Frank M. Carpenter.
Substitute names for some extinct genera of fossil insects.
Psyche 92(4):575-582, 1985.
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Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138
During the preparation of the hexapod volume of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, now in pressf, several junior homonyms were noted among the extinct genera. This seems to be an appro- priate occasion to propose substitute names for these homonyms. In those instances in which the authors are still living, I have already called their attention to the homonymy, with the suggestion that they propose names of their own choice. In some other cases replacement names are already available, through synonymy, and these are being proposed in the hexapod volume of the Treatise. Most of the homonyms, however, require new names, and since the current editorial policy of the Treatise excludes the proposal of new names of taxa in that work, the present article is intended to meet that need. It consists of proposals of new generic names to replace certain names that are not being taken cafe of elsewhere. The gender of each new name is the same as that of the original one. The names proposed here are in the orders Palaeodictyoptera, Odonata, Dip- tera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, and Lepidoptera. ORDER PALAEODICTYOPTERA
Family uncertain
Boltonocosta, nomen novum pro ORTHOCOSTA Bolton, 19 12, p. 310, non Fritsch, 1879, p. 28. Type-species: Orthocosta splendens Bolton, 1912, original designation, becomes Bol- tonocosta splendens (Bolton), new combination. The genus is known only from the Upper Carboniferous of England. Eurydictyella, nomen novum pro EURYDICTYA Guthorl, 1934, p. 49, non Ulrich, 1889, p. 301. Type-species: Eurydictya *This research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant DEB 8205398, F. M. Carpenter, Principal Investigator. TPart R, Arthropoda 4, being published jointly by the Geological Society of America and the University of Kansas.
richteri Guthorl, 1934, original designation, becomes Eury- dictyella richteri (Guthorl), new combination. The genus is known only from the Upper Carboniferous of Germany. ORDER ODONATA
Family Aeshnidae
Neoligaeschna, nomen novum pro OLIGOAESCHNA Piton & Theobald, 1939, p. 6, non Selys, 1889, p. 160. Type-species: Oligoaeschna jungi Piton & Theobald, 1939, original desig- nation, becomes Neoligaeschna jungi (Piton & Theobald), new combination. The genus is known only from the Oligo- cene of France.
Family Architipulidae
Leptotipuloides, nomen nudum pro LEPTOTIPULA Bode, 1953, p. 3 12, non Alexander, 19 17, p. 160. Type species: Leptotip- ula fastigata Bode 1953, original designation, becomes Lep- totipuloides fastigata (Bode), new combination. The genus is known only from the Jurassic of Germany. Family Bibionidae
Lithosomyia, nomen novum pro MESOMYIA Pongracz, 1928, p. 174, non Macquart, 1849, p. 341. Type-species: Bibio brevis Heer, 1849, p. 225, SD Carpenter, herein, becomes Lithoso- myia brevis (Heer), new combination. The genus is known by several species from the Miocene of Croatia. Family Rachiceridae
Trecela, nomen novum pro ELECTRA Loew, 1850, p. 38, non Stevens, 183 1, p. 278. Type-species: Electra formosa Loew, 1850, original designation, becomes Trecela formosa (Loew), new combination. The genus is known only from the Lower Oligocene of the Baltic amber, The name Trecela is an ana- gram of Electra and is considered feminine. ORDER HYMENOPTERA
Family Eumenidae
Eunortonia, nomen novum pro PSEUDONORTONIA Timon- David, 1944, p. 41, non Soika, 1936, p. 168. Type-species: Pseudonortonia sepulta Timon-David, 1944, original desig- nation, becomes Eunortonia sepulta (Timon-David), new combination. The genus is known only from the Oligocene of France.
I YÌö~ Larpenzer - wmtztute names Jor extinct genera Y// Family Chrysididae
Protochrysidis, nomen novum pro PROTOCHRYSIS Bischoff, 1917, p. 139, non Pascher, 191 1, p. 191. Type-species: Pro- tochrysis succinalis Bischoff, 19 17, original designation, becomes Protochrysidis succinalis (Bischoff), new combina- tion. The genus is known only from the Lower Oligocene of the Baltic amber.
Family Curculionidae
Oligocryptus, nomen novumpro EUCRYPTUS Scudder, 1893, p. 63, non Haldeman, 1842, p. 191. Type-species: Eucryptus sectus Scudder, 1893, original designation, becomes Oligo- cryptus sectus (Scudder), new combination. The genus is known only from the Oligocene of Colorado. Sitonitellus, nomen novum pro SITONITES Haupt, 1956, p. 80, non Heer, 1865, p. 90. Type-species: Sitonites egregius Haupt, 1956, original designation, becomes Sit onit ellus egregius (Haupt), new combination. The genus is known only from the Eocene of Germany.
Family unknown
Aptilotitus, nomen novum pro APTILOTUS Bode, 1953, p. 237, non Mik, 1898, p. 206. Type-species: Aptilotus capitecarens Bode, 1953, original designation, becomes Aptilotitus cap- itecarens (Bode), new combination. The genus is known only from the Jurassic of Germany.
Auchenophorites, nomen novum pro AUCHENOPHORUS Bode, 1953, p. 229, non Turner, 1907, p. 270. Type-species: Auche- nophorus sculpturatus Bode, 1953, original designation, becomes Auchenophorites sculpturatus (Bode), new combi- nation. The genus is known only from the Jurassic of Germany.
Barocephalus, nomen novum pro BARYCEPHALUS Bode, 1953, p. 228, non Guenther, 1860, p. 149. Type-species: Barycepha- lus nudatus Bode, 1953, original designation, becomes Barocephalus nudatus (Bode). The genus is known only from the Jurassic of Germany.
Clinomerus, nomen novum pro CATOMERUS Handlirsch, 1939, p. 67, non Pilsbry, 1916, p. 395. Type-species: Catomerus laticollis Handlirsch, 1939, original designation, becomes
Clinomerus laticollis (Handlirsch), new combination. The genus is known only from the Jurassic of Germany. Critoderma, nomen novum pro CYCLODERMA Heer, 1865, p. 89, non Peters, 1854, p. 216. Type-species: Cycloderma deplanatum Heer, 1865, original designation, becomes Cri- toderma deplanatum (Heer), new combination. The genus is known only from the Jurassic of Switzerland. Critotrachelus, nomen novum pro CYCLOTRACHELUS Bode, 1953, p. 222, non De Chaudoir, 1838, p. 27. Type-species: Cyclotrachelus exsecatus Bode, 1953, original designation, becomes Critotrachelus exsecatus (Bode), new combination. The genus is known only from the Jurassic of Germany. Dicyphelus, nomen novum pro DICYPHUS Bode, 1953, p. 234, non Fieber, 1858, p. 327. Type-species: Dicyphus concame- ratus Bode, 1953, original designation, becomes Dicyphelus concameratus (Bode), new combination. The genus is known only from the Jurassic of Germany.
Eurynotellus, nomen novum pro EURYNOTUS Bode, 1953, p. 207, non Kirby, 18 19, p. 41 8. Type-species: Eurynotus brevi- collis Bode, 1953, original designation, becomes Eurynotel- lus brevicollis (Bode), new combination. The genus is known only from the Jurassic of Germany.
Heeriaopsis, nomen novum pro HEERIELLA Handlirsch, 1906, p. 40 1, non Meunier, 1904, p. 86. Type-species: Elytridium laevigatum Heer, 1878, p. 196, original designation, becomes Heeriaopsis laevigatum (Handlirsch), new combination. The genus is known only from the Triassic of Sweden. Mesolobites, nomen novum pro LOBITES Dunstan, 1923, p. 53, non Mojsisovics, 1873, p. 155. Type species: Lobites tubercu- latus Dunstan, 1923, original designation, becomes Mesolo- bites tuberculatus (Dunstan), new combination. The genus is known only from the Triassic of Australia. Mesoncus, nomen novum pro LOXONCUS Bode, 1953, p. 218, non Schmidt-Goebel, 1846, p. 4. Type-species: Loxoncus procerus Bode, 1953, original designation, becomes Meson- cus procerus (Bode), new combination. The genus is known only from the Jurassic of Germany.
Oligovarus, nomen novum pro VARUS Schlechtendahl, 1894, p. 209 non Stil, 1865, p. 141. Type-species: Varus ignotus Schlechtendahl, 1894, original designation, becomes Oligo-
varus ignotus (Schlechtendahl), new combination. The genus is known only from the Oligocene of Germany. Ooidellus, nornen novum pro OOIDES Bode, 1953, p. 234, non Agassiz, 1846 (Index, p. 260). Type-species: Ooides denuda- tus Bode, 1953, original designation, becomes Ooidellus denudatus (Bode), new combination. The genus is known only from the Jurassic of Germany.
Parnosoma, nomen novum pro PEDINOSOMA Bode, 1953, p. 235, non Reibisch, 1893, p. 252. Type-species: Pedinosoma detectum Bode, 1953, original designation, becomes Parno- soma dectectum (Bode), new combination. The genus is known only from the Jurassic of Germany. Peridosoma, nomen novum pro PEROSOMA Bode, 1953, p. 217, non Bronn, 1862, p. 135. Type-species: Perosoma praecisurn Bode, 1953, original designation, becomes Peridosoma prae- cism (Bode), new combination. The genus is known only from the Jurassic of Germany.
Family Nymphalidae
Jupitellia, nornen novum pro JUPITERIA Scudder, 1889, p. 488, non Bellardi, 1875, p. 20. Type-species: Jupiteria charon Scudder, 1889, original designation, becomes Jupitellia charon (Scudder), new combination. The genus is known only from the Oligocene of Colorado, U.S.A. AGASSIZ, LOUIS
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