Index to volume 90.
Psyche 90(4):449-?, 1983.
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A Journal of Entomology
Volume 90
Editorial Board
Published Quarterly by the Cambridge Entomological Club Editorial Office: Biological Laboratories 16 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
The numbers of PSYCHE issued during the past year were mailed on the following dates:
Vol. 89, nos. 3-4, for 1982. April 27, 1983 Vol. 90, nos. 1-2, for 1983, August 8, I983 Vol. 90, no. 3. for 1983, December 9, 1983
Alloway, Thomas M. and Maria Guadalupe Del Rio Pesado. Behavior of the Slave-Making Ant, Harpagoxenus americanus (Emery) and Its Host Species under "Seminatural" Laboratory Conditions. 425 A l l o ~ Thomas M.
See Del Rio Pesado. M.G.
Betz, B. W.
The Biology of Trichadenotecnum alexanderae Sommerman (Psoco p- tera: Psocidae). Ill. Analysis of Mating Behavior. 97 Blondheim, Syril A. and Eliezer Frankenberg. 'Protest' Sounds of a Grasshopper:
Predator-Deterrent Signal? 387
Brown. William L., Jr.
See Willey, Robert B.
Burnham, Laurie. Studies on Upper Carboniferous insects: 1. The Geraridae (Order Protorthoptera). 1
Buschinger, A lfred and Andre Francoeur. The Guest Ant, Symmyrmica chamber-
lini. Rediscovered near Salt Lake City, Utah (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). 297 Buschinger, Alfred, Ursula Winter, and Walter Faber. The Biology of Myrmom-
us gordiagini Ruzsky, a Slave-Making Ant. 335
Calabi, Prassede, James F. A. Traniello, and Michael H. Werner. Age Pol yet hi sxn:
Its Occurrence in the Ant, Pheidole hortensis, and Some General Con- siderations. 395
Carpenter, Frank M. The Structure and Relationships of Eubleptus d a n i d i (Palaeodictyoptera). 8 1
Carpenter, Frank M. Dedication: Philip J. Darlington, Jr. 333 Chandler, Donald S.
Larvae of Wrack Coleoptera in the families Corylophidae, Rhizophagidae, and Lathridiidae. 287
Conner, Jeffrey, and Thomas Eisner.
Capture of Bombardier Beetles by Ant-Lion Larvae. 175
Del Rio Pesado, Maria Guadalupe and Thomas M. Alloway. Polydomy in the
Slave-Making Ant, Harpagoxenus americanus (Emery). 15 1
Del Rio Pesado, Maria Guadalupe.
See Alloway, Thomas M.
Douglas. Matthew M.
Defense of Bracken Fern by Arthropods Attracted to Axil- lary Nectaries. 3 13
Eisner, Thomas. See Conner, Jeffrey.
Eisner, Thomas. See Nowicki, Steven.
Faber, Walther. See Buschinger, Alfred.
Frolich. D.R. and F.D. Parker. Nest Building Behavior and Development of the Sunflower Leafcutter Bee: Eumegachile (Sayupis) pugnata (Say). 193
Frankenberg, Eliexer. See Blondheim, Syril A. Gordon, Deborah M. Daily Rhythms in Social Activities of the Harvester Ant, Pogonomymex badius. 4 13
Haskins, Caryl P. and Edna F. Haskins.
Situation and Location-Specific Factors
in the Compatibility Response in Rhytidoponera metallica (Hymenoptera: Formicinae: Ponerinae). I63
Haskins, Edna F. See Haskins, Card P.
Henry, Charles S.
Temperature Induced Changes in the Calls of the Green Lace- wing, Chrysoperla plorabunda. 343
Herbers, Joan M.
Social Organization in Leptothorax Ants: Within- and Between- Species Patterns. 361
Johnson, Leslie K. Reproductive Behavior of Claeoderes bivittata (Coleoptera: Brentidae). 135
Kwait, Ellen C. and Howard Topoff. Emigration Raids by Slave-Making Ants: a Rapid Transit System for Colony Relocation. 307 Messina, Frank J.
See Root, Richard B.
Nowicki, Steven and Thomas Eisner. Predatory Behavior of Bombardier Beetles by a Tabanid Fly Larva. 119
Orgren, M. C. Ferreira. See Strassman, J. E. Parker. F. D.
See Frolich. D. R.
Kissing, Steven W. Natural History of the Workerless Inquiline Ant, Pogonomyr- mex colei (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). 32 1 Root, Richard B. and Frank J. Messina. Defensive Adaptations of a Case-Bearing Beetle, Exema canadensis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). 67 Ross, Kenneth G. and P. Kirk Visscher.
Reproductive Plasticity in Yellowjacket
Wasps: a Polygynous, Perennial Colony of Vespula maculifrons. 179. Shapiro, Arthur M.
Testing Visual Recognition in Precis (Lepidoptera: Nymphali- dae) using a Cold-Shock Phenocopy.
Shelly, Todd E. Prey Selection by the Neotropical Spider, Alpaida tuonado, with Notes on Web-Site Tenacity. 123
Strassman, J. E. and M. C. Ferreira Orgren. Nest Architecture and Brood Devel- opment Times in the Paper Wasp, Polistes exclamans (Hymenoptera: Vespi- dae). 237
Topoff. Howard.
See Kwait, Ellen C.
Traniello, James F. A. See Calabi, Prassede. Visscher, P. Kirk. See Ross, Kenneth G.
Werner, Floyd D. Anthicidae of the Greater Antilles and a New Species fir- - Venezuela (Coleoptera). 2 1 1
Werner, Michael H.
See Calabi, Prassede.
Willey, Robert B. and William L. Brown, Jr. New Species of the Ant Ge- - -
Myopias (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae) Winter. Ursula. See Buschinger, Alfred.
All new genera, new species and new names are printed in CAPITAI. TYPE Age polyethism in Pheidole, 395
Alpaido tuonabo, 123
Anepitedius, 44
Ant-lion larvae, 175
Anthicidae of Greater Antilles, 21 1
Anthicus ANTII.I.F.ORUM, 21 8
Anthit-us BI.ACKWEI.DERI, 219
Anthicus DARI.INGTONI. 224
Anthitus HISPANIOIAF. 224
A nthicus macgillavryi, 226
Anthicus MARGARITAE, 219
Anthicus SOLEDAD, 224
Anthicus subtilis, 222
Anthicus russoi, 230
Arthropods attracted to axillary necta-
ries, 3 13
A thymodictya, 84
Behavior of Harpagoxenus americanus.
Biology of Myrmoxenus gordiagini. 335
Biology of Trichadenotecnum alexande-
rue, 97
Bombardier beetles, 1 19, 175
Brachinus, 1 19
Capture of bombardier beetles by ant-
lion larvae, 175
Case-bearing beetle, Exema canade-t 4
Claeoderes bivittata, 135
Corticaria valida, 293
Daily rhythms in social activities of
gonomyrmex, 4 1 3
Dedication: P.J. Darlington, Jr., 33 3
Defense of bracken fern by arthrop - -
Defensive adaptations and natural c-
mies of Exema, 67
Emigration raids by slave-making a -
Eubleptus. 8 1
Eumegachile pugnata, 193
Genentomum, 36
Geraridae, 1
Gerarulus, 42
Gerarus, 12
Green lacewing, 343
Guest ant, Sj~mmyrmica chambeftr--
Harpagoxenus americanus, 1 5 1
Larvae of wrack Coleoptera, 287
Leptothorax, social organization, 36
Mating behavior of Trichadenotecrv
Werner. Floyd D.
Anthicidae of the Greater Antilles and a New Species from Venezuela (Coleoptera). 21 1
Werner. Michael H.
See Calabi, Prassede.
Willev, Robert B. and William L. Brown, Jr. New Species of the Ant Genus
Myopias (Hymenoptera; Formicidae; Ponerinae) Winter, Ursula. See Buschinger, Alfred.
All new genera, new species and new names are printed in CAPITA!. TYPE Age polyethism in Pheidole. 395
AIpaih tuonabo, 123
A nepitedius, 44
Ant-lion larvae, 175
Anthicidae of Greater Antilles. 21 1
Anthicus ANTII.1.F-ORUM, 21 8
Anthiciis BI.AcKWEI.DERl, 219
Anthicus DARIINGTONI, 224
Anthicus HISPANIOIAF, 224
A nthicus macgillavryi, 226
Anthicus MARGARITAE, 219
Anthicus SOLEDAD, 224
Anthicus subtilis, 222
Anthicus russoi, 230
Arthropods attracted to axillary necta-
ries, 3 13
A thymodictya, 84
Behavior of Harpagoxenus americanus,
Biology of M.vrmoxenus gordiagini. 335
Biology of Trichadenotecnum alexande-
rae. 97
Bombardier beetles, 1 19, 175
Brachinus. 1 19
Capture of bombardier beetles by ant-
lion larvae, 175
Case-bearing beetle, Exema canadensis,
Claeoderes bivit tata, 135
Corticaria valida, 293
Daily rhythms in social activities of Po- gonomyrmex, 4 l 3
Dedication: P.J. Darlington, Jr., 333
Defense of bracken fern by arthropods,
Defensive adaptations and natural ene-
mies of Exema, 67
Emigration raids by slave-making ants,
Eubleptus, 8 1
Eumegachile pugnata, 193
Genentomum, 36
Geraridae, 1
Gerarulus, 42
Gerarus, 12
Green lacewing, 343
Guest ant, Symmyrmica chamberlini.
Harpagoxenus americanus, 1 5 1
Larvae of wrack Coleoptera, 287
Leptothorax, social organization, 36 1
Mating behavior of Trichadenotecnum,
Myopius (HAPMANI. 264
Myopius CONC.AVA, 158
M,~~)piu.v DFI 1 A. 28 1
Myopiax D~NSFSII~I A. 268
Myopias GK~AS. 25 1
Myopiu.~ .in IV~RA, 254
M,~~)piu.s I otws~. 277
M~opiux M IWA. 257
Myopias WPS. 279
Myopias RWHAF. 274
Myopias, 270
Myopias nwuis, 270
M.~~rnio.t-~w IIS vorcliqini, 335
Nmek om iu, 40
Natural history of the workerless inqui- line ant. Popt1otii.1-r11it'x col~i, 32 1 Nest architecture and brood devel-
opment times in Po1i.w.~ excluniana,
Nest-building behavior and devel-
opment of Ennicgachile, 193
New species of the ant genus M.sopias.
0rthoperu.s .scun'lluri.s, 288
Puri'uprepocnenii.s .s.~~riacu. 387
Pheiclole hortmsi.~. 395
Pogonot11.1.rme.v. 4 13
Pogonomvrt71e.v colei, 32 1
Pogonot~1vrn1e.v americanus, 425
Poli.~ies exclanians, 237
Pol yd omy in Hurpu~o.venus ani~~ricun-
us. 15 1
Po(vergus lucidus, 307
Polygynous colony of Vespula, 179
Precis, 59
Predatory capture of bombardier bee-
tles, 1 19
Prey selection by Alpaida tuonaho. 123
Proeenentomum, 39
'Protest' sounds of a grasshopper, 387
Protorthoptera, 1
Reproductive behavior of C1aeodere.s hi- vittata. 135
Reproductive plasticity in yellowjacket
wasps, 179
Rhytidoponera metallica, 1 63
Slave-making ants, 425.45 1
Social organization in Leptolhorax, 361
Structure and relationships of Euhlep-
tux. 8 1
Studies on North American Carbonifer-
ous insects. 7
Studies on Upper Carboniferous insects,
8 1
Symmyrmica chamherlini, 297
Tahanus punctifer, 1 19
Temperature-induced changes in the calls of Chrysoperla, 343
Testing visual species recognition in
Precis, 59
Trichadenolecnum, biology, 97
Upper Carboniferous insects. 1, 8 1
Vespula maculifrons, 179
Visual species recognition in Precis. 59
Volume 90 table of contents