Carl H. Lindroth and Richard Freitag.
North American Ground-Beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae, excluding Cicindelinae) Described by Thomas Say: Designation of Lectotypes and Neotypes.
Psyche 76(3):326-361, 1969.
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Thomas Say (1787-1834) was the founder of scientific entomology and conchology in North America. He described an immense number of insects of all orders, among the Carabidae (incl. Cicindelinae) no less than 165 species. They were included in the following eight papers :
1817. Descriptions of several new species of North American insects. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. I :2. Philadelphia. pp. 19-23. (Only Cicindela, among the Carabidae.)
1818. A monograph of North American insects, of the genus Cicindela. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. (N. S.) I, Philadelphia. pp. 401-426.
1823a. Descriptions of coleopterous insects collected in the late expedition to the Rocky Mountains, performed by order of Mr. Calhoun, Secretary of War, under the command of Major Long. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. ?:I. Philadelphia. pp. 139-216. 1823b.~ Descriptions of insects of the families of Carabici and Hydrocanthari of Latreille, inhabiting North America. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. (N. S.) 2 :I. Philadelphia. pp. 1-109. 1824. Appendix to the narrative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter's river, &c., under the command of Stephen H. Long, Major U. S. T. E. 2. Philadelphia. pp. 268-378. I 825. American entomology. 11. Philadelphia. Pis. I 9-36. 1828. American entomology. 111. Philadelphia. Pis. 37-54. 1834.~ Descriptions of new North American insects and observa- '2001. Inst., Lund, Sweden.
'Lakehead Univ., Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada. Manuscript received by the editor May 16, 1969 'The year of publication of this important paper is much discussed. It
is often given as 1825 (e. g. by Hagen 1862-63; Leng 1929; Horn & Schenk- ling 1928-29), but Leconte (1859b, p. 435) is obviously right in assuming the year to be 1823. This, among other things, gives certain Say names priority over names given by Germar (1824), as expressly stated by Say himself (1834, p. 421, Anchomenus cincticollz's}, *Part of Say's paper of 1834 had been printed in 1829-33 in a newspaper, "The Disseminator," and another part as a separate pamphlet, both at New Harmony, Ind. (see Leconte 1859b, p. 521). Neither can be regarded as valid publication.
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles 327
tions on some already described. Trans. Arner. Philos. Soc. 4. Phil- adelphia. pp. 409-470.
In the present paper we have treated only the true ground-beetles. The I 6 Say species of tiger beetles (subfam. Cicindelinae) are omitted and also 12 species described from Mexico. The remaining specific names given by Say among the Carabidae are 147 in number. Leng (1920) gives the same figure, but two of his names (Calosoma in- distincturn, HarpaZus tricolor), listed as synonyms, are nomina nuda. On the other hand, Calathus gregarius, in Leng, was attributed to Dejean instead of to Say, and Harpalus similis (Anisotarsus s.) was omitted.
Of the two authors of the present paper, R. Freitag is responsible for the 5 species belonging to genus (or subgenus) Evarthrus among the Pterostichini, whereas C. H. Lindroth studied the remaining species with kind help, in some cases, from the following experts, who selected neotypes among their specialities: Prof. R. T. Allen, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark., Loxandrus rectus.
Mr. T. L. Erwin, University of Alberta, Edmonta, Alta., Brach- inus cyanipennis and B. stygicornis.
Mr. T. F. Hlavac, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachu- setts, Clivina pallida.
Say's descriptions were usually good, sometimes excellent for his time. Nevertheless, many of them, notably of course in critical genera, cannot be reliably interpreted. Unfortunately, Say's private collection was entirely destroyed after his death (Leconte 185ga, p. VI; Ord 1859, p. XIX, footnote), and a comparison with authentic Say specimens is therefore excluded (but see below). For the correctness of the present applications of his names, we are indebted primarily to John L. Leconte who, in 1859, edited "The Complete Writings of Thomas Say," with comments as to the right interpretation and taxonomic position of most Say species of Coleoptera. The Leconte Collection, in the Museum of Comparative Zoology ( MCZ) , Cam- bridge, Mass., provides a complete picture of how the Say species were interpreted by him.
In order to stabilize future use of specific names given by Say, it is highly desirable to designate type specimens. The aim of the present paper is to do so, as far as ground-beetles are concerned. It might seem, considering the total destruction of the Say Collection (see above), that a selection of neotypes would be the only solution. However, it so happened that Say distributed specimens from his own collection to at least one of his contemporaries abroad, Count
328 Psyche [September
P. F. M. A. Dejean in France. This is apparent from Dejean's famous work, "Species General des Coleopt&-es" (Vols. I-V, 1825- 31). When he wrote the first volume (1825), Dejean had not acquired contact with Say, but in the preface to Vol. 2 (1826, p.
VIII) he acknowledges, in a general way, having received many Say specimens. In this, as well as in the later volumes of his work, when re-describing certain Say species, Dejean mentions that Say had sent him specimens.
This is the case for the species listed in Table I. Under many other species names, here omitted, Dejean quotes Say as the author but without mentioning specimens received from him.
One of my assistants, Mr. Reinhold Cha,rpentier, when visiting the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris (MNP) in 1967, kindly undertook to study the Oberthiir Collection, which includes the Dejean Collection, to search for genuine Say specimens. Dejean specimens are easily recognized by their bright green labels (see Lind- Table 1. Say species mentioned by Dejean in "Species General des Coliop- teres," Parts 11-V, as received from Say (modern generic names used). An * = with Say's name on the specimen.
Species Say description Dejean reference Agonum decentis
1823b: 53 111.1828 :lo7
Amara impuncticollis
1823b: 36 111.1828 :466
*A. musculis
1823b: 35 111.1828 :478
*Anisodactylus agricola
1823b: 33 IV.1829:151
A. baltimoriensis
1823b: 33 IV.1829 :I54
*A. caenus
1823b: 34 IV.1829 :I59
A. rusticus
1823b: 32
IV.1829 :I57
%sotarsus terminatus
1823b: 48 IV.1829 :356
*Bembidion contractum
1823b: 85 V.1831 :I24
*B. dorsale
1823b: 84 V.1831: 72
*B. levigatum
1823b: 84 V.1831 :I51
Calosoma luxatum
1823a :l49 11.1826 :I97
*Carabus sylvosus
1823b: 75 11.1826 :I52
*Chlaenius emarginatus 1823b: 63
11.1826 :367
Dyschirius globulosus
1823b: 23 11.1826 :480
D. pallipennis
1823b: 24 11.1826 :481
D. sphaericollis
1823b: 23 11.1826:480
Harfalus erraticus
1823b: 27 IV.1829 :258
*H. faunus
1823b: 28 IV.1829 :254
*Lebia tricolor
1823b: 11 11.1826 :454
Olisthopus parmatus
1823b: 49 111.1828 :I82
*Pasimachus subsulcatus
1823b: 19 11.1826 :471
Scaphinotus bilobus
1823b: 73 11.1826: 17
*Sten0 'ophus ochropezus
1823b: 54 IV.1829 :424
Synuchus impunctatus
1823b: 45 111.1828 :469
Tachys flavicauda
1823b: 87 V.1831: 54
T. inornatus
1823b: 87 V.1831: 53
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles 329
roth 1955a), and in some cases the pin bears a small additional square of the same color with "Say" or "D. Say" in Dejean's hand, or this note is added on the first label, implying that Say's name was written there twice. These specimens, belonging to species marked with an asterisk (*) in Table I, must be accepted as authentic Say specimens and are available for selection as lectotypes. Mr. Char- pentier was able to find representatives of g such species. Afterwards, Mr. A. Descarpentries, of the Paris Museum, was kind enough to make a complementary search for Say specimens in the Oberthur collection, and the rediscovery of three of the species (Chlaenius emarginatus, Pasimachus subsulcatus, Stenolophus ochropezus) was due to his efforts. For reasons mentioned below under each species, lectotypes were not selected for the following Say species represented in the Dejean collection : Anisodacty Zus agricola, Bembidion con- tractum, B. dorsale, Harpalus faunus.
Article 75 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature sets the following limitations and conditions for designating neotypes. They are to be designated only if no holo-, lecto-, or syntypes exist: this condition is satisfied in the present case by information given in preceding paragraphs. They are to be designated only in connection with revisory work: present designations are connected with the senior author's revisory work on the ground-beetles of Canada and Alaska (Lindroth I 961 -I 968), which includes almost all species of northern United States too. They are to be designated only in "ex- ceptional circumstances," in the interests of stability of nomenclature : for reasons given in preceding paragraphs, neotypes are considered necessary to stabilize use of Say's names. Characters regarded as differentiating the taxa for which neotypes are designated are given in bibliographic references in square brackets; the reference is usually to Lth 1951-1968. Evidences are given for believing that the neo- types are consistent with what is known of the original type material (according to the descriptions and with reference to localities). And the neotypes have been marked as such for recognition, and are the property of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. The proposal to designate neotypes for Say's Carabidae is known to and approved by several of the most active specialists in North America. ENUMERATION OF SPECIES~
In the following pages, all Say names given to North American Carabidae other than Cicindelinae are treated under Say's original 'Aretkarea helluon'is Say (1834, p. 411) is evidently an artifact (see Lee. 1859b, p. 524; Chd. 1871, p. 287). It is omitted from the present list.
330 Psyche [September
genus names but in the order of Leng's Catalogue (1920), the Leng number being given in each case.
Of 8 species, lectotypes (in the Paris Museum, MNP) are desig- nated; of the remaining species, neotypes are designated and deposited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ). Exceptions are 2 nonzina nuda (names without descriptions) and 7 nomina dubia (names not interpretable).
In the majority of cases, a specimen in the Leconte Collection (MCZ) could have been chosen as neotype. We have, however, avoided doing this for two reasons : ( I ) it seemed more convenient to keep all the Say neotypes together, as a separate collection, and 2 ) it seemed important to designate a type locality if possible, or at least a restricted type area, and to select specimens with appropriate locality labels. Such specimens are seldom available in the Leconte Collection. This has allowed us to select specimens from as close as possible to the parts of the country from which Say's specimens came, when he gives this information.
For one species, Patrobus longicornis, a neotype has been selected by Darlington, 1938 ( MCZ) , and type localities or type areas have been designated by Lindroth ( 1961, 1963, 1966, 1968) for many other Say species.
134~ Cychrus bilobus ( 1823b: 73). Type area "Missouri" or "North-Western Territory." Say's description and the later colored plate (1828: XLV: 3) do not permit a reliable separation from allied species, cavicollis Lec. and fissicollis Lec. The ~rovenience "Missouri" (ace. to Schwarz, 1895, p. 270, probably = N Nebraska) suggests fissicollis, represented from Kansas and Missouri in the MCZ. "North-Western Territory," however (ace. to Schwarz, I.c.), is probably Minnesota. This is herewith designated as type area. As neotype I have selected a from a locality as close to Minnesota as possible : Nipigon, W. Ont. - Scaphinotus momaretus) bilo bus [Lth. 1961, p. 191.
170 Carabus sylvosus ( 1823b: 75). No type area given. Desig- nated type loc.:
Asheville, N. C. (L'th., 1961, p. 41). The inter- pretation of Say's name is clear from his description of the dilated palpi and the elytral sculpture. The species is geographically uni- form, except in the south (see Van Dyke, 1945). In MNP is a Dejean 8 with two of the usual green labels: (a) "sylvosus Say"; (b) "D. Say." It agrees with the present concept of the species and 'The number preceding each name is the number assigned in the Leng (1920) list.
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles 331
I have designated it as iectotype. - Carabus syZvosus [Lth. 1 961, P- 411-
171 Cmabus serratus ( 1823b: 77). No type area given. Ashe- ville, N. C., designated as type loc. (Lth. 1961, p. 40). The inter- pretation of Say's name is clear from his description of the serrate elytral margin, from which his name was derived. A 8 from the type Ioc. designated as neotyfie. - Carabus serrat,us [Lth. 1961, P. 401.
172 Cambus Zimbatus ( 1823b : 77). Type area Maryland. The application of Say's name is clear from his description of the eIytra1 sculpture. The species has no tendency of geographical variation. A d from Charles Co., Md., designated as neotype and the place as type loc. - Carabus Zim batus [Lth. I 96 I ) p. 351. 173
(syn.) Cm-ah interruptus ( 1823b : 62). No type area given. The interpretation is clear from the description of the elytral sculp- ture, and the synonymization with vinctus Weber ( 1801) was ac- cepted by Say himself (1834, p. 416). A 8 from Germantown, Penn., designated as neotype and the place as type loc. - Carabus vinctus Web. [Lth. 1961, p. 341.
I 76 Carabus externus ( I 823a : I 50). Type area "Arkansa." Say's description of the form of prothorax and of the elytral sculpture seems sufficient for an identification. A Q from Little Rock, Ark., designated as neotype and the place as type loc. - Caiosoma externum [Lth. 1961, p. 491.
200 CaZosoma obsoleta (1823a: 149). Type area "Arkansa" and "near the Rocky Mountains"; apparently the Arkansas River is meant. Say's description of the sculpture and the bluish foveolae of the elytra seems to exclude other species. A ? from Fort Reynolds, Colo., designated as neotype and the place as type loc. - Calosoma obsoZetum [Lth. 1961, p. 491.
200 (syn.) Caiosoma indistincturn. This is a nornen nudurn, ap- parently never described by Say (in spite of the quotation "1825 : 151'' in Leng, 1920). It was mentioned by Lec. (1845, p. 208) being the same as Zuxatum Dej. (1826, p. 126; nec Say)) that is obsoietum Say.
Caiosoma /uxata ( 1823a :
149). Type area "Arkansa," no
doubt in the same sense as for C. obsoleta, described in the same paper. The iuxatunz group of CaZosonza (CdZisthenes) is extremely di~fficult and it is important to fix the ropert ties of the true iuxatum Say. The original patria, "Arkansa," no doubt aims at the upper parts of the Arkansas River, that is, in Colorado. According to the revision of Mrs. Gidas~ow ( 1959, map, fig. I I, p. 312)) only what
332 Psyche [September
she regards as the true luxatu?n has been found in Colorado. A c? labeled ('Douglas Spring, Routt Co.? Colo." (coll. Fall) has been selected as neotype and the place as type loc. [Lth. 1961, p. 541. Description of d neotype. - Chaetotax~. Head: 2 fix-points (setae broken) each side inside hind-margin of eye. Prothorax: all setae broken but? judging from fix-point, there have been, on each side? only I at hind-angle and I at middle laterally. (On the high vari-
ability of this character, see Lth.? 1961, p. 55.) - Form of prothorax approximately as in Gidaspow's fig. 55 ; but greatest width clearly before middle and sides faintly sinuate in basal half. - Elytra with strong sculpture, striae regular in frontal half, tegulae subquadrate, alnlost flat near the suture anteriorly? becoming rounded and very convex (granulate)
laterally and apically. - 3 : also I. pro-tarsal segment with well-developed brush (as described by Gidaspow, p. 313, for a sample from Colo.). Penis apex as in a d' from Utah, figured by Gidaspow (fig. 166). - Calosoma Z,uxatum [Lth. 1961, P. 541.
Elaphrus fuliginosus ( I 834 : 41 7). Type area Pennsylvania. Say's description was based on a specimen with head and prothorax mutilated ; he therefore used only elytral characters when comparing it with the Europem uliginosus I?. Leconte first (1859b, p. 530) suggested identity with cic~tricosus Lec. but in his collection (MCZ) applied the name as n0~7 unanimously used (apparently following Crotch, in Horn, 1876). Though Say's description cannot be inter- preted? this practice should be retained. No specimen from Penn. could be found.
A d? Rumney? N. H.? designated as neotype.- Elaphrus fuZiginosus [Lth., 1961, p. I 141. 233
Eluphrus mscarius ( 1834 : 41 7). Type area Pennsylvania, named in the first place and designated by Lth. (1961, p. 119). The identity of Say's species seems clear from his comparison with Euro- pean specimens of riparius L. A d from Columbia, Penn,, designated as neotyfle and the place as type loc. - Ehphrus ruscarius [Lth. 1961? P. 1191.
246 (syn.) Notiophilus florrectus ( 1834: 418). No type area given. The description of the form of prothorax and the pale color of the legs confirms the view introduced by Lec. (1863) that this is a synonym of aeneus Hbst. (1806). A 3 from Pennsylvania desig- nated as neotyfie and this state as type area. - A~otiophilus aeneus Hbst* [Lth. 1961, p. 931.
Noiio@hilus se?nistriatm ( 1823b : 81 ) . No type area given. Llarquette, Slich., was designated by Lth. (1961, p. 94) but, since this specimen could not be rediscovered at the MCZ? a new type
19691 Lindroth - Ground BeetZes 333
loc. is proposed below. - Say's description cannot be interpreted. His forma typica (nominate form) ) because it has "feet black," is more likely to be referred to, aquaticus L., whereas his "Var. a)'' with "tibiae piceous)" may be semistriatus auct. The 'Var. P" of 1823 was Iater (1834) by Say separated as distinct under the name of porrectus (= aeneus Hbst.). Say's concept of semistriatus was thus composite and, though Lec.
(e. g. 1848, p. 450) confused it with
his novemstriatus, it seems permissable to retain the name as generally used in this century) that is) for the species with a single preapical elytral puncture and pale tibiae. Fall (1906) pp. 79, 84) reports that F. Blanchard saw "undoubtedly authentic exponents of Say's sernistriatus" in the collections of Harris, L3elsheimer and Ziegler) and that these agreed with the present concept of the species' name. - A cf from Fairfax) Va., with genital slide, was designated as neotype and this place as new type loc. (see above). -Notiophilus semi- striatus [Lth. 1961) p, 941.
Nebria paZZipe.r ( 1823b : 78). No type area given ; Boston, Mass.) designated as type loc. by Lth. ( 1961, p. 76). Say mentions the two pale frontal spots and the interpretation of his name is there- fore certain. A d from Monterey) Mass.) designated as neotype. - Nebria paZZipes [Lth. I 961, p. 761.
305 Pasinzachus subsulcat,us ( 1823b : 19). Type areas "Georgia and Florida.''
Dej. (1826, p. 471) mentions that he has received this species from Say and in MNP is a specimen (sex not determined) with one of the characteristic green Dej. labels : "subsulcatus Say) in Amel-. bor. - D. Say." It agrees with Say's description, except that the "obsolete rudiments of punctures)' on the elytra are virtua~ly absent.
I have designated this specimen as lectotype. The species is musually variable, as described by Leng ( 1915, p. 566) and Ban- ninger (1950, pp. 495, 502). The lectotype belongs to what the latter author regards as the typical form: the inner el~tral intervals are clearly indicated, nrs. 3 & 5 broader and more convex, It agrees fairly well with ex. nr. 4 in coll. Lec., whereas his exx. nrs. 1-3 belong to what Banninger (LC., p. 495)) with some doubt, regards as sbsp. subnitens Csy. The lectotype also agrees with I ex., Sanford, Fla. (h4CZ)) except that, in this) the costae and punctures of elytra are better developed. Florida is herewith designated as type area. - Pasimachus xu bsuZcatus [Banninger I 950, pp. 495, 5021. 331 CZivina gZobuZosa (1823b: 23). No type area given. It is a Dyschirius belonging to a very difficult group and Say's description cannot be interpreted. The name is here applied to the commonest and most widespread member of the group) as described by Lth. (1961)
334 Psyche [September
p. 154). A macropterous Q from Arlington, Mas., herewith desig- nated as neotype and the place as type loc. ("Boston area" already designated by Lth,, 1.c.). - Dyschirius globulosus [Lth. 1961, p. 154-1-
339 CZivina sphaericoZZis ( I 823b : 23). No type area given ; Rum- ney, N. H., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1961, p. 145). Say's description cannot be interpreted. His name is used here according to general practice, as expressed in coll. Lec. (MCZ). A Q from Rumney, N. H. designated as neotype. - Dyschirius sp haericollis [Lth. 1961, p. 1451.
346 CZivina paZZipennis ( 1823b: 24). Type loc. Egg Harbour, N. J., herewith designated ; also Virginia & Florida mentioned. Though Say's description does not exclude seZZatus Lec., it seems per- missible to use his name according to general practice, that is, for the species without dorsal puncture on the elytra. A from Anglesea, N. J., designated as neotj~pe. - Dyschirius pallipennis [Lth. 1961, P. 1421.
CZivina pallida ( I 823b : 22). Type loc. Chinquoteague Island, Va., "under yellow pine bark." Mr. T. F. Hlavac, who is revising this group of CZivina, has preserved Say's name for the species char- acterized by slender pro-tibiae with short lateral teeth, thus separated e. g. from rubicunda Lec. C. rufescens Dej. has been regarded as a probable synonym of paZZida (Lec., 1859b, p. 452) and specimen nr. I in coll. Lec. (MCZ), labeled "C* rufescens Dej. ? pallida Say," belongs to paZZida Say as defined by Hlavac. Since no authentic specimen of rufescens Dej. is present in the Paris Museum (Lth., I 955a, p. I 3), a correct application of the name may be difficult. AS neotype, Hlavac has designated a 3 from South Carolina (~011. Liebeck). - CZivina paZZida [as characterized above]. 383
CZivina ZineoZata ( 1823b: 22). No type area given; Alle- gheny, Penn., designated as type loc. by Lth. ( 1961, p. 166). Say's description could as well be applied to suZcifrons Putz. ( 1846) which, by Lec. ( 185gb, p. 45 I ) and also by Putzeys himself ( 1866, p. 223), was regarded a. synonym (see Lth., 1. c.). The interpretation here made is in accordance with that of the coll. Lec. (MCZ). A d (with genitalia dissected) from Allegheny, Penn., designated as neo- type. - Schizogenius heolatus [Lth. 1961, p. 661. 395 CZivina viridis ( I 823b : 21 ) . No type area given. It is almost certain that Sa,y described viridis auct. He would hardly have over- looked the coarse puncturec on the disc of prothorax in puncticolZis Dej.; and the remaining three N. American species of Ardistomis -
have striate, not seriately punctate elytra. A c? (genital slide made)
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles 335
from Philadelphia Neck, Penn.) designated as neotype and the place as type loc. - L4rdistomis viridis [Lec. & Horn 1879) p. 321. 398
Panagaeus crucigerus
( I 823b : 69) . Type luc. Senipuxten,
Md. Say's description is conclusive. A from Surf City) N. J.) designated as neotype. - Panagaeus cruciger [Lec. & Horn 1879) P* 591.
399 Panagaeus fasciatus ( I 823b : 70).
No type area given. Say's
description its conclusive. A d from Pennsylvania designated as neotype and the state as type area. - Panagaeus fasciatus [Lec. & Horn 187% P. 591.
408 Bembidium inaequale ( I 823a : I 5 I ) . Type loc. Engineer, Missouri. Say's descriptions (also 1834) pp. 549-5501 fit almost any species of subg. Chrysobracteon but the name has always been used as conceived by Lec.) in his collection (MCZ). For geographical reasons) the typical subspecies) without lateral seta of prothorax and with strong elytral striae) must be concerned (description, see Lth.) 1963~ p. 234). The selected neotype is a true exponent of this: d, Mt. Pleasant) Iowa. - Bembidion inaeq,uale [Lth.) 1963, p. 2331. 41 g Bembidium punctatostriatum ( I 823b : 83). No type area given ; Rumney) N. H., designated as type loc. by Lth. ( 1963, p. 236). Say's descriptions (also 1834) p. 436) are insufficient for a recogni- tion but the name has always been used for the largest species of subg. Chrysobracteon) for instance in coll. Lec. (Mcz). A d from Rumney) N. H.) designated as neotype. - Bembidion punctato- striatum [Lth. 1963, p. 2361.
419 (syn.) Bembidium xigillare (1834: 437). Type area given as '(Missouri'' (probably = Nebraska). This is a nomen dubium regarded, with doubt) as a synonym of punctatostriatum Say by Lec. (185gb) p. 552). The name has not been used since and there is no reason to select a neotype.
Bembidium coxendix ( 1823a : I 5 I ) . No type area given but taken during the ('Rocky Mountain Expedition"; Fort Pierre) S. Dakota) designated as type loc. by Lth. ( I 963) p. 243 ) . The original description gives no clue for an identification; but) since the pale variety of the species described in 1834 (p. 436) no doubt is identical with the closely related confusu7n Hayw. ( nitidalum Dej.) , the current interpretation of coxendix is most probably right. A d from Fort Pierre, S. D.) designated as neotype. - Bembidion coxendix [Lth. 1963, P. 2431.
440 Bembidium levigatum (1823b : 84). Type area given as "Missouri" (probably = Nebraska). The description is almost con- clusive though it is peculiar that Say failed to notice the erect elytral
336 Psyche [September
pubescence, unique within the entire genus. There are 2 authentic $$ in MNP: (I) with two green Dej. labels: (a) "laevigata Say, in Amer. bor.," (b) "D. Say"; and (2) with two green Dej. labels: (a) "Q," (b) "Say." I have designated ? nr. I as lectotype. A definite choice of type area (or locality) should be postponed until specimens from Nebraska are at hand. It is not necessary to change Say's original spelling into laevigatum. - Bembidion levigatum [Lth. 1963, P. 2541.
5 12
Bembidiunz niger ( 1823b: 85). No type area given; Rum- ney, N. H., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1963, p. 301). The
name is interpreted according to coll. Lec. (MCZ). One point confirming this in Say's descriptions (also 1834, p. 437) is the very coarsely punctate, apically obsolete elytral striae. A 8 from Rum- ney, N. H., designated as neotype. - Bembidion nigrum [Lth. 1963, P. 3011.
577 Bembidium postremunz ( 1834 : 437). Type area Pennsyl- vania. Lec. (18 jgb, p. 561 ) first regarded postremum as the same as scopulinum Kby., which is easily understood, considering that Say described his species as smaller than tetracolum. However, current
practice, based on Lec., according to his collection, applies the name postremum to the large eastern representative of the binzaculatum group (Lth., 1963, p. 330). There is no reason for a change. A d" from Allegheny, Penn., has been designated as neotype and the place as type loc. - Bembidion postre7num [Lth. 1963, p. 3301. 588 Bembidium tetracolum (1823b: 89). No type area given; Arlington, Mass., designated as type loc. by Lth. ( 1963, p. 331). Say's descriptions (also 1834, p. 437) are not sufficient for specific recognition in this difficult group. I have followed Lee. according to his collection (MCZ). In N. America the species is an old intro- duction from Europe, where it was long, incorrectly (Lth., 1957, pp. 334-33 j), known as "ustulatum L." A cf from Arlington, Mass., designated as neotype. - Bembidion tetracolum [Lth. 1963, p. 3311. 591 Be~nbidium honestum (1823b: 82). No type area given; Water Gap, N. J., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1963, p. 248). Say's description is not decisive but it is advisable to follow Lec.'s opinion, as expressed in his collection (MCZ) where his own basale (1848, p. 454) was placed as a synonym. But antiquum Dej., re- ferred to as another synonym by Lec. (1859b, p. 498) belongs to chalceum Dej.
(see Lth. 1963, p. 247). A 8 from Water Gap, N. J., designated as neotype. - Bembidion lzonestum [Lth. 1963, P. 2481.
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles 337
658 Bembidium dorsale ( 1823b: 84). Type area given as "Mis- souri" (probably = Nebraska). In the MNP is a $ with the fol- lowing green Dej. labels: (a) "dorsalis Say, in Amer. Bar."; (b) "Say." There is no doubt that this is an authentic Say specimen but, unfortunately, it belongs to variegatum Say, auct. Say ( 1823b, p. 89) regarded these two species as "very closely allied" and suggested that dorsale might be "a mere variety" of variegatum. A comparison between the two descriptions (see variegatum, below) demonstrates, however, that Say probably had two different species before him, the ones that today pass under his two names. It should therefore be concluded that the Paris specimen was misidentified by Say and it should not be used as lectotype. A $ labeled Missouri has been designated as neotype. It belongs to the species with straight frontal furrows and the microsculpture of the forebody shallow. A definite choice of type area (or locality) should be postponed until specimens from Nebraska are at hand. - Bedidion dorsale [Lth., 1963, P* 3591
660 Beinbidiuin variegatum ( 1823b: 89). No type area given; Rivervale, N. J., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1963, p. 360). The name was long used for intermedium Kby, and related small species of subg. Notaphus. Csy. ( 1918, pp. I 39-140) correctly re- established variegatum as the name for the species meanwhile renamed postfasciatuin Ham.
Say gives the same size (115 of an inch) for vmiegatum as for dorsale. In his rather complete description of the two species, three pairs of characters seem to indicate that the current interpretation of his names is correct: - dorsale (pp. 84-85)
variegatum (p. 89)
(a) "thorax green slightly tinged "thorax blackish, slightly bronzed, with cupreous"
tinged each side with green"
(b) "elytra whitish-testaceous - "elytra black variegated with tes- two fuscous, obsolete, un- taceous, or testaceous varied with dulated bands behind the black dots and lines" middle, the posterior one less
(c) (elytra with) "interstitial (elytra with) "interstitial lines lines (= intervals) hardly convex"
A c? from Rivervale, N. J., designated as neotype of variegatum. - Beinbidion vuriegatum [Lth. 1963, p. 3601. 694 Bembidium contracturn (1823b: 85). No type area given; Ipswich, Mass., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1963, p. 372). Say's description is quite insufficient for a species belonging to this ex-
338 Psyche
ceedingly difficult group. In the Paris Museum is a $ with small green Dejean label, with "Say" only; although it stands under the label "contractum" in the drawer, its character of a true representative of what Say regarded as his contractum may perhaps be questioned. The specimen does not belong to contractum auct. (Lth. 1963, p. 372). The wings are full (in contracturn apparently constantly re- duced) and, above all, the hind-angles of its prothorax are very poorly developed, exactly as described for vernacula Csy. (1885). This was regarded as a sbsp. of constrictum Lec. by Casey 1918 (p. 124) but it is a doubtless distinct species. In view of the incom- plete labeling of the Paris specimen and also of the considerable confusion that would be created by a removal of Say's name, I have refused to designate it as lectotype. A r? of the "true" contracturn from Ipswich, Mass., has been designated as neotype. - Bembidion contractum [Lth. 1963, p. 3721.
705 Bembidiurn affine ( 1823b : 86). No type area given ; Mobile, Ala., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1963, p. 376). Say's descrip- tion does not exclude members of the versicolor group but his name has always been used for the only species with frontal furrows doubled both in front and behind. It was later described by Dej. ( 1831 ) as decipiens and fallax. A 8 from Mobile, Ala., designated as neotype. - Bembidion affie [Lth., 1963, p. 3761. 737 (syn.) Bembidium oppositum (1823b: 86). No type area given; Rummy, N.H., designated as type loc. by Lth. ( 1963, p. 383). Say mentions the laterally oblique base of the prothorax and, in 1834 (p. 439)) suggests that his species belongs in (subg.) Lophu; the interpretation, therefore, seems certain. Lec. ( I 859b p. 501 ) de-
clared oppositum as identical with quadrimaculat,um L., but it is now regarded as a Nearctic subspecies of this (Lth., I. c.). A 8 from Rumney, N. H., designated as neotype. - Bem bidion quadrimacula- turn oppositum [Lth. 1963, p. 3831.
792 Bembidium ephippiatum ( I 834 : 439). Type area Indiana. Say's description is conclusive. A 8 from Indiana (coll. Fall) designated as neotype. - Tachys (Pericompsus) ephippiatus [Hayw. 1899, P. 2141.
805 Bembidium incurvum ( I 834 : 440). Type area Indiana. Though Say',s description of the head as "blackish-piceous" points to incurvus auct. rather than to the closely allied anceps Lec., it is by no means decisive. I have followed Lec., ace. to his collection (MCZ). A from N. Illinois (coll. Fall) designated as neotype. - Tachys incurvus [Lth. 1966, p. 4161.
829 Bembidiurn tripunctatum ( I 834 : 439). Type area Indiana.
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles 339
Besides the three-punctured base of prothorax, Say mentions the presence of five elytral striae, which makes his description almost decisive.
A $ from New Jersey designated as neotype. - Tachys tripunctatus [Lth. 1966, p. 4231.
849 Bembidium proximus (1823b: 88). No type area given; Brookline, Mass., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 432). The description of the prothorax ("posterior angles rectangular") fits rhodeanus Csy. at least as well, and also scitulus Lec., but I pre- fer to follow current practice, as expressed in coll. Lec. (MCZ). A Q from Brookline, Mass., designated as neotype. - Tachys proxi- mus [Lth. 1966, p. 4321.
Bembidium laewum ( I 823b : 88). No type area given ; Ar- lington, Mass., designated as type lo~. by Lth. (1966, p. 426). The small size ("one-twentieth of an inch") and the presence of only one impressed elytral stria, mentioned by Say, make the interpretation almost decisive. A Q from Arlington, Mass., designated as neotype. - Tachys Zaevus [Lth. 1966, p. 4261.
892 Bembidium inornatum (1823b: 87). No type area given; Asheville, N. C., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 436). Say's name has been associated with the North American form of subg. Tachyta lacking a carina inside hind-angles of prothorax. Though Say does not mention this character, the procedure may be defensible. The taxonomic position of this form is much disputed: whether a separate species (Csy., 1918)) a subspecies (Lth., olim), or a form of nanus Gyll. not deserving a name (Lth., 1. c.). A 6, without prothoracic carina, from Asheville, N. C., designated as neotype. - Tachys nanus Gyll. [Lth., 1966, p. 4361. 898 Bembidium fiavicaudus ( 1832b: 87). No type area given; White Sulphur Springs, W. V., designated as type loc. (Lth., 1966, p. 441). Say fails to mention the peculiar structure of the prothorax, but color characters as well as the reported occurrence under bark seem sufficient for an identification. A $ from White Sulphur Springs, W. V., designated as neotype. - Tachys (Tachymenis) flavi- cauda [Lth., 1966, p. 4411.
Feronia longicornis ( 1832b: 40). No type area given; Ar- lington, Mass., designated as type loc. by Darlington (1938, p. 158) who labeled a c? from the same place as neotype. - Patrobus longi- cornis [Lth., 1961, p. 1801.
929 Abax coracinus (1823b: 59). No type area given; Rocke- ville, Penn., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 444). The only character mentioned by Say pointing to coracinus auct. rather than to cyanescens Dej. (foveatus Lec.) refers to the elytral striae
340 Psyche [September
being "minutely punctured"; in cyanescens they are virtually smooth. A c? from Rockeville, Penn., designated as neotype. - Myas cora- cinus [Lth., I 966, p. 4451.
1006 Feronia adoxa (1823b: 46). No type area given; Mt. Wachusett, Mass., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 467). Since Say does not mention the presence of any dorsal puncture on 3. elytral interval, as for related species of "Feronia" possessing it, the interpretation is almost certain. A 8, agreeing with the type of rejectus Lec., from Mt. Wachusett, Mass., designated as neotype. - Pterostichus adoxus [Lth., 1966, p. 4671. 1024 Feronia honesta ( 1823b : 5 I ) . No type area given ; Rumney, N. H., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 472). It is sur- prising that Say described the prothorax as "impunctured," which would rather suggest blanchardi Horn or unicarum Darl., from the southern Appalachians; but it seems defensible to retain Say's name for the only common and widespread species of the group, in accord- ance with coll. Lec. (MCZ). A from Rumney, N. H., designated as neotype. - Pterostichus honestus [Lth., 1966, p. 4.721. I 034 Feronia constricts ( I 823a : I 47). Type loc. "Arkansa" River near the Rocky Mountains. Say's original description seems sufficient for an identification (R. F.). A from Colorado Springs, Colo., designated by R. Freitag as neotype. - Evar//zrus7 constrictus [Frei- tag, 1969, P. 1581.
1044 Feronia unicolor ( 1823b: 40). No type area given. The species was interpreted from the original description and from the single specimen under this name in coll. Lee. (MCZ)
(R. F.) A
Q from Upson Co., Georgia, designated by R. Freitag as neotype. - Evarthrus .unicolor [Freitag, 1969, p. 1101. 1050 Feronia heros ( 1823a : 145). Type area "the Arkansa" (ap- parently the river). The species was interpreted from Say's original description (R. F.). A
from Texas designated by R. Freitag as
neotype. - Evarthrus heros [Freitag, 1969, p. 1661. 1067 Feronia sigillata ( I 823b : 42). Type loc. Germantown, Penn. The name was interpreted from the original description, in- cluding type loc. (R. F.). A $ from Philadelphia, Penn., designated by R. Freitag as neotype. - Evarthrus sigillatus [Freitag, 1969, P. 1331-
1080 Feronia obsoleta (1834: 424). Type area Indiana. The species was interpreted from Say's original description (R. F.). A The senior author prefers to regard Evarthrus as a subgenus of Ptero- stichus.
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles 341
6 from Cades Cove, Blounto, Tenn., designated by R. Freitag as neotype. - Evarthrus obsoletus [Freitag, 1969, p. 1081. 1089 Feronia stygica ( 1823b : 41 ) . No type area given; Rum- ney, N. H., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 492). The expression "basal lines (i.e. basal foveae of prothorax) double" fits stygicus auct.
rather than coracinus Newn. The reported presence of only one dorsal puncture of elytra is against the situation in the entire melanarius group, where there are 2 (occasionally 3 or 4) ; it may be a case of lapsus odi. A from Rumney, N. H., designated as neofype. - Pierostichus stygicus [Lth., 1966, p. 4921. I loo
Feronia moesta (1832b: 41). No type area given; Ashe- ville, N. C., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 496). Con- cerning the earlier confusion with superciliosus Say, see that species. The name moestus has always been used for the present species. A c? from Asheville, N. C., designated as neotype. - Pterostichus moestus [Lth., 1966, 4961.
I I 01
Feronia superciliosa ( I 823a : 144). No type area given but collected during the "Expedition to the Rocky Mountains." From the description this species cannot be separated from moestus Say; and Lec., on several occasions (1852, 1859b, 1863), regarded them as conspecific. They are, however, kept apart under the two Say names in his collection, though only ex. nr. I of superciliosus (Vir- ginia) is the present species, nrs. 2-4 being moestus. Actually, the two species are very different
(Lth., 1966, p. 497). Say omitted
mentioning the dorsal punctures of elytra in superciliosus, but their absence would have excluded also ohionis Cki. (purpuratus Lee.), the only other Pterostichus with "purplish" elytra that could be con- cerned. Say's description of the prothorax fits superciZiosus auct. much better than ohionis. A d" from Pennsylvania (coll. Fall) desig- nated as neotype. - Pterostichus superciliosus [Lth., 1966, p. 4971. I 105 Feronia permunda (1834: 426). Type area Indiana (not "apparently Pennsylvania," as given by Lth., 1966, p. 535). Say's description fits atratus Newn. equally well (for descriptions see Lth., 1. c.). The interpretation is made from ex. nr. I under ^per- mundus" in coll. Lee. (MCZ). A d, with genitalia dissected, from "Richland & Lawrence Co.," Wabash, 111.) designated as neo- type. - A bacidus perrnundus [Lth., I 966, p. 5351. I 108 Feronia ventralis (I 823b : 46). Type area "Missouri" (prob- ably = Nebraska). Closely allied to obscurus Say (see below) but with elytral striae evidently punctate, as mentioned by Say. A 6, agreeing with ex. nr. I in coll. Lee., from Douglas Co., Kansas,
3 42 Psyche [September
designated as neotype. -Pterostichus ventralis [Lec. & Horn 1882, P. 241-
I I 10 Feronia obscura ( 1834 : 425). Type area Indiana. The ap- plication of the name (against ventralis Say) seems clear from the description of the elytral striae: "not distinctly punctured, obsolete on the lateral submargin." A third species, tumescens Lec., has the hind-angles of prothorax much better developed. A c? (coll. Fall)
agreeing with ex. nr. I in coll. Lec., from Allegheny, Penn., desig- nated as neotype. - Pterostichus obscurus [Lee. & Horn 1882, p. 241. I I 5 1a Feronia submarginata ( 1823b : 45). No type area given. The description is almost decisive. Whether monedulus Germ. ( I 824) is a pure synonym could not be decided. Since Say's description was published in 1823 (not 1825, as given in Leng) , the name sub- marginatus Say under all circumstances has priority. A d from Hope, Ark., designated as neotype and the place as type loc. - Pterostichus szibmarginatus [Lee. I 852, p. 2461. I 161 Feronia chalcites (1823b: 56). No defined type area; Washington, D.C., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 479). Say's description is not quite decisive and was interpreted according to coll. Lec. ( MCZ) . Say's name is older than the chalcites of Ger- mar (1824; see under preceding species) and it was therefore not justified to substitute for it sayi Brulli (1835). A c? from Wash- ington, D.C., designated as neotype. - Pterostichus chalcites [Lth., 1966, P. 4791-
1162 Feronia lucublanda (1823b: 55). No type area given; Ithaca, N. Y., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 482). Say's description of the depressed sides of the prothorax seems to fit this species only. A 8 from Ithaca, N. Y., designated as neotype. - Pterostichus lucublandus [Lth., 1966, p. 4821. I I 62a
Poecilus fraternus ( I 824 : 270). Type area "North-west Territory" (probably Minnesota). The description is incomplete and cannot be interpreted. Lec. (185ga p. 177) regarded fraternus as a "variety" of lucublandus Say but it seems wiser to treat it as a "nomen dubiunz" (Lth., 1966, p. 483) without designation of neo- type.
I 164
Feronia convexicollis ( I 823b : 50). Type area "Missouri" rob ably = Nebraska). Say mentions that the sides of prothorax are depressed but also that they are "hardly contracted behind" where- as, in lucublandus, they are said to be "very little narrowed behind by a regularly curved edge." The status of convexicollis has been judged differently by different authors (see Lth., 1966, p. 483). In my opinion, it is not specifically distinct from lucublandus but may
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles 343
well be treated as a subspecies confined to the interior. A from
Devil's Lake, N. Dakota, has been designated as neotype and the place as type loc. - Pterostichus lucublandus convexicollis [Lth., 1966, P. 4831.
I I 67 Feronia tartarica ( I 823b : 44). No type area given. The species belongs to a difficult group (subg. Lophoglossus) in need of revision. Say's description cannot be interpreted but the selected c? neotype agrees with Lec.',s description (1852) of the c? meso-tibiae and with the single c? (orange disc) in his collection. Casey's "tar-
taricus" ( 1913) is different, agreeing in said respect with strenuus Lec.; in haldemani Lec., the apical process of the 8 meso-tibia is more acute. A c? from Mobile, Ala., designated as neotype and the place as type loc. - Pterostichus tartmicus [Lee. 1852, p. 2491. I I 74
Feronia caudicalis ( I 823b : 56). No type area given ; Ar- lington, Mass., designated as type lo~. by Lth. (1966, p. 500). Say's description is not decisive, but Lec. (185gb: 480) says that he has studied specimens sent by T. W. Harris who had compared them with "Say's type." A from Arlington, Mass., designated as neo- type. - Pterostichus caudicalis [Lth., 1966, p. 5001. I 178 Feronia muta (1823b: 44). No type area given; Black Mts., N. C., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 489). Say's description is not quite decisive and I have followed Lec.'s interpreta- tion according to his collection (MCZ). A from Black Mts., N. C., designated as neotype. -Pterostichus mutus [Lth. 1966, p. 4891.
I 190 Feronia oblongonotata (1834: 425). Type area "North West Territory" (probably Minnesota, possibly Manitoba). The name is still used for an independent species in Leng ( 1920). The
description is apparently based on an immature specimen and would equally well apply to pensylvanicus Lee., which name, if so,, it would replace. In order to avoid this it is justifiable to synoAymize oblongo- notatus with adstrictus Eschz. A c? from Aweme, Man., designated as neotype. - Pterostichus adstrictus Eschz. [Lth. 1966, p. 4851. 1217
Feronia recta (1823b: 58). No type area given. The neop type agrees with Casey's description ( I 91 8, p. 38 I ) and also, except that it is larger, with the 7. ex. in coll. Lee. (MCZ). A d, with genitalia dissected, from South Carolina, designated by R. T. Allen as neotype and the state as type area. - Loxandrus rectus [Lec. & Horn 1879, p. 5 I].
1262 Zabrus avidus ( 1823a : 148). Type area not given but col- lected during the Rocky Mountain Expedition; N. Fork S. Platte Canyon, Colo., designated as type loc. by Lth. ( 1968 ) . The descrip-
344 Psyche [September
tion is by no means conclusive but the name should be used according to general practice, as expressed in coll. Lee. (MCZ). A c? from N. Fork S. Platte Canyon, Colo., designated as neotype. -Amma avida [Lth. 1968, p. 6891.
1265 (syn.) Amara furtiva (1834: 429). Type area Indiana. As stated by Hayward ( 1908, p. 40), Say's description was apparently based upon immature specimens. Except for the color, all characters mentioned fit the species previously described by Dejean (1828, p. 509) as exarata, of which furtiva has always been regarded as a syn- onym.
A c?' from Wabash Valley, Richland & Lawrence Co., Ill., designated as neotype. - Anzara exarata Dej. [Lth. 1968, p. 6801. 1281 Feronia obesa (1823b: 37). Type loc. Harrowgate, Penn. Say's description is not conclusive but the name has always been used in its present sense, that is for the only widespread species of subg. Percosia. As neotype I have selected a pronounced representative of the eastern form (against diffinis Lec. ; see Lth., 1968). A c? from Charity Island, Mich., designated as neotype. - h r a obesa [Lth., 1968, p. 6901.
1372 Feronia musculis (1823b: 35). Type area, coast of Vir- ginia. Say's description, though not conclusive, fits "fnusculus" auct. In the Paris Museum is a of this species carrying four green Dejean labels: (a) "&' ; (b) "musculis Say, in Amer. bor." ; (c) "D. Say"; (d) "Harpalu,s proletarius Melsh. St." The latter is a manuscript name never published but listed in Dej.'s Catalogues of 1833 and 1836. The Park 6 has been designated as lectotype. There is no reason to change Say's original spelling into "musculus." - dmm-a musculis [Lth., 1968, p. 7061.
I 385 Feronia inzpuncticollis ( I 823b : 36). Type area Penn., named in the first place, herewith designated. Say's description cannot be interpreted. Since the basal pore-puncture of the elytra is not men- tioned, it fits not only littoralis ^VInh. but several other members of subg. Amara s. sir., with pale antenna1 base. A. i~npuncticollis, as here conceived, and littoralis have been generally confused (for sep- arating characters, see Lth., 1968, p. 730)~ as bv Lec. and by Hay- ward (1908). The first specimens both in coll. Lec. and in coll. Hayward (MCZ) belong, however, to the present species and, since it is more southern in distribution, it is likely that Say's specimens from Penn. belonged to the same species. A from N. Cumber- land, Penn. (coll. Fall), designated as neotype and the place as type loc. - Amara inz~zmcticollis [Lth., 1968, p. 7281. 1429 Feronia bdlaris ( 1 823b: 35). No type area given; Dover, Mass., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1968). The description,
19691 Wroth - Ground Beetles 345
notably of the punctuation of prothorax and elytral striae, is con- clusive. A 8 from Dover, Mass., designated as neotype. -Amara basillaris [Lth., 1968, p. 7351.
Feronia angustata (1823b : 36). Type area "on the Mis- souri." Since Say had not observed the trifid pro-tibia1 spure, there is no character mentioned in the description that would not fit familiaris Dft. as well. It may be justified, in spite of this, to refer his name to that species of subg. Zezea (Triaena) for which it has always been used. The description of the form of prothorax seems to exclude pallipex Kby. A $ from Independence, Iowa, designated as neotype. - A711ara angustata [Lth., I 968 p. 7361. 1450 DicaeZus dilatatus ( 1823b : 68).
No type area given in the
original description but reported as Pennsylvania in Say's paper of 1825 (PI. XXIV: 3). Neither Say's descriptions nor his figure are decisive but the name has always been used for the species defined in detail by G. E. Ball, in his monograph (1959, p. 126). A d' from Camp Hills, Penn., designated as neotype and the place as type loc. - Dicaelus dilatatus [Ball 1959, p. 1261.
I 458 Dicaelus sculptilis ( I 823b : 68) . Type area "Missouri" (possibly including Nebraska). An interpretation of Say's name, on the specific level, is clear from his descriptions and the figure ( 1825, PI. XXIV: 4). The species consists of three subspecies of which the nominate one was fixed by Ball (1959, p. 142) as occurring in Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma ; the neotype was identi- fied by him as belonging to this subspecies: from Platte Co., Missouri, designated by me; at the same time designated type loc. - Dicaelus sculptilis s~tilp//'lis [Ball 1959, p. 1411. 1452 DicaeZus splendidus (1823b: 68). Type area "from the Missouri" (apparently the river). Say's descriptions (also 1825) and illustration ( 1825, PI. XXIV: I ) of color are conclusive. According to Ball (1959, p. 156) there are no other constant characters than the color of the elytra separating splendidus from purpuratus Bonelli ( I 8 I 3), of which he regards it as a subspecies. A $ from Platte Co., Missouri, designated as neotype, and the place as type 10c. - Dicaelus purpuratus splendidus [Ball 1959, p. I 561. 1482 Feronia gregaria ( 1823b : 47) (by mistake, the species name was attributed to Dejean in Leng,
1920). No type area given;
Philadelphia, Penn., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 543). Say's description applies equally well to ingratus Dej. but was inter- preted in accordance with coll. Lec. (MCZ). A $ from Philadel- phia, Penn., designated as neotype. - CuZathus gregarius [Lth., 1966, P. 5431.
346 Psyche [September
I 489 Feronia impunctata ( I 823b : 45). Type loc. Germantown,
Penn. Say's description seems sufficient for an identification. It is very puzzling that Dejean (1828, p. 469), from I ex. sent by Say, regarded Feronia inzpunctata as a synonym of Amara familiaris Dft. This cannot be a lapsus calami for Feronia impuncticollis (see above) because the latter was by Dejean (I. c., p. 464) synonymized with Amara trivialis Gyll. (I aenea DeG.). A from Tyngsboro, Mass., designated as neotype. - Synuchus impunctatus [Lth., 1966, P. 5511.
1507 Feronia hypolithos ( 1823b : 59). No type area given; Cleve- land, Ohio, designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 645). Only
size and the expression "striae- irregularly punctured" suggest hypolithos auct., which was otherwise interpreted from coll. Lec. (MCZ). A from Cleveland, Ohio, designated as neotype.- Agonum hypolithos [Lth., 1966, p. 6451.
I 5 13 Feronia decentis ( I 823b : 53). No type area given ; Marion, Mass., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 636). Say's descrip- tion of the prothorax makes it almost certain that he had the "true" decentis before him; the pronounced sinuation of sides in front of the denticulate hind-angles, in sinuatum Dej., could hardly have remained unnoticed by Say.
Therefore, a pronounced decentis s. str. (a 9) has been selected as neotype. - Agonum decentis [Lth., 1966, p. 6361. 1518 Feronia cincticollis (1823b: 52). No type area given; Philadelphia, Penn., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 640). Say's description is insufficient. His name has been interpreted ac- cording to coll. Lec. (MCZ). A c? from Philadelphia, Penn., designated as neotype. -Agonum cincticolle [Lth., 1966, p. 6401. 1518
( ? syn.) Feronia maculifrons (1823a: 146). Type area "Ar- kansa Territory." The description cannot be interpreted and the name has never been used (see Lec., 1854, pp. 43, 59; 1859a, p. 94). It should be treated as a nonzen dubium (Lth., 1966, p. 640) and no neotype selected.
I 522 Feronia extensicollis ( 1823b: 54). No type area given; Rumney, N. H., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 625). That Say's description refers to extensicolle auct. can hardly be doubted. However, since this species shows considerable geographical variation (Lth., 1966, pp. 625-627) and because Say did not mention the provenience of his specimens, it is of special importance to select a type area. Lec. ( 1854, p. 46) regarded the eastern, Casey (1920, p. 57) the western form as the true extensicolle. Say's material was probably from Pennsylvania, and it is therefore advisable to follow Lec.'s opinion. A pronouncedly "eastern" specimen was designated
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles 347
as neotype: a 9 from Rumney, N. H. -AgQnum extensicolle s. sir. [Lth., 1966, p. 6251.
1523 Feronia decora ( 1823b : 53).
No type area given; Arling-
ton, Mass., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 629). Say's
description fits both decorum auct. and thoracicum Dej., but the latter, more southern species was probably not available to him. A from Arlington, Mass., designated as neotyfie. - Agonzm decorum [Lth., 1966, p. 6291.
1537 Feronia errans (1823a: 147). Type area not given but collected during the "Rocky Mountain Expedition"; Buena Vista, Colo., designated as type loc. by Lth. ( 1966, p. 616). Say's descrip- tion, notably of color characters, is almost decisive. A 9 from Buena Vista, Colo., designated as neotype. - Agonwn errans [Lth. 1966, p. 6161.
I 540 Anchomenus collaris ( I 834 : 421 ) . Type area Indiana. There are several details in Say's description contradicting the current in- terpretation of his name: (a) the size is too large (7/20 of an inch, i.e. the same as given for placidum) ; (b) "bodv black," no mention made of the pale margins of prothorax; (c) "base of the first joint of the antennae - black-piteous," actually the entire I. segment is rufous; (d) the prothorax is described as "subquadrate," with pos- terior angles "very obtuse" and basal foveae "slightly rugous"; actually the prothorax is almost circular, with obliterated hind-angles and smooth foveae. The entire description fits melanarium Dej. much better. In spite of this, in the interest of stability, I have followed Lec.'s interpretation, according to his collection (MCZ). A d" from Woodbury, N. J., designated as neotype. - Agonum collare [Lth., 1966, p. 6121.
I 542 ( ? syn) Feronia scutellaris f I 823a : I 46). No type area given but collected during the "Rocky Mountain Expedition." The description is quite uninterpretable and. though Lec. (1879, p. 56) referred it to Aganum rnelanmiwn Dej. ( 1828), before which it would then have priority, it is better to treat scutellare as a no-men dubwm. No neotype should be selected.
1553 Feronia cupripennis (1823b: so). No type area given; W. Roxbury, Mass., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 591). Say's description of the color pattern is sufficient for an identification. A $ from W. Roxbury, Mass., designated as neotype. -Ago-mim cupripnne [Lth. 1966, p. 5911.
I j 58 Feronia nutans ( 1823b : 52). Say's information "bought in New York" is of course no base for fixation of type loc.; Philadel- phia Neck, Penn., designated as such by Lth., ( 1966, p. 617). The
348 Psyche
description, notably of the color of body and legs, as well as of the impuncta,te elyti-a1 striae, is almost decisive. A c? from Philadelphia Neck, Penn., designated as neotype. - Agonz~m nutans [Lth., 1966, P. 6171.
Feronia placida ( 1823b: 43). No type area given; Dor- chester, Mass., designated as type loc. by Lth., (1966, p. 613). Say's description is by no means decisive but I have followed Lec., accord- ing to his collection (MCZ). A $ from Dorchester, Mass., desig- nated as neotype. - Agonum placidurn [Lth., 1966, p. 6131. 1573 Feronia obsoleta (1823b: 57). No type area given. Lth. (1966, p. 565) designated Michipicoten, L. Superior, Ont., as type loc. but, since afterwards no specimen so labeled could be rediscovered at the MCZ, I propose to change the type loc., as below. Say's description cannot be interpreted, but Lec. ( 1854, p. 57) saw a speci- men named by the author, and his concept, according to coll. Lec. (MCZ) , should therefore be followed. By many students, including Leng ( I 920) and, previously, myself ( I 95 5 b) , obsolctum Say has been treated as a synonym of Agonum bogemani Gyll. It is, how- ever, distinct (Lth., 1966, p. 565 a.f.). A 3 from Bayfield, Wise., designated as neotype, and the place as type loc. -Agonum obso- letum [Lth., 1966, p. 5651.
1578 Feronia limbata (1823b: 49). No type area given. The interpretation is clear from Say's description. Fall (1933) has shown that Carabus pallipes F. ( 1787, p. 202) is the same species and Say's name therefore falls into synonymy. A from Camden, S. C., designated as neotype, and the place as type loc. - Agonum p,allipes F. [Lth., 1966, p. 6201.
1581 Feronia punctiformis (1823b: 58). No type area given; Philadelphia Neck, Perm., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 622). Say's description cannot be interpreted but I have followed Lec., according to his collection (MCZ). A 6 from Philadelphia Neck, Penn., designated as neotype. - Agonum punctiforme [Lth., 1966, p. 6221.
Feronia parmata ( 1823b : 49). No type area given ; Wis- sahickon Creek, Penn., designated as type loc. by Lth. (1966, p. 553). Say's description is not decisive; I have followed Lee., according to his collection (MCZ). A $ from Wissahickon Creek, Penn., desig- nated as neotype. - Olisthopus parmatus [Lth. 1966, p. 5531. I 595
(syn.) Olisthopus cinctus ( I 834 : 424). Type area Pennsyl- vania. The descriptions of both parmatus (1823b) and cinctus ( 1834) are uninterpretable and, to a great extent, incommensurable, containing different kinds of characters. The elytra of cinctus are
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles 3 49
described as unicolorous ("dull reddish-brown") but, since the size is given as virtually the same as for parmatus (3/10 and less than 3/10 of an inch, respectively), the name cinctus cannot be referred to any of the small species of the genus. Lxc. (1859b, p. 537) re- ports that a specimen of cinctus was sent to him by Melsheimer and that it did not differ from parmatus. This was most probably an authentic Say specimen and the synonymy should be accepted. There is no reason to designate a neotype. - Olisthopus purnzatus [Lth., 1966, P. 5531.
I 642 Lebia atriventris ( I 823b : I 3). No type area given. Say's description of the coloration is decisive. A $ from Arlington, Mass., designated as neotype, and the place as type loc. - Lebia atriventris [Madge 1967, P* 1531.
I 643 Lebia tricolor ( I 832b : I I ) . Type area Pennsylvania, named in the first place, herewith designated. Say's description is conclusive. In the Paris Museum is a big Q (8.5 mm.) with two green Dejean labels: (a) "tricolor Say, in Amer. Bor."; (b) "D. Say." This I have designated as lectotype. - Lebia tricolor [Madge I 967, p. I 561. 1655 Lebia viridis (1823b : 14). No type area given. Say's de- scription refers to the brilliant metallic, greenish form of this complex species, as conceived by Madge (1967 p. 179 a.f.). To the same form belongs the designated neotype: d, Camp Hill, Penn.; the place selected as type loc. - Lebia viridis [Madge 1967, p. I 77 1. 1667 Lebia ornata ( 1823b : 13). No type area given. Say's de- scription of the elytral pattern is decisive; it refers to the northern form with small, isolated pale spots (see Madge, 1967, p. 209 a.f.)8 and so does the neotype: Q from Wissahickon, Penn., which also is designated as type loc. - Lebia ornata [Madge 1967, p. 2081. I 707
Cymindis viridipennis ( I 823b : 9). Type area Pennsylvania. Say's description seems conclusive; it fits the 3 ex. in coll. Lee. (MCZ), and so does the neotype: $ from Washington Co., Penn.; the place designated as type Ioc. - Calleida viridipennis [Lee. & Horn 1882, p. 551.
I 712
Cymindis purpureus ( I 823b : 10). Type area "Missouri" (probably including Nebraska). Say's description seems to be con- clusive. He calls the penultimate tarsal segment "bilobate" (as for viridipennis), which should exclude the otherwise similar Philophuga viridis Dej. A from Nebraska designated as neotype; it belongs to the blue form. - Calleida purpurea [Lee. & Horn 1882, p. 551. I 726 Lebia platicollis ( 1823b : 14). No type area given. A syn-
'Madge, by mistake, gives Dejean as author of ornata on all identification labels distributed among museum specimens.
350 Psyche [September
onym is fuscate Dej. (1831) but not complanata Dej. (1826), as assumed by Lec. (185gb, p. 446). The hind-angles of prothorax are said by Say to be "very obtuse." As a 'Tar. a" he describes a form with long, pale humeral spot which must be limbata Dej. A 8 from Allegheny, Penn., designated as neotype, and the place as type loc. - Pinacodera platicollis [Horn 1881, p. 401. 1731 Cymindis laticollis (1834: 413). Type area "near the Rocky Mountains." Lec.'s first specimen as well as the one used for neotype agree with Say's description. A from Colorado designated as neotype, and this state as type area. - Cymindis laticollis [Horn 1882, p. 431.
1746 Cy~nindis pilosus ( 1823b: 10). No type area given. Say's description is not decisive though the "transverse" punctures on the elytra point to piZosa auct. as conceived in coll. Lec. (MCZ). Say's
varieties a, fl and y belong to other species. A d from Dorchester, Mass., designated as neotype, and the place as type loc. - Cymindis pilosa [Horn 1882, p. 431.
I 756 Cjmindis sinuatus ( I 823 b : 8). Type area Maryland. The description is conclusive. A 2 from Maryland designated as neo- type. - Apenes sinuata [Horn 188 I, p. 401. I 783 Brachinus cyanipennis ( 1823a : 143). Type loc. Engineer Cantonment, Missouri. This, as interpreted by Lee. in his collection (MCZ), is the species deviating from all others in North America by possessing long, erect hairs in the elytral striae (T. L. E.). A 8 from Ames, Iowa, designated by T. L. Erwin as neotype. - Brach- inus cyanipennis [erect setae of elytral depressions 2 X or more as long as elytral pubescence],
I 794
Brachinus styticornis ( 1834: 41 5). Type area "Missouri" (possibly including Nebraska). This is an exceedingly variable species which includes also quadripennis Dej . ( I 825 ) and Dejean's name has priority (T. L. E.). A cf from South Bend, Nebraska, was designated by T. L. Erwin as neotype, and the place as type 1oc.-Brachinus quadripennis Dej. [tibiae and tarsi infuscate, ab- domen dark brown to black],
I 806 Epomix tomentosus ( I 823b : 60) . Type area Pennsylvania. Say's description, e. g. of the dilated, truncate terminal segment of the palpi, seems to be conclusive. A $ from Pennsylvania designated as neotype. - Chlaenius tomentosus [Bell 1960, p. 1031. 1814
Chlaenius impunctifrons ( 1823b : 64). No type area given. Say's description is not conclusive; I have followed Lec., according to his collection ( MCZ) , and Bell ( I 960, p. I 36) . A from Dor-
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles 351
chester, Mass., designated as neotype and the place as type IOC. - Chlaenius irnpunctifrons [Bell 1960~ p. 1361. I 8 I 5 (syn.) ChZaenius circumcinctus ( 1834 : 418). Type area Louisiana. Say describes the irregular punctuation of the prothorax and the interpretation is certain. His name is a synonym of perplexus Dej. ( I 83 I ) , erroneously recorded from Africa (see Lth., 1955a, p. 25 ; Bell, 1960, p. 145). A from Louisiana designated as neo- type. - Chlaenius perpZexus Dej. [Bell 1960, p. 1451. I 8 I 7
ChZaenius pensyZvanicus ( I 823b : 66). No type area given. (The name pensylvanicus is a manuscript name of Melsheimer and does not necessarily imply that Say's specimens had the same pro- venience.) The description of color given by Say seems sufficient for an interpretation. A from Pennsylvania designated as neoty$e, and the state as type area. - ChZaenius ~ensylvanicus [Bell 1960, P- 1461.
1822 ChZaenius nemoralix ( I 823b : 65). Type area Pennsylvania, Georgia, or Florida; the last-named state herewith designated. Since the strikingly dull prothorax of nemoralis auct. is not mentioned by Say, the description could equally well be applied to tricolor Dej. (1826) with which it is commonly confused. I have followed Lec., according to his collection (MCZ) , and Bell ( 1960, p. 140). A d' from Winter Park, FIa., designated as neotype, and the place as type loc. - ChZuenius nemorulis [Bell I 960, p. 1401. I 830
Chlaenius soliturius ( 1823b : 65). Type area ((on the Mis- souri" (that is, the river), Say's description of form and punctuation of prothorax, as well as of the ((polished" elytra, seems to exclude related species. A 8 from Dubuque, Iowa, designated as neotype, and the state of Iowa as type area. - Chlaenius soZitarius [Bell 1960, p. 1111.
1838 ChZaenius aestivus (1823b: 62). No type area given. In Say's description, the combination of large size, narrow prothorax, and bicolored upper surface seems to exclude all other species of the genus. A 8 from RossIyn, Virginia, designated as neotype, and the place as type loc. - ChZaenius aestivus [Bell I 960, p. I 201. I 842 ChZaenius ZaticoZlis ( I 823b : 64) . Type area ('Missouri" (pos- sibly including Nebraska). Say's description is not conclusive. I have identified the species as defined by Bell ( 1960, p. 129) A Q from Tonganoxie, Kansas, designated as neotype. - ChZaenz'us Zaticol- Zir [Bell 1960, p. 1201.
1856 ChZaenius emarginatus (1823b: 63). No type area given. Say's remarks concerning the labrum: '(deeply emarginated)) and '(profoundly and obtusely emarginate)" make his description conclu-
352 Psy c he [September
In the Paris Museum is a d with two green Dejean labels: (a) "emarginatus Say, in her. Bor."; (b) ('D. Say." This I have designated as Zectotype. Selected type loc. : White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.
(MCZ). - ChZaenius (AnonzogZossus) emarginatus [Bell
1960, p. 1061.
1858 ChZaenius pusiZZus ( 1823b: 63). No type area given. Say's description of the deeply ema,rginate labrum, together with the small size, is sufficient for an interpretation. A d from Franklinville, Penn., designated as neotype, and the place as type loc. - Chlaenius (AnonzogZossus) pusilZus [Bell I 960, p. 1071. 1860
ChZaenius Zithophilus (1823b: 62). No type area given. The small size is sufficient for the interpretation of Say's name. A d from Rivervale) N. J., designated as neotype and the place as type loc. - ChZaenius (Brachy Zobus) Zit hophilus [Bell I 960, p. I 371. 1862
Oodes parallelus ( 1834 : 420). Type area Louisiana. Say's description is conclusive. A d from Louisiana designated as neo- type. - Oodes (Lachnocrepis) pmaZZeZus [Lec. & Horn 1882, p. 291. 1882 ( ? syn.) "Amara ? grossa" ( I 834 : 430). Type area "N. W. Territory." Ball (1960, p. 48) ~ointed out that Say's description is sufficient for deciding that his species is the same as zabroides Let* and that, therefore, Say's name has priority. A from Denver, CoIo., designated a,s neotype, and the place as type loc. (Lth., 1968). -
Eurydems grossus [Lth., 1968, p. 7471.
I 897
HarpaZus erraticus ( I 823 b : 27). No type area given. Say's description is almost conclusive and retractus Lec. seems unlikely for geographical reasons. A d from Medora, Kansas, designated as neotype, and the place as type Ioc. (Lth., 1968). -Hm-palus er- raticus [Lth8, 1968) p. 7661.
(syn.) Harpalus viridis ( 1823b : 3 I ) . No type area given. Application of Say's name is clear from his mentioning the elytral pubescence; it is a synonym of afinis Schrank 1781) aeneus Fabr. 1792) and viridiaeneus Beauv. 1805. A 8 from East Boston) Mass., designated as neotype) and the place as type loc. - HarpaZus afinis Schrank [Lth., 1968) p. 7681.
I 904 HarpaZus amputatus ( I 834 : 432). Type area "N. W. Ter- ritory.)' Say separates his species from aeneus I?. (= afinis Schrank) on the nonsinuate elytral apex and his description may be regarded as decisive. A d from San Luis Valley) Colo., designated as neotype, and the place as type loc. - HarpaZus amputatus [Lth.) 1968) p. 7691. 1922 ~Harpahs faunus (1823b: 28). Type area not given. Say mentions the punctulate elytral striae which makes the interpretation virtually conclusive (see Ball & Anderson, 1962) p. I 2). Apparently,
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles 353
his concept of faunus was) howeverl composite: a 8 in the Paris Museum) with two green Dejean labels : (a) 'Taunus Say1' and (b) '(D. Say)" belongs to pensj~lvanicus DeG. and should not be used for lectotype. A c? from Pennsylvania designated as neotype, and the state as type area ( Lth.) 1968). - Harpalus fmnus [Lth.) 1968, P- 7-59].
1956 Harpalus herbivagus ( 1823b : 29). No type area given. The impunctate basal foveae of prothorax are mentioned in the description, and the interpretation is therefore rather conclusive. A from Rum-
ney, N. H., designated as neotype) and the place as type loc. (Lth., 1968). - Harpalus herbivagus [Lth.) 1968) p. 7941. 2009 Harpalus vulpeculus (1823a: 30). No type area given* Say's description seems to be decisive. A from Washington) D.C., designated as neotype, and the place as type Ioc. (Lth.) 1968)~- Trichotichnus vulpeculus [Lth.) I 968) p. 8 I 81. 2010 (syn.) HarpaZus iricolor (1834: 432). This is a nomen nudzm without formal description.
Say (1. c. j, by some mistake,
refers to a "HarpaZus iricoZorJ) as described by him and being the same as dichrous Dej. (1829)~ that is) a Trichotichnus. 2015 ( ? syn.) ~HarpaZus iri$ennis (1823b: 30). No type area given. The name has been interpreted according to coll. Lec. ( AfCZ) who considered it identical with his own Selenofihorus varicolor. It is a species with strikingly large head and impunctate elytral striae ; the penis is very characteristic (see Lth.) 1968). S. depr-essulus Csy., a supposed synonym in Leng (1920)) is a distinct species. A d' (with dissected genitalia) from Enterprise) Fla., designated as ne0- type, and the place as type loc. - Selenophorus iripennis [Lth., 1968, P. 8231.
205 I Harpalus hylacis ( 1823b: 3 I ) . No type area given. Sa,y7s description of the pro- and meso-tarsi (though no correlation with sex is stated) seems to make the interpretation reliable. A 8 from Dorchester) Mass.) designated as neotype, and the place as type loco (Lth.) 1968). - Gynandropus hylacis [Lth., 1968, p. 8211. 2070 Harpalus carbonarius (1823b: 32). No type area given. Since Say mentions the red spot on frons, the pubescence of the pro- sternum) and the depressed sides of the prothorax, his description must be regarded as conclusive. A ~3 from Camden, S. C., de,signated as neotype) and the place as type loc. (Lth.) 1968). - AnisodactyZus (Triplectrus) carbonarius [Lth., I 968) p. 84.81. 2071 FIarpalus rusticus (1823b: 32). No type area given. The current interpretation of Say's name is somewhat dubious. The palpi are described as ('reddish-brown1) and the margins of prothorax
354 Psyche
are "not depressed" (both characters fitting duZcicoZZis Laf. 1841). This, however) does not provide sufficient reason for removing Say's name from the by far commonest species of subg. G~nandrotarsus (TripZectrus). A from Rumney, N. H., designated as neotype) and the place as type loc. (Lth.) I 968). - Anisodacty Zus (GY n~ndro- tarsus) rusticus [Lth.> 1968, p. 8431.
2092 HarpaZus agricola ( 1823b : 33). No type area given. In coll. Dejean (MNP) is a carrying three green labels : (a) (( (f " ; (b) "agricolus Say, in Amer. bor."; (c) '(D. Say." This, without any doubt, is an authentic Say specimen. Unfortunately, it belongs to 7neZanopus Hald. Say's description is not decisive. Actuallyl Lec. originally (1848, p. 37g)1 used the name for meZanop,us but, in his catalogue (1863)) introduced the practice followed ever since (e-g. by Horn) 1880)) that is, applying the name to the species with a single pair of setiferous punctures on clypeus. It is justified, I think, to regard Say's agricoZa as a composite concept, including both spe- cies concerned, and to apply it according to present practice. There- fore, I have refused to select the Paris specimen as lectotype and have made a neotype of the "true" agricola. Since, in the original descrip- tion) Say used ((agricolus" and ((agricola" as alternative spellings) the latter one, linguistically correct, should be used. A from Alle- gheny) Penn., designated as neotype) and the place as type 1oc. (Lth.) I 968). - AnisodactyZus ag-ricola [Lth., I 968, p. 8561. 2107 lHarpaZus caenus ( I 823b : 34). No type area given. In the Paris Museum is a 9 with three green Dejean labels: (a) ((?"; (b) '(caenus Say, in Amer. BOI-."; (c) "D. Say." The specimen belongs to caenus auct. and I have labeled it as Zectotype. Designated type loc. : Newark, N. J. (Lth., I 968). - AnisodactYZus caenus [Lth., 1968, p. 8601.
2 I I I Feronia interstitidis ( I 823b : 57). Type area ('Missouri" or Pennsylvania. Though the elytral pubescence is not mentioned by Say, the description may be regarded as decisive. A 8 from Camp Hill, Penn.) designated as n~otype, and the place as type loc. - AnisodactyZus (Amphasio) intersiitialis [Lth., 1968) p. 8601. 2 I 27 EIar$aZus baZtinzoriensis ( I 823b : 33). Type loc. (Say) I 834, p. 43 I ) Baltimm-e, hfd. The description is conclusive. After sanctae- crucis I?. 1798 was interpreted as referring to the same species (Schaum, 1847, p. 47), Say's name has fallen into synonymy. Say consistently (also 1834, p. 43 I ) used the spelling ''baltimoriensis" and there is no reason to change this. A 8 from Pennington Gap, Va., designated as neotype. - AnisodactyZus (Anadaptus) sanctae- crucis F. [Lth.) 1968, p. 8391.
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles 355
(Not in Leng.) Harpalus sirnilis ( 1823b : 29). Type area North Carolina. This name, lacking in Leng (1920)) has been interpreted according to v. Emden (1942, p. 541) who, apparently following a suggestion made by Lec. ( 1859b, p. 4581, regarded it as valid name for the species afterwards described by Dejean (1829) p. 357) as, HarpaZus agilis. The selected neotype agrees exactly with Lec.)s first specimen, labeled "agilis Dej. ? similis Say" (as in his cataloguey 1863, p. 12). A 8 from Florida designated as neotype. - Anisotar- sus sirnilis [Emd. 1953, p. 5261.
2139 Feronia terminata ( 1823b : 48). No type area given. Say's description is not quite conclusive.
Though his referring the species
to Calathus (I. c.) is quite conceivable from the general habitus of the insect, the expression "posterior angles (of proihorax) subacute" is dubious* It seems, however, justified to follow general practice? as expressed in coll. Lec. (MCZ). A d from Cleveland, Ohio, designated as neotype, and the place as type loc. (Lth.) 1968). - Anisotarsus terminatus [Lth., 1968, p. 8671. 21 56 Feronia autunzndis ( 1823b : 48). No type area given. The description is insufficient and the name was interpreted from coll. Lec. (MCZ). A d from Nahant) Mass.) designated as neotype) and the place as type loc. - Episcopellus autunznalis [Lth., 1968, P. 8133.
2163 Feronia atrimedea ( I 823b : 39). Type area "from the Mis- souri" (that is) the river). Say's description seems conclusive. The dilated d pro-tarsi exclude ~tenolo~hus (Agonoderus) comma F. and its relatives. There is no reason to change the original spelling into "atrimedius." A 9 from Iowa City) Iowa, designated as neotype, and Iowa as type area. - BradyceZlus (Triliarthrus) atrirnedeus [Lth., 1968) p. 8991.
2171 Trechus rupestris ( 1823b : 91 ) , No type area given. Say's description is almost conclusive. He mentions the slightly marked hind-angles of ~rothorax, characteristic of rupestris auct.) and the given color pattern is the same as in the pale form of that species (with unicolorous, rufous ~rothorax). To this belongs the first speci- men in coll. Lec. (MCZ) and the neotype here selected agrees with it. A from Arlington) Mass.) designated as neotype) and the place as type loc. - Bradycellus (Stenocellus) mpestris [Lth.) 1968) p. 8861.
2 r 73 Ac?~paZpus debilipes ( I 834 : 435 ) . Type area Indiana. Like cinctus, this is a dubious name. Lec. ( I 868), with a question mark, referred it to parallelus Chd.) that is, the dark form of rupestris Say; Casey ( 1914) treated it as a distinct species of BrudycelZus (Stenocel-
356 Psyche [September
lus). Say's description gives no clue; the color seems too dark even for the dark form of rupestris and fits lecontei Cki. much better, but this species is excluded by the reported presence of scutellar and dorsal punctures on the elytra. The name should be treated as a nomen dubium and no neotype should be designated. 21 74 Stenolophus cinctus ( 1834 : 434). Type area Massachusetts. Say placed this species in a, different genus from rupestris, Stenolo- phus contra Acupalpus (1834, p. 435), and compared it with ochro- pezus Say. The scutellar stria is ,said to be lacking, as is often the case in S. hunzidus Ham. which, actually, could be concerned. Lee. (185gb, p. 548), however, did not hesitate to regard cinctus as "a variety" of rupestris; Casey ( I g I 4)) as a distinct species of Bradycel- lus (Stenocellus). Say's name should be regarded as a nomen dubium and no neotype should be designated.
2218 Feronia ochropeza (1823b: 54). No type area given. In the Paris Museum is a with two green Dejean labels: (a) "ochro- pezus Say, in Amer. bor."; (b) "D. Say." It agrees with the general concept of ochropezus and I have designated it as lectotype. Desig- nated type loc. : Camden, S. C. (Lth., 1968). - Stenolophus ochro- pezus [Lth., 1968, p. 91 I].
2238 Trechus conjunctus (1823b: 40). No type area given. Say's description seems sufficient for an interpretation. A from White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., designated as neotype, and the place as type loc. - Stenolophus conjunctus [Lth., 1968, p. 9211. 2249 Trechus partiarius ( 1823b : go). No type area given. Say's careful description of color a,nd of the punctuation of the prothorax seems to exclude other species of subg. Tachistodes and agrees with Lec.'s concept of partiarius as expressed in his collection (MCZ). A $ from Gorham, Ill., designated as neotype, and the place as type loc. (Lth., 1968). - Acupalpus (Tachistodes) partiarius [Lth., 1968, P- 9371.
2287 Omophron tesselatum (1823a: 152). Type loc. Elkhorn Creek, "Missouri" (= NE Nebraska). Say's description of the color pattern of the head seems to exclude other species. Say spelled the name with one "1" and so did, rightly, Benschoter & Cook (1956, p. 422). A d' from Kansas designated as neotype. - Omophron tesselatum [Lth., 1961, p. 121.
Thomas Say described 147 species of ground-beetles (Carabidae,
excl. Cincindelinae) from North America north of Mexico. His collection was destroyed, but before that he sent material of several
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles 357
of his new species to Count Dejean in France. These specimens eventually, as part of the vast Oberthur collection, passed into the possession of the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris. Of 27 Say species mentioned by Dejean ( 1826-3 1 ) as received from the author, authentic specimens of 12 were found. For different reasons, 4 of these were considered not suitable, whereas of the 8 remaining species lectotypes, property of the Paris Museum, were designated.
For the majority of Say species, it was necessary to make ncotypex, covering 132 of his names. All these constitute a separate collection belonging to the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univer- sity, Cambridge, Mass. As substitute for the lectotypes located in Paris, each of the 8 species concerned is represented in the MCZ by a specimen, "compared with lectotype."
Seven specific names given by Say could not be interpreted. For these no neotype was selected.
A strict acceptance of all specimens in the Paris Museum, labeled as arrived from Say, as true exponents of his species concept in every particular case, would have forced the removal of a name from one species to another within the same genus in four cases - an extremely unfortunate procedure. However, we have regarded these four Say 'species" - all in critical groups - as composite, implying that the specimen sent to Dejean may well have been specifically distinct- as now understood - from the specimen (s) kept in Say's collection. We have thus consistently retained Say's names as currently used, based on the interpretations by Leconte, according to his collection (MCZ). No changes of nomenclature have been proposed. BIBLIOGRAPHY
1959. A taxonomic study of the North American Licinini, &c. Mem. Amer. Ent. SOC. 16: 1-258, I-IV.
1960. A review of the taxonomy of the genus Euryderus LeC., kc. Coleopt. Bull. 14: 44-64.
1962. The taxonomy and speciation of Pseudophonus. Studies on Speciation. Cathol. Univ. Amer. 1: I-XI, 1-94. BANNINGER, M.
1950. The subtribe Pasimachina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Scarithi). Revista Ent. Rio de Janeiro. 21: 481-511. BELL, R. T.
1960. A revision of the genus Chlaenius Bonelli (Coleoptera, Cara- bidae) in North America. Misc. Publ. Ent. Soc. Amer. 1: 98- 166.
358 Psyche
1956. A revision of the genus Omophron (Carabidae, Coleoptera) of North America north of Mexico. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 49: 41 1-429.
1835. Observations critiques sur la synonymic des Carabiques. In: G. Silbermann, Revue Entom. Strasbourg. 3 : 271-303. CASEY, T. L.
1913, 1918, 1920. Memoirs on the Coleoptera. Lancaster, Pa. 4: 1-400; 8:l-427; 9: 1-529.
1871. Monographic des Lebiides. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscow. 4,4(1-2) : 1-87.
1938. The American Patrobini (Coleoptera, Carabida'e) . Ent. Amer- icana (Brooklyn, N. Y.). 18: 135-183.
1826. 1828. 1829. 1831. Species general des Col6opt&res, &c. Paris 1 :I-XXX, 1-463 ; 2: I-VIII, 1-501; 3: I-VII, 1-566; 4: I-VII, 1-520; 5 : I-VIII, 1-883.
1836. Catalogue des Coleopt&es de la Collection de M. Ie Comte Dejean. Paris. 3. ed.: 1-176; 4. ed.: 1-443. EMDEN, F. VAN
1953. The Harpalini genus Anisotarsus Dej. (Col. Carab.). Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (12) 6: 513-547.
1906. A review of the North American species of Notiophilus. Psyche. 13 : 79-92.
1933. Agonoderus pallipes Lec. (Coleop.: Carabidae). Ent. News. 44: 102-104.
1824. Coleopterorum species novae aut minus cognitae, descriptionibus illustratae. Halle. XXIV + 624 pp.
1959. North American Caterpillar Hunters of the genera Calosoma and Callisthenes (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 11 6 : 229-343.
1862-63. Bibliotheca Entomologica. Leipzig. 1-2. XI1 + 566 + 512 pp. HAYWARD, R.
1899. A study of the species of Tachys of Boreal America. Trans. Amer. Ent. SOC. 26: 191-238.
1908. Studies in Amara. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 34: 13-65. HORN, G. H.
1876. Synoptic tables of some genera of Coleoptera with notes and synonymy.
Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 5: 246-252.
1880. A review of the species of Anisodactylus &c. Proc. Amer. Phil. SOC. 19: 162-178.
1879-1883. See LECONTE & HORN.
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles 359
1928-29. Index Litteraturae Entomologicae. Berlin-Dahlem. XXI + 1426 pp.
1845. Descriptions of some new and interesting insects, inhabiting the United States. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. 5: 203-209. 1848. A descriptive catalogue of the Geodephagous Coleoptera, &c. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. 4: 173-474.
1852. Synopsis of the species of Pterostichus Bon. and allied genera inhabiting temperate North America. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. N.S.) 2: 225-256.
1854. Synopsis of the species of Platynus and allied genera, inhabiting the United States. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 7: 35-59. 1859a, b. The complete writings of Thomas Say on the entomology of North America. 1 : XXIV + 412 pp. ; 2 : IV -\- 814 pp. 1863. List of the Coleoptera of North America. 1. Smiths Misc. Coil.
6 ( 140) : 1-78.
1879. Synopsis of the North American species of Platynus Bon. Bull. Brookl. Ent. Soc. 2: 43-58.
LECONTE, J. L., & G. H. HORN (parts jointly, parts individually). 1879-1883. Synopsis of North American Species of Coleoptera [Cara- bidae]. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 1-6; irregular pagination. LENG, C. W.
1915. List of the Carabidae of Florida. Bull. Arner. Mus. Nat. Hist. 34: 555-601.
1920. Catalogue of the Coleoptera of America, north of Mexico. Mount Vernon, N. Y. 470 pp.
1955a. Dejean's types of North American Carabidae. Opusc. Ent. Lund. 20: 10-34.
1955b. The Carabid Beetles of Newfoundland. Opusc. Ent., Suppl. 12: 1-160.
1957. The Linnaean species of Carabid Beetles. Journ. Linn. Soc. 2001. 43: 325-341.
1961. 1963. 1966. 1968. The Ground-Beetles (Carabidae excl. Cicin- delinae) of Canada and Alaska. Opusc. Ent., Suppl. 20: 200 pp.; 24: 208 pp. ; 29 : 240 pp. ; 33 : 296 pp. MADGE, R. B.
1967. A revision of the genus Lebia Latreille in America north of Mexico (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Quaest. Ent. Edmonton. 3: 139- 242.
A memoir of Thomas Say. In: J. L. Leconte, 1859a. pp. VII-XXI. PUTZEYS, J.
1846. Monographie des Clivina et genres voisins, precid6e d'un tableau synoptique des genres de la tribu des Scaritides. Mem. SOC. R. Sci., Liege. 2: 521-663.
1866. Revision gh6rale des Clivinides. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 10: 1-242. SAY, T.
See items cited in the Introduction of the present paper.
1847. Bemerkungen liber Fabricische Kafer. Ent. Zeit., Stettin. 8: 39- 57.
Notes on Nomaretus, with descriptions of two new species. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 3: 269-273.
1943. A review of the North American species of the genus Carabus Linnaeus. Ent. Amer. (N.S.) 24: 87-129.
adoxus, Pter., 340
aestivus, Chlaen., 351
affine, Bemb., 338
agricola, Anisod., 354
amputatus, Harp., 352
angustata, A mara, 345
atrimedeus, Bradyc., 355
atriventris, Lebia, 349
autumnalis, Episc., 355
avida, Amara, 343
baltimoriensis, Anisod., 3 54
basillaris, Amara, 344
bilobus, Scaphin., 330
caenus, Anisod., 354
carbonarins, Amsod., 353
caudicalis, Pter., 343
chalcites, Pter., 342
cincticolle, k n . , 346
c.'.nctus, Bradyc., 356
cinctus, Olisth., 348
circumcinctus, Chlaen., 351
collare Agon., 347
conjunctus, Stenol., 356
constrictus, Pter., 340
contractum, Bemb., 337
convexicollis, Pier., 342
coracinus, Myas, 339
coxendix, Bemb., 335
cruciger, Panag., 3 3 5
cupripenne, Agon., 347
cyanipennis, Brach., 350
debilipes, Bradyc., 355
decentis, Agon., 346
decorum, Aqon,, 347
dilatatus, Dicael., 345
dorsale, Bemb., 337
emarginafus, Chlaen., 351
ephippiatus, Tachys, 338
errans, Agon., 347
crraticus, Harp., 352
extensicolle, Agon., 346
externum, Calos., 33 1
fasriatus, Panag. 335
faunus, Harp., 352
fiavicauda, Tachys, 339
fraternus, Poec., 342
fraternus, Pter., 339
fuliginosus, Elaph., 332
furtiva, Amara, 344
globulosus, Dysch. 333
gregarius, Calath., 345
grossus, Euryd. 3 52
helluonis, Aretharea, 329
herbivagus, Harp., 353
heros, Pter., 340
honestum, Bemb., 336
honestus, Pter., 340
hylacis, Gynandr., 353
hypolithos, Agon., 346
impunctatus, Synuch., 346
impuncticollis, Amara, 344
impunctifrons, Chlaen., 3 SO
inaequale, Bemb., 335
incurvus, Tachys, 338
indisfinctum, Calos., 331
inornatus, Tachys, 339
interruptus, Carab., 33 1
interstitialis, Amsod., 354
tricolor, Trichot., 353
iripennis, Selenoph., 353
19691 Lindroth - Ground Beetles
laevus, Tachys, 339
laticollis, Chlaen., 35 1
latico~~is, Cym., 350
lev.'gatum, Bemb., 335
limbaturn, Agon., 348
limbatus, Carab., 331
lincolatus, Schizog., 334
lithophilus, C/daen,, 3 52
longicornis, Patr., 339
lucublandus, Ptcr., 342
hxatum, Calos., 3 3 1
maculifrons, Peron., 346
moestus, Pter., 341
musculis, Amara, 344
mutus, Pfer., 343
ncmo~alis, Chlaen., 351
niger, Bemb., 336
nxtans, Agon,, 347
obesa, Amara, 344
oblongonotatus, Pter., 343
obscurus, Pter., 342
obsoletum, Agon., 348
obsoletum, Calos., 331
ohsoh~s, Pter., 340
ochropezus, Stenol., 356
oppositum, Bemb., 338
ornata, Lebia, 349
pallida, Cliv., 334
pallipennis, Dysch., 334
pallipes, Ncbr., 333
paral/elus, Oodes, 352
parmatus, Olisth., 348
partiarius, Acup., 356
~ensylvanicus, Chlaen., 351
permundus, A bac., 341
pilosus, Cym., 350
placidum, Agon., 348
platicollis, Pinac., 349
porrectus, Notioph., 332
postremum, Bemb., 336
proximus, Tachys, 339
~unctatostriatum, Bemb., 33 5
punctiforme, Agon., 348
pur@urea, Calleida, 349
pusillus, Chlacn., 3 52
rectus, Lox., 343
rupestris, Bradyc., 3 55
ruscarius, Elaph,, 332
rusticus, Anisod., 353
scul~tilis, Dicael., 345
scu~ellare, '4gon., 347
semistriatus, A70tioph., 332
serratus, Carab., 3 3 1
sigillare, Bemb., 335
sigillatus, Pter., 340
similis, Anisot., 3 55
sinuatus, Apenes, 350
solitarius, Chlaen., 3 5 1
sphaericollis, Dysch., 334
splendidus, Dicael., 345
stygicornis, Brach., 350
stygicus, Pter., 341
submarginatus, Pter., 342
subsulcatus, Pasim., 333
superc~~~osus, Pter., 341
sylvosus, Carab., 3 30
tartaricus, Pter., 343
terminatus, Anisof., 355
tesselatum, Omoph., 356
tetracolum, Bcmb., 336
tomentosum, Chlaen., 350
tricolor, Lebia, 349
tripunctatus, Tachys, 3 38
unicolor, Pter., 340
variegatum, Bemb., 337
ventralis, Pter., 341
viridipcnnis, Calleida, 349
viridis, Ardisf., 3 34
viridis, Harp., 352
viridis, Lebia, 349
vulpeculus, Trichot., 353
Volume 76 table of contents