J. A. Slater.
The First Species of Pamphantinae from Puerto Rico (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae).
Psyche 63(2):50-53, 1956.
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Department of Zoology and Entomology
University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut. The subfamily Pamphantinae was erected by Barber & Bruner (1933) with Pamphantus Stal as type genus. Prior to that time only three species were known, all from Cuba, Barber & Bruner described a new genus, Neopamphantus, also from Cuba, and recorded a new species, Pamphantus atrohumeralis, from Haiti. Barber has recently (1954a) described a remarkable new Cuban genus, Abpamphantvs and in the same year (1954b) a second new genus, Parapamphuntus, from Brazil, this latter representing the first occurrence of the subfamily outside of the West Indies.
The new species described in the present paper is the first species known from Puerto Rico and adds an addi- tional island to the distribution of this essentially Carib- bean group.
Pamphantus pellucidus, new species
Macropterous male: Surface shining; coloration pale testaceous throughout, lacking dark dorsal markings; ter- minal one-half of fourth antennal
segment dull brown;
eyes and ocelli bright red; body very sparsely clothed with scattered upright hairs.
Head non-declivent, vertex with a narrow, sharp median longitudinal carina, first antennal segment extending be- yond apex of clypeus for one-half its length, head strongly contracted behind eyes, length head .60 mm., width across eyes -70 mm., interocular space .40 mm.; pronotum elon- Pu&e U:SO-53 (1956). hup ttpsychu einclub org/63/63-0% html
19561 Slater - Puerto Rico Pamphantinae 51 gate, nearly as long as wide and only slightly narrow- ing anteriorly, lateral margins sinuate and narrowly carinate anteriorly, surface punctate except in area of calli, lacking a well defined transverse constriction, length pronotum .75 mm., basal width .80 mm.; scutellum punc- tate, lacking a median carina, length .30 mm.; hemelytra strongly expanded on posterior two-thirds along corial margin, claval commissure well developed, length .45 mm.; apical margin of corium straight, distance apex clavus- apex corium .85 mm., distance apex corium-apex abdomen .75 mm., membrane not quite attaining apex of abdomen; labium attaining mesocoxae, basal segment extending poste- riorly halfway to base of head, second segment exceeding base of head by one-half its length, length labial segments I, .28 mm., 11, .38 mm., 111, .30 mm., IV, .32 rnm. ; femora not incrassate, devoid of spines or teeth; antennae elongate, first segment rather stout, fourth fusif'orm, length anten- nal segments I, -25 mm., 11, .72 mm., 111, .62 mm., IV, .85 mm. Total length 3.75 mm.
Brachypterous male : Smaller (total length 3.1 5 mm.) , head somewhat more declivent, posterior pronotal lobe markedly reduced; hemelytra reduced to a pair of heavily punctured truncate pads with a very narrow terminal rim of membrane, clavus and corium indistinguishably fused, hemelytra extending caudad onto third abdominal tergite, posterior margin of tergites four and five curving caudad mesally (as in Geocoris) , anterior abdominal sterna incompletely fused, connexivum prominent and up- curved ; labium reaching metacoxae.
H,olotype : Macropterous male. PUERTO Rico : El Yunque, 3,000 ft., May 1938, Darlington.
In Museum of Compara-
tive Zoology (Harvard) . Paratype : Brachypterous male. PUERTO RICO: Ensenada, June 14-19, 1915. In American Museum of Natural History.
This species is related to Pamphantus pallidus Barber & Bruner from Cuba. It differs primarily in not possessing spined and incrassate fore femora, in the complete lack of fuscous color markings on the dorsum and in the greater relative length of the fourth antenna1 segment. In pel-
52 Psyche [June
lucidus the length of the fourth antennal segment is slightly greater than the width of the pronotum (85:80) whereas in pallidm the antennal length is considerably less (60 230). This is the only known occurrence of marked brachyptery in the genus Pamphantus, although both Abpamphantus and Parapamphantus were described from brachypterous specimens. In fact the non-spinous fore femora (unique in the genus) and the presence of a median vertex carina are suggestive of Parapamphantus. However, in most re- spects the species is related to Pamphantus. There seems to be little value in establishing an additional genus for the species at the present time when a moderate expansion of the present generic concept of Pamphantw will prob- ably more accurately reflect the systematic picture. The posterimorly curving fourth and fifth abdominal tergites support the geocorine relationship of the pam- phantines as noted by Barber & Bruner.
The brachypterous paratype has the right antenna missing and the left is oligomerous with three segments present.
Check List of the Pamphantinae
1. gibbosus Barber 1954 (Abpamphawhs) Cuba NEOPAMPHANTUS Barber & Bruner 1933.
1. calvinoi Barber & Bruner 1933 (Neopamphantus) Cuba
maculatus Barber & Bruner 1933 (Neopamphantus) Cuba
atrohumeralis Barber & Bruner 1933 (Pamphantm) Hispaniola
elegantulus Stal 1874 (Pamphantus) Cuba
mimeticus Barber 1926 (Pamphantus) Cuba
pallidus Barber & Bruner 1933 (Pamphantus) Cuba
pellucidus new species Puerto Rico
stenoides Guerin 1857 (Lygaeus; Pterotmetus} Cuba
vittatus Bruner 1932 (Pamphantus) Cuba
1. braziliensis Barber 1954 (Parupamphantus) Brazil
My sincere thanks are extended to Drs. Mont Cazier and Herbert Ruckes of the American Museum of Natural His- tory and Drs. P. J. Darlington and W. L. Brown of the Museum of Comparative Zoology for allowing me the privilege of examining material from their respective in- stitutions.
1954a. The family Lygaeidae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) of the Island of Cuba and the Isle of PinesÌÔPar 11. Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat. 22: 335-353.
1954b. Some neotropical "Lygaeidae". Rev. Brasil Biol. 14: 215-224. BARBER. H. G. AND S. C. BRUNER
1933. A new subfamily of Lygaeidae, including a new genus and two new species of Pamphantus Stal .(Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Lygaei- dae). Jour. N.Y. Ent. Soc. 41: 531-542.
Volume 63 table of contents