Edward O. Wilson.
Ants of the Dominican amber (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 3. The subfamily Dolichoderinae.
Psyche 92(1):17-37, 1985.
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Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, U.S.A.
The Dolichoderinae, in particular the species of Azteca and Iri- domyrmex, are by a wide margin the most abundantly represented ants in the Dominican amber. They are also exceptional in the number of genera occurring in the amber but not in the modern fauna of the Greater Antilles. In other words the Dolichoderinae appear to have undergone a considerable amount of retreat entail- ing local extinction since early Miocene times, and for this reason alone the fossil species deserve close attention. In the present review I have relied principally on the large collections I have assembled for the Museum of Comparative Zoology during the past 10 years, supplemented substantially by material loaned by Dr. Robert E. Woodruff. All of the holotypes (except Dolichoderus dibolia) and most of the paratypes have been deposited in the Museum of Com- parative Zoology. The holotype of D. dibolia and a few paratypes have been placed in the Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, Florida. Earlier parts of this series have dealt with extinct myrmicine genera and the ecitonine army ants respectively (Wilson, 1985a, b).
This genus of large, slender ants is composed today of 8 species limited to the moist tropical forests of South America. The colonies are mostly or exclusively arboreal. The species to be described below is clearly a member of the distinctive altelaboides group, which ranges from the Amazonian region of Bolivia north to Trinidad.
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Psyche [Vol. 92
Dolichoderus dibolia, new species
(Fig. 1)
Diagnosis (worker).
Similar to the living species D. attelaboides and D. imbedflus, particularly in its attenuated occipital "neck" and overall body shape (including especially the alitrunk and propodeal spines) but differs from both forms in its somewhat larger size; proportionately thicker mesothorax; lower, more rounded petiolar node (quadrate in side view in the case of attelaboides and imbecil- lus), and much longer anterior petiolar peduncle. The name dibolia, Greek for lance, refers to the strongly devel- oped propodeal spines.
Holotype worker. Length of alitrunk 3.7 mm. With moderately abundant, coarse, erect hairs, especially on the antenna1 scape. Sculpturing not determinable due to the obscuring of much of the body surface.
The genus Monads may eventually be fused with other blocks of the Dolichoderini (see Brown, 1973, who synonymizes it under Dolichoderus), but until a thoroughgoing revision of the tribe is completed I regard it as both prudent and convenient to treat this genus as a separate entity. For the moment all the New World species placed in Monads (Kempf, 1959) are distinguished by their possession of angulate or spiny pronotal humeri and laterally mar- Fig. I.
llolichotlerus iliholiu worker holotype. side view of body.
19851 Wilson - Dominican amber ants. 3 19 ginate mesonotum. Moreover, all recognized Monads are Neotrop- ical. Living members of the genus are almost wholly limited to the mainland from southern South America to southern Mexico, and all evidently nest arboreally. M. bispinosa, the most widespread species, also occurs on Trinidad and has been recorded, quite anomalously, from St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands (Mayr, 1862). The latter record was based on a single queen and is almost certainly an error-or at most represents a population introduced by human commerce. No other Monads has been found in the remainder of the West Indies north of Trinidad, despite the fact that the workers of most of the species, including M. bispinosa, are large, conspicuous insects.
The two species described below from the Dominican amber are typical Monads not much different from two species (rufescens and laminatus respectively) in the living fauna. They are of exceptional significance because of the current absence of the genus from the Greater Antilles.
Monacis caribbaea, new species
(Fig. 2)
Diagnosis {worker). A relatively small (Pronotal width includ- ing humeral spines 0.49-0.66 mm), slender species resembling the modern M. rufescens of the Brazilian Amazon, differing from rufes- cens in its very sparse body pilosity and the more sharply angulate "shelf" separating the dorsal and declivitous (posterior) faces of the propodeum. M. caribbaea is also light reddish brown as opposed to light reddish yellow in rufescens, although its color might well have been altered during fossilization.
Holotvpe worker. Head Width 680 mm, Pronotal Width 0.5 1 mm. Alitrunk and petiole densely, finely, and evenly punctate, opaque; head still more finely punctate, grading to shagreened, and feebly shining. Body almost devoid of standing pilosity. Body mostly dark reddish brown, legs and parts of petiole and gaster light reddish brown.
Paratype workers.
Eleven specimens in as many amber pieces: 2 from Palo Quemado (Pronotal Width of first 0.47 mm, second not measured), one from Bayaguana (no measurement), and 8 with no further locality within the Dominican Republic (Pronotal Width 0:49-0.66 mm).
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Fig. 2.
Monucis i-arihhuiw worker holmype: A. side view: B, dorsal view. The pronotal humeri of the caribbaea types vary considerably, from well defined spines as in the holotype to simple acute angles approaching the condition that characterizes the second fossil spe- cies, prolaminata.
Monads prolaminata, new species
(Fig. 3)
Diagnosis (worker).
A relatively large, robust species closely resembling the living M. laminata of northern South America and
Wilson - Dominican amber ants. 3
Fig. 3. Monads proIut11inu1u worker holotype: A, side view; B, dorsal view. Central America, differing in the concave dorsal border of the petio- lar scale viewed in full face (as opposed to strongly convex in laminata).
Holotype worker.
Head Width 1.07 mm, Pronotal Width 0.93
mm. Dorsum of alitrunk shallowly rugoreticulate, the rugae longi- tudinally oriented on the mesonotum; spaces within the rugoreticu- lar cells densely punctate; the whole surface entirely opaque but with reflections from the numerous evenly packed punctures giving the alitrunk a silvery, "sparkling" appearance. Head, petiole, and abdomen variably punctulate to shagreened and feebly shining. Body almost wholly devoid of standing pilosity. Body uniformly
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blackish brown, appendages light to medium brown. Dominican Republic amber: no further locality.
Paratype workers.
Five specimens in 4 amber pieces: one from Palo Quemado (Pronotal Width 1.1 1 mm), 4 others from Domini- can amber with no further locality, 2 of which are in one piece (Pronotal Width 0.90-1.30 mm).
The modern genus Hypoclinea as presently defined is nearly cos- mopolitan (absent in Africa) and highly diverse in anatomy and behavior. At least 15 species compose the living Neotropical fauna, almost all confined to the mainland of Mexico, Central America, and South America. The most widespread form, H. lutosa, occurs from Brazil to Trinidad and southern Mexico. It has also been recorded from St. Vincent in the southern part of the Lesser Antilles, where it is quite rare (Forel, 1893). Hvpoclinea is appar- ently absent in the remainder of the West Indies, including all of the Greater Antilles, a circumstance giving the Dominican amber spe- cies to be described below more than ordinary biogeographic importance.
Hypoclinea primitiva, new species
(Fig. 4)
Diagnosis (worker). A med ium-sized (Head Width 0.6-0.7 mm), slender species with several primitive traits for Hypoclinea overall, including a relatively unmodified alitrunk, smoothly rounded propodeum, simple petiolar scale, and a "generalized" head shape with reference to the Dolichoderini in general. Closest in appearance to H. germaini of South America among living species; germaini differs from primitiva, however, in having a blunt, trans- verse ridge that separates the dorsal and declivitous faces of the propodeum, as well as more flattened pro- and mesonota (both of these traits are reasonably interpreted as having been derived in evolution).
The name primitiva alludes both to the antiquity of the species and to the set of traits just cited that are provisionally interpreted to be primitive within the genus and perhaps even in the Dolichoderi- nae as a whole.
19851 Wilson - Dominican amber ants. 3 23 Fig. 4. Hypoclinw /~r/'tu/'//'1~ worker holotype: A, side view of body; B, dorsal view of body; C. head.
Holotvpe worker. Head Width 0.68 mm, Head Length 0.93 mm, Pronotal Width 0.56 mm, Scape Length 0.87 mm, Eye Length 0.26 mm. Posterior half of head bearing scattered foveae with the interspaces weakly shagreened and feebly shining. Rest of the body uniformly and lightly shagreened and feebly shining. Body uni- formly light reddish brown. Dominican Republic amber: no further locality.
Paratype workers. Four workers: 2 in one amber piece from La Toca, associated with Azteca alpha workers (Head Width of one 0.64 mm, other not measured); two others in separate pieces origi- nating from unknown localities (one with Head Width 0.66 mm, other not measured).
Azteca and Iridomyrmex
The large and complex genera Azteca and Iridomyrmex have proved difficult to separate in their entirety by means of external anatomy (a striking difference in the proventriculus makes the cleavage easier when this internal organ can be examined). The classification of fossil material is therefore difficult, since only external structures are usually preserved.
L+ rsyche [VOI. 92
The problem is further complicated by the separation of workers, queens, and males into different amber pieces, so that most linkages across castes and sexes can only be guessed. In the case of the Dominican amber, however, I was able to solve the problem in part by the discovery of three miniature "Rosetta stones": 3 amber pieces with closely intermingled workers and males of the commonest spe- cies of Azteca (A. alpha). One of the pieces also contains a male pupa, further supporting the interpretation that the associated workers and males belonged to the same colony and were trapped during a colony emigration.
With the worker-male connection secured, 1 made comparisons with material representing 48 contemporary species of Azteca and 50 of Iridowrmex (1 1 Neotropical, 39 Indo-Australian) in the Museum of Comparative Zoology collection, many with workers and males from the same nests. The following characters appear to hold with consistency:
In Azteca workers the mesonotum is usually moderately con- vex in side view and hence does not form a smooth line with the pronotum; in New World Iridomymex workers the mesonotum is only weakly convex in side view and forms a continuous line with the pronotum.
In Azteca workers the dorsal face of the propodeum is much less convex in side view than in Iridomyrmex workers. 3.
In Azteca workers the petiolar node is longer than high (the reverse is true in Iridomyrmex) and inclined more strongly forward than in Iridomyrmex.
4. The occiput of Azteca workers is usually more deeply con- cave than in Iridomyrmex workers, although extreme species within the two genera overlap.
In Azteca males, the scape is very short, no longer than the combined second and third antennal segments, while either the second or third segment (depending on the species) is notably elon- gated, inflated, or both. In Iridomyrmex males, the antennae are more typical, with relatively long scapes and unmodified funiculi; an exception is I. iniquus, which has the Azteca antennal form. 6.
In Azteca males the mandibles are short and triangular, lack- ing a well-defined masticatory border; whereas in Iridomyrmex males the mandibles have a well-defined masticatory border which also often bears serially arranged teeth.
19851 Wilson - Dominican amber ants. 3 25 7.
In Azteca males the dorsal lobe (digitus) of the volsella is long and finger-like, extending posteriorly as far as the tips of the para- meres (see Fig. 6E). They are proportionately broader in Irido- myrmex and reach only partway along the length of the parameres. 8.
In most cases, the petiole of Azteca males is applied more broadly to the gaster than is the case in Iridomyrmex. Using the combination of traits above, it has been possible to establish beyond much doubt that the species of the Dominican amber divide cleanly into either Azteca or Iridomyrmex, that none falls between the two genera, and that none is especially primitive in overall aspect. The most abundant ant species in the amber is the Azteca to be described below.
Azteca alpha, new species
(Figs. 5-8)
Diagnosis. A member of the alfari group, in which the worker caste is monomorphic or at most weakly polymorphic; alpha is also distinguished from the contemporary species belonging to this and other Azteca groups by the unique combination of traits in scape length, propodeal outline, and pilosity illustrated in Fig. 5. In particular, the worker appears especially close to A. fiebrigi. This Paraguayan species is distinguished from alpha by its slightly shor- ter scapes (which just reach the occipital corners in repose) and longer, denser body pilosity.
The male of alpha (Fig. 6) is close to or identical with that of fiebrigi, including the distinctive conformation of the scape and first two funicular segments. Both forms differ from alfari, the other member of the species group for which I have seen males associated with workers, in that alfari has the scape and first funicular segment short and slender and the second (rather than first) funicular seg- ment conspicuously enlarged.
The queen of alpha (Fig. 7), encountered singly in two amber pieces and hence only tentatively associated with the alpha worker caste (as opposed to that of eumeces, to be described subsequently), is closely similar to the fiebrigi queen. It differs in its somewhat thinner petiolar node viewed from the side. The name alpha alludes both to the early occurrence of the species in the geological record and to its numerical dominance in the Dominican amber.
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Fig. 5. Aztecti alpha. A, holotype worker, side view of body; B, head of a para- type worker; C. left mandible of another paratype worker. Holotvpe worker. Head Width 0.53 mm, Head Length 0.60 mm, Scape Length 0.48 mm. From a piece of amber with closely intermingled workers and males, known to originate from the Dominican Republic but with no further locality. Paratype workers.
A total of approximately 540 workers in 17 1 pieces of amber have been placed in A. alpha. Most were from
Wilson - Dominican amber ants. 3
- basipar.
- par.
Fig. 6.
AZIWU ulphu paratype males associated in same amber piece with holo- type worker. A. side view of body; f3, left fore wing; C, oblique lateral view of right side of head; D, left antenna; E, dorsal view of genitalia (showing basiparamere. paramere, volsella, aedeagus).
28 Psyche [VOI. 92
unknown mines in the Dominican Republic, but a large minority originated from the following localities, including almost all from which I have seen ants of any kind: Carlos Diaz, near Tamboril; Cotui; La Bucara; La Cumbre; La Toca; Las Bocas del Licey; Lla- roa (Yaroa); Los Cacaos; Marias; Pa10 Quemado; Bayaguana. The specimens share the key characters of the holotype nest series, They are quite variable in size (Head Width 0.42- 1-06 mm overall), but, as documented in Fig. 8, relatively little variation occurs within single amber pieces. Moreover, the size variation in one especially populous piece I have examined appears to be unimodal with little or no skewing. Hence A. azteca must be regarded, at least tenta- tively, as a monomorphic species.
Paratype males. A total of 17 individuals in 8 pieces (3 with associated workers). The essential characteristics, placing the spe- cies still more firmly within the avari group and in particular close to-fiebrigi, are illustrated in Fig. 6. The alitrunk length of the male depicted, from the holotype nest series, is 1.04 mm. The Head Width (including eyes) of another male measured from Pa10 Quemado is 0.72 mm.
Paratype queens.
The elongate head shape of 2 alate queens found in separate amber pieces (Dominican Republic, no further locality) might seem to associate them logically with A. eumeces, the second, rarer Azteca species occurring in the Dominican amber, Nevertheless, at least some of the contemporary a@ari group species, in particular coeruleipennis, $asciatal and .fiebrigi1 have workers with ordinary head shapes and queens with elongated heads. Moreover, the Dominican amber queens closely resemble those of j?ebrigi.
General remarks.
Azteca alpha is by far the most abundant ant species and hence probably the most abundant insect species in the Dominican amber. It occurs in 29% (I71 of 592) of the ant-bearing amber pieces 1 have studied closely to date. Since I passed a large percentage of the pieces back to dealers prior to the revisionary work because they contained A. alpha and thus were considered of less interest, the actual representation of the species was much higher, very likely 50% or more.
In addition, A. alpha workers have been found in the same pieces as many of the other Dominican amber genera: Pseudomyrmexl Crematogaster (Orthocrema), Oligomyrmexl Pheidole, Monacisl Hypoclineal and Camponotus. This circumstance, plus the occur-
Wilson - Dominican amber ants. 3 29
Fig. 7.
Azwca alphu queen (tentative association). A, head; B, side view of body. rence of A. alpha in pieces from almost all of the identified mines to date (the only exceptions are El Valle and Pa10 Alto) is evidence that at least the bulk of the Dominican ant fauna is relatively cohe- sive and did not stretch over a very long period of geological time. The frequent occurrence of large numbers of A. azteca workers in the same amber piece, in a few cases 50 or more, also suggests that the species foraged in groups or at least recruited groups to food sources or enemies. Such behavior characterizes contemporaneous species of Azteca. So far as known all of the living Azteca species are arboreal, foraging onto the ground only secondarily, and it is reasonable to suppose this was true of A. alpha as well. In addition, at least some of the modern members of the avari group are special- ized for life on the moraceous tree Cecropia (Wheeler, 1942). What this means for A. avari, whose workers were trapped in the gum of the leguminous tree Hymenaea courbarif (locust tree or "algar- robo") is unclear.
I have not excluded the possibility that more than one species exists in the large quantity of material placed with A. alpha. Many
Fig. 8. A:twu ulphu workers: six range between and within series found within individual amber pieces and hence assumed to belong to the same colony. The larger frequency curve (hotto111 in ,figure) includes all of the 141 workers measured. The smaller frequency curve (encIo.wd in rectungle) includes the measurable workers from one of the most populous pieces. The series of horizontal bars (upperniost in.figuw) depict the ranges within single amber pieces. The samples originate variously from Carlos Diaz, La Bucara. Las Bocas del Licey, Llaroa, Los Cacaos, Pa10 Quemado, and still other, unknown mine sites within the Dominican Republic.
19851 Wilson - Dominican amber ants. 3 3 1 of the specimens were so decayed or poorly positioned that the critical characters could not be examined, and in these cases I relied on size and habitus.
Azteca eumeces, new species
(Fig. 9)
Diagnosis (worker). A medium-sized member of the aljiari group distinguished from all known contemporary members of the genus, as well as the Dominican amber A. alpha, by the exception- ally elongate head of the worker (Cephalic Index about 70-80 as opposed to 80 or more in other species). In overall appearance A. eumeces is similar to bi~olor,~fasciatal and theresiael but in addition to possessing somewhat less elongate heads, these living species also have more convex lateral sides of the head seen in full-face view, with the outer margins of the eyes located well inside the head margins.
The name eumeces is derived from Gr. eumekes, of good length. Holotype worker.
Head Width 0.43 mm, Head Length (from
line of posteriormost reach of occipital corners to line of center of anterior clypeal border) 0.63 mm, Cephalic Index 68, Scape Length 0.47 mm, Pronotal Width 0.27 mm. In an amber piece from Pa10 Quemado, near Santiago, Dominican Republic. Paratype workers.
Thirty-eight workers in 6 amber pieces,
Dominican Republic (no further locality). B
Fig, 9. Amcu eut~~eces holotype worker: A, side view of body; B, head.
Psyche [VOI. 92
Iridomyrmex hispaniolae, new species
(Fig. 10)
Diagnosis (worker). A medium-sized (Head Width 0.5-0.8 mm), slender species similar to the living species I. pilifer of north- ern South America, especially close in details of the head and ali- trunk, differing from pilifer in its distinctly thicker, less symmetric petiolar scale in lateral view.
Holotype worker. Head Width 0.70 mm, Head Length 0.72 mm, Scape Length 1.03 mm, length of alitrunk 1.08 mm. Body overall smooth to lightly shagreened., and feebly shining. Pilosity very sparse, mostly limited to a few hairs on the head, gaster, and appendages. Body light to medium yellowish brown. Las Bocas del Licey, Dominican Republic.
Paratype workers.
Forty-six workers in 32 amber pieces var- iously from Carlos Diaz, El Valle, La Toca, Llaroa, Los Cacaos, Palo Quemado, and Bayaguana; 19 of the pieces have no further localities other than the Dominican Republic. Head Width 0.52- 0.83 mm. All closely similar in habitus to the holotype Fig. 10.
Iriilom.rrn~e.v hixpniolue holotype worker: A. side view of body; B, head.
19851 Wilson - Dominican amber ants. 3 33 I. hispaniolae was also compared with series belonging to 39 Old World Iridomymex species, including all of the principal species groups. It bears an overall resemblance to certain of them, especially anceps, emeryi, and pallidus, but differs substantially in various combinations of details in the petiole shape, pilosity, eye size, and sculpturing.
Iridomyrmex humiloides, new species
(Fig. 1 1)
Diagnosis (worker).
A relatively small species resembling 1. humilis of South America. With this living form it differs from other members of the species, including despertitus and pruinosus, most conspicuously in the concave anterior border of its clypeus. It differs from humilis (and other contemporary similar species) by the fact that its eyes exceed the lateral borders of the head in full-face view, whereas in the living species the outer margins of the eyes do not reach the lateral borders of the head.
Fig. I I.
Irit/otn~*r~~iex humiloiiles holotype worker: A, oblique dorsal view of head and body; B, lateral view of body; C. head.
34 Psyche [VOI. 92
Holotype worker.
Head Width 0.41 mm, Head Length 0.53
mm, Scape Length 0.60 mm, Eye Length 0.13 mm. Body overall lightly shagreened and feebly shining and subopaque. Body almost completely hairless, light to medium reddish brown in color. Dominican Republic amber: no further locality. Tapinoma
Although Tapinoma is cosmopolitan and composed of numerous, anatomically diverse species, it has not previously been recorded from the fossil record. At least three species (litorale, opacum, rase- num) are native to the Greater Antilles while a fourth (melanoce- phalum) occurs there and may either be native or introduced by commerce. The following record establishes the relative antiquity of the genus as well as of the atriceps group in the West Indies. Tapinoma trochis, new species
(Fig. 12)
Diagnosis (worker). A member of the atriceps group, distin- guished by small size and a conspicuous broadening of the fore femora and tibiae. It most closely resembles canalis of Panama among living species, which differs from trochis by the fact that its scapes reach the occipital corners. Also, the propodeal dorsum of canalis is less flattened in side view, and the dorsal and declivitous propodeal faces meet in a rounded but distinct obtuse angle. The Greek specific name trochis means runner and is meant to refer to the powerful-looking fore legs. Holotype worker. Head Width 0.32 mm, Head Length 0.37 mm, Pronotal Width 0.21 mm, Scape Length 0.26 mm, Eye Length 0.06 mm. Body smooth, feebly shining to subopaque, devoid of standing hairs, medium yellowish brown. Dominican Republic amber: no further locality.
Species Properly Excluded from the Dolichoderinae Camponotus neotropicus (Baroni Urbani),
new combination
Leptomyrmex neotropicus Baroni U rbani, 1,980, Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturkunde, Ser. B, 62: 1-10, worker, Type locality: amber, Dominican Republic, no further locality.
Wilson - Dominican amber ants. 3
Fig. 12.
Tupinonia trochix holotype worker: A, lateral view; B. dorsal view. The living species of Leptomyrmex are confined to Australia and Melanesia. All of the other ants thus far discovered in the Domini- can amber belong to modern Neotropical genera and, in many cases, living species groups. Hence, as Baroni Urbani (1980) himself noted in his original description, the occurrence of Leptomyrmex in the West Indian ant fauna during Dominican amber times would constitute a considerable biogeographic anomaly. The situation is confused by the poor condition and uncertain anatomy of the Lep- tomyrrnex neotropirus types, all 8 of whichare in the same piece of amber.
36 Psyche [V 01.92
During my own study I encountered a single worker i n the
Museum of Comparative Zoology collection that fits the L. neotro- picus habitus closely. Although this specimen has the front part of the head missing, there is little distortion in the remainder of the head and body. An apparent acidopore can be seen, placing the species in the Formicinae rather than in the Dolichoderinae. And indeed, the specimen is closely similar to Camponotus branne'r'i of Brazil, sharing the same distinctive elongated body form, mesotho- racic constriction, petiole, tapered neck, and bulging eyes located toward the rear of the head. C. branneri is also similar to C. santosi of Cuba and C. sexguttatus of Central America and the West Indies. The status of neotropicus will not be settled definitively until additional and better preserved neotropicus workers are available. In the meantime, the evidence as well as biogeographic probabi 1 ities make it prudent to place the fossil species provisionally in Campo- notus and to remove the genus Leptomyrmex from the Dominican amber faunal list.
There has been a remarkable retreat of the Dolichoderinae from the West Indies since Dominican amber times, in other words, since the late Oligocene or early Miocene. Four genera (Azteca, Doli- choderus, Hypoclmea, Monads) have disappeared entirely from the Greater Antilles. Only two (Iridomyrrnex, Tapinoma) have per- sisted to the present, while a single genus, Conomyrma, has invaded more recently. The dominant arboreal ants are no longer Azzuca; according to W. L. Brown (personal communication), who has col- lected intensively over much of the Dominican Republic, the more abundant genera include Pseudomyrmex, Crematogaster, Para- cryptocerus, and Camponotus. In this important respect the West Indian fauna mirrors the general decline of the Dolichoderinae in North and South America, Europe, and Asia, possibly in conjunc- tion with the advance of Crematogaster as a competitor of Zrido- Vrrnex (Brown, 1973).
I am grateful to Robert E. Woodruff for the loan of his collection of Dominican amber ants and to William L. Brown for advice and
19851 Wilson - Dominican amber ants. 3 37 encouragement during the study. The research has been supported in part by National Science Foundation grant no. BSR 8 1-1 9350. BARONI URHANI, C.
1980. The first fossil species of the Australian ant genus Leprom.~w?wx in amber from the Dominican Republic. Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturkunde, Ser. B, 62: I - 10.
A comparison of the Hylean and Congo-West African rain forest ant faunas. In B. J. Meggers, E. S. Ayensu, and W. D. Duckworth, eds., TropicaI.fi)re.~r ecoywems: a coniparari\!e reviwV. Smithsonian Institu- tion Press, Washington, D. C, Pp. 161- 185. F~REI,, A.
Formicides de I'AntiIle St. Vincent, rkcoltks par Mons. H, H. Smith. Trans. Roy. Ent. SOC. London, pt. 4, pp. 333-418. KEMPF. W. W.
1959. A revision of the Neotropical ant genus Monacis Roger. Studia Entomol. (ns.), 2: 225-270.
1862. Myrmecologische Studien. Verh. Zo01.-bot. Ges. Wien, 12: 649-766. WHJEJ.ER, W. M,
1942. Studies of Neotropical ant-plants and ants. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, 90: 1-262, 57 PIS.
WII~N, E. 0.
1985a. Ants of the Dominican amber (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). I. Two new myrmicine genera and an aberrant Pheidole. Psyche, 92( I ): 1-9. 1985b. Ants of the Dominican amber (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), 2. The first fossil army ants. Psyche, 92( I): I I - 16.
Volume 92 table of contents