![]() | PSYCHE A Journal of Entomology founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club | |
Volume 9 (1900-1902)On Coleoptera found with ants. Fifth paper. Synopsis of subfamilies and genera of North American Tettigidae. The "cocoons" or "cases" of some burrowing caterpillars. Life histories of North American Geometridae - VIII. Life histories of North American Geometridae - IX. The name Leonia. Correction of an error. On the mating instinct in Moths. Entomology for the young. Life histories of North American Geometridae - X. The fifth species of Kermes from Massachusetts. Proceedings of the [Cambridge Entomological] Club. The orthopteran genus Trimerotropis. A New Blepharocerid. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. A New Tettigian Genus and Species From South America. Table of North America Kermes, Based on External Characters. The Species of the Oedipodine Genus Heliastus Sauss., Occurring in the United States. Insect Neuration. On the species of Nemobius known to occur in Indiana. On some American species of Macropsis (Jassidae). Life Histories of North American Geometridae — XI. The Melanopli of Kansas. American Fossil Coleoptera Referred to the Scolytidae. The Species of Hadrotettix, A Genus of Oedipodinae. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XII. Some Coccidae Quarantined at San Francisco. Some Mating Notes. Notes on the Orthopteran Genus Leprus Saussure. The Melanopli of Kansas—II. The Genus Kermes in North America. Notes on Two Canadian Butterflies. The Melanopli of Kansas—III. The Clear-Winged Species of the Oedipodine Genus Mestobregma. Life Histories of North American Geometrida—XIII. Notes on the Nesting of Anthidium Paroselae Ckll. Localities for Western Tryxalinae. Occurrence of Myrmeleon Immaculatum Degeer in Maine. Proceeding of the Cambridge Entomological Club. A list of the Orthoptera of New England. Life histories of North American Geometridae — XIV. Occurrence of Machilis variabilis in Maine. The Habits of Myrmecophila Nebrascensis Bruner. The Distribution of Leptysma Marginicollis. Miscellaneous Notes on Coccidae From Western Massachusetts. Life Historical of North American Geometridae—XV. Mantis Religiosa in America. New England Orthoptera. Some Insects of The Hundsonnian Zone in New Mexico. —I. Notes on The Specles of Marcropsis and Agallia of North America. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XVI. The Species of Circotettix, A North American Genus of Oedipodinae. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XVII. Supplementary Notes on Orgyia. Jordan and Kellogg's Animal Life. Stanford University's Collection of Japanese Scale Insects. Some Insects of the Hudsonian Zone in New Mexico—II. Notes on Macropsis and Agallia (Jassidae). Coccidae of the Harvard Botanical Gardens. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XVIII. The Distribution of Holarctic Collembola. Some Insects of the Hudsonian Zone in New Mexico—III. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XIX. Food of Larvae of Simulium and Blepharocera. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. The Triangle Spider in Calefornia. Identification of Two of Fitch's Species VIZ., Delatocephalus MelsheimerII and Chlorotettix Unicolor. Insects and Spiders of the Galapagos Islands. Notes on Crypticerya Townsendi Ckll. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XX. Proceedings of the Cambridge Entomological Club. The Katydid's Call in Relation to Temperature. The Habits and Notes of the New England Species of Oecanthus. On the Protective Coloration and Attitude of Libythea Celtis ESP. Some Insects of the Hudsonian Zone in New Mexico—IV. The Species of Diapheromera (Phasmidae) Found in the United States and Canada. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XXI. Correction. Occurrence of Anopheles Quadrimaculatus in Maine. Occurrence of Melanoplus Extremus in Northern Labrador. A Couragrous Butterfly, Oeneis Semidea. Variation in Tridactylus. Pulvinaria Innumerabilis Rathv. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XXII. The Anatomy of the Larva of the Giant Crane Fly(Holorusia rubiginosa). Gynandromorphism in a New Species of Hilara. A New Coccid on Roots of Rubus. A New Species of Chrysopa From Texas. Review of the Collembolan Genus Neelus and Description of N. Minutus N. Sp. Microdon Larvae in Pseudomyrma Nests. Notes on the Mating ofAttacus Cecropiaand Others. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XXIII. Hemiptera on Verbascum. Sketsh of the Habits of North American Ants—I. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XXIV. A new use for an ovipositor. Sketch of the habits of North American ants — II. Studies for students. — II. The histoblasts (imaginal buds) of the wings and legs of the giant crane-fly (Holorusia rubiginosa) (Illustrated). Life histories of North American Geometridae — XXV. The inner cocoon of Attacine moths. Willem on Apterygota. Mating of Attacus gloveri. Miogryllus and its species in the United States. Kermes quercus Linn. A check-list of the Massachusetts Formicidae, with some notes on the species. Life histories of North American Geometridae. — XXVI. The species of Gryllus on the Pacific coast. Some new records of the New England Formicidae. Some insects of the Hudsonian zone in New Mexico - V. Life histories of North American Geometridae. - XXVII. Bibliographical Notes—X. Psyche 9(307):274-275, 1901 | https://doi.org/10.1155/1901/970803 On the larval forms of several exotic Ceratocampid moths. Some insects of the Hudsonian zone in New Mexico — VI — Hymenoptera Apoidea, II. Life histories of North American Geometridae — XXVIII. Distribution of Cryptocercus punctulata. The Species of Gryllus Found in the United States East of the Sierra Nevadas. A New Species of the Genus Saissetia (Coccidae) With Notes on Some of the Species of the Genus not Well Understood. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XXIX. The Hatching of Eacles Imperialis. Correction. Literature. Some insects of the Hudsonian zone in New Mexico — VII — Coleoptera. A note on the secondary sexual characters of Omophron. A preliminary sketch of the Sphingicampidae, a new group of protosphingine Lepidoptera, with its subdivisions — I. Two new species of Ophion. On the United States Orthoptera which have been referred to the genus Tridactylus. Life histories of North American Geometridae — XXX. Economic Entomology. Proceedings of the Club (Alcurodcs citri; Cave crickets; Coenonympha in California; Enodia portlandia in New England; Miogryllus ; Venation and wing folding). The Identity of the Snow—Flea (Achorutes Nivicola Fitch). On the Limits of the Family Saturniidae, With a Note on the Genus Rothschildia. A New Bruchophagus From Mexico. An Interesting Case of Mimicry. A New Silphid Beetle From A simple Insect—Trap. Some New Genera and Species of Attidae From South Africa. Correction. Notes. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XXXI. Are the Mallophaga Degenerate Poscids? Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XXXII. A New Catolaccus onSitotroga CerealellaOliv. Some Insects of the Hudsonian Zone in New Mexico—VIII. Cephalic Morphology. Another Note on Deltocephalus MelsheimerII. Notes on the larvae of some Texan Diptera. The structure of the nests of some North American species of Formica. Notes. Collection of the Grave. Further Notes on New England Formicidae. The So-Called Mandibles of Spiders. Group Characteristics of Some North American Butterflies—I. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XXXIII. A Probable New Type of Hypermetamorphosis. Records of the Habits of New Mexican Coleoptera. Dichopetala Brevicauda—A Correction. Group Characteristics of Some North American Butterflies—II. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XXXIV. New Agriculture Ants From Texas. Notes. Group Characteristics of Some North American Butterflies—III. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XXXV. The Inverted Hypopygium ofDasyllisandLaphria. The Association of Coccidae. Group Characteristics of Some North American Butterflies—IV. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XXXVI. Notes on Hybrids of Samia Cynthia and Attacus Promethea. Group Characteristics of Some North American Butterflies—V. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XXXVII. Group Characteristics of Some North American Butterflies—VI. A Simplified Spreading Board. Life Histories of North American Geometridae—XXXVIII. Coccidae and Aleurodidae. The Pupa of Mermiria Texana Bruner. Notes. |