Scott E. Miller.
Earwigs of the California Channel Islands, with Notes on Other Species in California (Dermaptera).
Psyche 91(1-2):47-50, 1984.
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Although the earwigs of the California Channel Islands were included in Langston and Powell (1975) and Langston and Miller (1977), newly accumulated records extend their distributions signifi- cantly (Table 1). Some of these new records are due to increased collecting activity by interested entomologists, but most probably represent range expansion by the earwigs, aided by increased human activity on the islands. The two species involved, Euborellia annu- lipes (Lucas) (Carcinophoridae) and Forficula auricularia Linnaeus (Forficulidae), are both considered to be introduced to California (Langston and Powell 1977). The two are readily distinguished by the shape of the forceps (Langston and Powell 1977: figs. 3, 1 l), as well as the adults being wingless (E. annulipes) or winged (F. auricu- laria). This note is based on the collections of the California Academy of Sciences (CAS), Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM), Peabody Museum of Yale University, San Diego Natural History Museum (SDNHM), Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History (SBMNH), Smithsonian Institution (USNM),_and University of California at Berkeley (UCB), as well as my own fieldwork on all islands from 1976 to 1984. Euborellia annulipes (Lucas)
This cosmopolitan species has been established in coastal south- ern California since at least the 1880s (Langston and Powell 1977). Channel Islands records are as follows: Santa Rosa: A single female was taken in July 1939 (LACM). A colony was found at Johnsons Lee in May 1977 (SBMNH). Santa Catalina: A series was collected at Avalon in October 1908 (USNM), but recently only single indi- *Manuscript received by the editor June 26, 1984. Pu&e 91:47-SO (1984). hup Ytpsychu einclub orgt91Wl-tW.html
48 Psyche [vo~. 91
viduals have been collected at Catalina Harbor (July 1979, LACM) and on the beach at Toyon Bay (May 1981, SBMNH). San Cle- mente: A series was collected in
1885 or 1886 by T.L. Casey
(USNM), one was collected in November 1941 (LACM), and it has been taken in the 1970s around Wilson Cove (military living com- pound) and the new airport.
Forficula auricularia Linnaeus
This cosmopolitan species has not been established in California as long as E. annulipes and has undergone rapid expansion of range in the state in the last fifty years (Langston and Miller 1977). It was probably not established in coastal southern California until at least the 1940s (Langston and Powell 1975). Channel Islands records are as follows: Santa Rosa: Colonies sampled during the 1970s at Beechers Bay (ranch headquarters), Arlington Canyon, and Wreck Canyon (CAS, SBMNH, USNM). Santa Cruz: Powell (1981) dis- cusses the establishment of this species between the late 1960s and 1978. It is now well established in the Central Valley. Santa Cata- ha: Between 1975 and 1983, it has been collected at Catalina Har- bor, Cherry Cove, Cottonwood Canyon, Gallaghers Beach, Parsons Landing, Twin Harbors (Cat Harbor), and Toyon Bay (LACM, SBMNH), and can be very abundant (S.G. Bennett pers. comm.). San Nicolas: Taken in 1980 and 1982 at the military living com- pound (LACM, SBMNH). San Clemente: First taken at the new airport in March 1972 (UCB), it was taken at Wilson Cove and Lemon Tank in December 1981 (SBMNH). Santa Barbara: One female taken in June 1983 (LACM).
Both species are generally restricted to the areas around human activity (i.e. ranch and military facilities) and beaches. The earwigs are omnivorous, sometimes predaceous on other insects, often feed- ing on live or dead vegetation, often injuring crops on the mainland (Langston and Powell 1975). These species, especially Forficula auricularia, can also be household nuisance pests, and can cause considerable annoyance in large numbers. Based on the data presented above, E. annulipes has been present on three islands for 40 to 100 years and maintains small popula-
19841 Miller- Earwigs of Channel Islands 49 Table I.
Summary of earwig distribution on the California Channel Islands. Island
Euborellia Forficula
San Miguel
Santa Rosa
Santa Cruz
Santa Catalina
San Nicolas
San Clemente
Santa Barbara
tions, probably near the sites of initial introduction by man. F. auricularia, however, has apparently become established on six islands, mostly during the 1970s. It has not yet been recorded from San Miguel and Anacapa islands, but should be expected there. The agencies which administer the islands should attempt to discourage the rapid expansion of F. auricularia, by preventing additional introductions and eradicating existing populations when possible. The following are significant additions to Langston and Powell (1975) and Langston and Miller (1977): Following Brindle (1971) and Steinmann (1975), the proper name of Spongophora apiceden- tata Caudell is Vostox apicedentatus (Caudell). Euborellia fernoralis (Dohrn), a new California record, was reported from Red Hill Ma- rina, Calipatria, Imperial County, by Steinmann (1981). Forficula auricularia has been established in the San Diego area, new south- ern record in California, since at least the mid 1970s (specimens in SDNHM).
I thank the National Park Service, U.S. Navy, Santa Cruz Island Co., Vail and Vickers Co., and Santa Catalina Island Conservancy for permission to collect on the islands; those and the Catalina Island Marine Institute, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural His- tory, Southern California Academy of Sciences, TRW, and the
50 Psyche [vo~. 91
University of California at Santa Barbara Marine Science Institute for logistic and financial support of surveys; the curators of the collections consulted; and S.G. Bennett, P. W. Collins, F.G. Hoch- berg, C.L. Hogue, R.W. Klink, R.L. Langston, C.D. Nagano, J.A. Powell, H. Steinmann, and D.B. Weissman for specimens and assistance.
A revision of the Labiidae (Dermaptera) of the Neo-tropical and Nearc- tic Regions. 111. Spongiphoridae. J. Nat. Hist. 5: 521-568. LANGSTON. R.L. AND S.E. MILLER
Expanded distribution of earwigs in California (Dermaptera). Pan-Pac. Ent. 53: 114-1 17.
The earwigs of California (Order Dermaptera). Bull. Calif. Ins. Surv. 20: 1-25.
Five insects believed to be newly established or recolonized on Santa Cruz Island, California (Dermaptera, Lepidoptera). Bull. Soc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 79: 97-108, (1 980).
A Survey of the Neotropical Vosfox Burr species (Dermaptera: Labii- dae). Acta Zool. Acad. Sci, Hung. 21: 435-445. 198 1.
A study of the circumtropical Dermaptera material in the "lnstituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie", Amsterdam. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 27: 187-2 10.
Volume 91 table of contents