More Damage by White Ants in New England. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Miscellaneous Notes. On the Relation Between Scientific and Economic Entomology. A List of the Orthoptera of Illinois.—II. Notes (Marine Insects; Dr. Weed's Appointment). On the Life-History of Diabrotica 12-Punctata Oliv. The Partial Preparatory Stages of Heteropacha Rileyana Harvey. Brongniart on Prothoracic Wings in Carboniferous Insects. Smerinthus Astylus. A Hint From Entomology. Notes (Kolbe's Introduction; the Oldest Phryganid; Eggs of Lycaenidae.). Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. A General Survey of the Modes of Development in Insects and Their Meaning. On the Life History of Diabrotica 12-Punctata Oliv—(Concluded from p. 30.). Psyche 6(179):44-49, 1891 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1891/32564 Descriptions of New West African Lycaenidae; Paper II. On an Important Character, Hitherto Little Noticed, in the Family Buprestidae. Harrisimemna Trisignata. Miscellaneous Notes; L'Abeille. Psyche 6(179):54, 1891 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1891/87086 Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Psyche 6(179):54, 1891 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1891/45372 Some Old Correspondence Between Harris, Say, and Pickering.—I. Personal Notes. Psyche 6(180):60, 1891 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1891/49046 Oebalus Pugnax an Enemy of Grasses. A List of the Orthoptera of Illinois.—III. Lestes Eurinus Say. Hemidiptera Haeckelii. Protection by Conspicuous Colors. Forel on the Habits of Brachytrypus. Green Butterflies. Bugnion on Alpine Faunas. The Abbé Provancher's Work in Canada. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. A List of the Orthoptera of Illinois.-IV. A Supplementary Note on Diabrotica 12-Punctata. Descriptions of the Preparatory Stages of Two Forms of Cerura Cinerea Walk. Two New Tachinids. Edwards's Butterflies of N. America. Packard's Forest-Insects. Personal Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. A Decade of Monstrous Beetles. Personal Notes. Psyche 6(182):93, 1891 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1891/46718 Description of the Preparatory Stages of Callosamia Promethea Drurky. Preparatory Stages of Heterocampa Unicolor Pack. The Embryology of a Common Fly. Oeneis and its Early Stages. Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. On a Singular Gland Possessed by the Male Hadenoecus Subterraneus. A New Simulius From Southern New Mexico. Two New Lepidopterous Borers. Notes on Bombycid Larvae.—I. The Germ-Band of Insects. Bibliography. Full Grown Larva and Pupa of Deidamia Inscripta. Recent Literature. On the Food-Habit of Telea Polyphemus. Personal Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Some Old Correspondence Between Harris, Say, and Pickering.—II. Some of the Early Stages of Zerene Catenaria. A List of the Bombyces Found in the Electric Light Globes at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Experiments With Alpine Butterflies. Edward Burgess. The London Insectary. Recent Entomological Literature. A Moulting-Habit of Larvae of Platysamia Ceanothi. Miscellaneous Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Some Old Correspondence Between Harris, Say, and Pickering.—III. Hemaris Diffinis: From Larvae Sent From Missouri. Notes on Bombycid Larvae.—II. The New Catalogue of European Coleoptera. Temperature Experiments With Moths. Some Abnormal Larvae; Another Deidamia Inscripta. Miscellaneous Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Caddis-Worms of Stony Brook. Halisidota Caryae. A List of Some of the Catalogues and Local Lists of North American Coleoptera.—I (A.-G.). On the Specific Distinctness of Halisidota Harrisii, With Notes on the Preparatory Stages of the Species of Halisidota Inhabiting New York. Food Plants; Choice of Food. Literary Note. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Some Old Correspondence Between Harris, Say and Pickering.—IV. The Early Stages of Three Coleoptera. A Parasite of the Fall Web-Worm. Notes on Bombycid Larvae.—III. Bibliographical Notes.—I. Biologia Centrali Americana, Diptera. Clouds of Insects. Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Some Old Correspondence Between Harris, Say, and Pickering.—V. A Tachinid Parasite of the Oak Unicorn Prominent. A List of Some of the Catalogues and Local Lists of North American Coleoptera.—II (H.-P.). Heteropacha Rileyana. Preparatory Stages of Pheosia Dimidiata H. S. Choice of Food. Psyche 6(188):196, 1891 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1891/73045 Temperature Experiments. Psyche 6(188):196, 1891 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1891/26748 A Correction. Nadata Gibbosa. Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. The Life History of Spalgis S-Signata Holl. Life History of Orgyia Cana Hy. Edw. A List of Some of the Catalogues and Local Lists of North American Coleoptera.—III (R.-Z.). Miscellaneous Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entoiological Club. Notes Upon the Transformations of Some African Lepidoptera. Concerning the "Blood-Tissue" of the Insecta.—I. Description of a Sarcophaga Bred From Helix. Edwards's North American Butterflies. Dryocampa Riversii Behr. Recent Literature. Experiments for the Destruction of Chinch Bugs by Infection. Concerning the "Blood-Tissue " of the Insecta.—II. A New Genus and Species of Tabanidae. Miscellaneous Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. American Phytoptocecidii. Notes. A New Genus of Tachinidae. The Larva of Nola Minuscula. A Dipterous Parasite of the Toad. Henry Walter Bates. Experiments With Chinch-Bugs. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Concerning the "Blood-Tissue" of the Insecta.—III. Tachinid Parasite of Eucaterva Variaria Grote, and other Notes. The Larva of Sarrothripa Reveyana. Notes (A Study of California Butterflies). Entomological Notes. Synonymy of Butterfly Parasites. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. The Orthopteran Genus Hippiscus. An Aporia Bred From Limacodes SP. The Early Stages of Nerice Bidentata. Miscellaneous Notes. The Bombycine Genus Lagoa, Type of a New Family. The Leptidae and Bombylidae of the White Mountains. The Orthopteran Genus Hippiscus.—II (Continued From Page 274). Three New Pambolids From the United States. Notes on Cerura, With Descriptions of New Species. Personal Notes. Bibliographical Notes.—II. Cerura Modesta. General Note. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Some Old Correspondence Between Harris, Say and Pickering.—VI. Descriptions of Oestrid Larvae Taken From the Jack-Rabbit and Cotton-Tail. Dohrn and Burmeister. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. The Orthopteran Genus Hippiscus.—III (Continued From Page 288). The North American Jassidae Allied to Thamnotettix. Introduction to Brauer and von Bergenstamm's Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Muscaria Schizometopa.—I. John Witt Randall. The Orthopteran Genus Hippiscus.—IV (Continued From Page 304). Notes on Some Myrmecophilous Coleoptera. Additional Notes on Bombycid Larvae. Introduction to Brauer and von Bergenstamm's Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Muscaria Schizometopa.—II. The Orthopteran Genus Hippiscus.—V (Continued From Page 320). The Number of Larval Stages in the Genus Nadata. Notes on the Nesting Habits of Certain Bees. Entomological Items. Some Old Correspondence Between Harris, Say and Pickering.—VII. The Orthopteran Genus Hippiscus.—VI (Continued From Page 336). Preparatory Stages of Pheosia Portlandia Hy. Edw. Oviposition of a Homopterous Insect in Yucca. Some old Correspondence Between Harris, Say and Pickering.—VIII. The Orthopteran Genus Hippiscus.—VII—(Concluded from page 350.). Preparatory Stages of Clisiocampa Erosa Stretch. A Lower Silurian Insect From Sweden. Entomological Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. An Interesting Blood-Sucking Gnat of the Family Chironomidae. Ants Breeding in and in. Heraclides Cresphontes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Descriptions of New Species and Genera of West African Lepidoptera.—I. On the Species of the Genus Mirax Found in North America. Notes on the Larval Stages of Arctia Blakei Grote. A Monograph of the North American Tachinidae. Entomological Notes. Communal Cocoons and the Moths Which Weave them. On the Attraction of Light for the Two Sexes of Coleoptera. Lepidopterological Notes. Descriptions of New Species and Genera of West African Lepidoptera.—II (Continued From Page 376.). A Melanistic Locust. A New American Lacinius. The Larval Stages of Ichthyura Multnoma Dyar. The Morphology and Phylogeny of Insects. Westwood and Stainton. Entomological Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Notes on Tachinidae. Foreign Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Descriptions of New Species and Genera of West African Lepidoptera.—III (Continued From Page 400.). Psyche 6(203):411-418, 1893 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1893/60348 Orgyia Badia and Other Notes, With a Table to Separate the Larvae of Orgyia. Synopsis of the North American Species of Megacilissa Smith. Miscellaneous Notes. A Preliminary Synopsis of the Harvest-Spiders (Phalangiidae) of Mississippi. Description of a New and Interesting Phasiid-Like Genus of Tachinidae, S. STR. Descriptions of New Species and Genera of West African Lepidoptera.—IV (Continued From Page 418.). Some Notes on the Early Stages, Especially the Chrysalis, of a Few American Sphingidae. Life History of Orgyia Gulosa HY. EDW. Bibliographical Notes.—III. Vanessa Milberti, a Correction. Entomological Notes. Notes From the Cornell Insectary.III.—Some Observations Upon Two Species of Bruchus. Hymenoptera of Madagascar. An Undescribed Species of Vespa. Brief Notes on Two Jamaica Papilionidae. Descriptions of New Species and Genera of West African Lepidoptera.—V (Continued From Page 434.). Description of the Pupa of Toxophora Virgata O. S. The Primitive Number of Malpighian Vessels in Insects.—I. Brief Notes. Mould in Cabinets. Note on Atropharista Jurinoldes Towns. Proceedings Of the Cambridge Entomological Club. An Unusual Appearance of Schistocerca Americana. Hosts of North American Tachinidae, Etc., I. Descriptions of New Species and Genera of West African Lepidoptera.—VI (Continued From Page 454.). Psyche 6(206):469-476, 1893 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1893/23543 A New Species of Stenobothrus From Connecticut, With Remarks on Other New England Species. Additions to the List of Bombyces at Poughkeepsie. Early Stages of Two Jamaica Nymphalidae. The Primitive Number of Malpighian Vessels in Insects.—II. Descriptions of New Species and Genera of West African Lepidoptera.—VII (Continued From Page 476.). A Cabbage-Like Cecidomyiidous Gall on Bigelovia. The Click of Ageronia. Early Appearance of Anosia Plexippus. Atropharista Jurinoides. Note on Dr. Williston's Criticisms. Entomological Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. The Primitive Number of Malpighian Vessels in Insects.—III. Notes on Gluphisia and Other Notodontidae.—I. A Description of the Larva of a Species of the Lintneri Group of Gluphisia. A Cocks-Comb Gall on Rhus Microphylla. Tardy Wing-Expansion in Callosamia. Entomological Notes. The Primitive Number of Malpighian Vessels in Insects.—IV. On Variation in the Venation of an Arctian With Notes on Other Allied Genera. Local Notes. Descriptions of New Species and Genera of West African Lepidoptera.—VIII (Continued From Page 490.). Notes on Gluphisia and Other Notodontidae.—II. On a Fleshy Leaf-Gall on Scrub-Oak. Arctia Yarrowi in Canada. Entomological Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Notes on Gluphisia. Notes. Descriptions of New Species and Genera of West African Lepidoptera.—IX (Continued From Page 520.). The Primitive Number of Malpighian Vessels in Insects.—V. Entomological Notes. The Primitive Number of Malpighian Vessels in Insects.—VI. Note on a Scutellerid on Native Tobacco in Arizona. A New Entomological Journal. Descriptions of New Species and Genera of West African Lepidoptera.—X (Continued From Page 538.). Descriptions of New Aculeate Hymenoptera. A correction. Bibliographical Notes.—IV. Garden and Forest. Miscellaneous Notes. The Primitive Number of Malpighian Vessels in Insects.—VIII. Descriptions of New Species and Genera of West African Lepidoptera.—XI—(Continued From page 552.). The Dolichopodid Genus Liancalus Loew. Two New Forms of Diaspinae. A Note on the Larva of Datana Floridana Graef. |