Nicholas A. Kormilev.
Two New American Aradidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera).
Psyche 73(1):26-29, 1966.
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B17 the kind offices of Dr. John F. Lawrence, Museum of Com- parative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass., I have had the opportunity to study several lots of Aradidae, collected by him on bracket fungi ( Basidiornycetes : Polyporaceae) in various parts of North America. Two of the species were found to be new) and are described below, in order to facilitate a study of fungus-feeding insects now being undertaken by Dr. Lawrence, In the measurements, 25 units = I mm.
Aradus oviventris, new species
(Figs. I - 4)
TYPE DATA : Holotype) d, Rustler Park, 8 mi. kV Portal, Cochise Co,, Arizona) V111.8.1961, J. I?. Lawrence, coll. (Lot No. 918)) ex Fomes subroseus [=Fonzes cajanderi Karsten] on Pinus sp.; de- posited in the American Museum of Natural History, New Yoi-k. Paratypes, 6d 6 and 653, same data; in the h111seum of Compara- tive Zoology (MCZ No. 31201) and the author's collection. DESCRIPTION: hide ovate, with rather broad abdomen; female more narrowed posteriorly. Head (Fig. I) slightly longer than its width through eyes (6 32.5 :28, 9 33 :30) ; anterior process stout, rather short, slightly widened in middle, reaching to basal 115 of antenna1 segment 11; antenniferous spines short and stout, acute, 2nd slightly divergent; lateral tooth minute, but distinct; eyes sub- globose. very prominent; pseocular tubercles small, acute) the post- ocular blunt; vertex deeply and narrowly, semicircularly depressed, with two rows of rough granules in middle. Antennae (Fig. 2) less than twice as long as head ( c? 57 :32.5, 9 57.5 :33), and much nar- rower than fore femora; segment 11 subcylindrical, slightly widened in apical third) as long as head width including both eyes ( 8)) or one eye (?) ; I11 subcylindrical, slightly widened toward apex; IV elongate-ovate; proportions of antenna1 segments; ~7 6 :28 :I 3 :IO, 9 6.5 :27:13:11; rostrum reaching to middle coxae, or, at most, to hind border of prosterum. Pronotum (Fig. I) widest just behind middle, less than half as long as its maximum width ( 23 :53, 9 '365 Lincoln PI., Apt. 2F, Brooklyn, New York Manuscript receLwed by the editor March 15, 1966.
21 :55) ; anterior border subtruncate; anterolateral borders straight, with irregular teeth ; the posterolateral slightly rounded ; fore and hind lobes rather flat; interlobal depression shallow; carinae mod- erately pro~ninent, granulate. ScutelZum subtriangular, much longer than its width at base ( d 30~23, 9 29~23) ; lateral borders barely convex, almost straight, feebly reflexed; disc flat, finely granulate in basal 2/5) more roughly so in apical 315; depressed at base) and moderately raised around depression; apex narrowly rounded. Hem- clytra narrow, leaving entire connexivum and parts of tergum ex- posed, reaching genital lobes ( $ ), or tergunl VII (?) ; corium extending to suture between terga IV and V) its basolateral border expanded) rounded, and more or less reflexed. Abdomen longer than its maximum width across segment IV ( (3 90 :75, 9 105 :85) ; lateral borders strongly convex in both sexes, very finely serrate, and slightly notched at PE angles G{ connexiva; genital plates (Figs. 3 -4) slightly convex posteriorJy, and slightly notched at spiracles in male) more convex and less n~tched in
female. Color testaceous; depres-
sion on vertex) apex of antenna1 segment 11, basal 2/3 of 111, entire IV, some spots on pronoturn, and lateral boi-ders of scutellum, darker, brown to piceous; pos~erolateral borders of pronotum, basolateral expansions on hemelytsa, oval spots on terga I11 to VI) and round, callous spots on connexiva I11 to VI whitish; in some specimens posterior borders of connexiva I1 to VI, and R ?- hl veins of coriurn, pinkish ; venti-al side tesraceous, with some darker spots ; hind borders of connexiva pink. Total length: 6.48 mm., 9 7-20 mm.; width of pronotum: $ 2.12 mm., 2.20 mm.; width of abdomen: $ 3.00 mm.) 9 3.40 mm.
Arud~z~s oviventris keys out to Aradu.r badis in Parshley2, but it may be separated from the latter species by the relatively shorter rostrum) reaching at most to hind border of prosternum, different ~hape of pronotum (with stronger teeth), relatively shorter antennae (only slightly longel- than head and pronotum together)) and color. Aradus lawrencei, new species
(Figs. 5 -8)
TX~PE DATA: HoIotype, 8 , 7 ~ni. N\v wilton) HilIsboro co.> New Hampshire, V11.30.1963, J. F'. Lawrence coK (Lot No. 15591, ex Fomes cajandcri Karsten on Picea sp.; deposited in the American hluseum of Natural History, New York. Paratypes, 2d and 'Parshley, 11, M., 1921. Essay on the American species of Aradus (Hemip- tera). Trans. Amer. Ent, SOC., 47: 1-106. 7 PIS,
Figs. 1-4. Aradus ovivenfris n. sp, Fig. 1, head and pronotum; Fig. 2, antenna ; Fig. 3, tip of abdomen ( 8 ) ; Fig. 4, tip of abdomen ( 9 ). Figs. 5 - 8. Aradus lawrencei n. sp. Fig. 5, head and pronotum; Fig. 6, antenna ; Fig. 7, tip of abdomen ( 8 ) ; Fig. 8, tip of abdomen ( 9 ). 397, same data; in the Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ No. 3 1202) and the author's collection. One nymph collected with this lot. It is a pleasure to dedicate this species to its co1lecto1-) Dr. John I?. Lawrence.
DESCRIPTION : Male elongate-ovate ; pronotum flat ; finely granu- late. Head (F'ig. 5) slightly longer than its width through eyes ( c? 29 :27, 9 32 :3 I ) ; anterior process with parallel sides) but very slightly enlarged at base, reaching a little over 115 of antenna1 segment 11; antenniferous spines strong, acute) slightly divergent; lateral tooth minute, sometimes obsolete; eyes subglobose) very prominent; pre- ocular teeth diminutive) acute) the postocular acute (d) or blunt (9) ; depressions of vertex moderately deep, slightly convergent pos- teriorly. Antennae (F'ig. 6) moderately strong, narrower than fore femora; segment I1 slightly enlarged at base, more so at apex, its length equal to or slightly greater than interocular space plus one eye ; proportions of antenna1 segments : c? 6 :24 :I 2 :I I, 9 7 :27 :I 3.5 :
19661 Korm ilev - A radidae 29
12 ; rostrum reaching to middle of prosternum, Pronotunz (Fig. 5) less than half as long as its maximum width ( d 20:47, 9 25 :56) ; anterior border sinuate; anterolateral borders straight) with mod- erately strong, irregular teeth ; posterolateral borders barely convex, slightly convergent posteriorly; disc flat; interlobal depression some- times obsolete in middle or very shallow; carenae thin and semi- obliterated. Scu~ellum triangular, longer than its width at base ( d 26 :2 I) 32 :23 ) , shorter than ( d ) or as long as (9) head ; lateral borders low, very slightly convex; apex narrowly rounded; basal elevation obsolete. Hemelytra narrow, leaving entire connexivum and parts of tergum exposed; reaching genital lobes ( 8 ) or base of tesgum VII (9) ; corium extending a little beyond ( c? ) or to ($2) suture between terga IV and V, its basolateral borders expanded, rounded, and moderately reflexed. Abdomen ovate, longer than its maximum width across segment IV ( 6 80:66, Q 106184) ; lateral borders convex) very finely serrate, and slightly notched at PE angles of connexiva ; genital lobes ( Figs. 7 - 8) slightly convex posteriorly9 more so in female. Color greyish brown; antennae, head) pronotum, scutellum) and fore half of connexiva slightly darker; lateral borderq of pronotum in middle whitish ; basolateral expansions of corium, and round) callous spots on connexiva I11 to VII also whitish; some specimens almost uniformly dark grayish-brown. Total length: ~3' 5-75 mm., 9 7.20 mm.; width of pronotum: d 1.88 mm., $? 2.24
mm. ; width of abdomen: 8 2.64 mm., $2 3.36 mm. Arudzls luwrencei is related to both Aradus basalis Parshley and Aradus oz)iverztris, n. sp. From the former it differs by the shorter antenna1 segment 11, which is equal in length to the interocular space and one eye only, the much shorter rostrum, reaching only to the middle of the prosternum, the smaller size and different coloration. From the latter species it differs by the shorter rostrum, relatively shorter head (only slightly longer than its width through eyes), relatively shorter antenna1 segment 11, much flatter pronotum) with obsolete) or very shdlow interlobal depression) and different colora- tion.
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