F. Ito.
Preliminary report on queenless reproduction in a primitive ponerine ant Amblypone sp. (reclinata group) in West Java, Indonesia.
Psyche 98(4):319-322, 1991.
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Sapporo 060, Japan
Reproductive caste differentiation is essential for insect euso- ciality. In the vast majority of ants, caste differentiation is associ- ated with morphological differentiation; queens have well developed ovaries and spermathecae, and workers possess reduced reproductive organs. The reproductive apparatus has been com- pletely lost in workers of higher ant species (Holldobler & Wilson 1990). However, in the subfamily Ponerinae in which morphologi- cal specialization is less developed than that in the higher subfami- lies, a few species have no morphologically distinct queens (Peeters 1990). Alternatively, some mated workers (=gamergates) lay eggs instead. To date, such queenless species have been known to occur in 7 genera of 3 tribes, Ectatommini, Ponerini and Plathyreini (Peeters 1990).
In Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, I obtained some colonies of Amblyopone sp. (reclinata group) as the first record of gamergate reproduction in the primitive tribe Amblyoponini. In this paper I give preliminary data concerning the composition of these colonies and reproductive status of workers, leaving precise descriptions for later publication.
Twelve colonies of Amblyopone sp. were collected in the Botani Garden of Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, from December 1990 to February 1991. All workers of the colonies were dissected to check absence or presence of sperm in the spermatheca and ovarian con- dition under a binocular microscope. The ovarian condition of workers was classified into the following 3 developmental classes according to the presence or absence of mature oocytes or chorion- ated eggs and relative size of oocytes to the following nurse cells: Manuscript received 16 December 1991.
Pu&e 96:319-322 (IWl). http:ffpsyche.cnlclub.orBf98Ìö8-11 hlml
Psyche [Vol. 98
class I, all oocytes were smaller than the nurse cells; class 11, one or more developed oocytes which were bigger than the nurse cells existed but there were no mature oocytes nor chorionated eggs; class 111, chorionated eggs and/or mature oocytes were involved. The composition of the 12 colonies of Amblyopone sp. is shown in table 1. All colonies showed no morphologically distinct queens nor queen pupae. Male pupae were contained in one colony col- lected in January. The mean number of workers was 89 (k 50 SD). All workers had a pair of four ovarioles and a spermatheca. Each colony contained 1 to 18 inseminated workers (Table 2). Most of them had chorionated eggs or mature oocytes in their ovaries and dense accumulations of yellow bodies were observed in basal part of each ovariole. In contrast, all but 6 virgin workers had no mature oocytes or chorionated eggs. Only 6 workers which occu- pied 0.5% of the virgin workers dissected had one mature oocyte in their ovaries, but their yellow bodies were tiny, suggesting that the egg-laying activity of virgin workers is considerably low. Many virgin workers had a few developed oocytes (ovary class 11); however, the shape of these oocytes was abnormally round. This was observably different from the oocytes of gamergates. Detailed observations showed that most of the round oocytes in the ovaries Table 1. Demographic characteristics of the nests of Amblyopone sp. collected in the field.
Colony Workers Cocoons Larvae Eggs
code W M P
Mean 89(å±5 SD)
W, worker pupae; M, male pupae; P, prepupae.
Table 2. Reproductive status of workers in 12 colonies of Amblyopone sp. Colony Ovarian condition Ovarian condition code mated I I1 I11 virgin I I1 111
of virgin workers had already degenerated, suggesting that most virgin workers are completely sterile. These results suggest that reproduction is principally performed by gamergates in the colonies of Amblyopone sp.
In the species belonging to the tribe Amblyoponini, previous reports show that reproduction is principally performed by mor- phologically distinct queens. For instance, colonies of Ony- chomyrmex contain an ergatoid queen (Taylor & Brown 1985). It has been reported that winged queens reproduce in the colonies of Mystrium Myopopone and Prionopelta (Brown 1960, Moffett 1985, Holldobler & Wilson 1985). In the genus Amblyopone, colonies of A. pallipes, A. silvestrii and A. pullto have winged queens who monopolize direct reproduction (Traniello 1982, Masuko 1986, Gotwald & Levieux 1972). Winged queens have been also reported in the other Amblyopone species which have been studied only in taxonomy (Brown 1960, Taylor 1978). Gamergate reproduction of Amblyopone sp. shown in this study is a unique social structure in the tribe Amblyoponini. The discovery of queenless species in this primitive tribe seems to stress that the disappearance of the queen caste had occurred independently in various phylogenic lines in the Ponerinae.
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Social organization of Amblyopone sp. (reclinata group) was studied in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. The colonies consisted of 89 workers on average. There were no morphologically distinct queens, and between 1 to 18 workers mated and reproduced instead. Most virgin workers were sterile. This is the first report of queenless reproduction in the primitive tribe Amblyoponini. I thank S. Higashi for encouragements, LIP1 (Indonesian Institute of Sciences) for permission of field work in Bogor, K. Nakamura for providing me with the opportunity for staying in Bogor, and C. Baroni Urbani and M. Kubota for identification of the ants. This work was supported in part by the grant in Aid for Overseas Scientific Survey from Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan (No. 02041033).
1960. Contributions toward a reclassification of the Formicidae 111. Tribe Amblyoponini. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard. 122: 145-230. GOTWALD, W. H. & LEVIEUX, J.
1972. Taxonomy and biology of a new west African ant belonging to the genus Amblyopone (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 65: 383-396.
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1986. Larval hemolymph feeding: a nondestructive parental cannibalism in the primitive ant Amblyopone silvestrii Wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formi- cidae). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 19: 249-255. MOFFET, M. W.
1986. Mandibles that snap: notes on the ant Mystrium camillae Emery. Biotropica 18: 361-362.
1990. La Reproduction chez les Fourmis Ponerines. Actes Coll. Ins. Soc. 6: 195-202.
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1982. Population structure and social organization in the primitive ant Amblyopone pallipes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Psyche 89: 65-80.
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