Author and Subject Index for Volume 70.
Psyche 70(4):259-?, 1963.
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A Journal of Entomology
Volume 70
Editorial Board
Published Quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club Editorial Office: Biological Laboratories 16 Divinity Ave.
Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A.
The numbers of PSYCHE issued during the past year were mailed on the following dates :
Vol. 69, no. 4, Dec., 1962: Dec. 29, 1962 Vol. 70, no. 1, March, 1963: April 8, 1963 Vol. 70, no. 2, June, 1963: July 9, 1963 Vol. 70, no. 3, Sept., 1963: November 8, 1963
INDEX TO VOL. 70, 1963
Abalos, J. W. and E. C. Baez. On Spermatic Transmission in Spiders. 197 Bailey, N. S.
Further Studies of the Bioecology of the New England Tingidae (Heteroptera). 208
Burr, T. C., Jr.
Studies on the Cavernicole Ptomaphagus of the United States (Coleoptera : Catopidae). 50
Blum, M. S. and P. S. Callahan.
The Venom and Poison Glands of Pseu-
domyrmex pallidus (F. Smith). 69
Carpenter, F. M.
A Megasecopteron from Upper Carboniferous Strata in Spain. 44
Studies on Carboniferous Insects from Commentry, France : Part IV. The Genus Triplosoba. 120
Studies on Carboniferous Insects from Commentry, France: Part V.
The Genus Diaphanoptera and the Order Diaphanopterodea. 240 Studies on North American Carboniferous Insects. 2. The Genus Brodioptera, from the Maritime Provinces, Canada. 59 Causey, N. B. Mexiterpes sabinus, New Genus and New Species, a Mexican Troglobite (Diplopoda : Trichopetalidae) . 235 Chickering, A. M. The Female of Bertrana hieroglyphics Petrunkevitch (Araneae, Argiopidae). 129
The Male of Mecynometa globosa (O.P.-Cambridge) (Araneae, Argiopidae) . 180
Crabill, R. E. A Preliminary Review of Zelanophilus with Description of a New Australian Species (Chilopoda : Geophilomorpha : Geophilidae). 164 Creighton, W. S. Further Studies on the Habits of Cryptocerus texanus Santschi (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) . 133 Darlington, P. I., Jr.
Australian Carabid Beetles. XII. More Tachys. 22 Charles Albert Frost: A Biographic Sketch and List of Publications. 3
Dondale, C. D.
Florida Spiders in the rufus Group in the Genus Philodromus (Araneae: Thomisidae) . 34
Eisner, T., J. J. Hurst and J. Meinwald. Defense Mechanisms of Arthropods. XI. The Structure, Function, and Phenolic Secretions of the Glands of a Chordeumoid Millipede and a Carabid Beetle. 94
Evans, H. E. A New Family of Wasps. 7
A New Species of Cefhalonomia Exhibiting an Unusually Complex Polymorphism (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) . 151 Fairchild, G. B.
A New Genus and Species of Neotropical Horsefly (Diptera: Tabanidae). 193
Levi, H. W. The American Spider Genera Spintharus and Thwaitesia (Araneae : Theridiidae). 223
The Spider Genera Cerocida, Hetschkia, Wirada and Cras- pedisia (Araneae: Theridiidae) . 170
L,odos, N.
A New Species of Eurygaster and Notes on Some Little Known Species of Turkish Pentatomidae (Hemiptera : Heteroptera). 144 A'IacLeod, E. G. A Description of the Male of Sympherobius arizonicus Banks (Neuroptera: Hemerobiidae). 64
Matthews, E. G. Observations on the Ball-Rolling Behavior of Canthon pilularius (L.) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) . 75 Porter, C. C.
A New Genus of the Tribe Mesostenini from Chile (Hymen- optera, Ichneumonidae) . 117
Sweet, M. H.
A New Species of Ligyrocoris Stal with a Key to the North- eastern Species (Hemiptera : Lygaeidae) . 17 Young, F. N.
Two New North American Species of Hydrovatus, with Notes on Other Species (Coleoptera : Dytiscidae). 184
All new genera, new species and new names are printed in CAPITAL TYPE. A description of the male of Sym-
pherobzus arizonicus Banks (Neur-
optera : Hemerobiidae) , 64
A megasecopteron from Upper Car-
boniferous strata in Spain, 44
A new family of wasps, 7
A new genus and species of Neo-
tropical horsefly (Diptera : Taban-
idae), 193
A new genus of the tribe Mesostenini
from Chile (Jtiymenoptera: Ichneu-
monidae) , 117
A new species of Cephalonomia ex-
hibiting an unusually complex poly-
morphism (Hymenoptera : Bethyli-
dae), 151
A new species of Eurygaster and
notes on some little known species
of Turkish Pentatomidae (Hemip-
tera : Heteroptera) , 144
A new species of Ligyrocoris ~tal
with a key to the northeastern
species (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae),
A preliminary review of Zelanophilus
with description of a new Australi-
an species (Chilopoda : Geophilo-
morpha : Geophilidae), 164
A bacion, 97
Ants, 69, 133
Araneae, 34, 129, 170, 180, 197,223
Argiopidae, 129, 180
Australian carabid beetles XII. More
Tachys, 22
Ball-rolling behavior, 75
Beetles, 22, 50, 75, 94
Bethylidae, 151
Bertrana hieroglyphics, 129
Bioecology of Tingidae, 208
Brodioptera cumberlandensis, 60
Canthon pilularius, 75
Carabidae, 22, 94
Carboniferous insects, 44, 59, 120, 240
Catopidae, 50
Cave beetles, 50
Cephalono mia PERPUSILLA, 152
Cerocida strigosa, 170
Charles Albert Frost: a biographic
sketch and list of publications, 3
Chilopoda, 164
Chlaenius, 94
Clystofsenella longwentris, 10
Coleoptera, 22, 50, 75, 94, 184
Craspedisia cornuta, 177
Craspedisia spatulata, 178
Crotaphytus collaris, 109
cryftocerus texanus, 133
Cyanocitta cristata, 109
Defense mechanisms of arthropods.
XI. The structure, function, and
phenolic secretions of the glands of
a chordeumoid millipede and a
carabid beetle, 94
Diaphanoptera, 240
Diaphanopterodea, 240
Dictyoneuridae, 61
Diplopoda, 235
Diptera, 193
Dytiscidae, 184
Ephemeroptera, 121
Eurygaster CHINAI, 144
Florida spiders in the rufus group in
the genus Philodromus (Araneae:
Thomisidae) , 34
Formicidae, 69, 133
Further studies of the bioecology of
the New England Tingidae (Heter-
optera), 208
Further studies on the habits of Cryp-
tocerus texanus Santschi (Hymen-
optera : Formicidae) , 133
Geophilidae, 164
Glands, 69, 94
Hemerobiidae, 64
Hemiptera, 17, 144, 208
Heteroptera, 144, 208
Hetschkia gracilis, 172
Horseflies, 193
Hydrovatus INEXPECTATUS, 18 5
Hydrovatus PLATYCORNIS, 187
Hymenoptera, 7, 69, 117, 133, 151
Ichneumonidae, 117
L'gyrocoris CARICIS, 17
Lvgaeidae, 17
Mecynometa qlobosa, 180
Megasecoptera, 44, 59
Mesostenini, 117
Mexican troglobite, 235
new species, a Mexican troglobite
(Diplopoda : Trichopetalidae) ,
Millipedes, 94, 235
New England Tingidae, 208
Neuroptera, 64
Observations on the ball-rolling be-
havior of Canthon p'lularius (L.)
(Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae), 75
On spermatic transmission in spiders,
Palaeodictyoptera, 61
Pausias martini, 149
Pentatomidae, 144
Philodromus bzlzneatus, 41
Philodromus $oridensis, 40
Philodromus imbecillus, 37
Philodromus marxi, 37
Philodromus montanus, 38
Philodromus peninsulanus, 35
Philodromus placidus, 34
Pogonomyrmex badius, 105
Poison glands, 69
Pseudomyrmex pallidus, 69
Ptomaphagus cawern~coia, 54
Pt~maphag~~ FECUNDUS, 57
Ptomaphagus hatchi, 54
Ptomaphagus henroti, 56
Ptomaphagus hirtus, 53
Ptomaphagus hubrichti, 56
Ptomaphagus laticornis, 55
Ptomaphagus loedingi, 57
Ptomap/zagus NICHOLASI, 53
Ptomaphagus shapardi, 53
Ptomaphagus walentinei, 56
Pto maphagus WHITESELLI, 5 5
Scarabaeidae, 75,.
Solenostethium bilunatum, 147
Spermatic transmission,
Spiders, 34, 129, 170, 180, 197, 223
Spintharus flawidus, 225
Spintharus gracilis, 227
Studies on Carboniferous insects from
Commentry, France: Part IV. The
genus Triplosoba, 120
Studies on Carboniferous insects from
Commentry, France: Part V. The
genus Diaphanoptera and the
Order Diaphanopterodea, 240
Studies on North American Carboni-
ferous insects. 2. The genus Brodi-
optera, from the Maritime Prov-
inces, Canada, 59
Studies on the cavernicole Ptoma-
phayus of the United States
optera: Catopidae). 50
Sympherobius arizonicus, 64
Tabanidae, 193
Tachys australis, 28
Tachys, BOGANI, 27
Tachys convexus, 29
Tachys habitans, 29
Tachys olliffi, 29
Tachys PUBIFRONS, 24
Tachys punctipennis, 25
Tachys semistriatus, 25
Tachys seticollis, 25
Tachys TRUNCI, 31
The American spider genera Spin-
tharus and Thviaitesia (Araneae :
Theridiidae), 223
The female of Bertrana hieroglyphics
Petrunkevitch (Araneae, Argi-
opidae), 129
The male of Mecynometa globosa
(0.P.-Cambridge) (Araneae, Argi-
opidae), 180
The spider genera Cerocida, Hetsch-
kia, Wirada and Craspedisia (Ar-
aneae : Theridiidae), 170
The venom and poison glands of
Pseudomyrmex pallidus (I?. Smith),
Theridiidae, 170, 223
Thomisidae, 34
Thwaitesia affinis, 231
Thwaitesia bracteata, 233
Thwaitesia simoni, 234
Thwaitesia splendida, 234
Tingidae, 208
Trichopetalidae, 235
Triplosoba pulchella, 121
Triplosobidae, 121
Troglobites, 235
Two new North American species of
Hydrovatus, with notes on other
species (Coleoptera : Dytiscidae) ,
Wasps, 7, 151
Wirada punctata, 174
Wirada towarensis, 176
XIPHONYCHIDION cyanipenne, 118
Zelano~hilus POCOCKI, 167
Zelanophilus prowocator, 165
Volume 70 table of contents