Index to Volume 88.
Psyche 88(3-4):391-?, 1981.
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A Journal of Entomology
Volume 88
Editorial Board
Published Quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club Editorial Office: Biological Laboratories 16 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
The numbers of PSYCHE issued during the past year were mailed on the following dates:
Vol. 87, no. 1-2, for 1980, April 27, 1981 Vol. 87, no. 3-4, for 1980, August 31, 1981 Vol. 88, no. 1-2, for 1981, December 28, 1981
Annette, Aiello. Life History of Antaeotricha sp. (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae: Stenomatinae) in Panama. 163
Carlin, Norman F. Polymorphism and Division of Labor in the Dacetine Ant Orec- tognathus versicolor (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 23 1
Carpenter, Frank M. Dedication: Robert E. Silberglied. 197
Dahlstrom, Tina. See Topoff, Howard.
Droual, Robert and Howard Topoff. The Emigration Behavior of Two Species of the Genus Pheidole (Hymenoptera: Formicidea). 135 Duelli, Peter and James B. Johnson. Behavioral Origin of Tremulation, and Possible Stridulation, in Green Lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). 375
Edwards, G. B. Sound Production by Courting Males of Phidippus mystaceus < Ara- neae: Salticidae). 199
Ginsberg, Howard S. Historical Development of Bee Foraging Patterns in Central New York State. 337
Hathaway, Mary. Polistes gallicus in Massachusetts (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). 163
Haverry, Michael 1. See Howard, Ralph W. Holldobler, Bert. Trail Communication of the Dacetine Ant Orectognathus wersi- color (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) 245
Holldobler, B., M. Melich, and U. Maschwitz. Myrmecophile Relationship of Pella (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) to Lasius fuliginosus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 347
Howard, Ralph W., Eldon J. Mallette, Michael I. Havert-v, and Richard V. Smythe. Laboratory Evaluation of Within-Species, Between-Species, and Parthenogenetic Reproduction in Reticulitermes flavipes and Reticulitermes virginicus. 75
Johnson, James B. See Duelli, Peter.
Kearns, R. S. and R. T Yamamoto. Maternal Behavior and Alarm Response in the Eggplant Lace Bug, Gargaphia solani (Heidemann) (Tingitidae: Heteroptera). 215
Levings, Sally C. and James F. A. Traniello. Territoriality, Nest Dispersion, and
Community Structure in Ants. 265
MacKay, William I? A Comparison of the Nest Phenologies of Three Species of Po- gonomyrmex Harvester Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 25
Mallette, Eldon J. See Howard, Ralph W.
Maschwitz, U. See Holldobler, B.
Moglich, M. See Holldobler, B.
Newton, Alfred F. Jr. New Name for the Extinct Genus Mesagyrtes Ponomarenko (Coleoptera: Silphidae S.L.). 335
Nimmo, Andrew P. Francis Walker Types of, and New Synonymies for, North Amer- ican Hdropsyche species (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae). 259 Parker, F. D. See Tepedino, V. J.
Pujdak, Susan. See Topoff, Howard.
Richman, David B. and Willard H. Whitcomb. The Ontogeny of Lyssomanes viridis (Walckenaer) (Araneae: Salticidae). 127
Rothstein, Aaron. See Topoff, Howard.
Sivinski, John. Arthropods Attracted to Luminous Fungi. 383 Smythe, Richard V See Howard, Ralph W.
Steiner, A. L. Anti-predator Strategies. 11. Grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acrididae) Attacked by Prionyxparkeri and Some Tachyspex Wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphe- cinae and Larrinae): A Descriptive Study. 1
Stuart, Robin J. Abdominal Trophallaxis in the Slave-Making Ant, Harpagoxenus americanus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 33 1 Tepedino, V. J. and F. D. Parker. The Effect of Flower Occupancy on the Foraging of Flower-Visiting Insects. 32 1
Topoff, Howard. See Droual, Robert.
Topoff, Howard, Aaron Rothstein, Susan Pujdak, and Tina Dahlstrom. Statary Be- havior in Nomadic Colonies of Army Ants: The Effect of Overfeeding. 151 Traniello, James F. A. See Levings, Sally C. Ward, Philip S. Ecology and Life History of the Rhytidoponera impressa Group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
I. Habitats, Nest Sites, and Foraging Behavior. 89
Ward, Philip S. Ecology and Life History of the Rh~,tidoponera Group (Hymenop- tera: Formicidae). 11. Colony Origin, Seasonal Cycles and Reproduction. 109 Whitcomb, Willard H. See Richman, David B. Yamamolo, R. T. See Kearns, R. S.
All new genera, new species and new names are printed in CAPITAL TYPE. A comparison of the nest phenologies of
three species of Pogonom~~rmex har-
vester ants, 25
Abdominal trophallaxis in Harpagoxe-
nus, 331
Alarm response in Gargaphia, 2 15
Antaeotricha, life history, 163
Anti-predator strategies. 11. Grasshop-
pers attacked by Prionyx parkeri and
some Tachysphex wasps: a descriptive
study, 1
Ants, territoriality, nest dispersion, and community structure, 265
Apis mellifera, 337
Army ants, 15 1
Arthopods attracted to luminous fungi,
Bee foraging patterns, 337
Behavioral origin of tremulation in green lacewings, 375
Chrysopidae, 375
Cicadas, population ecology, 175
Dedication: Robert E. Silberglied, 197
Ecology and life history of the Rhytido- ponera impressa group (Hymenoptera:
Formicidae). I. Habitats, nest sites,
and foraging behavior, 89
Ecology and life history of the Rhytido- ponera impressa group. 11. Colony,
seasonal cycles, and reproduction,
Effect of flower occupancy on the forag- ing of flower-visiting insects,
32 1
Eggplant lace bug, 215
Emigration behavior of two species of
Pheidole, 1 35
Flower-visiting insects, 32 1
Francis Walker types of Hj~drops~~che,
Gargaphia solani, 2 15
Grasshoppers, I
Green lacewings, 375
Harpagoxenus americanus, 33 1
Harvester ants, 25
Historical development of bee foraging
patterns, 337
Hjtdropsyche, new synonymies, 259
Hydrops~che alternans, 26 1
Hydropsyche confusa, 259
Hvdropsyche reciproca, 262
Laboratory evaluation of within-species, between-species, and parthenogenetic
reproduction in Reticulitermes flavipes
and Reticulitermes virginicus, 75
Lmius fuliginosus, 347
Life history of Antaeotricha sp. in Pan- ama, 163
Luminous fungi, 383
L~ssomanes viridis, 127
Maternal behavior in Gargaphia,
2 15
Mesagyrtes, 335
Myrmecophilic relationships of Pelfa to
Lasius, 347
Neivamyrmex njgrescens, 1 5 1
New name for extinct genus Mesag.vrtes,
New Synonymies for Hydropsyche, 259
Notes on the population of ecology of
cicadas in the Cuesta Angel forest ra-
vine of Northeastern Costa Rica, 175
Ontogeny of Lyssomanes viridis, 127
Orectognathus versicolor, 23 1, 245
Parthenogenetic reproduction in Reticu-
litermes, 75
Pella, 347
Pheidole, 1 3 5
Phidippus mystaceus, 1
Pogonom~rmex, 25
Polistes gallicus in Massachusetts (Hy-
menoptera: Vespidae), 169
Polymorphism and division of labor in
Orectognathus, 23 1
Prionp, 1
Reticulitermes, 75
Rhytidoponera impressa, 89, 109
Silberglied, Robert E., dedication to,
Slave-making ant, 33 1
Sound production by males of Phidip-
pus, 199
Statary Behavior in nomadic colonies of
army ants: the effect of overfeeding,
Stridulation in green lacewings, 375
Tachysp hex, 1
The emigration behavior of two species
of the genus Pheidole (Formicidae:
Myrmicinae), 135
The ontogeny of Lyssomanes viridis
(Walckenaer) (Araneae: Salticidae) on
Magnolia grandflora, 127
Territoriality, nest dispersion, and com- munity structure in ants, 265
Trail communication in Oreciognaihus,
23 I
Tremulation in green lacewings, 375
Trophallaxis in Harpagoxenus, 33 1
Walker types of ffvdropswhe, 259
Wasps, 1
Volume 88 table of contents