Norman E. Woodley.
Designation of a Type-species for Cyclogaster Macquart, 1834, and the Resulting Synonymy (Diptera: Stratiomyidae).
Psyche 89(1-2):25-28, 1982.
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Museum of Comparative Zoology
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
The generic name Cyclogaster Macquart (1834) has been used in combination with specific names for taxa of Stratiomyidae from diverse regions of the world. It has remained more or less in synony- my with Lasiopa Brullk (1832) since the time of Brauer ( 1882), although Pleske (1 90 1: 336) described Cyclogaster caucasica ( Palae- arctic) and Hutton (1901: 10) described C, peregrinus from New Zealand after Brauer's work appeared. Kertksz (1908) also consid- ered the two names synonymous, and placed 15 species in Lasiopa. These species are placed in at least five genera at the present time. The purpose of this paper is to designate a type-species for Cyclo- gaster, which to my knowledge has never been done, in order to stabilize the generic synonymy as it is presently used by workers in the Stratiomyidae. A brief review of the history of the name Cyclo- ga.srer and generic names associated with it is necessary to under- stand the situation fully.
Macquart (1834: 256) first proposed the name Qclogaster in the Diptera, and included in that taxon two species, Nemotelus villosus Fabricius (1794: 270; Palaearctic) and Stratiomys arrata Fabricius (1805: 83; Neotropical). No single type-species was designated. The generic name Inermyia Bigot (1856: 82,63) was proposed for the South African species Strariomys edentula Wiedemann ( 1824: 29). Gerstaecker (1857: 322) and Loew (1860: 7) both considered Sirariomys edenrula a member of Cyclogaster Macquart and Ker- tksz (1908: 30) listed Inermyia as a synonym with a query. Lindner (1972: 32) considered the species to be congeneric with the true, Palaearctic Lasiopa, and it is listed as such by James (1980: 260). Kirkaldy (1910: 8) noted that the name Cyclogaster was preoccu- pied in zoology by Cyclogaster Gronovius, in the fishes (this name will be discussed in more detail below). He proposed a replacement name for the name in the Diptera, Neotropicalias. No reference was made to any specific names, although one might infer he was think- Pswhe W:25tS (1982). hup Wpsycht rinclub ~~~~~~~~025 html
26 Psyche [vo~. 89
ing of the Neotropical species that Macquart had originally included in C~dogaster.
Enderlein (1914: 579, 615), without any reference to Kirkaldy (1910), but evidently realizing that the two species originally in- cluded in Cyclogaster were not congeneric, proposed the name Labocerina for Stratiomys atrata Fabricius. In his paper, the new name was spelled Labocerina twice (pp. 579,615), and "'Labacerino" once (p. 615), and has subsequently been spelled "'Labocerino" by James (1940: 124). These latter two spellings were regarded as errors by James (1973: 26.29). In the same paper, Enderlein considered Qclogaster a synonym of Lasiopa.
The name clog aster Gronovius (1756: 9; 1760: 265; 1763: 55) was in dispute, as were all of his generic names, because many authors felt his work was not truly binomial. His CvcJogaster was first published in 1756, but this is pre-Linnean. The 1760 work is clearly not binomial, although this is the date of the name usually found in zoological nomenclators, being the first post-Linnean publi- cation of it. In 1954, the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature formally ruled that Gronovius' 1763 work, as well as an index of it subsequently published by Meuschen, be placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Works in Zoological Nomenclature. Thus Macquart's Cyclogaster became the earliest valid use of the name in zoology.
Lindner ( 1958: 432), while discussing "C~clogaster" peregrinus Hutton from New Zealand, recounted most of the above briefly, and noted that no type-species had been designated for Cyclogaster Macquart, but was apparently not aware of the I. C. Z. N. ruling. He also mentioned that Nemotelus villosus Fabricius was the type- species of Lasiopa (as had Enderlein, 19 14: 61 3, and several other authors), which is erroneous, as the only species name associated with Lasiopa in Brullk's original description was Lasiopa peleteria, which was described concurrently and is still regarded as a valid species.
As I interpret the situation, a type-species designation is necessary for Cjdogaster Macquart in order to stabilize generic synonymy, and as far as I am aware, this has never been done. In order to preserve the presently accepted generic synonymies, I hereby desig- nate Nemotelus villosus Fabricius, originally included in Qclogas- ter by Macquart, as type-species for that genus. The following
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synonymy for Lasiopa, the senior generic name, results: Lasiopa Brullk. 1832: 307. Type-species: L pdeferia Brullk. 1832: 308 (by monoty py). C~~h)gus~er Macquart. 1834: 256. Type-species: Net~io1e1u.s vil1osu.s Fabricius, 1 794: 270 (by present designation).
Inertn.l,;a Bigot. 1856: 82. Type-species: Sfrafioiu.~~.~ edenfula W iedemann, I824 : 29 (by original designation. op. cif. :63). Neoiropicaliax Kirkaldy. 1910: 8: replacement name for Cyclogaswr Macquart, 1 834, nec Gronovius, 1763. Type-species: Netmfe1u.s villoxui Fabricius, 1794: 270 (by autotypy).
The above type-species designation thus stabilizes the long-used synonymy of Cyclogaster with Lasiopa, while retaining the name Labocerina Enderlein for the Neotropical Stratiomvs atma Fabri- cius. The name Neotropicalias Kirkaldy became an unnecessary, and therefore invalid, replacement name when Cyclogaster Grono- vim was rejected by the I. C. Z. N, ruling. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
I wish to thank Curtis W. Sabrosky and Margaret K. Thayer for critically reading the manuscript.
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