Floyd G. Werner.
Anthicidae of the Greater Antilles and a new species from Venezuela (Coleoptera).
Psyche 90(3):211-235, 1983.
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Department of Entomology
University of Arizona
Tucson 85721
Thirteen of the 29 species that are known or reported from the Greater Antilles appear to be endemic. Five (Anthicus darlingtoni, hispaniolae, macgillavryi, soledad and subtilis) make up the subtilis- group, which does not seem to have near relatives on the mainland. Three others stand quite isolated in their genera: Acanthinus schwarzi in an almost exclusively neotropical genus, Anthicus blackwelderi and russoi in a world-wide genus that contains many diverse ele- ments. A. blackwelderi is counted among the endemic species because it has different color patterns on the islands that it is known to inhabit; the form of the internal sac of the male genitalia is very different from that of possible relatives on the mainland. A. russoi is probably not properly placed in Anthicus, and is unlike any anthicid known to me in several details; Menozzi's (1930) evidence that it is a myrmecophile with a native ant makes local origin seem logical. The 5 other endemic species are similar to mainland New World species. Mecynotarsus hispaniolae and jamaicanus belong to the elegans-group, which has species from Florida to Central America. Notoxus bipunctatus and jamaicus have been assigned to the monodon-group (Chandler 1978), which ranges from Canada to northern South America. Finally, Anthicus antilleorum seems to have originated in the Greater Antilles and spread to the Virgin Islands and Bahama Islands; its nearest relatives are found around the southern Caribbean.
Within the 13 endemic species, there is inter-island variation in color pattern in 3: Anthicus antilleorum, blackwelderi and soledad; in each instance the Jamaican population is different from that of 'Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station, Journal paper No. 3662. Manuscript received by the editor August 30, 1982.
212 Psyche [VOI. 90
the adjacent island of Cuba (and Hispaniola in antilleorum and blackwelderi).
Two of the other 16 species listed are based on records that can- not be verified: Acanthinus ebeninus on an old specimen with a "Cuba" label, and Amblyderus sp. on some specimens from Puerto Rico that cannot now be located. Ten are shared with continental areas of the New World: Acanthinus angusticollis, concinnus, quin- quemaculatus and scitulus, Anthicus pallidus, Sapintus similis and teapensis, Thicanus texanus, and Vacusus holoxanthus and vicinus. These may have reached the Greater Antilles without human help, but Vacusus holoxanthus is found mainly from Chile to Bolivia, and Acanthinus scitulus seems not to have been present in the lowland localities that were extensively collected in the 1930's, so is probably of recent introduction. Finally, 4 species of Anthicus are of Old World origin:floralis and formicarius, which are almost cosmopoli- tan; tobias, which is expanding its range in several parts of the world; and crinitus.
Two large genera, the world-wide Tomoderus and the New World Ischyropalpus, are conspicuous by their absence. The latter genus, at least, should have been collected if it was present; mainland spe- cies are often abundant on blossoms. That the fauna has not been completely sampled is indicated by the addition of a species of Mecynotarsus from Hispaniola through the recent collecting of J. and S. Klapperich.
A critical part of the material reported here was collected by Philip J. Darlington, Jr. in the 1930's. I wish to thank Dr. Darling- ton and subsequent curators of the M. C. Z. for permission to retain these specimens until they could be studied in comparison with continental faunas. The second large lot came from the collecting of Richard E. Blackwelder and Edward A. Chapin, and was made available by the U. S. National Museum; it was collected in the same period. The largest recently collected lot originated in the collecting of J. and S. Klapperich in the Dominican Republic, and was made available by Dr. M. Branucci of the Naturhistorisches Museum in Basel.
19831 Werner - Anthicidae 213
Key to Greater Antilles Anthicidae
1. Prothorax with an anterior horn that extends over the ............................................ head .25
......................... Prothorax without a horn.. .2 2. Sides of mesosternum curved outward to form a broad plate, with a variably developed fringe of setae along its edges ............................................. 15 - Mesosternum with sides diagonal and nearly or quite straight, without fringe setae. ........................ .3 3.
First visible abdominal sternum with a transverse, pubescence- lined invagination behind each hind coxa. Elytral pubescence double, the under layer more appressed, diagonal. ..... .24 -
First visible abdominal sternum without invaginations. Elytral pubescence usually single, double in Anthicus pallidus. .. .4 4.
Elytral pubescence double, undercoat more diagonal. Pale, somewhat flattened, elytra with dark brown midband and suture, markings usually isolating a pale zone in basal and apical fourth of each elytron; head truncate. 2.25-2.35 mm. Hispaniola, Puerto Rico ........... Anthicus pallidus Say -
Elytral pubescence simple ........................... .5 5.
Vertex of head somewhat produced, edge nearly straight from middle to weak temporal angles (Fig. 11). Uniform pale brown, somewhat shiny, elytra sometimes with a weak median cloud. Ca. 2.6 mm. Hispaniola, Puerto Rico ...... .......................... Thicanus texanus (LaFerte) -
Base of head from truncate to evenly rounded. ......... .6 6.
Base of head truncate, temporal angles narrowly rounded .................................................. 7 -
Base of head rounded, temporal angles broadly rounded or ........................................ notevident 10 7. Head microreticulate between punctures. Rufescent to brown, elytra usually brown except across base. Elytral pubescence very short and inconspicuous. 2.9-3.2 mm. Jamaica .................. Anthicus formicarius (Goeze) -
Head smooth and shiny between punctures ............ .8 8.
Elytral setae sparse and as long as width of a femur, subde- cumbent. Rufescent, shiny, elytra with dark markings that
Psyche [VOI. 90
usually isolate a common pale spot in apical third. 2.5-3.2 mm. Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands ....................... ............................ Anthicus crinitus LaFertk -
Elytral pubescence shorter than width of a femur; dark elytral markings not enclosing a common pale spot in apical area ............................................... 9 9.
Elytral pubescence short and even, the erect tactile setae extending well above the decumbent setae. Prosternum with uniformly distributed punctures and pubescence in front of coxae. Elytra pale at base and usually in an obliquely oval spot in apical third of each. 2.0-2.3 mm. Jamaica, Cuba, Hispaniola, Virgin Islands and Bahama Islands; elytra usually lacking posterior pale spots in Jamaican popula- tion.. ..................... Anthicus antilleorum, sp. n. -
Elytral pubescence longer and less decumbent, the tactile setae barely evident among the setae. Prosternum with front half of portion in front of coxae smooth, back half bearing some coarse punctures and setae. Uniformly dark (Jamaica) or elytra pale across base and at apex, the posterior marking rounded in front (Cuba, probably Hispaniola). 2.27-2.55 mm. ...................... Anthicus blackwelderi, sp. n. lO(6)
Rufescent or paler, with pale appendages; elytra usually with suture and whole apical half black except for a round, very pale spot on each in apical third. 2.6-3.0 mm. 8 tegmen with apex knob-like, lacking lateral tufts of setae. Jamaica, Virgin Islands ................. Anthicus tobias Marseul -
Elytra usually with a complete or interrupted dark midband and an oblique pale subapical band, never with a round pale spot on each in apical third. 8 tegmen pointed, with a tuft of setae on each side. Anthicus subtilis-group ............ .11 1 1.
8 front tibiae excavated in apical 21 5. Elytral midband often complete. 2.1 1-2.24 mm. Cuba. ........................ ...................... Anthicus macgillavryi Buck - front tibiae simple
.............................. .12
12. 8 tegmen gradually tapered to apex, slender. Elytral mark- ings dark, all connected along suture, including a dark zone across base. Ca. 2.5 mm. Hispaniola .................... ....................... Anthicus hispaniolae, sp. n. -
8 tegmen not evenly tapered to apex. ................ .13
1 9831 Werner - Anthicidae 2 15
13. 8 tegmen very bluntly truncate at apex except for a small median point. Elytral midband complete in Cuban specimens seen, interrupted at suture in Jamaican specimens. 2.22-2.53 mm. Cuba, Jamaica ............. Anthicus soledad, sp. n. -
8 tegmen with sides slightly constricted beyond middle ................................................. 14 14. Antennae unusually long and slender. Elytral midband reduced to a pale brown triangle with point toward suture, on each side. 2.47-2.76 mm. Hispaniola ................. ...................... Anthicus subtilis LaFertk -
Antennae not so slender. Elytral midband interrupted at suture, but mark truncate toward suture on each side. Elytra .............. slightly inflated. 2.02-2.42 mm. Hispaniola ........................... Anthicus darlingtoni, sp. n. 15(2)
Pronotum with a pair of small bumps near anterior edge of disc. Fringe setae of mesosternum closely appressed to mesepisterna. Rufous, elytra black or brown with basal fourth rufous in a well-demarcated zone; appearing glabrous and subopaque. 2.6-3.2 mm. Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands .......................... Anthicusfloralis (L.) - Pronotum without such bumps. Fringe setae of meso- sternum at least slightly raised from surface of mesepi- sterna ........................................... .16 16.
Sides of prothorax not constricted, almost evenly tapered ... from widest part, near front, to basal impressed line .17 -
Sides of prothorax at least slightly constricted anterior to basal impressed line ............................... .18 17.
Shiny, only erect tactile setae very obvious; luteous to rufous, elytra with apex and an interrupted submedian band dark. 2.3-2.8 mm. Jamaica, Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands ................ Vacusus vicinus (LaFert6) -
Shiny but with surface partly obscured by appressed pubes- cence; tactile setae short and inconspicuous. Moderately slender, entirely tannish. 1.8-2.0 mm. Jamaica ........... ....... Vacusus holoxanthus (Fairmaire & Germain) 18(16) Pubescence fine, silky, moderately dense, appressed, cover- ing all of elytra. Dull rufescent to brown, elytra with dark midband and apex, markings usually connected along su- ture .............................................. 19
216 Psyche [VOI. 90
Pubescence very sparse, or dense pubescence confined to postbasal transverse impression of elytra ............. .20 19. (^ fifth visible abdominal sternum excavated on disc; lobes of visible sternum 6 moderately broad. 2.6-3.2 mm. Cuba, Puerto Rico ...... Acanthinus quinquemaculatus (LaFertk) -
(^ fifth visible abdominal sternum simple; lobes of visible ster- num 6 narrow. 2.4-3.0 mm. Hispaniola ................. .................. Acanthinus concinnus (LaFertk) 20(18) Elytra with a dense patch of white pubescence in postbasal transverse impression. Dark brown, shiny, otherwise gla- brous with erect tactile setae; head triangular, it and prono- turn longitudinally strigose. Ca. 2.8 mm. Cuba? .......... .................... Acanthinus ebeninus (LaFertk) -
Elytra without patch of dense pubescence in postbasal ..............................
transverse impression .2 1
21. Head and prothorax strongly sculptured .22 - Whole dorsal surface smooth, shiny, punctures fine and indistinct, setae very short, sparse and inconspicuous, only ...........................
erect tactile setae evident .23
Dark brown with quadrate yellowish white mark laterally in cuticle of postbasal transverse of elytra; head unusually large, it and prothorax with some longitudinal striations. 2.0-2.8 mm. Jamaica, Cuba ............................ ..................... Acanthinus angusticollis (LaFertk) -
Head and prothorax rufescent, elytra rufescent at base, with a complete luteous band in postbasal impression, brown behind. Head and prothorax rugose-punctate. 2.4-2.8 mm. Cuba. ..................... Acanthinus schwarzi Werner 23(21) Rufescent, elytra paler with brownish to almost black mark- ings, at least in narrow, interrupted bands at basal and apical thirds, to dark with postbasal impression and a narrow post- median band pale. Prothorax with a strong constriction that continues weakly across dorsum. Edge of mesosternal shelf visible from above, in front of elytral humeri. Head nar- rower than semicircular behind eyes. 2.0-2.9 mm. Cuba ... .................... Acanthinus scitulus (LeConte) -
Pale rufescent, elytra pale rufescent at base, dark brown on humeri and behind postbasal transverse impression. Pro-
Werner - Anthicidae 2 17
thorax weakly constricted, almost evenly globular from basal impressed line to collar. Only fringe setae of mesoster- num visible from above. Ca. 2.0 mm. Hispaniola ......... ............................. Anthicus russoi Krekich 8 fifth visible abdominal sternum shallowly dished out on disc, the excavation flanked with some erect setae. Ca. 2.0 mm. Jamaica, Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands .................. Sapintus teapensis (Champion) 8 visible sternum 5 simple. Ca. 2.7 mm. Jamaica ......... ......................... Sapintus similis Werner Each side of prothoracic horn with 3 teeth, the apex about equal to a tooth. Visible abdominal sternum 1 without a pubescence-lined invagination behind each hind coxa. Length ca. 2 mm. Mecynotarsus elegans-group ........ .26 Each side of prothoracic horn with 3-7 teeth, the apex con- siderably broader than any tooth. Visible abdominal sternum 1 with a pubescence-lined invagination behind each coxa. Prothoracic horn with a few ventrolateral pits. Notoxus monodon- group ............................................ 27 Elytra slightly inflated. Pubescence cinereous but with some intermixed ferrugineous scales on disc of pronotum and basal half of elytra; elytra piceous at base, in a postmedian band, and in a large posterior triangular marking on each. Jamaica .............. Mecynotarsus jamaicanus Werner Elytra strongly inflated. Pubescence cinereous, with diffuse slightly darker to pale rufescent markings on disc of pronotum, dull brown on elytra from base along a broad zone to an apical pale cordate mark, and in a feeble slightly postmedian band and subapical band delimiting the cordate mark. Markings very weak in some individuals. Hispaniola ...... ..................... Mecynotarsus hispaniolae, sp. n. 27(25) Dark elytral markings usually including some on sides that curve inward toward suture at apex. Tip of 8 aedeagus trun- cate. Jamaica. .................... Notoxus jamaicus Pic -
Dark elytral markings not including any on sides behind an irregular transverse midband. Tip of 8 aedeagus deeply split. Puerto Rico ............. Notoxus bipunctatus Chevrolat
218 Psyche [VOI. 90
Measurements are given in 0.01 mm as head: length from vertex to clypeofrontal suture over width across eyes and behind; pro- thorax: length including collar over width at collar, maximum, at constriction, and across base; elytra: length over width at humeri where 45O angle would touch them, and maximum. Total length as given is the sum of head, prothorax and elytra. Anthicus antilleorum, sp. n.
Fig. 9, 19.
2.01-2.24 mm, rufescent, the legs luteous, elytra with a brown midband, the base and an oblique apical mark on each luteous. Head quadrate, antennae moderately thick toward apex; elytra somewhat inflated, even in fully winged individuals. Pubescence moderately short, almost appressed, the tactile setae evident above the setae.
Holotype 3, 2.1 1 mm. Head 39/46,42; eyes 161 13, 32 apart, 16 from base, which is straight, the temporal angles narrowly rounded; sides almost straight behind eyes. Disc slightly flattened, with mod- erately large, deep punctures ca. 3 apart, except on midline of front; pubescence almost appressed, moderately conspicuous. Antennae ca. 77 long, 7 thick at segment 10, segments 7-1 1 forming a feeble club that is thicker than segment 1. Prothorax 47/24,44,32, its sides just perceptibly concave at usual level of constriction; anterolateral portion narrowly curved. Punctures strong, denser than on head, ca. 2 apart. Elytra perceptibly swollen, 1251 53,73; punctures strong, ca. 3 apart; setae 5 long, slightly curved, almost appressed; tactile setae 5, suberect, slightly curved. Legs unmodified. Apical margin of vis- ible abdominal sternum 5 just perceptibly convex. Holotype: 3, CUBA: Baraguh (IV-25-28, at light, C. F. Stahl) in MCZ. Paratypes: CUBA: Baraguh (same data, 6; 11-10-26, L. C. Scaramuzza), Soledad nr. Cienfuegos (Apr. 1936, P. J. D.; V,VI-'39, C. T. Parsons), Cayamas (Mar.-May, E. A. Schwarz), Camagiiey Prov.: Monte Imias nr. California (at light, June 7, 1959, M. W. Sanderson). HISPANIOLA: REP. DOM.: Bani (65m), Boca Chica (lorn), and Ocoa (475m), all J. & S. Klapperich, 1971-73. Paratypes in MCZ, USNM, Base1 Museum and collection of FGW. Not desig- nated as paratypes: JAMAICA: Morant Bay (Chapin and Blackwelder, 4). VIRGIN ISLANDS: Tortola (BVI, Brandywine Bay, J. F. G. Clarke,
19831 Werner - Anthicidae 219
1). BAHAMA ISLANDS: Cat Island (Bennets Harbour, E. B. Hayden & L. Giovanolli, 2).
The specimens from Jamaica are darker than those from Cuba and Hispaniola, only one of them having the posterior pale elytral mark. The pubescence may be less appressed but the specimens are so abraded that they were identified with difficulty. This species is probably most closely related to A. pauxillus Champion,panamen- sis Werner, and margaritae, sp. n., from Guatemala, Panama, and eastern Venezuela, respectively. The color pattern is similar. The <$ genitalia are similar, but the simple internal sac provides few clues to relationship. A. panamensis has the tegmen step-tapered. Anthicus margaritae, sp. n.
Fig. 8, 20.
1.90-2.20 mm, of form of Anthicuspanamensis Werner and antil- leorum, sp. n., differing from both species in having the head broader behind the eyes and gradually widened to the narrowly rounded temporal angles. Tegmen of <$ genitalia convexly tapered as in antilleorum, but with the apex slightly more pointed. Antero- lateral angles of prothorax quite narrowly rounded, as in the above 2 species, differing mainly in this feature from A. exiguus Champion. Holotype <$, 1.92 mm; head 33/44,40; eyes 161 14, separated by 29,15 from base. Punctures of head ca. 3 apart, on slightly convex disc. Antennae 75 long, 7 thick at segment 10. Prothorax 461 20,42,3 1. Elytra slightly swollen but with very distinct humeri, 1 131 5 1,65. Punctures slightly sparser than on head, intervals smooth and slightly convex; setae ca. 9 long, not quite so decumbent as in antilleorum, tactile setae 9 and erect.
Holotype: 8, VENEZUELA: I. Margarita: Puerto Fermin (12.48, Marcuzzi), in CASC, San Francisco. Paratypes: VENEZUELA: I Mar- garita: Puerto Fermin (same data, lo), Juan Griego (3.48,2). Sucre: Carupan (9.48, 2). I am indebted to K. S. Hagen for the loan of these specimens, and for some additional specimens without labels. Paratypes in CASC and collections of KSH and FGW. Anthicus blackwelderi, sp. n.
Fig. 10, 13, 21.
2.27-2.55 mm, of aspect of a Vacusus species, head truncate, prothorax without a constriction, and elytra subparallel. Jamaican
220 Psyche [VOI. 90
individuals brown, with slightly paler legs, antennae and palpi. Cuban individuals with pale marking at base and apex of elytra. Moderately coarsely punctured.
Holotype 8, 2.34 mm. Head 441 5 l,47; eyes 191 15, 35 apart, 20 from base, which is truncate with a slight impression at midline, the temporal angles narrowly rounded; disc slightly flattened, smooth, with strong punctures ca. 4 apart except on midline of front; setae decumbent. Antennae ca. 97 long, 7 thick at segment 10, which is slightly longer than thick. Prothorax 491 16,40,3 1, with even punc- tures denser than on head, ca. 2 apart, about as wide as intervals. Elytra 141/56,73, with feeble omoplates, as deeply punctured as head and prothorax, punctures ca. 3 apart; setae decumbent, 8, slightly curved; tactile setae 4, suberect. Underside of thorax with punctures slightly smaller than above; front part of prosternum, anterior to coxae, smooth in front half, with some punctures and suberect setae in back half. First visible abdominal sternum finely punctured, rest punctulate. Visible sternum 5 with its apex gently convex, as in 9; 6 with no indication of even an emargination; last visible tergum shiny, its edge beaded, almost concealed by the ter- gum before it, which is densely short-pubescent and has an almost evenly rounded apex, as in $.
Holotype: 8, JAMAICA: Kingston (no date, Chapin & Black- welder) in USNM. Paratypes: JAMAICA: Kingston (C & B, 4; P J D, l), Morant Bay, Gordon Town, Trinityville, Bath St. Thomas, Blue Mts. (nr. 4500', P.J.D.). Paratypes in USNM, MCZ and FGW col- lection. Not designated paratypes: CUBA: Oriente Prov.: coast below Pico Turquino (1); Soledad nr. Cienfuegos (2). HISPANIOLA: Rep. Dom.: Constanza (IS). The Constanza specimen has very reduced dark elytral markings, with rounded posterior emargination. Even teneral Jamaican specimens have uniformly colored elytra. Anthicus russoi Krekich
Fig. 5, 22.
Anthicus russoi Krekich in Menozzi 1930: 93 (type-locality: Moca, Rep. Domini- cans).
Stricticomus russoi: Bonadona 198 1 : 275. 8, Jarabacoa, 2.20 mm, very smooth, shiny, appearing somewhat glabrous except for long, erect tactile setae; body and basal 36 of elytra pale rufescent (abdomen brown in another specimen); humeri
I 9831 Werner - Anthicidae 22 1
and apical area of elytra brown. Head semicircular behind eyes; prothorax evenly swollen in profile at level of widest portion. Head 42/45,39; eyes prominent, 171 13, 27 apart, 20 from base. Disc evenly convex, punctures ca. 4 apart, small but distinct on front, very fine behind; setae ca. 1, decumbent, almost invisible, tactile setae erect, 7, fine. Antennae 105 long, 7 thick at segment 10, gradually thickened, with moderately conspicuous suberect curved setae ca. 4 and erect, nearly straight tactile setae ca. 7. Prothorax 471 18,36,25,28; portion anterior to strong basal impressed line almost globular, rising 11 above line from top of base to top of strong collar. Elytra 13 1 / 50,67; humeri well defined, omoplates slightly swollen; postbasal transverse impression well indicated but with punctures and pubescence like rest of elytra; punctures very fine, ca. 5 apart, setae decumbent, fine, ca. 1, barely visible, tactile setae erect, nearly straight, 11. Mesosternum extremely smooth, flat, with lateral expansion 15 wide and reaching almost to epi- pleura of elytra, bearing a fringe of slightly curved setae ca. 11 long, partly visible from above, the lateral and posterolateral setae lap- ping onto sides of elytra and mesepisterna. Metasternum, abdomen and legs with sparse, decumbent setae ca. 4 long, slightly denser on tibiae. Visible sternum 5 with disc evenly convex, its apex shallowly emarginate and bearing several long setae; 6 ca. 11 wide, divided into almost parallel, deeply separated lobes, which are deeply grooved mesally. Last visible tergum thin, nearly flat. Wings ap- parently absent. Cuticle very translucent, some parts almost transparent.
Records: HISPANIOLA: REP. DOM.: Jarabacoa (530m, 23.1.1972), and Boca Chica (lOm, 6.X. 1971), both on single 8 specimens, col- lected by J. & S. Klapperich, and in the Base1 Museum. These specimens agree in general with the original description, which may have suffered from being translated from German into Italian, and finally from my translation to English. The original figure is not helpful. Professor M. Princippi informs me that there is a specimen of russoi in the Menozzi Collection at the Istituto di Entomologia of the Universith di Bologna. This must be the holotype, since the species was described from a single specimen. I am leaving russoi in Anthicus for lack of a better place to put it. The mandibles and gonopore armature are different from Acanthi- nus, and the mesothorax differently designed from Formicilla. In
222 Psyche [VOI. 90
that genus the setae on the sides of the mesothorax arise from a ridge above the side of the expanded mesosternum. Bonadona has placed it in Stricticomus, an Old World group characterized by the shape of the prothorax. While this is a convenient way to split up the numerous species of Anthicus, the division has not been defined on a phylogenetic basis,
Anthicus subtilis-group
Five species of Anthicus in the Greater Antilles form a very dis- tinctive group. The males have a unique tuft of long setae on the sides of the tegmen and the species share enough external features that two of them are indistinguishable in the female sex. Of the five, two have been taken only on Hispaniola, one only on Cuba, one on Hispaniola and Cuba, and one on Cuba and Jamaica, the last with some geographical variation on the two islands. All three species on Hispaniola are at least partly sympatric, as indicated by the labels, as are two on Cuba.
Anthicus subtilis LaFertk
Fig. 1, 18.
Anrhicus subiilis LaFertk 1848: 135-6 (type-locality: LaFertk states it as Colombia, collected by Moritz, but the specimens probably originated in the Greater Antilles).
2.47-2.76 mm, pale rufescent, legs, antennae and palpi dull lute- ous, tibiae obscurely darker at base, elytra with pale brown median marking widely interrupted at suture and more or less triangular with a mesa1 point, and a narrow, usually paler, diagonal subapical band. Pubescence short, fine, almost appressed, dulling the gener- ally shiny surface; punctures fine and not very evident except on base of pronotum. On the elytra the pubescence in this and the other species of the subtilis-group is slightly diagonal over most of the surface, to ca. 45' in the postbasal transverse impression and nearly transverse on rear of the weak omoplates. 3, Ennery, Haiti, 2.66 mm. *Head 44/53,47, almost semicircular behind prominent eyes, with a slight impression at midline. Eyes 221 16, 35 apart, 16 from base. Disc evenly convex, shiny, with small, well-defined punctures ca. 5 apart, and more numerous very fine punctures on intervals, punctures collectively ca. 1 apart. Setae fine, silky, decumbent. Antennae unusually slender, segments 161 7,
19831 Werner - Anthicidae 223
915, 1115, 1515, 1615, 1615, 1515, 1416, 1417, 1317, 1716, base to apex. Prothorax 54/20,44,33,35, with well-defined collar and slight constriction. Collar without dense pubescence ventrally. Disc evenly convex, punctures ca. 1 apart, finer and with intervals nearly flat on anterior 1 / 3, larger and grading to finely rugulose in region of basal impressed line. Elytra 169/64,86, widest near middle, tapering to moderately narrow apex; omoplates distinct, transverse impression weak. Surface almost evenly covered with fine, slightly elevated punctures ca. 2 apart, intervals flat; setae fine, appressed, ca. 3, tactile setae suberect, 7. Setae of 2 slightly different lengths and thicknesses, the longer and thicker slightly less appressed and dis- cernible with backlighting. Punctures and setae of impression no different from those of adjacent areas except for the setae being more perpendicular to the midline. Legs slender, not modified. Vis- ible sternum 5 simple, its apex truncate. The median dark elytral markings on this individual are 37 long, separated by 30 across suture, and 9 from side margin; subapical band ca. I1 wide, paler than median marks, slightly oblique, extend- ing forward along suture for ca. 18, pale and evanescent laterally, to 7 from margin. All of the specimens have rather similar markings, and none has the median markings connected across the suture. Records: All individuals are fully winged and apparently capable of flight. HISPANIOLA: HAITI: Ennery (nr. 1000' (43,5Q), Camp Per- rin (nr, lOOO', 23), N.E. foothills of La Hotte (30OOp, la). REP. DOM.: Villa Altagracia (13), Pto. Plata (25 km. S. of, 291, San Josk de las Matas (1-20OOt, 1 Q). CUBA: Loma (Pico) del Gat0 (Sierra Maestra, Oriente Prov., 231, Soledad nr. Cienfuegos (19). Almost all col- lected by P. J. D.
I am applying LaFertk's name to this species largely on the basis that his description matches it quite well and that he particularly noted unusually slender antennae, He had two specimens to study, one in the Dejean collection and one in his own, the source of both being a series in the museum at Berlin, and ultimately the collecting of Moritz. I have seen the specimen in the LaFertk collection and compared it with West Indian material, but did so before I realized that there are several species in the subtilis-group. I have never seen a specimen of this group from a continental area. According to W. Horn's Entomologische Sammlungen, C. Moritz collected in both Colombia and Puerto Rico in the 1830's. It is likely that some labels got mixed.
Anthicus darlingtoni, sp. n.
Fig. 3, 17.
Generally similar to subtilis but smaller, 2.02-2.42 mm, head slightly truncate and with more distinct punctures, antennae not so slender, elytra more rounded at apex, median elytral markings usu- ally darker and barely narrowed mesally, and subapical band very faint. Some individuals, including the holotype, lack wings and have the elytra slightly inflated.
Holotype 8, 2.06 mm. Head 36/46,41, subtruncate with broadly rounded temporal angles. Eyes 171 13, 3 1 apart, 15 from base, Disc evenly convex, shiny, with evenly distributed punctures ca. 1 apart, small but well defined; diameter of punctures, including down- curved borders, about equal to intervals. The larger punctures de- scribed in subtilis are barely larger than those on the intervals, Antennae not unusually slender, segments 131 6, 71 5, 91 5, 1015, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1116, 1017, 1617, base to apex. Prothorax similar to subtilis, 441 l6,4l,27,3 1. Elytra 1261 49,69, similar but apex more rounded and impression weaker. Fully winged individu- als are more similar. Surface slightly more deeply punctured, punc- tures ca. 2 apart; setae similar, ca. 4, tactile setae ca. 7. Legs not modified. Apex of visible sternum 5 very feebly excavated. Median elytral markings 29 long, separated by ca. 18 across suture, 4 from side margin; subapical band much paler, barely a cloud, ca, 11 wide. Holotype, 8, HAITI: Etang Lachaux (under 1 000', Oct, 26-27, '34, P. J. Darlington, WL) in MCZ. Paratypes: HAITI: Etang Lachaux (same data, 2 WL 8, 1 WL Q), Camp Perrin (nr. lOOO', 1 F 8, 1 WL 8,2 F Q), Damien (2 F g), Port-au-Prince (1 WL 81, Miragoane (2 WL Q), Ennery (nr. 1 OW', 2 WL Q), Mt. La Hotte (Tardieu, 3000'% 1 WL Q), Kenskoff (nr. Port-au-Prince, 4-6000', 1 F 9). All speci- mens were collected by P. J. Darlington between September and November, 1934.
In at least two localities this species is sympatric with subtilis, but it appears to have a narrower range. Six of the specimens have full wings (F) and 11 are entirely wingless (WL). Anthicus hispaniolae, sp. n.
Fig, 2, 16.
Larger than subtilis and the other species of the group, 2.68-3.1 1 mm, and with more extensive and darker markings on the elytra,
19831 Werner - Anthicidae 225
these tending to be connected along the suture but not along the sides. Most of the head and prothorax brown, elytra with base to transverse impression, a midband and an oblique subapical band brown, these connected at least narrowly along suture; subapical band paler in part of the series. Rest of elytra, legs, palpi, antennal segments 1 & 2, and usually labrum, mandibles except for tips, and head adjacent to antennal insertions luteous. Dark midband and subapical band not reaching side margins. Underside and abdomen pale brown. Head and prothorax densely, finely punctured. Tegmen of 8 genitalia very slender and tapering almost evenly to narrow tip. Holotype 8, 2.68 mm. Head 42/56,49. Eyes 251 18, 36 apart, 15 from base, which is subtruncate with a shallow median impression, the temporal angles broadly rounded. Disc evenly convex, shiny, but punctures ca. 2 apart and broader than intervals. Antenna1 segments 1-2 pale, 1 heavier than usual; segments 181 1 1,9/ 51 121 5, 1315, 1515, 17/b9 1516, 1416, 1317, 1317, 1817, base to apex. Pro- thorax 52/22,47,37,42; punctures very dense, 2 apart, intervals very narrow, especially in back half. Elytra 175/69,95, with distinct omoplates and postbasal impression; punctures small, ca. 2 apart, intervals flat and about as wide as punctures; setae moderately dense, decumbent, 4, part slightly less decumbent, 5; tactile setae ca. 6. Legs simple; visible sternum 5 truncate. Holotype, 8, REP. DOM.: constanza to Jarabacoa (2-4000', Aug., '38, P. J. Darlington) in Mcz. Paratypes: REP. DOM.: same data (28), foothills of Cordillera Central (S. of Santiago, la). HAITI: N.E. foothills of La Hotte (2-40OOt, la). The last locality is almost the same as where one subtilis was collected. All collected by P. J. Darlington in Oct., 1934, and June and Aug. 1938. All specimens are fully winged, and apparently capable of flight. Anthicus soledad, sp. n.
Fig. 4, 14.
Generally similar to subtilis but smaller, 2.22-2.53 mm, elytral markings darker, median elytral markings nearly or quite a com- plete band in Cuban individuals, interrupted at suture in those from Jamaica. Head slightly more truncate and deeply punctured, anten- nae not unusually slender. Unique in having the apex of the 8 tegmen nearly truncate, with a median point. Cuban specimens are so similar to macgillavryi Buck that females cannot be identified.
226 Psyche [VOI. 90
Holotype 5, 2.33 mm. Head 40/49,44, subtruncate with broadly rounded temporal angles, slightly impressed at middle. Eyes 191 14, 33 apart, 16 from base; surface similar to subtilis but with fine but distinct punctures ca. 2 apart, most slightly narrower than intervals, with gradually downcurved borders. Antenna1 segments 13 / 6, 71 5, 915, 1115, 1215, 1315, 1415, 1315, 1316, 1117, 1616, base to apex. Prothorax similar, 471 18,39,27,33. Elytra 1451 55,79, shiny, punc- tures distinct, ca. 3 apart and almost as wide as intervals; setae ca. 4 long, tactile setae 6. The midband on this and other Cuban speci- mens is complete, slightly paler at suture; subapical band broad and dark, connected to midband at sides and narrowly at suture, leaving a diagonal mark on each elytron and apex pale; base onto omo- plates somewhat darkened. Jamaican individuals lack the basal darkening, have the midband interrupted at the suture, and the subapical band connected to it only at the sides. Legs unmodified. Apex of visible sternum 5 feebly excavated. Holotype, 3, CUBA: Soledad nr. Cienfuegos (Oct. 21, '26, P. J. Darlington, F) in MCZ. Paratypes: CUBA: Soledad (2 F a), Caya- mas (5 R $\ JAMAICA: Rio Cobre (5 mi. above Spanishtown, 1 F 5, 1 R 5, 1 WL S), Ocho Rios (1 WL 5), Blue Mts. (Whitefield Hall, nr. 4500', 1 R S), Milk River (1 F 5). Five of the males are fully winged (F), 7 have reduced wings (R), and 2 are wingless (WL). In addition 5 fully winged females from Jamaica are identified with this species but not included as paratypes: Whitefield Hall (2), Milk River (2), and Mandeville (1, dead in light globe). Paratypes in MCZ, USNM and collection of FGW.
Anthicus macgillavryi Buck
Fig. 12, 14.
Anthicus macgillavry Buck 1960: 69-70 (type-locality: Manicaragua, CUBA, but holo- type is a Q and not conclusively identifiable as the species redescribed here). 2.1 1-2.24 mm, extremely similar to sympatric soledad individuals on Cuba, 8 differing in having the front tibiae excavated in apical 215 and in having the tegmen of the genitalia slightly constricted beyond middle, similar to subtilis and darlingtoni. Elytra with dark midband complete in all specimens identified. Q, Soledad, 2.20 mm. Head 36/48,41; eyes 181 15, 31 apart, 13 from base; antenna1 segments 1317,815,914, 1115,1315, 1315, 1315,
19831 Werner - Anthicidae 227
1215, 1215, 1117, 171 5, base to apex. Prothorax 471 17,40,27,31; ely- tra 138/56,75; setae ca. 4, tactile setae 5. Front tibiae gradually thickened from base to 6 thick at 16 from base, zone beyond thickest portion moderately abruptly thinned to slightly more than 4 in a gently concave, flattened zone ca. 6 wide, this lined with moderately dense, pale, decumbent setae. Front tarsi not modified. Apex of visible sternum 5 feebly excavated.
Records: CUBA: Soledad, nr. Cienfuegos (5 F 8, 5 WL a), Bara- guh (at light, 1 F a), Cayamas (2 F <$,6 R a), Limones (1 WL 3). Of the 20 specimens identified, 8 have full wings, 6 reduced wings, and 6 are wingless.
This species is more abundant than soledad on Cuba, so is the more likely one to be associated with Buck's name. The holotype and all 15 paratypes sent from the Amsterdam collection are females, so no part of the type series can be included in the records. Mecynotarsus hispaniolae, sp. n.
Fig. 6, 7.
1.56-2.04 mm (elytra plus prothorax including horn). Brown, appendages rufescent, surface largely concealed by appressed scales, which are cinereous but with a median rufescent cloud on the pro- notum and dull brown markings on the elytra. The darkest of the elytral markings are lateral, one rounded and close to middle, the other larger, oval and subapical, both isolated from sides by a broad cinereous zone. Paler brown markings extend from the omoplate area to the level of the front of the subapical mark, with vague connections to both sets of dark marks. The background color of the elytra is slightly rufescent dorsally. Prothorax with a sparse fringe of long, erect, flattened, slightly clavate setae, on sides and onto base. Elytral scales of 2 different widths, the wider ca. 1% times as wide, the 2 widths tending to be in alternate rows and the wider just perceptibly elevated.
Holotype: 2.04 mm; head 39/45,45; eyes small, 121 9, their curved scales ca. 1.5; 29 apart, 12 from base of head. Upperside of head flat, with sparse setae and some 12 long, suberect setae and well- developed erect, flattened setae on horn outline, 10-14 long. Pro- thorax 39 long, 82 with horn, 63 wide; horn 31 wide at widest, 12 thick. Marginal setae 9 long, the ones on base slightly shorter. Horn
228 Psyche [VOI. 90
Figures 1-13.
Fig. 1. Anthieus subtilis, described specimen. Fig. 2. A. his-
paniolae, holotype. Fig. 3, A. darling ion^, hobotype. Fig. 4. A, soledad, holotype, Fig. 5. A. russoi. described specimen.
Fig. 6. Mecynotarsw hispaniotue, holotypt. Fig. 7. Same specimen, oblique lateral view of elytra. Fig. 8. Anthiws mmfwiue,
holotype. Fig. 9. A. antHteorum, holotype. Fig, 10. A, blackwelderi, holotype. Fig. 1 1. Thicanus lescanus, Barahom, Rep. Dom., forebody. Fig. 12. Anthtcus rnucgiltavryi, front leg of described 8. Fig. 13. A. blackwelderi, elylral markings of Cuban population, from coast below Pico Turquino.
1 9831 Werner - Anthicidae 229
Figures 14-22. 8 genitalia of Anthicus spp., in ventral view, most with tegmen in left lateral view, details of internal sac and gonopore armature to sides. Fig. 14. A.
soledad, paratype, Soledad, Cuba.
Fig. 15. A. macgillavryi, Soledad, Cuba. Fig. 16. A. hispaniolae, paratype.
Fig. 17. A. darlingtoni, paratype, Damien, Haiti. Fig. 18. A. subtilis, Villa Altagracia, Rep. Dom. Fig. 19. A. antilleorum, paratype,
Cayamas, Cuba. Fig. 20. A. margaritae, paratype, Carupano, Venez. Fig. 21.
A. blackwelderi, paratype, Kingston, Jam. Fig. 22. A. russoi, Boca Chica, Rep.
230 Psyche [VOI. 90
with a welldeveloped crest of 2 ridges, these up to 8 apart, and with 3 strong teeth on each side. Underside of horn with a sparse brush of suberect, anteriorly directed simple setae 10 long. Elytra 1221 65,87, strongly inflated, punctures ca. 3 apart but obscured by dense scales ca. 4 long; no tactile setae discernible. Hind tibia 47 long, tarsus 61, front tarsus 29.
Holotype, 9, REP. DOM.: Las Salinas b. Bani (10.X.1979, J. & S. Klapperich) in Natural History Museum, Basel, Switzerland. Para- types: 2 $, same data, Base1 and FGW collection. Relationships: The species of Mecynotarsus in the elegans-group seem assignable to at least 3 subgroups. The first, already noted (Werner 1962), has the sutural area of the elytral apex pale, this zone restricted anteriorly by oblique dark bands. To this group belong elegans LeConte, intermixtus Werner, jamaicanus Werner, and probably falcatus Chandler. In this group the male genitalia are distinctive, the phallobase bearing rounded lateral lobes. The male antennae are not expanded and the prothoracic horn is relatively narrow.
A second subgroup has the markings at the tip of the elytra based on a pale sutural mark and lateral spots, with a narrow extension from the oblique subapical bands tending to reach the very apex on each side, where there may be a tiny development of a pit in the male. This subgroup contains balsasensis Werner and salvadoren- sis Werner. These 2 species have a distinctive pale strip through discal clouding on the pronotum. Werner (1962) indicates that the phallobase is simple but Chandler (1977) states that there are lateral lobes in salvadorensis. Very small size of the genitalia makes inter- pretation difficult. The antennae are simple in the male and the horn is relatively narrow.
Finally, a third subgroup has each elytron pale at the apex, with a convex anterior border to the pale zone. The most distinctive fea- ture is expansion of the intermediate antenna1 segments in the male, and simple phallobase of the male genitalia. The prothoracic horn is broader than in the other 2 subgroups, and any clouding on the pronotum lacks a median pale stripe. This last subgroup contains nevermanni Werner, alvarado Chandler, and vafer Chandler, with sexnotatus Champion assignable to it on male characters but having the elytral markings so reduced that they are difficult to interpret. M. hispaniolae is probably a member of this third subgroup, but
19831 Werner - Anthicidae 23 1
no males have been collected. However, the more posterior dark mark on the elytra shows no sign of a posterior excavation, as is present in alvarado and vafer. The distinctive erect setae on the sides of the prothorax are matched in alvarado and approached in vafer, but are also approached in salvadorensis in the second subgroup. No other species has such differences between the broad and narrow scales, but there is some difference in vafer, alvarado and salva- dorensis; the tendency may be more a function of denseness of scales than relationship. The long setae on the underside of the horn are matched in vafer and hinted at in some others in the third subgroup, salvadorensis in the second, and intermixtus in the first. The setae on the horn, and matching setae on top of the head, as well as the erect setae on the top of the head that outline the horn, probably have an adaptive value in keeping sand grains out of the space between head and horn when the beetle is digging. Degree of devel- opment might very well be habitat-related. Acanthinus angusticollis (LaFertk) 1848: 120-1. Werner l966b: 747-9, fig. 1, 3, 6, synonymy. Southern Brazil to northern South America. Introduced? CUBA: Bahia Honda, Camaguey, Cayamas, Havana, Santa Clara. JAMAICA: Kingston. Acanthinus concinnus (LaFertfe) 1848: 123. Werner l97Oa: 123, fig. 7, 21. Bolivia to eastern Mexico. Introduced? CUBA: on ship from Cuba, HISPANIOLA: Rep. Dom.: Boca Chica, Colonia (1000 m), Haina, San Cristobal (35 m), San Francisco Mts., San Josk de las Matas, Trujillo Valdes (Boni), Villa Altagirica. Acanthinus ebeninus (LaFertk) 1848: 1 17. Werner 1970a: 1 19, fig. 17.
Pseudoleptaleus cubanensis Pic 19 17: 8 (type-locality: Cuba). Venezuela and Colombia; reported from Guatemala without exact locality (specimen not seen). CUBA: only the Pic specimen, without specific locality.
Acanthinus quinquemaculatus (LaFertfe) 1848: 1 15-6. Werner 1970a: 121-2, fig. 6,20. Bolivia to eastern Mexico. Introduced? CUBA: Sabanilla. HISPANIOLA: Rep. Dom.: Boca Chica, Colonia (1000 m). PUERTO RICO: Flamboyant, Puerca Bay.
232 Psyche [vo~. 90
Acanthinus schwarzi Werner 1967: 1232, fig. 10, 23. Probably endemic. CUBA: Cayamas, Pinar del Rio, Soledad nr. Cienfuegos.
Acanthinus scitulus (LeConte) 1852: 94-5. Werner 1970b: 724-5, fig. 20-22, 34.
Formicilla cubana Pic 1944: 9- 10 (type-locality: Cuba). Formicillia gracillipes (sic): Buck 1960: 64, in part, Cuban specimens.
Honduras to southeastern U.S. A. Probably a recent intro- duction. CUBA. Hormiguero, Pinar del Rio. Through the courtesy of Ben Brugge, of the Zoological Museum of Am- sterdam, I have examined most of the specimens reported by Buck. His specimen from Colombia belongs to Acanthinus leporinus (LaFertk). HISPANIOLA: Rep. Dom.: Boca Chica (10 m).
Amblyderus sp. Wolcott 1936: 210. PUERTO RICO: Ponce (on Randia mitis and other flowers). Identification was provided by H. S. Barber, but specimens cannot now be located. The blossom association makes the identification suspect, since the usual asso- ciation of Amblyderus is sand dunes.
Anthicus antilleorum Werner. Native. Also in Virgin and Bahama Islands. CUBA, HISPANIOLA.
Anthicus blackwelderi Werner. Probably endemic. JAMAICA, CUBA, HISPANIOLA.
Anthicus crinitus LaFertk 1848: 204-5. Werner 1975b: 472-3, fig. 2, 5. Old World, becoming cosmopolitan. HISPANIOLA: Rep. Dom.: Bani, Mao Val-Verde, San Cristobal, St. Domingo, all near sea level. PUERTO RICO: Fortuna A. E. S., La Parguera, Ponce. Anthicus darlingtoni Werner. Endemic. HISPANIOLA. Anthicus floralis (L.) 1758: 420. Werner 1964: 233-4, fig. 18, 71. Cosmopolitan. JAMAICA: Trelawney. HISPANIOLA: Rep. Dom.: San Cristobal, St. Domingo. PUERTO RICO: Ponce. Anthicus formicarius (Goeze) 1977: 705. Werner 1964: 234-5, fig. 19, 72. Cosmpolitan. JAMAICA: St. Andrew. Anthicus hispaniolae Werner. Endemic. HISPANIOLA.
19831 Werner - Anthicidae 233
Anthicus macgillavryi Buck. Endemic. CUBA. Anthicus pallidus Say 1826: 245. Werner 1964: 230-1, fig. 1, 2, 64, synonymy. Coastal areas, Florida to northern South America; Lesser Antilles. Probably native. CUBA: Maisi in Oriente Prov. HISPANIOLA: Haiti: Grande Anse. Rep. Dorn.: Barahona. PUERTO RICO: Bayamon.
Anthicus russoi Krekich. Probably a myrmecophilous endemic. HISPANIOLA.
Anthicus soledad Werner. Endemic. CUBA, JAMAICA. Anthicus subtilis LaFertk Endemic. CUBA, HISPANIOLA. Anthicus tobias Marseul 1879: 125. Werner 1964: 235, fig. 12. Old World, becoming cosmopolitan; Virgin Islands. JAMAICA: Gor- don Town, Morant Bay, Spanish Town. HISPANIOLA: Rep. Dom.: Boca Chica, San Cristobal, Santo Domingo, all near sea level.
Mecynotarsus hispaniolae Werner. Endemic. HISPANIOLA. Mecynotarsus jamaicanus Werner 1962: 84, fig. 3, 10. Probably endemic. JAMAICA: Kingston.
Notoxus bipunctatus Chevrolat 1877: ix. Chandler 1978: 35, fig. 26, 57. Probably endemic. PUERTO RICO: Alsina, Anaso District, Coama Springs, Ponce, Rio Piedras, San Juan. Notoxus jamaicus Pic 1913: 8-9. Chandler 1978: 36, fig. 27, 57. Probably endemic. JAMAICA: Alligator Pond Bay, Bull Run in St. Andrew Parish, Milk River, Morant Bay, Santa Cruz, Span- ish Town, Trelawney.
Sapintus similis Werner 1983: 420. Mexico to Panama. Introduced? JAMAICA: Spanish Town.
Sapintus teapensis (Champion) 1890: 249. Southeastern Mexico to southern Brazil. Introduced? CUBA: Baracoa, Cayamas, Vinales. HISPANIOLA: Haiti: Desbarrikre-Mt. La Hotte, Port-au-Prince. Rep. Dom.: Bani, Haina, La Romana, Monte Cristi, Puerto Plata. JAMAICA: Orange Bay, Santa Cruz, Spanish Town. PUERTO RICO: Tortuguero Lake.
234 Psyche [VOI. 90
Thicanus texanus (LaFertk) 1848: 30 1. Werner 1975a: 290, synony- my. Southeastern U.S. A. to eastern Texas, primarily coastal. Probably native. HISPANIOLA: Rep. Dom.: Barahona, Lake Enriquillo. PUERTO RICO: Ensenada.
Vacusus holoxanthus (Fairmaire & Germain) 1860: 3. Werner 1961 : 808-9; l966a: 2 19, synonymy.
Vacusus jamaicanus Werner 196 1 : 809.
Chile to southern Brazil. Probably introduced. JAMAICA: Gordon Town, Milk River, Morant Bay, Spanish Town. Vacusus vicinus (LaFertk) 1848: 157-8. Werner 196 1 : 799-80 1, synonymy. Southern U.S.A. to Venezuela. Lesser Antilles. Introduced? CUBA: Baragub, Camaguey, Cayamas, Havana, Hormiguero, Jatabonica, Manicaragua, Soledad nr. Cien- fuegos. HISPANIOLA: Rep. Dom.: Bani, Boca Chica, Mao Val- Verde, San Cristobal, Santo Domingo. JAMAICA: Bath St. Thomas, Clarkstown, Milk River, Morant Bay, Santa Cruz, Spanish Town, Trinityville. PUERTO RICO: Ensenada, La Gua- nica, Lajas, Mayaguez, Sabena Grande, Salinas. VIRGIN ISLANDS.
BUCK, F. D. 1960.
Anthicid beetles from Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba, and the Netherlands Antilles. Studies on the Fauna of Curacao and other Caribbean Islands: No. 47, pp. 64-71. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague. CHAMPION, G. C. 1890. Anthicidae (pp. 203-50, pis. 9-10). In: Biologia Centrali- Americana. Insecta, Coleoptera Heteromera, vol. 4, part 2 (1889-1893). R. H. Porter, London. x + 494 pp.
1977. New Mecynotarsus with a key to the New World species (Coleoptera: Anthicidae). Coleop. Bul. 31: 363-70. . 1978. A revision of the Central and South American Notoxus and de- scription of a new genus, Plesionotoxus . . . . Contrib. American Entomol. Inst. 16(3): i-iv, 1-83 (as 1977).
CHEVROLAT, A. L. A. 1877. Description d'espkces nouvelles d'Hfetkromkres provenant Hie de Porto Rico . . . . Bul. Soc, Entomol. France 7: viii-ix. FAIRMAIRE, L., AND P. GERMAIN.
1860. Coleoptera Chilensia. Part 2. Sect. 1. 8 pp. Paris.
1777. Entomologische Beitrage zu des Ritter Linnfe 12. Ausgabe des Natursystems, vol. 1. Weidmann, Leipzig. 736 pp. LAFERTE-SENECTERE, F. T. de. 1848.
Monographic des Anthicus et genres voisins . . . . De Sapia, Paris. xxiv + 340 pp., 16 pis.
Werner - Anthicidae
1852. Synopsis of the anthicites of the United States. Proc. Acad. Natur. Sci. Philadelphia 6: 92-104.
Systema Naturae . . . , ed. 10, vol. 1. Laurentii Salvii, Holm. 2 + 824 pp.
MARSEUL, S. A. de. 1879. Monographic des anthicides de l'ancien-monde. L'Abeille 17: 1-268, 2 pis.
Una nuova specie, probabile mirmecophila, di Anthicus . . . della R. Dominicana. Boll. Lab. 2001. gen. et agraria del R. Inst. sup. agrario - Portici 25: 92-4.
Pic, M.
1913. Descriptions de 29 espkces. Mkl. Exotico-Entomol., fax. 5: 8-9. . 1917. Descriptions abregees diverses. Mkl. Exotico-Entomol., fasc. 22: 2-20.
. 1944. Opuscula Martialia, XIII. Echange, Numkro special: 1-1 6. Les Imprimeries Rkunies, Moulins.
SAY, T. 1826.
Descriptions of new species of coleopterous insects inhabiting the United States. J. Acad. Natur. Sci. Philadelphia 5: 237-84, 293-304 (continued from 1825, op. cit. 5: 160-204.).
A revision of the genus Vacusus . . . . Ann. Entomol. Soc. America 54: 798-809.
. 1962.
The species of Mecynotarsus related to elegans . . . . Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 64: 79-86.
A revision of the North American species of Anthicus, s. str. Misc. Publ. Entomol. Soc. America 4(5): 195-242. . 1966a. Notes on the South American species of Vacusus . . . . Ann. Entomol. Soc. America 59: 218-22.
. 1966b. A revision of Acanthinus . . . I1 . . . . Op. cit. 59: 746-51. . 1967.
A revision of Acanthinus . . . VI . . . . Op. cit. 60: 121 7-34. . 1970a.
A revision of Acanthinus . . . VII. Op. cit. 63: 11 1-28. . 1 97Ob.
A revision of Acanthinus . . . IX . . . . Op. cit. 63: 7 18-3 1. . 1975a. New synonymy in the nearctic Anthicidae . . . . Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 77: 290.
Additions to the nearctic Anthicus . . . . Op. cit. 77: 472-7. . 1983.
Neotropical Sapintus, with a general key to species. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 85: 405-425.
WOLCOTT, G. N. 1936.
Insectae Borinquenses . . . . Journ. Agric., Univ. Puerto Rico 20: 1-627.
Volume 90 table of contents