Author and Subject Index for Volume 72.
Psyche 72(4):325-329, 1965.
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A Journal of Entomology
Volume 72
Editorial Board
Published Quarterly by the Cambridge Enton~ological Club Editorial Office : Biological Laboratories 16 Divinity Ave.
Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A.
The numbers of PSYCHE issued during the past year were mailed on the following dates:
Vol. 71, no. 4, Dec., 1964: March 6, 1965 Vol. 72, no. 1, March, 1965: June 25, 1965 Vol. 72, no. 2, June, 1965: September 25, 1965 Vol. 72, no. 3, Sept., 1965: January 18, 1966
INDEX TO VOL. 72, 1965
Brown, W. L., Jr. Contributions to a Reclassification of the Formicidae. IV. Tribe Typhlomyrmecini (Hymenoptera). 65
Bush, G. L.
The Genus Zonosemata, with Notes on the Cytology of Two Species (Diptera-Tephritidae). 307
Carpenter, F. M. Studies on North American Carboniferous Insects. 4. The Genera Metropator, Eubleptus, Hapaloptera and Hadentomum. 175 Chapin, E. A. New Species of Chilocorini (Coleoptera : Coccinellidae). 148 Chickcring, A. M. Five New Species of the Genus Tmarus (Araneae, Thomisidae) from the West Indies. 229
Creighton, W. S. The Habits and Distribution of Macromischa subditiwa Wheeler ( Hymenoptera : Formicidae) . 282 Creighton, W. S., and W. L. Nutting. The Habits and Distribution of Cryptocerus ro/zweri Wheeler (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) . 59 Ettershank, G. A New Species of Megalomyrmex from the Chilean Andes. (Forrnicidae, Hymenoptera). 55
Evans, H. E.
Further Studies on Epyrini
(Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) . 265
Ewans, H. E. Simultaneous Care of More Than One Nest by Ammophila azteca Cameron (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). 8 Fairchild, G. B.
Notes on Neotropical Tabanidae VI. A New Species of Lepiselaga Macq. with Remarks on Related Genera. 210 Flint, 0. S., Jr. The Genus Neohermes (Megaloptera: Cor~dalidae). 255 Gardner. B. T. Observations on Three Species of Phidippus Jumping Spiders (Araneae: Salticidae). 133
Goulct, H. The Habitat of Platypatrobus Darlington (Coleoptera: Cara- bidae). 304
Haskins, C. P. and R. M. Whelden.
"Queenlessness," Worker Sibship, and
Colony Versus Population Structure in the Formicid Genus Rhytido- ponera. 87
Lev;, H. W.
Techniques for the Study of Spider Genitalia. 152 Masner, L. The Types of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera) in the Charles T. Brues Collection at the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 295
Nutting, W. L. Observations on the Nesting Site and Biology of the Arizona Dampwood Termite, Zootermopsis laticeps (Banks) (Hodotermitidae), 113
Parsons, C. T. A Key to the North American Statira (Coleoptera: La- griidae). 241
Porter, C. C. Picrocryptoidcs: A New Genus of the Tribe Mesostenini from Southern South America (Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae). 167 Iifdnfr, J. If. and C. D. Dondale. A New Species of the Spider Genus Xysticus (Araneae : Thomisidae) from Arizona. 291 Reichardt, H. Scolytoidea (Coleoptera) 5: Notes on Neotropical Platy- podidae, Mainly from Central America. 159 ReiskinJ, J. A Revision of the Ant Tribe Cardiocondylini (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). 79
Rnskind, J. Self-Burying Behavior in the Genus Sicarius (Araneae, Si- cariidae). 218
Reiskind, J. The Taxonomic Problem of Sexual Dimorphism in Spiders and a Synonymy in Myrmccotypus (Araneae Clubionidae). 279 Sc/~crba, G. Observations on Microtus Nesting in Ant Mounds. 127 Taylor, R. W. A Second African Species of the Dacetine Ant Genus Cod'iomyrmex. 225
Taylor, R. W. Notes on the Indo-Australian Ants of Genus Simpone Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). 287
Taylor, R. W. The Australian Ants of the Genus Pristomyrmrx, with a Case of Apparent Character Displacement. 35 Wern~r, F. G. A Redefinition of Ischyropalpus, and Six New Species (Coleoptera : Anthicidae). 191
Wheeler, G. C. and J. Wheeler. The Ant Larvae of the Subfamily Laptanil- linae (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) . 24
Wilson, E. 0. Trail Sharing in Ants. 2
All new genera, new species and new names are printed in CAPITAL TYPE. A key to the North American Statira
(Coleoptera : Lagriidae), 241
A new species of Megalomyrmex
from the Chilean Andes (Formi-
cidae: Hymenoptera), 55
A new species of the spider genus
Xysticus (Araneae : Thomisidae)
from Arizona. 291
A redefinition of Ischyropalpus, and
six new species (Coleoptera: An-
thicidae) , 191
A revision of the ant tribe Cardio-
condylini (Hymenoptera, Formi-
cidae), 79
A second African species of the
Dacetine ant genus Codiomyrmex,
Ammophila azteca, 8
Anthicidae, 191
Ants, 24, 35, 79, 127, 225, 282, 287,
Araneae, 133, 152, 218, 229, 279, 291
Azteca charttfex, 3
Bakeriella brasilianu, 270
Bakeriella depressa, 273
Bakeriella inca, 272
Bakeriella inconspicua, 270
Bakeriella rossi, 273
Bakeriella SUBCARINATA, 271
Bethylidae, 265
Caly0~in~ MEXICANA, 273
Camponotus beebei, 3
Carabidae, 305
Carboniferous insects, 175
Clubionidae, 279
Coccinellidae, 148
Codiomyrmex TETRAGNATHUS, 225
Coleoptera, 148, 159, 191, 241, 305
Contributions to a reclassification of
the Formicidae. IV. Tribe Typhio-
myrmecini (Hymenoptera), 65
Corydalidae, 255
Cryptocerus rohweri, 59
curinus COLOMBIANUS, 150
Cytology of Zonosemata, 307
Diptera, 307
Epyris CRASSIPES, 276
Epyris, CUBANUS, 275
Eubleptus danielsi, 180
Five new species of the genus
Tmarus (Araneae, Thomisidae)
from the West Indies, 229
Formicidae, 24, 59, 65, 79, 282, 287
Further studies on Epyrini (Hymen-
optera, Bethylidae) . 265
Hadentomum americanum, 186
Hapa/optera gracilis, 183
Hodotermitidae, 113
Hymenoptera, 8, 24, 59, 65, 79, 265,
282, 287, 295
Ischyrofialpus ALVARENGAI, 205
Ischyropalpus DECORATUS, 204
Zschyro~alpus ERYNGII, 200
Ischyropalpus FREYI, 203
Ischyropalpus PUTEIFER, 206
Zschyropalpus TIBIALIS, 197
Jumping Spiders, 133
Lagriidae, 241
Lepi~ehga COLOMBIANA, 21 5
Leptanilla revelierei sardoa, 27
Leptanilla swani, 30
Leptomesites escheri, 3 1
,Macromischa subditiva, 282
Megalomyrmex BICOLOR, 5 5
Megaloptera, 255
Metropator pusillus, 177
Microtus, 127
Myrmecotypus, 279
Neohermes angusticollis, 259
Neohermes californicus, 257
Neohermes concolor, 262
Neohermes filicorni~, 256
Neohermes MATHERI, 260
Neotropical Epyrini, 265
Neotropical Platypodidae, 159
Neotropical Tabanidae, 210
New species of Chilocorini (Cole-
optera : Coccinellidae) , 148
Notes on Neotropical Tabanidae VI.
A new species of Lepiselaga
Macq. with remarks on related
genera, 210
Notes on the Indo-Australian ants
of genus Simpone Fore1 (Hymen-
optera, Formicidae), 287
Observations on Microtus nesting in
ant mounds, 127
Observations on the nesting site and
biology of the Arizona dampwood
termite, Zootermopsis laticeps
(Banks) (Hodotermitidae), 113
Observations on three species of
Phidippus jumping spiders (Ar-
aneae : Salticidae) , 133
Phaenochilus RENIPUNCTUS, 151
Phidippus, 133
Picrocryptozdcs: A new genus of the
tribe Mesostenini from southern
South America (Hymenoptera,
Ichneumonidae), 167
Platypatrohus, 305
Platypus pini, 159
Platypus fulchcllus, 160
Platypus DARLINGTONI, 162
Pri~t077lyrmf~ FOVELATUS, 3 8
Pristo~nyrmex quadridentatus, 42
Pr'istomyrmex THORACICUS, 41
Pn~to??lJ'r??te~ WHEELERI, 48
Proctotrupoidea, 295
Prosopidris PAPUNA, 81
Prosopidris sima 84
"Queenlessness," worker sibship, and
colony versus population structure
in the Formicid genus Rhytido-
-honcra, 87
~1iabdrpyt-b apache, 269
~habdefyns fortunatus, 269
Rhahdepyris gracilis, 268
Rhabdepyris HIRTICULUS, 269
Rhabdepyris mumbecki, 265
Rhabdepyk MULTILINEATUS, 266
Rhabdep~is nigripilosus, 268
Rhahdepyris nigriscapus, 266
Rkabdcfyris wirescens, 270
Rhytidoponera inornata, 97
Rhytidopon~ra metallica, 94
l<hyticloponrra purpurea, 92
Rhytidoponera tasmaniensis, 96
Rhytidoponrra victoriae, 98
Rhytid~ponera violacca, 99
salticidae, 133
Scolytoidea, 159
Scolytoidea (Coleoptera) 5 : Notes
on neotropical Platypodidae, main-
ly from Central America, 159
Self-burying behavior in the genus
Sicarius (Araneae, Sicariidae),
Sicariidae, 218
sicarius, 218
Simpone taken, 288
Simultaneous care of more than one
nest by Ammophila ezteca Cam-
eron (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), 8
Sphecidae, 8
Spider Genitalia, 152
Statira basalis, 252
Statira colorata, 245
Stalira croceicollis, 249
Vtafira dejecta, 248
Statira DOLERA, 249
Statha gagatina gagatina, 252
Statira gagatina resplendens, 253
statira hirsuta, 246
Statira /zuachucae, 247
Statira liebecki, 248
Statira nigromaculata, 246
Statira opacicollis, 247
statira p/uripunctata, 245
Statira pulchella, 246
Stalira robusta, 248
Statira subnitida, 244
Studiesn North American Carboni-
ferous insects. 4. The genera
Mdropator, Eubleptus, Hatialop-
tera and Hadentomum, 175
Techniques for the study of spider
genitalia, 152
Termites, 113
Tephritidae, 307
Tesserocerus bplti, 163
Tesserorerus dewalquei, 163
Tesscroccrns ericeus, 163
Tesserocranulus nevermanni, 165
The ant larvae of the subfamily
Laptanillinae (Hymenoptera, For-
micidae), 24
The Australian ants of the genus
Pristomyrmex, with a case of ap-
parent character displacement, 35
The genus Ncohermes ( Megaloptera :
Corydalidae), 255
The genus Zonosemata, with notes
on the cytology of two species
(Diptera-Tephritidae), 307
The habitat of Platypatrobus Dar-
lington (Coleoptera : Carabidae),
3 04
The habits and distribution of
Cryptocerus rohvseri Wheeler
(Hymenoptera : Formicidae), 59
The habits and distribution of Mac-
romischa subditiva Wheeler (Hy-
menoptera. Formicidae), 282
The taxonomic problem of sexual
dimorphism in spiders and a syn-
onymy in Myrmecotypus (Ar-
aneae, Clubionidae), 279
The types of Proctotrupoidea (Hy-
menoptera) in the Charles T.
Brues Collection at the Museum
of Comparative Zoology, 295
Thomisidae, 291
Tmarus CRANEAE, 230
Tmarus INSUETUS, 234
Tmarus MENOTUS, 236
Tmarus VERTUMUS, 238
Trail sharing in ants, 2
Typhlomyrmex clavicornis, 69
Typhlomyrmex foreli, 76
Typhlomyrmex major, 71
Typhomyrmex PROLATUS, 72
Typhlomyrmex pusillus, 73
Typhlumyrmex rogenhujeri, 74
xysticus HUMILIS, 291
Z ~ ~ ~ C U S COSTALIMAE, 148
zagrf?~~ TETRASPILUS, 149
Zonosemata COCOYOC, 319
Zonosemata eiecta, 314
Zonosemata MINUTA, 320
Zootermopsis laticeps 113
Zonosemata VIDRAPENNIS, 321
Zonosemaia vittigera, 315
Volume 72 table of contents