![]() | PSYCHE A Journal of Entomology founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club | |
Volume 7 (1894-1896)Contributions From the New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station: I. New North American Coccidae. List of Mt. Washington Coleoptera. Biological Notes on American Gryllidae. II. New North American Bees. Psyche 7(supplement I):4-6, 1895 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1895/43059 Bibliographical Notes.—V. III. A Mutillid Which Resembles Thistle-Down. Psyche 7(supplement I):6-7, 1895 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1895/20587 IV. New Species of Coccidae. New and Undescribed Genera and Species of West African Noctuidae. — I. V. New Species of Bees. Psyche 7(supplement I):9-11, 1895 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1895/45305 Doryphora (Mycocoryna) Lineolata Stål. The Nemastomatidae and Trogulidae of the United States.—I. VI. New Homoptera Received From the New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station.—I. Psyche 7(supplement I):12-14, 1895 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1895/48967 Wing-Length in Some New England Acrididae.—I. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. VII. The Grape-Vine Typhlocybids of the Mesilla Valley, N. M. Entomological Notes. Edwards's Butterflies of North America. VIII. Some New Insects. IX. A Ceroplastes and its Parasite. X. Preliminary Diagnoses of New Coccidae. The Habits of the Aculeate Hymenoptera.—I. XI. Some Species of Oxybelus Found in New Mexico. Psyche 7(supplement I):21-23, 1896 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1896/58467 XII. New Homoptera Received From the New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station.—II. Psyche 7(supplement I):24-26, 1896 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1896/15843 XIII. New Species of Prosapis. Psyche 7(supplement I):26-32, 1896 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1896/24089 New and Undescribed Genera and Species of West African Noctuidae.—II: (Continued From Page 10). Proposed Biological Station. Psyche 7(supplement I):32, 1896 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1896/90619 Hermann August Hagen. Wilhelm Jülich. Explanation of Plate I. The Habits of the Aculeate Hymenoptera.—II. New and Undescribed Genera and Species of West African Noctuidae.—II (Illustrated): (Continued From Page 34.). The Nemastomatidae and Trogulidae of the United States.—II. Wing-Length in Some New England Acrididae.—II. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. The Habits of the Aculeate Hymenoptera.—III. New and Undescribed Genera and Species of West African Noctuidae,—III: (Continued From Page 50.). Early Stages of Spilosoma Latipennis. The Habits of the Aculeate Hymenoptera.—IV. Further Notes on Coleoptera Found With Ants. Two Cave Beetles Not Before Recorded. New and Undescribed Genera and Species of West African Noctuidae.—IV: (Continued From Page 70.). Preparatory Stages of Pseudohazis Shastaensis Behrens. On the Pigeon Mite, Hypodectes Filippi. Notes on Some Meloids, or Blister Beetles, of New Mexico and Arizona. A Preliminary List of the Acrididae of New England. New and Undescribed Genera and Species of West African Noctuidae.—V: (Continued From Page 90.). A Preliminary List of the Butterflies of Northeastern Mississippi. Notes on the Rearing of Platysamia Cecropia. Psyche 7(218-221):131-133, 1894 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1894/54782 Bibliographical Notes.—VI. Notes on Bombycid Larvae. Entomological Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Supplement to Psyche, Nos. 218 – 221: (Concluded From Page 128.). Notes on the Acrididae of New England.—I. Entomological Notes. Papilio Philenor. Polygamy of Moths. The American Species of the Thysanouran Genus Seira. A New Family of Fossil Beetles. Notes on the Acrididae of New England.—I: (Continued From Page 154.). Polygamy of Actias Luna and Callosamia Promethea. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Convergence and Poecilogony Among Insects. Psyche 7(224):171-175, 1894 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1894/45131 The Butterfly Hunters in the Carribees. A Cone-Like Cecidomyiid Gall on Bigelovia. Preparatory Stages of Sphinx Vashti Strecker. A Check-List of African Coccidae. Notes Upon Toxoneuron. Notes on the Orthoptera of Penikese and Cuttyhunk. Entomological Notes. On the Rhopalomeridae. A Psyllid Leaf-Gall on Celtis, Probably Pachypsylla Celtidis-Pubescens Riley. Phthiria Sulphurea Loew. Life History of Clisiocampa Fragilis Stretch. Uncertainty of the Duration of Any Stage in the Life History of Moths. Rehabilitation of Podisma Latreille. Two New Species of Entomobrya. The Tipulid Genera Bittacomorpha and Pedicia. Gall of Eurytoma sp. on the Cat's-Claw Thorn. Entomological Notes. New North American Odonata. Description of Some of the Larval Stages of Amphion Nessus. Rhopalomera Xanthops, Sp. Nov. Entomological Notes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. A Comparison of Colias Hecla With C. Meadii and C. Elis. Western Pediciae, Bittacomorphae and Trichocerae. Entomological Notes. Failure to Emerge of Actias Luna. On a Rational Nomenclature of the Veins of Insects, Especially Those of Lepidoptera. The Genus Oxyptila. Colias Hecla. Notes on the Winter Insect Fauna of Vigo County, Indiana,—I. Eggs of the Long-Nosed Ox-Louse, Haematopinus Vitula L. On the Validity of the Tachinid Genus Celatoria. The Larva of Butalis Basilaris Zell: The Relations of its Setae. Two New Western Coccidae. Comstock's Manual. Life History of Clisiocampa Pluvialis Dyar. On the Tachinid Genus Acroglossa Williston. Woolly Leaf-Gall Made by a Species of Callirhytis on Scrub Oak. Local Butterfly Notes. Note on the Winter Insect Fauna of Vigo County, Indiana.—II. Habits and Parasites of Stigmus Inordinatus Fox. Prickly Leaf-Gall of Rhodites Tumidus on Rosa Fendleri. The Bombylid Genus Acreotrichus in America. New North American Odonata.—II. Notes on Moths. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Notes on the Winter Insect Fauna of Vigo County, Indiana.—III. Some Habits of Formica Obscuripes Forel, With Notes on Some Insects Found Associated With it. Revision of the Species of Spharagemon. Comstock's Insect Anatomy. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Notes on the Habits of Trypoxyllon Rubrocinctum and Trypoxyllon Albopilosum. The Larva of Harrisina Coracina Clemens. Edwards's Butterflies of North America. Enallagma Pictum Morse. Rhodites Tumidus. Charles Valentine Riley. The Ephemeridae and Venation Nomenclature. On the Nest and Parasites of Prosopis Varifrons Cresson. The Number of Stages in Apatelodes Torrefacta. Deidamia Inscripta. Schistocerca Americana in New England. The Insect Collection of the U. S. National Museum. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Notes on the Acrididae of New England.—II. Tryxalinae.—I. The Arctic Lymantriid Larva From Mt. Washington, N. H. (Dasychira Rossii Curt.?). Notes on the Species of Exorista of Temperate North America. Notes on Smerinthus Cerysii Kirby. Habits and Parasites of a New Californian Wasp. Notes on the Winter Insect Fauna of Vigo County, Indiana.—IV. Final Notes on Orgyia. Notes on the Acrididae of New England.—II.Tryxalinae.—II. New Species of Papirius. The Cambridge Natural History: Insects. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. The Hibernation of Aphides. Oviposition and Hatching of Thanaos Juvenalis. Notes. The New England Melanopli. On Coleoptera Found With Ants. Third Paper. Insect-Vision: Plateau's Experiments. The Mallophaga. Notes on the Winter Insect Fauna of Vigo County, Indiana.—V. Notes on the Acrididae of New England.—II.—Tryxalinae.—III. Notes on the Taypes of Papirius Texensis Pack. And Description of a New Smynthurus. The Larva of Cautethia Grotei Hy. Edw. The New Catalogue of Bees. Chrysobothris Femorata and Clerus 4-Guttatus. Notes. Tutt's British Moths. Neelus Murinus, Representing a New Thysanuran Family. A New Structural Character in Insects. Notes on Butterflies. Notes on the Winter Insect Fauna of Vigo County, Indiana.—VI. Notes on the Acrididae of New England.—II.— Tryxalinae.—IV. Calephelis borealis. Notes on the Oviposition of Thanaos Icelus (?). Notes on the Acrididae of New England.—II.—Tryxalinae.—V. The Condition of Apatela. Preparatory Stages of Cosmosoma Auge Linn. Notes on Dionychopus. Recent Publications. Notes on the Acrididae of New England.—II.— Tryxalinae.—VI. A Thysanuran of the Genus Anoura. Life History of Ichthyura Strigosa Grote. Bibliographical Notes.—VII. Proceedings of the Cambridges Entomological Club. The Species of Nemobius Found in North America. Notes on the Winter Insect Fauna of Vigo County, Indiana.—VII. Some Additional Species of Prosapis. Captures of Orthoptera. Notes on the Acrididae of New England.—II.—Tryxalinae.—VII. New Smynthuri, Including Myrmecophilous and Aquatic Species. Partial Life-History of Halisidota Cinctipes Grote. Psyche 7(247):450-451, 1896 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1896/95437 Notes on Lepidoptera. Tutt's British Butterflies. Notes on the Winter Insect Fauna of Vigo County, Indiana.—VIII. Life History of Deilephila Lineata. |