Index to Subjects.
Psyche 64(4):151-152, 1957.
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Achaeu nor~licn, 105
Aeiiictus rxigf~us~ 5
Aitthicus consirict'us. 56
Arachnids, 102
-1rctiichaea nordica, 105
Army Ant Aei~icius rxig~iiir dark,
a Synonym, 5
-4 r~tnklifiris biroi, 18
Aritoltlidris horvati-ii, 18
-~Uli/k!7dl"k SQEXTIVANYI, 18
Fnnrl Pump of Pehcoris and Com-
nalative Studies nn Other Arpa-
fir- Hemipteia. 123
Fossil.-. 37. 116
Further Notes on the Genus En'-
~~zolt'oit Bank's. with a New Spec-
ies. 6
Indo-Australian Species of the Ant
Genus Strumigenys Fr. Smith: S.
decollntn Mnnn and S. ccliptncon
Sew Species. 109
Npst of an Anomalous Colony of
the Aroboreal Ant Ccphnluics
flf~atv.~. 60
N~uro111 era, 6
Sew Genus and Species of Anthici-
dae from Western Vnitod States.
Notes on the Ant Leptofhornx pro-
~'tinrl~e'ii Emery 1
-\otof~cctri ii7i(/ulntn. 135
{)'if" jJ lf~ln'rl \MBIGI~A. 88
Orcrl, gnrilht~.~ flntrnnnhis. 22
0 å´'"å´/'l!~ 'lfll ?I^ PIIYLLOBATES. 25 f)~v'rtfi~iiflthus snrnsiiti, 23
Organization of a Nuptial Flight of
the ,Ant Ph^itloir sitnrrhe.~ Wlic'd-
PI.. 46
0-thrptera. 30
Predation of Arthropod Eggs by the
Ant Genera Procmtium and Dis-
cotlt y~*ea, 115
Presence of a Peritrophic Mem-
brane in Some Aquatic- Heimp-
tera, 117
Proceratz?l tu, 115
fieuclospheginn <:-\RPEVEKI. 42
Kanatia f~.s'c̤ 117, 135
Reproductive Isolation in the Hour?
Cricket, 30
Revision of the Searctic Species of
l'omodenm. 51
8eit0~0~0~i~ ROMERI. 37
Sigaro ornata. 135
Sigarn signat a, 120
Some Flies of the Family Asilkhe.
Some New Specie-: of Robbe1 Flies.
Spiders of the New Genus Ai~indi-
aen. 102
Sti 11 ttzigenp decollaia, 109
Strumzgeny~ ECLIPTACOCA, 111
Stgl~gC!Stf?T LOPESI, 15
Supplement to the Revisions of the
Dacteine Ant Genera Orectognn-
thus and Arnoldidris, with Key..
to the Species, 17
Sympatry of the Ants C~mornyrma
bzcolor (Wheeler) and C. pyra-
mica (Roger). 75
Volume 64 table of contents