C. J. Drake.
Two New Tingidae (Hemiptera).
Psyche 60(4):151-154, 1953.
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Ames, Iowa
This paper contains the descriptions of two new species of lacebugs, one from Australia and the other from the West Indies. The specimens were kindly sent to me by Dr. P. J. Darlington, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harv- ard University. The types have been returned to the above Museum.
Teleonemia lustrabilis new sp.
Large broad, blackish fuscous with a slight tinge of ferrugineous. Length, 5.15 mm; width, 2.60 mm. Head with four brownish spines; anterior pair short, porrect ; posterior pair appressed, barely attaining base of frontal pair. Bucculae large, reticulate, contiguous in front. Rostrum brownish blackish apically, barely reach- ing beyond mesosternum; rostra1 channel wide, not closed behind ; laminae not very high, dark fuscous, uniseriate, diverging posteriorly on mesosternum, more widely sep- arate and cordate on metasternum. Orifice large, very con- spicuous. Legs slender, smooth, moderately long, ferrugine- ous-fuscous. Antennae moderately long, moderately stout, straight, densely clothed with short, thick, recumbent setae; Published with a grant from the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College.
segments I and 11 very short, only slightly thickened, sub- equal; 111 rather stout, three times as long as IV (72 :24), the latter barely enlarged. Pleura very coarsely pitted. Thorax beneath dark fuscous, the venter mostly brownish. Hypocostal laminae uniseriate, the areolae rounded. Orifice very large.
Pronotum distinctly transversely convex, coarsely punc- tate, tricarinate; each carina uniseriate and with dorsal vein strongly incrassate; median carina moderately ele- vated, distinctly arched on disc, composed of rectangular areolae (higher than wide), with two or three of the areolae longitudinally divided in widest part; lateral carinae less elevated, with dorsal boundary gradually rounded or arched 151
152 Psyche [December
from base to apex. Hood moderately high, narrow, pro- jecting almost one-third of its length over base of head, with median dorsal vein greatly thickened, a little longer than high. Paranota moderately wide, widest opposite humeral angles, there almost erect and four cells deep,
only one cell wide in front, with short hind part back of widest part curved inwardly, the areolae moderately large and clear. Elytra longer and wider than abdomen, widest just behind apex of posterior projection of pronotum, broad and slowly rounded on hind margin, with tips partly over- lapping ; with exterior marginal vein considerably enlarged ; costal area wide, with six dark transverse fasciae (a wide band at widest part of elytron, two narrower ones in front of and three behind wide band, the areolae densely clouded in bands and clear between bands) ; areolae larger and two deep in clear areas, smaller and three deep in bands; sub- costal area wide, mostly triseriate, the areolae smaller than in costal and considerably clouded ; discoidal area large, extending a little beyond middle of elytra, narrowed at both ends, with outer boundary sinuate, widest at middle, there five cells deep; sutural area large, the cells becoming larger apically, with several clear cells in apical part. Holotype (female), Constanza, Dominican Republic, West Indies, 3000-4000 feet elevation, Dr. P. J. Darlington col- lector.
This large chocolate-colored species with some clear areolae in the costal area as the only characteristic mark- ings is very distinct, and can be readily separated from its congeners by the size, form and the structures of the paranota, carinae and paranota as noted in the description. The outer vein of paranota, median vein of hood and dorsal veins of carinae are unusually incrassate. The clear areo- lae of costal area of elytra are arranged largely in blocks of two or flour, thus giving the dark species a striking appearance.
Australotingis vinnula new sp.
Large, brcoad, testaceous with areolae hyaline. Head brown, concealed from dorsal aspect by hood; hind pair of cephalic spines long, appressed, testaceous, the median and anterior pair wanting. Length, 4.20 mm.; width, 2.25 mm.
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Rostrum brownish with dark apex, extending to base of mesosternum; laminae uniseriate, with inferior edge finely toothed, testaceous, diverging posteriorly, entirely open behind. Bucculae testaceous, areolate, closed in front. Orifice present. Hypocostal ridge narrow, uniseriate. An- tennae very long, slender, shortly pilose; segments I and 11 short, moderately stout, the latter smaller; 111 long, almost twice the length of IV; IV long, feebly swollen, clothed with longer hairs.
Pronotum moderately convex on disc, distinctly pitted, fuscous-brown, tricarinate, the hood, paranota and carinae testaceous; with clear cells; lateral carinae parallel, with dorsal edge rounded or arched for the entire length, com- posed of one row of rectangular cells; median carina strong- ly foliaceous, longer but not as high as hood, with dorsal vein rounded, highest a little back of the hood, there biseri- ate; hood large, moderately compressed laterally, inflated, longer than high, moderately narrowed anteriorly, strongly sloping downward. In front, with apex extending a little in front of the head. Paranoia large, semiglobose, reflexed so that the outer margin projects almost vertically over pronotal surface with anterior and posterior ends curved inwardly. Elytra almost quadrate in outline, abruptly widened near base, much longer and wider than abdomen, with outer margins finely serrate, with apices broadly rounded and a little separated; costal area very wide, eom- posed of large areolae, six cells deep in widest part; basal part of subcostal and discoidal areas jointly elevated so as to form a large tumid elevation; discoidal area not reach- ing middle of elytra, extending one half of its length beyond apex of hind pronotal process, five areolae deep in widest part, there more strongly inflated. Wings a little longer than abdomen, much shorter than elytra, whitish in color. Type (male) and 3 paratypes (males), Lankelly Creek, McIlwraith Range, Cape York, Queensland, Australia, June 7, 1932, P. J. Darlington.
Separated at once from the only other member of the genus, A. franzeni Hacker, by the larger size, larger hood, longer antennae, larger paranota and higher and more arched median carina. The turned in ends of the paranota form a rounded-like opening above the disc of the prono-
154 Psyche [December
turn. The lateral carinae are widely separated and termin- ate behind near the base and outer corners of the triangular pronotal process; anteriorly, they are a little removed from the sides of the hood.
ADDITIONAL NOTES ON BRACHYPANORPA. - In my recent account of Brachypanorpa, (Psyche, 60 :28-36, 1953), I pointed out that all known females of B. carolinensis (Banks) collected from 1905 through 1920 were short- winged and flightless, whereas all those collected since 1951 were long-winded and able to fly. I also noted that I had not located any specimens of this insect which had been collected during the interval between 1920 and 1951. Dr. J. Anthony Downes has more recently informed me that he collected carolinensis in the Black Mts., North Caro- lina, on June 10, 1938; the locality (near Mt Mitchell, Toe River Gap, elevati'on 5500') is the one at which my long- winged females were found in 1951 and 1952. Dr. Downes writes me that the females were "unable to fly but readily jumped several inches." One of the four females which he collected was sent to me for examination; it is clearly the short-winged type, like those originally f'ound by Banks. The occurrence of these four females in 1938 indicates that the long-winged specimens had not appeared by that year (or at any rate that they were much in the minority) and that the female population did not change until after that time. Since I was unable to visit the carolinensis localities in the spring of 1953, I should also note that Mr. P. W. Fattig collected several long-winged females at Unicoi Gap., Georgia, on May 31, 1953, at the same locality that yielded numerous specimens in 1952.
A second female of B. montana Carp. was also recently sent to me by Dr. Downes, who collected it on Mt. Mc-
Loughlin, Oregon (June 25, 1939, 5000' elevation). This is the type locality of the species, originally described from a series of nine males. The new specimen agrees with the individual illustrated in my 1953 paper. - F. M. CAR- PENTER, Harvard University.
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