Author and Subject Index for Volume 69.
Psyche 69(4):271-?, 1962.
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A Journal of Entomology
Volume 69
Editorial Board
Published Quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club Editorial Office : Biological Laboratories 16 Divinity Ave.
Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A.
The numbers of PSYCHE issued during the past year were mailed on the following dates :
Vol. 68, no. 4, Dec., 1961: March 13, 1962 Vol. 69, no. 1, March, 1962: May 17, 1962 Vol. 69, no. 2, June, 1962: July 1, 1962 Vol. 69, no. 3, Sept., 1962: October 31, 1962
INDEX TO VOL. 69, 1962
Abalos J. W. The Egg-sac in the Identification of Species of Latrodectus (Black-Widow Spiders). 268
Brady, A. R. The Spider Genus Sosippus in North America, Mexico, and Central America (Araneae, Lycosidae). 129 Brown, W. L., Jr. A New Ant of the Genus Amblyopone from Panama. 73 A New Ant of the Genus Epitritus from South of the Sahara. 77
The Neotropical Species of the Ant Genus Strumigenys Fr. Smith: Synopsis and Keys to the Species. 238 Bush, G. L. The Cytotaxonomy of the Larvae of Some Mexican Fruit Flies in the Genus Anaftrepha (Tephritidae, Diptera). 87 Carpenter, F. M. A Permian Megasecopteron from Texas. 37 Chapin, E. A. Pseudoscymnus, a New Genus of Asiatic Scymnini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) . 50
Crabill, R. E., Jr. A New Damothus and a Key to the North American Dignathodontid Genera (Chilopoda : Geophilomorapha: Dignathodonti- dae). 81
Darlington, P. J., Jr. Australian Carabid Beetles XI. Some Tachys. 117 Eisner, T. and G. M. Haft. The Infrabuccal Pocket of a Formicine Ant: a Social Filtration Device. 107
Eisner, T. and F. C. Kafatos. Defense Mechanisms of Arthropods. X. A Pheromone Promoting Aggregation in an Aposematic Distasteful Insect. 5 3
Ghent, R. L. and N. E. Gary. A Chemical Alarm Releaser in Honey Bee Stings (Apis mellifera L.). 1
Kingsolver, J. M. Notes on Fossil Cleoninae (Coleoptera : Curculionidae) . 47 Levi, H. W. More American Spiders of the Genus Chrysso (Araneae, Theri- diidae). 209
The Spider Genera Steatoda and Enoplognatha in America (Araneae Theridiidae). 11
Lindroth, C. H. The Male of Platypatrobus lacu~tris Darlington (Coleoptera Carabidae) . 7
Roth, L. M. and Barbara Stay. A Comparative Study of Oocyte Development in False Ovoviviparous Cockroaches. 165
Sharov, A. G. Redescription of Lithophotina fioccosa Cock. (Manteodea) with Some Notes on the Manteod Wing Venation. 102 Slater, J. A. A Remarkable New Genus of Lygaeidae from Sumatra (Hemip- tera : Heteroptera) . 42
Wilson, E. 0. The Trinidad Cave Ant Erebomyrma (ÌÔS~elaeomyrmex urirh'i (Wheeler), with a Comment on Cavernicolous Ants in General. 62
All new genera, new species and new names are printed in CAPITAL TYPE. A chemical alarm releaser in honey
bee stings (Apis mellifera L.) 1
A comparative study of oocyte de-
velopment in false ovoviviparous
cockroaches, 165
Alarm releaser in honey bee stings, 1
Amblyopone TROPICALIS, 73
Anastrepha aphelocentema, 95
Anastrepha distincta, 93
Anastrepha fraterculus, 93
Anastrepha ludens, 91
Anastrefha mombinpraeoptans, 93
Anastrepha serpentina, 95
Amstrepha spatulata, 94
Anastrepha striata, 94
Anastrepha zuelaniae, 91
A new ant of the genus Amblyopone
from Panama, 73
A new ant of the genus Epitritus
from south of the Sahara, 77
A new Damothus and a key to the
North American dignathodontid
genera (Chilopoda : Geophilomor-
pha : Dignathodontidae), 81
Ants, 62, 73, 77, 107, 238
A Permian megasecopteron from
Texas, 37
Apis mellifera, 1
A remarkable new genus of Ly-
gaeidae from Sumatra (Hemip-
tera), 42
Araneae, 11, 129, 209
Asiatic Scymnini, 50
Australian carabid bettles XI. Some
Tachys, 117
Bardohymenidae, 37
Bees, 1
Beetles, 7, 50, 117, 147
Black-widow spiders, 268
Blattaria, 165
CamPonotus pennsylvanicus, 108
Carabidae, 7, 117
Cavernicolous ants, 62
Chaeteesidae, 102
Chilopoda, 81
Chrysso albomaculata, 215
Chrysso ALECULA, 234
Chrysso ANTONIO, 220
Chrysso ARIMA, 235
Chrysso AROPS, 228
Geophilomorpha, 81
Chrysso backstromi, 230
Chrysso barromachadoi, 223
Chrysso cambridgei, 224
Chrysso caraca, 230
Chrysso clemintinae, 231
Chrysso compressa, 226
Chrysso diflosticha, 216
Chrysso ecuadorensis, 225
Chrysso GOUNELLEI, 217
Chrysso indicifer, 216
Chrysso MELBA, 234
Chrysso nigrosternum, 217
Chrysso perplexa, 220
Chrysso pulchra, 229
Chrysso RIBEIRAO, 229
Chrysso rubrovittata, 218
Chrysso SILVA, 235
Chrysso SIMONI, 222
Chrysso vexabilis, 216
Chrysso vittatula, 224
Chrysso VOLCANENSIS, 236
Cleoninae, 47
Coccinellidae, 50
Cockroaches, 165
Coleoptera, 7, 47, 50, 117
Curculionidae, 47
Cytotaxonomy of the larvae of some
Mexican fruit flies in the genus
Anastrepha (Tephritidae, Dip-
tera), 87
Damothus ALASTUS, 82
Defense mechanisms of Arthropods.
X. A pheromone promoting aggre-
gation in an aposematic distasteful
insect, 53
Dignathodontidae, 81
Diptera, 87
Egg-sac in the identification of
species of Latrodectus (black-
widow spiders), 268
Enoplognatha juninensis, 17
Enoploganatha MARICOPA, 15
Enoplognatha marmorata, 15
Enoplognatha peruviana, 16
Enoplognatha PUNO, 17
Enoplognatha selma, 15
Enoplognatha tecta, 15
Enoplognatha ZAPFEI, 19
Epitritus LATICEPS, 77
Erebomyrma urichi, 62
Formicine ants, 107
Fruit flies, 87
Hemiptera, 42
Heteroptera. 42
Hyrnenoptera, 1, 62, 73, 77, 107, 238
Infrabuccal pocket of a formicine
ant: a social filtration device, 107
Latrodectus, 268
Lithophotina ftoccosa, 102
Lycosidae, 129
Lycus loripes, 54
Lygaeidae, 42
Male of Platypatrobus lacusfris
Darlington (Coleoptera : Carabi-
dae), 7
Manteodea, 102
Megasecoptera, 37
Mexican fruit flies, 87
More American spiders of the genus
Chrysso (Araneae, Theridiidae),
Neotropical species of the ant genus
Strumigenys Fr. Smith : synopsis
and keys to the species, 238
Notes on fossil Cleoniniae (Coleop-
tera : Curculionidae), 47
Oocyte development, 165
Orthoptera, 102
Pheromone, 53
Platypatrobus lacustris, 7
PSEUDOSCYMNUS, a new genus of
Asiatic Scymnini (Coleoptera : Coc-
cinellidae), 50
Redescription of Lithophotina floc-
cosa Cock. (Manteodea) with
some notes on the manteod wing
venation, 102
Scymnini, 50
Sosippus agalenoides, 146
Sosippus californicus, 139
Sosippus floridanus, 15 1
sosippus mexicanus, 145
sosip$us MICHOACANUS, 148
Sosippus mimus, 156
sosippus PLUTONUS, 150
SosltpUs TEXANUS, 160
Spider genera Steatoda and Eno-
plognatha in America (Araneae,
Theridiidae), 11
Spider genus Sosippus in North
America, Mexico, and Central
America (Araneae, Lycosidae),
Steatoda ancorata, 34
Steatoda andina, 26
Steatoda CHINCHIPE, 32
Steatoda DIAMANTINA, 3 1
Steatoda erigonif ormis, 25
Steatoda grossa, 26
Steatoda ikeringi, 31
Steatoda MARTA, 28
Steatoda moesta, 25
Steatoda porteri, 33
Steatoda sabulosa, 30
Steatoda triangulosa, 25
Steatoda variipes, 33
Strumigenys, 238, 267
Tachys BOLELLUS, 127
Tachys BOLUS, 125
Tachys ectromioides, 124
Tachys FITZROYI, 123
Tachys hobariti, 118
Tachys KINGI, 121
T ~ C ~ Y S LUTUS, 120
Tachys murrumbidgensis, 122
Tephritidae, 87
Theridiidae, 11, 209
Trinidad cave ant Erebomyrma
('-Splaeomyrmex) urichi (Whee-
ler), with a comment on cav-
ernicolous ants in general, 62
Volume 69 table of contents