Index to Volume 62.
Psyche 62(4):159-?, 1955.
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A Journal of Entomology
Volume 62
Editorial Board
Published Quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club Editorial Office; Biological Laboratories Harvard University
Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.
The nlumbers of Pk yche islsued during the past year werle mailed on the fo'll~owin~g d,atesl:
V'ol. 61, n'o. 4, Dee., 1954: January 26, 1955 Viol. 62, not. 1, March, 1955: May 23, 1955 Vol. 62, no. 2, Jlune, 19515 : July 19, 1955 Vlol. 62, no. 3, Sept., 1955: November 8, 1955
INDEX T,O VOL. 62, 1955
Badgley, M. E., C. A. Fleschner, and J. C. Hall. The Biology of Spilo- conis picticornis Banks (Neuroptera : Coniopterygidae) . 75 Brooks, H. K. Healed Wounds and Galls on Fossil Leaves from the Wilcox Deposits (Eocene) of Western Tennessee. 1 Brown, W. L., Jr. The Ant Cerapachys rufithorax and its Synonyms. 52
The Ant Centromyrmex donisthorpei Menozzi, a Synonym. 103 Nylanderia myops (Mann), New Combination (Hymenoptera: For- micidae) . 135
Carpenter, F. M. An Eocene Bittacus. 39
Redescription of Spiloconis picticornis Banks (Neuroptera : Coniop- terygidae) . 69
Chapin, E. A. Name Changes in Coccinellidae (Coleoptera). 87 On Some Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. 152
Creighton, W. S. Studies on the Distribution of the Genus Novomessor (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) . 89
Fraser, F. C.
An Odonate Fossil Wing from the Oligocene of Oregon. 42 Note on Tarsophlebiopsis mayi Tillyard (Odonata: Tarsophlebiidae). 134
Gibbs, R. H., Jr. The Females of Enallagma laterale Morse and recurva- turn Davis (Odonata : Coenagrionidae) . 10 Gillham, N. W. Brephidium barbouri Clench a Synonym of Brephidium ex& isophthalma (Herrich-Schaffer) (Lepidoptera : Lycaenidae) . 34
Incisalia Scudder, a Holarctic Genus (Lepidoptera : Lycaenidae). 145 Gregg, R. E.
A New Species of Ant Belong to the Pheidole pilifera Complex (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) . 19
The Rediscovery of Veromessor lobognathus (Andrews) (Hymenop- tera : Formicidae) . 45
160 Psyche [December
Hood, J. D. Tylothrips bruesi, a New Thysanopteron from Florida. 35 Manter, J. A. Magicicada septemdecim Linn., Brood XI, in Connecticut (Hemiptera : Cicadidae). 158
Obraztsov, N. S. Species of the Amata (Syntomis) pfeifferae group (Lepi- doptera : Ctenuchidae) . 29
Roth, L. M. and E. R. Willis.
Intra-Uterine Nutrition of the "Beetle-
Roach" Diploptera dytiscoides (Serv.) during Embryogenesis, with Notes on its Biology in the Laboratory (Blattaria: Diplop- teridae). 55
Severin, H. C. A Gynandromorph of Melanoplus mexicanus mexicanus (Saussure) Extreme Migratory Phase (Orthoptera : Acrididae) . 104
Valentine, B. D. The Identity of Macrocephalus bidens Olivier, 1795, with a Review of the Genus Toxonotus Lacordaire (Coleoptera: Anthribidae) . 98
Willey, R. Lippitt. A Terrestrial Damselfly Nymph (Megapodagrionidae) from New Caledonia. 137
Wilson, E. 0. Ecology and Behavior of the Ant Belonopelta deletrix Mann (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) . 82
Division of Labor in a Nest of the Slavemaking Ant Formica wheeleri Creighton. 130
The Status of the Ant Genus Microbolbos Donisthorpe. 136 Wilson, E. 0. and W. L. Brown, Jr. Revisionary Notes on the Sanguinea and Neogagates Groups of the Ant Genus Formica. 108 Young, F. N., T. H. Hubbell, and D. W. Hayne. Further Notes on the Habits of Geotrupes (Coleoptera : Geotrupidae). 53
All new genera, new species and new names are printed in LARGE AND- SMALL CAPITAL TYPE.
Amata (Syntomis) acuminata, 31
Amata (h'yntomis) BORNEOGENA, 32
Amata (Syntomis) pfeifferae, 29
Amata (Synt omis) quadripunctata,
Ant Centromyrmex donisthorpei
Menozzi, A Synonym, 103
Ant Cerapachys rufithorax and its
Synonyms, 52
Belonopelta deletrix, 82
Biology of Spiloconis picticornis
Banks, 69
Bittacus EGESTIONIS, 39
Blattaria, 55
Brephidium barbouri Clench a Syn-
onym of Brephidium exilis iso-
phthalma (Herrich-Schaffer) , 34
Brues, C. T., Obituary, 97
Centromyrmex donisthorpei, 103
Cerapachys rufithorax, 52
Coleoptera, 53, 87, 98, 152
Diploptera dytiscoides, 55
Division of Labor in a Nest of the
Slavemaking Ant Formica wheel-
en Creighton, 130
Ecology and Behavior of the Ant
Belonopelta deletrix Mann, 82
Enallagma laterale, 10
Enallagma recurvatum, 10
Eocene Bittacus, 39
Females of Enallagma laterale
Morse and recurvatum Davis, 10
Formica bradleyi, 126
Formica curiosa, 123
Formica manni, 127
Formica obtusopilosa, 128
Formica parcipappa, 125
Formica perpilosa, 128
Formica sanguinea, 116
Formica subintegra, 120
Formica subnuda, 118
Formica wheeleri, 126, 130
Formicidae, 19, 45, 52, 82, 89, 103,
108, 130, 135, 136
Fossils, 1, 39, 42, 134
Further Notes on the Habits of
Geotrupes, 53
Geotrupes, 53
Gynandromorph of M e 1 a n o p 1 u s
mexicanus mexicanus (Saussure)
Extreme Migratory Phase, 104
Healed Wounds and Galls on Fossil
Leaves from the Wilcox Deposits
(Eocene) of Western Tennessee, 1
Hemiptera, 158
Hyperaspis NOVASCOTIAE, 153
Identity of Macrocephalus bidens
Olivier, 1795, with a Review of
the Genus Toxonotus Lacordaire,
Incisalia Scudder, a Holarctic Genus,
Int,ra-Uterine Nutrition of the
"Beetle-Roach" Diploptera dy-
tiscoides (Serv.) during Embryo-
genesis, with Notes on its Biology
in the Laboratory, 55
Macrocephalus bidens, 98
Magicicada septemdecim L i n n.?
Brood XI, in Connecticut, 158
Mecoptera, 39
Melanoplus mexicanus mexicanus,
Microbolbos testaceus, 136
Mylanderia myops, 135
Name Changes in Coccinellidae, 87
Neogagates group, 126
Neuroptera, 69, 75
New Species of Ant Belonging to
the Pheidole pilifera Complex, 19
Note on Tarsophlebiopsis mayi Till-
yard, 134
Novomessor albisetosus, 90
Novomessor cockerelli, 91
Nylanderia myops (Mann) , New
Combination, 135
Obtusopilosa complex, 126
Odonata, 10, 42, 134, 137
Odonate Fossil Wing from the Oli-
gocene of Oregon, 42
On Some Coccinellidae from New-
foundland and Nova Scotia, 152
Orthoptera, 104
Pheidole CREIGHTONI, 19
Redescription of Spiloconis picti-
cornis Banks, 69
Rediscovery of Veromessor lobogna-
thus (Andrews), 45
Revisionary Notes on the Sanguinea
and Neogagates Groups of the
Ant Genus Formica, 108
Sanguinea group, 115
Species of the Amata (Syntomis)
pjeifjerae Group, 29
Spiloconis pic ticornis, 69, 75
Status of the Ant Genus Micro-
bolbos Donisthorpe, 136
Studies on the Distribution of the
Genus Novomessor, 89
Tarsophlebiopsis mayi, 134
Terrestrial Damselfly Nymph (Me-
gapodagionidae) from New Cale-
donia, 137
Thysanoptera, 35
Toxonotus bidens, 99
Tylothrips BRUESI, a New Thy-
sanopt,eron from Florida, 35
Veromessor lobognathus, 45
Volume 62 table of contents