Edward L. Mockford.
Redescription of the Type Species of Myopsocus, M. unduosus (Hagen), and Resulting Nomenclatural Changes in Genera and Species of Myopsocidae (Psocoptera).
Psyche 89(3-4):211-220, 1982.
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Department of Biological Sciences
Illinois State University,
Normal, Illinois 61 761
The assignment of species to the major genera in the Family Myopsocidae has been hampered by lack of detailed morphological information about the types of these genera. The genera involved are Myopsocus Hagen, Lichenomima Enderlein, Phlotodes Ender- lein, and Rhaptoneura Enderlein.
Enderlein's (1910) genera were based entirely on wing venational characters. Some of these have later proven to be variable and of questionable value (Badonnel 1967). Roesler (1944) synonymized Phlotodes and Rhaptoneura at the generic level but maintained them as subgenera. Badonnel(1955) stated that genitalic characters justify the maintenance of Rhaptoneura and Phlotodes as genera but did not show what characters were involved. Smithers (1964) assigned all species which might fall in the genera Myopsocus, Lichenomima, Phlotodes, and Rhaptoneura to Myopsocus until the types could be studied. Badonnel(1967) following Enderlein (1 9 10) and Roesler (1944) assigned to Myopsocus all species with Rs and M joined by a crossvein in the hindwing, thus synonymizing Lichenomima with Myopsocus, and assigned all species in which Rs and M in the hindwing are fused for a distance to Phlotodes, thus synonymizing Rhaptoneura with Phlotodes. The present paper reports diagnostic features of the type of Myopsocus unduosus (Hagen), the type species of Myopsocus (Enderlein 1910). Genus Myopsocus is re-diagnosed on the basis of this examination, and an augmented diagnosis of Lichenomima is included. Generic synonymies are revised, and the species now assigned to Myopsocus and Lichenomima are listed. *Manuscript received by the editor August IS, 1982. 21 1
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Myopsocus unduosus (Hagen)
Psocus unduosus Hagen l859:2O 1.
Myopsocus unduosus (Hagen) Hagen 1866:2 10. Type material and its examination.-Types consist of two males, originally pointed, in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cam- bridge, Massachusetts. Each bears a type label with MCZ number 101 18 and the label "Ceylon, coll. Nietner." I first examined these types in January 1970, ascertained that both are males of the same species, and selected one as lectotype. I then soaked the lectotype off the point, placed it in 80% ethanol, mounted the right wings on a slide in euparal, and cleared and figured the external genitalia. Early in 1982, I borrowed the wing slide and made figures from it. Measurements (mm).-Forewing length = 3.94; hindwing length = 3.22; posterior tibia1 length = 1.72; least distance between com- pound eyes = 0.27; transverse diameter of compound eye = 0.42. Color characters.-Forewing (Fig. 1) with fairly distinct, mottled crossband in basal half of wing; a distinct stigmasaum darkly marked in middle; entire margin and most of veins with alternating dark and light marking. Hindwing (Fig. 2) unmarked except for brown clouding at base and along anterior margin and alternating dark and light marking along margin from distal end of Ri to distal end of R4+5. All femora dark brown with a narrow yellowish-white preapical ring.
Structural characters.-Forewing (Fig. 1) with relatively long Rs-M fusion, short M-Cul fusion. Hindwing with Rs-M fusion slightly longer than segment of Rs before it. Hypandrium (Fig. 3) elongate, tapering distally, with slightly bulging, shagreened area on each side at about distal two-thirds of length; distal end on each side with field of heavy setae, each seta tapering toward end and base. Phallosome (Fig. 4) elongate, slender; median style separate from lateral arms at about two-thirds distance from base to tips of arms and extending beyond tips of arms. Epiproct (Fig. 5) semicircular except truncated distally, the distal end beset with minute tubercles. Paraproct (Fig. 6) bearing bluntly rounded distal process; sense cushion with 28 trichobothria, all with basal florets. Various authors have noted the constancy within and among spe- cies of the two character states Rs and M joined by a crossvein
19821 Mockford- Myopsocus 213
Figs. 1-6. Myopsocus unduosus (Hagen) male lectotype. Fig. 1. Forewing; scale
= 1.0 mm.
Fig. 2. Hindwing; scale of Fig. 1.
Fig. 3. Hypandrium; scale = 0.2
mm. Fig. 4. Phallosome (dorsal view); scale of Fig. 3. Fig. 5. Epiproct; scale =
0.2 mm.
Fig. 6. Right paraproct; scale of Fig. 5.
214 Psyche [vo~. 89
versus fused for a distance in the hindwing of the Myopsocid genera under consideration. Enderlein (19 10:68) stated about M. unduosus: "im Hinterfliigel ist der Radialramus und die Media durch eine Querader mit einander verbunden." Obviously, the statement is not correct. Rs and M are fused for a distance in the hindwing; however, following Enderlein's erroneous statement, Roesler (1944) and Badonnel (1 967) mis-assigned these two character states. Thus Lichenomima (Rs and M joined by a crossvein) was synonymized under Myopsocus and Rhaptoneura (Rs and M fused for a distance) was synonymized under Phlotodes. On the basis of examination of the type, it is evident that Myopsocus has as synonyms Phlotodes and Rhaptoneura. Lichenomima is probably tenable as a distinct genus.
Characters correlating with the fusion of Rs and M for a distance in the hindwing are the following: 1) phallosome generally with a median style (known exceptions: M. aldabrensis (New), M. minor (New and Thornton), M. pallidus (Smithers), M. speciosus (Smith- ers), M. splendidus (Badonnel)); 2) female subgenital plate terminat- ing in a process tapered distally and with two large setae at the tip plus smaller setae in some species.
Given the above definition and synonymies, Myopsocus includes the following species, grouped according to their nomenclatural history:
Species originally placed in Psocus and subsequently trans- ferred to Myopsocus:
australis Brauer 1865, Australia, Melanesia unduosus Hagen 1859, Sri Lanka
Species originally assigned to Myopsocus, all subsequently transferred, in effect, to Phlotodes, or Rhaptoneura, or both in sequence:
clunius Thornton, Lee, & Chui 1972, Micronesia eatoni McLachlan 1880, Europe, North Africa furcatus Smithers 1964, Australia
griseipennis McLachlan 1866, Australia
hickmani Smithers 1964, Tasmania
incomptus Smithers 1964, Australia
*kolbei Enderlein 1903 (type of Phlotodes), New Guinea
19821 Mockford- Myopsocus
novaezealandiae Kolbe 1 883, New Zealand palauensis Thornton, Lee, & Chui 1972, Micronesia punctatus Thornton, Lee, & Chui 1972, Micronesia 3)
Species originally assigned to Phlotodes: aenulus Badonnel1967, Madagascar
aldabrensis New 1977, Aldabra
alticola Thornton 198 1, Fiji
ambiguus Badonnel 1967, Madagascar
amicus Thornton 198 1 a, Tonga
angolensis Badonnel 1955, Angola, Madagascar anomalus Smithers & Thornton 1979, Melanesia antillanus Mockford 1974, Cuba, Hispaniola, Florida ascoides Thornton 198 1, Fiji
bellus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Caledonia bipunctatus Thronton 198 1, Fiji
bomasus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea brunneigenus Smithers & Thornton 1979, Melanesia clarki Turner 1975, Jamaica
congolensis Badonnel 1949, Zaire
corticosus Smithers 1964a, Madagascar
cubanus Mockford 1974, Cuba
dentatus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea fenestratus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea graptus Thornton 1981, Fiji, Tonga
gregarius Smithers & Thornton 1979, Melanesia gressitti Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea hoskinsi Smithers & Thornton 1979, Melanesia inocellatus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea lichenosus Enderlein 193 1, Seychelles, Madagascar lineatus Smithers & Thornton 1979, Melanesia lyriferus Smithers l964a, Madagascar
maculatus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea, Melanesia marginatus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea megops Smithers & Thornton 1979, Melanesia minor New & Thornton 1975, Brazil
minutus Mockford 1974, Cuba, Mexico
mjobergi Karny 1925, Sarawak, Borneo
napuka Thornton 1981, Fiji
obscurus Badonnel 1967, Madagascar
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peltatus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea pennyi New 1979, Brazil
personatus Badonnel 1967, Madagascar
pilipes Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea placidulus Smithers 1975, Australia
platyvalvulus Smithers & Thornton 1979, Melanesia preclarus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea punctatoides Thornton 198 1, Fiji, Tonga quadrisetosus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Caledonia rastafari Turner 1975, Jamaica
reptus Thornton 198 1, Fiji
rimosus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea samoanus Karny 1932, Samoa
scabiosus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea splendidus Badonnel 1967, Madagascar
thecatus New & Thornton 1975a, Malay Peninsula toxeres Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea venustus Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Guinea vilazi Smithers & Thornton 1974, New Caledonia zimmermani Thornton 198 1, Fiji
Species originally assigned to Rhaptoneura: africanus Badonnel 1955, Angola
ciliiferus Smit hers 1 964a, Madagascar
cryptus Smithers 1957, Natal
*dispar Enderlein 1 9 10 (type of Rhaptoneura), Paraguay magnificus Smithers 1957, South & East Africa muscosus Enderlein 193 1, Seychelles
pallidus Smithers l964a, Madagascar
setosus Smithers 1964a, Madagascar
speciosus Smithers 1957a, Madagascar
Species incertae sedis, originally assigned to Myopsocus and best left there until they are re-examined: bakeri Banks 191 6, Philippines, Guam
cinereus Navas 1 932, Argentina
enderleini Banks 19 13, Philippines
fraternus McLachlan 1866, Assam (originally assigned to Psocus)
pluviosus Navas 1934, India
taurus Banks 1941, Santo Domingo
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Badonnel (1967) constructed a classification of the species from Madagascar, and Smithers and Thornton (1974) augmented it to include many of the Old World species. M. unduosus, being known only from the male, and presenting such unique male characters as the phallosome with its basal half a simple rod, and the hypandrium with two distal fields of heavy setae, does not seem to fit into any of the groups that have been proposed. Smithers and Thornton (1974) noted that numerous other species could not be placed in their classification due to paucity of information. Species assigned to Lichenomima (assigned to Myopsocus by most authors since Badonnel 1967) have veins Rs and M joined by a crossvein in the hindwing. Correlated with this character are absence of a median style of the phallosome (possible exception: L. ariasi New) and female subgenital plate distally with a transverse sclerite, more or less separate from the main plate, and never termi- nating in a single process tapering posteriorly. Species assignable to Lichenomima appear to be those listed by Smithers (1967) plus the following:
ampla Smithers & Thornton 1974 (from Myopsocus), New Guinea
ariasi New 1979 (from Myopsocus), Brazil capeneri Smithers 1973 (from Myopsocus), South Africa chelata Thornton & Woo 1973 (from Myopsocus), Galapagos Islands
clypeofasciata Mockford 1974 (from Myopsocus), Cuba coloradensis Banks 1907 (from Myopsocus), Colorado elongata Thornton 1960 (from Myopsocus), Hong Kong machadoi Badonnel 1977 (from Myopsocus), Angola medialis Thornton 1981 (from Myopsocus), Fiji posterior Navas 1927 (from Psocus), Costa Rica pulchella New & Thornton 1975 (from Myopsocus), Brazil sanguensis New 1973 (from Myopsocus), Nepal varia Navas 1927 (from Amphigerontia), Costa Rica Note.-Myopsocus medialis Thornton (198 I), assignable to Lich- enomirna on the basis of hindwing venation, appears to be so differ- ent in several other features as to merit a distinct genus.
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Examination of the type of Myopsocus unduosus (Hagen), the type species of Myopsocus, allows the genera Phlotodes Enderlein and Rhaptoneura Enderlein to be synonymized with Myopsocus. The species now assigned to Myopsocus are listed according to their nomenclatural history. Species assigned to Myopsocus by most recent authors are re-assigned to Lichenomima Enderlein. I wish to thank the officers of the Museum of Comparative Zool- ogy, Cambridge, Massachusetts for the privilege of examining the type material of M. unduosus.
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Volume 89 table of contents