Index to Subjects.
Psyche 63(4):148-?, 1956.
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19561 Index 149
Aeolodermus, 6
Australian Carabid Beetles 111.
Notes on the Agonini, 1
Baltic Amber Snake-flies, 77
Camponotus acvapimensis, 39
Camponotus hartogi, 40
Camponotus testaceipes, 39
Camponofus whitei, 40
Chrysopa comanche, 45
Chrusova sverrui. 45
Collembola, 14, 119
Collembola of Lebanon and West,ern
Svria. Part I. General Considera-
tions and the Family Onychiuri-
dae, 119
ChOdes, 5
Helea (Isohelea) SERRATA, 46
Hemiptera, 50
Hermetici, 112
Hesperoleon DEFLEXUS, 98
Hesperoleon FIDELITAS, 94
Hesperoleon IXFUSCATUS, 104
Hesperoleon MIXUTUS, 100
Hesperoleon texaims, 92
Homothes, 6
Hymenoptera, 21, 38. 41, 49, 54.
75, 113, 134, 140, 146
Identity of Lordomyrma rugosa
Clark, 49
Indo-Australian Species of the Ant
Genus Strurnigenys Fr. Smith:
Three New Philippine Species,
Inocellia PECULIARIS. 80
Johann'senomyia SMITHI, 47
Dicranoncus, 5
Diptera, 13, 24. 46, 109, 112
Dolichoderus (Hypoclinea) mwiae, Laemostcnus, 5 134 Lepidoptera, 11, 27
Drosophilid and Chloro~id Flies
Lordo~nyrma rugosa, 49
Bred from Skunk Cabbage, 13
Lwostemma, 5
Emelinus BUTLERI, 32
Emelinus HUACHUCAXUS, 35
Ephebomyrmex, 54
Eremoleon GRACILE, 90
Eremoleon INSIPIDUS, 88
Eremoleon longior, 92
fiemoleon macer, 86
Eremoleon mexicana, 87
Eremoleon wgribasis, 91
Eremoleon pallenii, 92
Feeding Behavior in the Ant
Rhopalothriz biroi SzabO, 21
Fibia erigena, 79
First Species of Pamphantinae from
Puerto Rico, 50
Flight Activities of the Ant Doli-
choderus (Hypoclinea) mariae,
Fossil Snake-flies. 77
Genus Mesentotoma, 14
Mallota BEQUAERTI, 24
Mesentotoma dollfussi, 17
Mesentotoma exalga, 15
Mesentotoma laguna, 18
Metaphorwa biparfito, 132
Myrmoteras CEYLONICA, 41
Neuroptera. 45, 67, 79, 82
New Anti-lions from the Souih-
western United States, 82
New Genus and New Species of
Chrysopidae from the W-estein
United States, with Remaih on
the Wing Venation of the Fam-
ily, 67
New Southwestern Species of Ma!-
lota Meigen, 24
New Species of Myrmoteras from
Ceylon, 41
Notagonurn NIGRELLUM, 7
Nymvhalis van-album (Schiffer-
muller & Denis), a Holarctic
Species, 27
Onychiurus ARCHIVARI, 128
Onychiurus armatus, 126
Onychiurus BL'TROSI, 126
Onychiurus FAZII, 130
Onychiurus fimetarius, 127
Onychiurus LEVANTIXUS, 123
Onychiurus octopunctaLzis, 126
Pamphantus PELLUCIDUS, 50
Pogonomyrmex ( Ephebomyrmex)
zmberbiculus, 56
Pogonomyrmex (Ephebomyrmex)
pima, 57
Pseudolasius bayoni, 146
Raphidia BALTICA, 78
Relationship of Two African Tetra-
morium Species, 75
Rhopalothrix birui, 21
Some Synonymies in the Ant Genus
Camponotus, 38
Stenaphorura quadrispina, 133
Strum{genys ESROSSI, 114
Strumzgengs PHYTIBIA, 117
Strumigenys VICHANCOI, 11 6
Studies on the North American
Representatives of Epheburt~yr-
mex, 54
Symbrenthia silana de Niceville,
a Good Suecies, 11
~~nzbrenthia niphanda, 11
Synonym in the Genus Chrysopa,
Synonymy and Relatr n-hips of the
Ant Pseudolasius bayoni Menomi,
Technique for Shipping Hippobos-
cid Puparia, 109
Tetramorium postpetiolatum, 75
Two Cases of Intestinal Myiasis in
Man Produced by Hermetia, 112
Two Mew Species of Ceratopogoni-
dae, 46
Two New Species of Ewrli~t~i.' from
Arizona, 30
firmessor hbognathus in North
Dakota. 140
Volume 63 table of contents