C. P. Alexander.
New Neotropical Antochini.
Psyche 20(1):40-54, 1913.
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P w ~ [February
Ithaca, N. Y.
This paper considers only the members of the Lirnnobiine tribe Antochini, a rather extensive group in the tropics. The genera
have an almost Cosmopolitan distribution, occurring in both the Old and New Worlds, exceptions existing in Styringomyia, Para- tropeza, Thaumastoptera, Diotrepha and Atarba. The material studied herein, is, for the most part, the property of Cornell Uni- versity and the U. S. National Museum and to Dr. J. Chester Bradley and Mr. Frederick Knab, I am indebted for the privilege of examining these collections.
1. Cell Ri present (Central and South Amer.) ............. Paratropeza Schiner. Cell Ri absent. ..................................................... .2 .......................
2. Rostrum prolonged, at least as long as the head.. .3
Rostrum shorter than the head.
3. Rostrum about as long as the head. (Eur.; N. and C. Am.; Austral.) Rhamphidia Meigen.
................................... Rostrum about as long as the body. .4
(Toxwrhina group)
.......................................... 4. Radial sector two-branched .6
....... Radial sector unforked (N. and S. Am.; Africa). Toxorrhina Loew.
5. Anterior branch of Rs (R2+>) long, as long as the posterior branch (R<+t) (Eur.; N. and C. Am.; East Ind.) ..... .Elephantomyia Oaten Sacken Anterior branch of Rs (R+i) very short,oblique,tendingtodisappear. (Africa, America; tropics). ......................... Ceratocheilus Wesche 6. Cus at least 4 times as long as the deflection of Cul; deflection of Cul tending to retreat toward the wing basis. .7 (Thaumctstoptera group) Cua not much more than twice as long as the basal deflection of Cul; Cul (deflection) remaining at, or near, the fork of M.. .............. .9 7. MI+=free at the wing-tip.
(Mi fused with Cul obliterating cell Ma.) (Europe; Seychelles Is). ............................ Thaumastoptera Mik Ml+~fused to the wing-tip ............................................ .8 1
8. Mi distinct from Cu at its tip forming a cell Mi; basal deflection of Cul under the base of Rs.
(Eur.; N. and C. Am.; Austral.)
Orimarga Osten Sacken
1 Contribution from the Entomological Laboratory, Cornell University. Pu&e 20A0.53 (1913). hup Ytpsychu einclub orgtiWM-IMO html
19131 Alexander-New Neotropical Antochini Ms fused with Cu to the tip, obliterating cell Mi; basal deflection of Cul retreated far toward the base of the wing. (N. and S. .......................................
Amer.) Diotrepha Osten Sacken
RI very short, ending before the middle of the wing, the sector orig- inating near its tip. (Australasia to Africa) ...... ..Styringomyia Loew. RI ending beyond the middle of the length of the wing, the sector ............................................. remote from the tip. .10
Radial cross-vein present.. .......................................... .ll Radial cross-vein absent.. ........................................... .12 Rs very long, straight, but diverging from Rl; basal deflection of R4+5 twice as long as cross-vein r-m; basal deflection of Cui before the fork of M; radial cross-vein usually in a direct line with r-m; anal angle of the wing very prominent.
(Eur.; N. Amer.)
Antocha Osten Sacken
Rs shorter, more arcuated; basal deflection of R4+6 about as long as r-m: basal deflection of CuI at, or beyond, the fork of M; radial cross-vein usually slightly distad of the level of r-m; anal angle of the wing feeble. (N. and S. Am.; Asia; Australia) Teucholabis Osten Sacken
Rs short, not much more than twice as long as the deflection of Ri+s; cell RI broader at base than at tip (Atarba) or else Rs gently arcuated and the veins issuing from cell 1st Ms twice as long as that cell (Dicranoptycha) .................................................. .13 Rs long, and very straight, close to Ri leaving cell Rl extremely narrow; deflection of Ri+e very short, almost perpendicular to Rs at its origin; cross-vein m present in New World species. (Eur.; N. Amer.) .......................................... Elliptera Schiner. 13. Rs originating opposite to the end of Sc; cell 1st Ms short, almost as broad as long. (Eastern U. S.). .............. .Atarba Osten Sacken RS originating far before the end of Sc; cell 1st Mz elongate,
twice as long as broad. (Eur.; N. Am.; Africa; East Ind.) Dicranoptycha Osten Sacken
Ellipteroides Becker2, erected in 1907 for the new species, piceus, is almost certainly Eriopterine.
The presence of a cell R2 is a tribal
character, not generic as considered by Becker. But one genus,
Paratropeza Schin., occurs in the Antochine series that possesses cell R2, but this genus, in all other respects is a true member of that series.
Ellipteroides is not, but seems, rather, to be a generalized form allied to Gonomyia. It is not at all related to Elliptera Schin., as Becker states, and this reference was probably made chiefly on the lack of cell 1st M2 (distal), a very unimportant 1Ellipteroides. Becker is omitted; see discussion at the end of this key. decker, T. Die Ergebnisse meiner Dipterologischen Friihjahr-reise nach Algier und Tunis 1906.
(Zeitschr. fiir Syst. Hymenopt. und Dipterol.; vol. 7, p. 239; figure) (1907).
42 Psyche [February
character in this genus.
The insect, piceus, from Algiers, N.
Africa, is blackish with yellow spots; cross-vein r absent; cell 1st M2 open, the outer deflection of M3 being obliterated; Rs rather straight, but diverging strongly from Rl, etc. Gymnastes Brunetti; not distinct from Teucholabis, the opinion of Mr. F. W. Edwards who is well acquainted with the Old World Fauna. Teucholabis Ost en Sacken
The number of species belonging to this genus now known from the American Continent is 21, of which I have seen 12. Teucholabis venezuelensis Macq.l and T. melanocephala Fabr.2 have not hitherto been recognized as belonging to this genus but there can be no question as to their position. Both species are described as having pale clouds on the wings, not distinct brown bands as in the polita group.
The Limnobia bifasciata Fabr.3 is likewise a Teucholabis and con- specific with trifasciata End;4 however the Fabrician name is preoccupied5 and so Enderlein's name is valid. Rhamphidia scapularis Ma~q.~ is a Teucholabis as was indicated by Osten Sacken in 1869; still Kertesz (1902) retains it under Rkamphidia; the same statement applies to Limnobia simplex Wied7 which is retained in Limnobia.
Teucholabis sackeni sp. nov.
Wings banded; thorax with a chestnut dorsal stripe; femora yellow with the tip black.
9 . Length, 4-4.5 mm; wing, 5 mm.
Fore leg, femur, 3.4 mm; tibia, 3.4 mm; tarsus, 3 mm. Middle leg, cc 3 mm; " 2.6 ''
Hind leg, " 3.8 mm; cc 3.1 " tarsus, 2.5 mm. Head: rostrum, palpi and antennae dark brown. Front, vertex and occiput rather dark brown.
Thorax: collare orange-yellow; prothorax very light yellow; mesothorax, bright yellowish-brown; prsescutum with a dark brown median mark, broadest anteriorly, narrowed behind, beginning rather far behind the anterior margin of the sclerite, 1 Macquart, Dipt. Exot.; suppl6ment, 1, p. 19; (1846), (~imndbia) ZFabricius, Entomol. Syst.; vol. 4, p. 241; (1794); (~ipula) apabricius, Syst. Antl.; p. 31; (1805); (~ipula) ^Enderlein, Zod. Jahrbuch Abth. F. Syst.; vol. 32, pt. 1; p. 69. 70 (1912) 6 Schrank, hum. Ins. Austr.; p. 428 (1781) (~ipula) å´Macquart Dipt. Exot.; vol. 1, pt. 1; p. 73 (1838) (~hamphidia) 7W;edernann, Aussereur. Zweifl. Insekt.; vol. 1; p. 549 (1828) (~imnobia)
19131 Alexander-New Neotropical Antochini 43 running caudad; sides of the sclerite between the pseudosutural foves (humeral pits) and the transverse suture, almost filled with a large rounded dark brown spot, this mark not touching the dark median vitta (as in melanocephala) ; scutum, with the exterior front angles darkened; scutellum and post-notum very dark chestnut-brown. Pleurae, propleurae yellowish; mesopleurse very dark brown, almost black.
Halteres pale at base, stem brown, knob bright yellow. Legs:
coxse and trochanters bright yellow, abruptly contrasted with the dark pleural and sternal coloring; femora light yellow, the apical portions abruptly dark brownish- black, these dark tips rather broadest on the fore-femora; tibia dull yellow, the extreme tip brown, broadest again on the fore-tibia; tarsi dark brown. Wings: hyaline, stigma dark brown, square; wings broadly banded with pale greyish-brown, the innermost band extending from the origin of Rs to the end of 2nd Anal, almost diamond-shaped, the breadth sub-equal to the length; the middle fascia is a paler continuation of the stigma, across the cord of the wing and ending at 1st Anal, rather narrowest near the fork of M; the apical band is rather darker and fills out the wing tip, its inner margin straight and embracing the outer end of cell 1st Ms. Venation: (See fig. a.) : Cell 1st Ma very elongate, rather square at its inner end; veins beyond cell 1st Ms (discal) short, so that that portion of Ml+z between cross- veins r-m and my is longer than the distal segment of M1+z. The type has the cell 1st Ma open, confluent with cell Mi, due to the disappearance of the outer deflection of vein Ms.
tergum dark brownish-black, the apices of the segments broadly paler; 7th tergite orange-yellow; 8th blackish; valves of the ovipositor pale, orange-yellow; sternum similar, but the pale apical margin even broader, em- bracing the apical half of the sclerite. Holotype, 9, Sonsonate, Salvador, Cent. Am. (Frederick Knab, Coll.) Para-
types, ? ?.
Aguna, Guatemala, Cent. Am. (alt. 2000 ft.) (Dr. G. Eisen, coll.) Type and one paratype in U. S. Nat. Mus. Coll. (No. 15,124). One paratype in author's collection. I take pleasure in naming this handsome species after the "Father of American Dipterology," Baron C. R. von Osten Sacken.
This species falls in the polita group, the species of which may be separated by the following key:
1. Thoracic prsescutum entirely shiny black. ............................... .2 Thoracic prsescutum more or less orange-yellow or brownish. .............. .4 .........................
2. Pronotum yellowish. (Colombia). trifasciata End1 ...................................................... Pronotumblack 3 3. Small species (3, length, 2.5-3 mm.) ; legs with the basal two-thirds ................................
yellowish-tawny. (Brazil). polita 0. S.1 Larger species ( 9 , length, 5 mm.) ; leg dark brown. (Costa Rica) . . rostrata End.' lEnderlein, Zoolog. Jahrbuch abth. f. Syst.; vol. 32, pt. 1; p. 69, 70; fig. Ri (1912). ZOsten Sacken, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr.; vol. 32, Pt. 2; p. 189 (1887). 'Enderlein, Zo6log. Jahrbuch abth. f. Syst.; vol. 32, pt. 1; p. 68, 69; fig. Qi (1912).
44 Psyche [February
4. Mesonotum mostly orange; a black spot on the praescutum. (Eastern Brazil). ............................................... pulchella, sp. n. Mesonotum chestnut in the middle, black on the sides of the prae- scutum. (Guat .-Salvador) .............................. sackeni, sp. n. Teucholabis pulchella sp. nov.
Wings banded, thorax yellowish with a large black spot on the mesonotum; femora brown.
8. Length, 8.3 mm.; wing, 7 mm.
Fore leg, femur, 3.4 mm.; tibia, 4.1 mm.; tarsus, 4.6 mm; (alcoholic) 8. Head: rostrum and palpi brown, the apices of the segments of the latter very narrowly paler; antennae brown.
Front, vertex and occiput brown.
Thorax: pronotum light yellow; mesonotum entirely clear light yellow, except the middle of the prsescutum which has a prominent rounded, transverse, brown. mark extending from the level of the pseudosutural fovea back to near the suture, the caudal margin of the mark produced backward in two small lobes, one on either side of the median line. Pleurae clear light yellow. Halteres brown, extreme base of stem pale; knob less dark than the stem. Legs: coxae and trochanters light
yellow; femora, basal half light brown, apical half dark brownish-black; tibiae and tarsi dark brownish-black. Wings: hyaline or nearly so; an indistinct brown band across the wing from the base of Rs to the end of 2nd Anal; a much darker brown band, broadest in front begins over the cross-vein r and extends back to Cu; outer end of cell 1st Ms margined with brown; tip of wing brown, the inner end of this band distant from the outer end of cell 1st Mz. Venation, as figured (Fig. b.) Abdomen, dark brown, the genitalia swollen. Hypopygium: (See fig. 1.): 9th tergite, caudal margin strongly convex; pleural pieces very stout, at the apex with two short teeth; the inner margin produced caudad and entad in an obtuse tooth; viewed from the ventral aspect, with a stout apical appendage (a) inserted on the side of the pleura, below the apical teeth described above; it is narrowed at the ends, swollen on the inner face in the middle and bears numerous hairs at its tip; just entad of the base of the apical appendage is a rounded lobe (b) ; between the pleurae arises what is apparently the guard of the penis, dark brown basally, appar- ently less chitinized apically (c), shaped as in the figure. Holotype, d\ Igarape-assu, Para, Brazil; Jan. 30,1912. (H. S. Parish, coll.) Type in Cornell University Museum.
It is probable that the body-colors, described above as brown are, in fresh specimens, jet black and presumably shiny. The species belongs to the polita group and may be separated from its allies by the key under sackeni. Teucholabis audax sp. nov.
Wings unhanded; body-color yellow; large, d\ wing, 9.5-10 mm. 3. Length, 11.3 mm.; wing, 9.7 mm.
Fore leg, femur, 8.2 mm.; tibia, 9.6 mm.; tarsus, 8.6 mm.
19131 Alexander-New Neotropical Antochini Middleleg, " 7.4mm.; " 7.4mm.; " 5.6mm.
Hind leg, " 8.1 mm.; " 8.2 mm.; " 6.7 mm. Head: rostrum yellowish-brown; palpi black; antennae, first segment bright honey-yellow at the base, abruptly light brown; remainder of the antennae dark brownish-black. Front very narrow, the eyes almost contiguous at the narrowest portion; front dark brown; the caudal portion of the vertex, and the occiput lighter, more yellowish.
. Thorax: cervical sclerites elongated, brown. Prothorax very long, about as
long as the mesonotal prsescutum and cylindrical, broadest basally, narrowing cephalad to meet the narrow cervical sclerites; pronotum brownish-yellow. Meso- thorax, praescutum medially bright orange-yellow; on the sides brown; in the mid- dle of the sclerite, beginning near the anterior margin, broadest in front, narrowed to a point behind, is a dark brown mark; scutum pale yellow, a continuation of the prsescutal pale median vitta, lobes brown, darkest laterally; scutellum bright orange; post-notum yellowish with indistinct brown stripes; pleurse shiny orange- yellow with patches of grey bloom (possibly not normal). Halteres brown. Legs: coxse and trochanters light yellow; femora pale yellow with the tip broadly brown, and with a brown post-medial annulus, most prominent on the hind legs; tibia dull yellow, indistinctly darker at the extreme tip; tarsi brownish-black; legs densely covered with long black hairs. Wings: hyaline, veins brown; veins C, Sc and R bright yellow; stigma rounded, dark brown, large; an indistinct brown cloud around the deflection of R~+L
Venation, see figure d.
Abdomen: tergum light yellow, apical segments more brownish, hypopygium brown.
Holotype, 8, Canal Zone, Panama, Central America. (C. H. Bath, coll.)
Type in U. S. National Museum Coll. (No. 15,126). This vigorous species is the largest member of the genus in the American fauna. It may be readily recognized by its general yellow color (including abdomen) and its large size.
Teucholabis pleuralis sp. nov.
Wings unhanded: thorax light yellow with a dark, narrow pleural stripe; abdo- men without metallic reflexions; femora yellow, brown at the tip. c? Length, 5 mm.; wing, 5.3 mm.
Middle leg, femora, 3 mm. ; tibia,2.7 mm. Hind leg, " 4 mm.; " ,3.8 mm.
Head: rostrum and palpi dark brownish-black. Antennae very dark brown. Front, vertex and occiput dark brown.
Thorax: prothorax light yellow; mesothorax: prsescutum orange-yellow with a dark brown median mark, broadest anteriorly, beginning near the cephalic margin, becoming obsolete at about one-half the length of the sclerite; scutum and scu- tellum orange-yellow, the lobes of the scutum brownish on the antero-exterior angles; post-notum brownish-yellow with an indistinct brown median line. Pleurae 'md sternum light honey-yellow, the former with a rather broad, dark brown band beginning on the cervical sclerites, running obliquely above the base of the fore coxse, through the halteres, and becoming confluent with the dark color of the
46 Psyche [~ebruar~
abdomen. Halteres dark brown. Legs: cox= and trochanters light yellow; femora light yellow, the apice broadly dark brown; tibia and tarsi brownish-black. Wings, subhyaline, with a distinct dusky tinge; stigma round, brown, its posterior margin not touching R2+&
Venation: Sc rather long, that portion beyond the origin of Rs slightly longer than cell 1st Ma(disca1); cross-vein r close to the tip of Ri; space on Rs+s before r, as long as the basal deflection of Cul; cell 1st M2 very elongated, narrowed anteriorly; outer deflection of Ma longer than cross-vein m (these two components making up the distal end of cell 1st MJ; basal deflection of Cui slightly beyond the fork of M.
Abdomen: dark brown, not at all with metallic reflexions; two basal sternites yellowish.
Holotype, 3, Aguna, Guatemala, Central America (Dr. G. Eisen, coll.) Type in U. S. Nat. Mus. coll. (No. 15,125), T. pleuralis is closest to chalybeiventris Loewl from the island of Cuba; it differs in its la.ck of metallic reflexions on the head and abdomen; prothorax yellow, not brownish; mesothorax with a con- spicuous pleural stripe; femora not brownish-black except at the extreme tip; wings not pure hyaline, but distinctly suffused with darker. It is even more closely akin to the specimen which Willis- ton2 doubtfully referred to chalybeiventris, but no mention is made, in this description, of a pleural stripe. It is very probably the same species; Williston's specimen was from Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.
Teucholabis parish! sp. nov.
Wings unhanded; color light
yellow throughout; venation not like typical Teucholabis.
c? Length, 5.2 mm.; wing, 4.1 mm.
Middleleg, femora, 2.6 mm.; tibia, 2.5 mm. Hind leg, " 3.4 mm.; " 3.5 mm.
(Alcoholic) 8.
Head: rostrum very short, pale; palpi also very short, the segments subequal, only about twice as long as broad, pale yellow. Antennae, 16-segmented, segments
1 and 2 short, the second only a little more globular than the third, light yellowish; the apical segments apparently paler. Front broad; broader than the diameter of one eye; ommatidia of the eye large, coarse. Thorax: light yellow, mesonotal praescutum with darker, orange, stripes (pos- sibly brown in dry fresh specimens); the middle stripe is double, begins at the cephalic margin of the sclerite, ends just before the suture; the lateral stripes begin just behind the pseudo-sutural fovea, run caudad, crossing the suture, on the scutum represented by two spots on each lobe, the posterior one triangular; post- 1 Loew; Wiener Entomol. Monatschr.; vol. 5, no. 2; p. 33, 34. (~eb. 1861) (~hamphidia) 2 Williston; Biologia Centrali-Americana; Diptera, vol. I, supplement; p. 226 (~ec. 1900).
1913) Alexander-New Neotropical Antochini 47 notum rather darker yellowish.
Pleurae, light yellowish, a dark spot under the base of the halteres, above the hind coxa; a clearer-defined, though smaller, spot on the propleurae in the vicinity of the anterior spiracle; sternum light orange-yellow. Halteres, stem short, knob large; pale yellow. Legs, pale yellow; only the two terminal tarsal segments slightly darker. Fore legs very widely separated from the middle legs as in the Antochim. Wings: light yellowish; veins brown, those in the costal region rather brighter-colored, stigma very indistinct. Venation: (See fig. c.) : Sc short ending before the fork of Rs; what seems to be a branch of R2+a arises from R2+3; I regard it as cross-vein r, although it is not complete and is very oblique in position (such as in Paratropeza) . If this is regarded as a vein, Rs, then the radial cross-vein is absent and the genus would run down into the Eriopterini; I know of no genus, at present, that can receive it. Abdomen: light yellow; on the sides of the 6th segment rather dark brown, and here with a conspicuous widened enlargment (possibly not normal). Hypopy- gium: (See fig. k, ka), 8th tergite short, narrower than either the 7th or 9th; 9th (a) tergite convex on the caudal margin, with a deep median notch. Pleural pieces (b) rather narrow, cylindrical, with the appendages at the end or on the ventral face; the outer angle of the pleura produced into a blunt knob (c); apical append- ages two, the dorsal one (d), fleshy, inserted near the apex of the sclerite; the ventral one (e) arising from the ventral side, far down near the base of the pleura; the base strongly swollen, the tip chitinized bearing on the inner face, a strong tooth, swollen at the base and projecting inward; the tip, slender, bent inward. What seems to be the guard of the penis (f) is elongated, slender, not swollen, but pseudo-seg- mented near the tip.
Holotype: 3, Igarape-assu, Para, Brazil. Jan. 30, 1912. (H. S. Parish, coll.)
Type in Cornell University Museum.
The reference of this curious species to Teucholabis is provis- ional, only. It seems to me as though it might be considered one of the primitive forms of the genus.
I take pleasure in naming
this insect after its discoverer, Mr. H. S. Parish, the well-known collector and traveller.
Orimarga Osten Sacken
The following species is the second American form to be made known. The two species may be separated by the following key. 1. Thoracic pleurae without silvery band; legs pale yellow; tip of femora, base and tip of tibia black; wings hyaline, extreme base dark yellow. (Southwest. U. S.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arizonensis Coquillett1 Thoracic pleurae with a broad silvery-blue band; legs dark blown, uniform, wings suffused with darker. (Guatemala, Cent. Am.). . . . . . . . argenteopleura, sp. n. Xoquillett, "New Dipt. from N. Am.;" Proc. U. S. Mus.; vol. 25; no. 1280; p. 83, 84 (1902)
Psyche [February
Orimarga argenteopleura sp. nov.
Dark brownish black; pleurae with a silvery-blue band; legs uniform dark brown. 8, Length, 8.8 mm. ; wing, 6.4 mm.; abdomen, 6.8 mm. Fore leg, femur, 5 mm.; tibia, 5.3 mm.; tarsus, 5.1 mm. Hindleg, " 5.4mm.;" 5.5mm.; " 4.2mm.
Q Length, 6.2 mm.; wing, 4.9 mm.
6" Head: rostrum and palpi dark brownish-black; antennae, basal segments dark, silvery-greyish pollinose; flagellar segments dark brownish-black. Front very pale blue, the vertex and occiput brown with a sparse bluish bloom; back of the eye, on the vertex, seven or eight very long dark hairs. Thorax: mesonoturn very dark brown without apparent dorsal stripes; a narrow bright silvery-blue stripe running along the extreme lateral edge of the thorax, beginning on the end of the prothoracic scutellum, continuing to above the wing- basis. Pleurae dark brownish-black with a much broader silvery band extending from above the fore coxa back to above the hind coxa. Halteres, stem light brown, knob dark brown. Legs: coxae, trochanters and extreme base of the femora light brown, the remainder of the legs dark brown. Wings: uniformly suffused with dark; veins almost black; extreme apice of the wings, in the ends of the radical cells, still darker brown. Venation: (See fig. f.): Rs angulated at its origin; cross-
vein r at the tip of Ri; cross-vein r-m distad of the level of r; basal deflection of Cui at about one-third the length of Rs.
Abdomen very elongated, dark brownish-black. Q Almost exactly like the 8, but much smaller. Holotype, c? Trece Aguas, Cacao, Alta V Paz, Guatemala, April 24. (Barber and Schwarz, coll.) Allotype, Q . Type-locality, April 26, (Barber and Schwarz) .
Types in the U. S. National Museum coll. (Cat. No. )
Ceratocheilus Wesch6
1910. Ceratocheilus Wesch6; Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. ; vol. 30; p. 358.
1912. Neodyrinqomyia Alexander; Canad. Ent.; vol. 44; p. 85.
The genus Ceratocheilus was erected by the late Mr. Wesch6 for a species which he described as new (winnsampsoni), but which Mr. I?. W. Edwards has since determined as being conspecific with the Styringomyia cornigera of Speiser. Neither Mr. Weschk's paper, nor Mr. Edward's extremely valuable article (Annals and Magazine Nat. Hist.; series 8, vol. 8, p. 279-283; Aug. 1911) were available to me until after my paper was issued, wherein I erected the subgenus Neostyringomyia, using exactly the same type, cornigera Speis; consequently my name falls as a rank synonym of
19131 Alexander-New Neotropical Antochini 49 Ceratocheilus.
All of the species hitherto described are African. ,C. cornigerum Speiser has spotted wings but C. gilesi Edwards has hyaline wings like the New World form.
The discovery of this genus in America is very interesting and we may likewise expect Styringomyia to turn up in the Neotropical fauna, when further collections are made. Ceratocheilus americanum sp. nov.
Wings unspotted; thorax with dorsal stripes. 9. Length, 10.5 mm. (excluding rostrum); wing, 5.3-6.2 mm.; rostrum, 5.6 mm.
leg, femur, 5.5 mm.; tibia, 5.7 mm. ; tarsus, 5.2 mm. Middle leg, " 5.4 mm.; " 6 mm.; " 4.8 mm. Hind leg, " 5.8 mm.; " 6 mm.; " 4.5 mm.
The measurements of the legs and body appertain to the 9 with the largest wing (6.2 mm.), the paratype.
Head: rostrum and palpi dark brown; antennae dark brown; front brown; ver- tex and occiput brown, with a greyish bloom behind; gense grey. Eyes brilliant
metallic green.
The corniculus represented by a rounded plate above the base of the antennae.
Thorax: collare very dark brown; prothorax concealed from above by the over- projecting mesonotum, only the lateral ends of the scutellum, which shows above the humeri as a rather square brown knob on either side. Mesothorax, praescutum very light buff-colored with dark brown longitudinal stripes; the middle one is broad, begins at the cephalic margin of the sclerite and continues back almost to the suture; on its caudal portion it is indistinctly divided by a pale median vitta; lateral stripes begin behind the pseudosutural foveae, continue back to the scutum where they cover the lobes; extreme lateral edge of the praescutum buff-colored; scutum dark brown except the pale median depression; scutellum pale greyish- buff; post-notum thinly greyish with indistinct brown stripes on the sides. Pleurae greyish with brown patches on the sides of the sternum; on the mesopleurse, just before the wing basis and another just behind the fore coxa; sternum buffy-grey. Halteres, stem light-colored, knob dark brown. Legs: coxse and trochanters yel- lowish-brown; femora light brown; tibiae and tarsi darker brown. Wings: sub- hyaline, unspotted; veins dark brown. Venation: (See fig. e.); Sc ending just beyond the origin of Rs; Rs oblique, about as long as Rt+s; Ri beyond Rs about as long as the deflection of R 4+5. Basal deflection of Cui before the fork of M. Abdomen: tergum, sclerites dark brown, from the third outward with the basal- fourth light yellowish; valves of the ovipositor long and slender (See fig. j.). Ster- nites dull yellow, the extreme tip of segments one to four brown; a narrow, indistinct, linear, brown, median stripe. Holotype: 9. Culebra, Panama, Central America. Feb. 16, 1902. (W. M. Black, coll.) Paratype, 9 , Igarape-assu, Para, Brazil. Jan. 30, 1912 (H. S. Par- ish, coll.)
50 Psyche [February
Type in U. S. Nat. Mus. coll. (No. 15,127). Paratype, (alcoholic), Cornell
University Museum.
The paratype does not differ except in such respects as might be caused by its immersion in alcohol.
Toxorrhina Loew
The Neotropical material that I have before me numbers 30 specimens referable to four species.
T. brasiliensis Westwood is
well-defined, but no specimens in the collection agree with Loew's description of fragilis. It is probable that it is an insular form, limited to the Antilles; it will be easy to recognize by its light- colored legs with darker femoral and tibia1 apices. My material is all continental and ranges from Mexico to Eastern Brazil. Of the Nearctic species, I have taken muliebris 0. S. by the hun- dreds, and have seen several specimens of magna 0. S. from Georgia. The coloration of these two species is very constant and it is for this reason that I do not hesitate to describe three new tropical forms based largely on color-characters. Venation in the genus is rather inconstant, especially as regards the position of the basal deflection of CUI (pars ascendens of Bergroth; great cross-vein of Osten Sacken).
In the vicinity of Para, Brazil, Mr. H. S. Parish took four species of Toxorrhina, including the large brasiliensis Westw. It would seem from this, that the tropics is the principal home of the mem- bers of this genus.
Tibiae darker at the tip. .............................................. .2 ....................................
Tibiae uniform in color throughout.
Femora uniform throughout; tibiae black at the tip. (Eastern Brazil) brasiliensis Westw.1
Femora darkened at tip; tibiae (probably) not black at tip. (Porto Rico) .................................................. fragilis Loew.2 Color light yellow; basal segments of antennae lighter than the fla- gellum; abdominal sclerites dark at tip, except the sternites which are uniform yellow.
(Eastern Brazil). .................. .flavida, sp. n. Color brown; antennae unicolorous; abdominal sclerites uniform or dark at base and tip. ............................................... .4 1 Westwood, Ann. Soc. Entomol. France; vol. 4, p. 683 (as ~imnobiorhynchus) (1835) 'Loew, Linnaea EntomoL; vol. 5, p. 401; pi. 2; f. 16, 17, 18, 22. (1851)
19131 Alexander-New Neotropical Antochini 4. Small species (Length, d" 5 mm.; wing less than 5; rostrum less than 4 mm.); abdominal sclerites uniform throughout, the apices not darkened. (Eastern Brazil) ..................... meridionalis, sp. n. Larger species (Length, 3, 6-6.5 mm.; wing more than 5; rostrum over 5 mm.); abdominal sclerites pale in the middle but dark at the bases and apices of the sclerites; apice of the sternites narrowly darkened. (Mexico-Eastern Brazil.). .................... centralis sp. n. Toxorrhina flavida sp. nov.
Light yellow; basal segments of the antennae paler than the flagellum; Q oviposi-
tor with very slender acicular valves; basal approximation of Cu and 1st A slight. 9 . Length, 6, 6.7, 8.2 mm. Wing, 4.8, 5, 5.4 mm. Rostrum, 3.4, 3.7, 3.8 mm. Fore leg, femur, 3.4,3.8,4 mm.; tibia, 4,4.2,4.5 mm. Middle leg, " 3.6, 4, - mm.; tibia, 4.5, 3.6,- mm. Hindleg, " 3.3,3.6,4.2mm.;tibiaY3.5,3.8,4mm. Upper valve of 9 ovipositor, 1.9, 2.0 mm. Head: rostrum rather short, medium brown; antennae, basal segments varying from light yellow to yellowish-brown; flagellar segments dark brownish-black. Front, vertex and occiput yellowish-grey. Thorax: cervical sclerites rather dark brown; mesonoturn, praescutum rich yellowish-brown, with an indistinct narrow paler median line which becomes obso- lete before the suture and in some specimens is bordered on either side by a very nar- row brown line; lateral margins of the sclerite dull yellowish, especially bright in front of the pseudosuture; scutum, lobes brownish-yellow, median line greyish; scutellum greyish-white suffused with brown, post-notum dull yellow tinged with brown caudally. Pleuraa uniformly dull orange-yellow. Halteres, stem yellow, knob slightly darker, tinged with brown. Legs: coxae and'trochanters yellow, the latter rather tinged with brown; femora dull brownish-yellow, not darkened at the tip; tibiae uniform yellowish-brown; tarsi brown. Wings, veins light brown, in costal region more yellowish, subhyaline. Venation (See fig. h.) Sci ending about opposite the origin of Rs; deflection of M1+2 much shorter than that segment of M1+2 between cross-veins r-m and TO; cell 1st M2 elongated; basal deflection of Cui rather near the fork of M. Basal approximation of Cu and 1st A slight, about one-fourth of Cu beyond the arculus.
Abdomen: tergum rich dull yellow, the caudal margin of each sclerite broadly brown; sternum uniform light yellow. Ovipositor of the 9, upper valve, base slender, tip acicular, very elongate; lower valves likewise very slender. Holotype, Q Igarape-assu, Para, Brazil, Feb. 1,1912. (H. S. Parish, coll.) Para-
type, 9 Igarape-assu, Para, Brazil, Feb. 3, 1912. (H. S. Parish, coll). Paratype,
Q Igarape-assu, Para, Brazil; Feb. 7, 1912. (H. S. Parish, coll.) Paratype, Q
Igarape-assu, Para, Brazil; Feb. 4, 1912. (H. S. Parish, coll.)
Types in Cornell University, except paratype No. 3, in author's collection. Toxorrhina meridionalis sp. nov.
Brown; antennae uniform in color; abdomen uniformly light brown; Q ovipositor
with the lower valves stout, blade-like; basal, approximation of Cu and 1st A more extensive.
Length, 4. 8 mm.; wing, 4.6-4.8 mm.; rostrum, 3.7 mm. Fore leg, femur, 3-3.25 mm.;
tibia, 3.85-4 mm.
Middle leg, 3.2-3.4 mm; tibia, 3.5-3.6 mm. Hind leg, " 3.5-4 mm.; " 3.8 mm.
Length, 6 mm.; wing, 5.1 mm. ; rostrum, 4.2 mm. Foreleg,femur,3.2mm.; tibia74.1mm.
Hind leg, " 3.5 mm.; 3.6 mm.
Upper valve of Q ovipositor, 1.3 mm.
Head: rostrum brown; antennae dark brownish-black, including the basal segments. Front, vertex and occiput greyish, with two indistinct brown lines on the sides of the vertex.
Thorax: cervical sclerites dark brown; mesonotum, prsescutum, dark brown darkest medially, paler, almost yellow, before the pseudosuture and along the margins of the sclerite; in some, the median stripe is separated from the lateral by paler; near the suture, with the appearance of two narrow, dark brown lines; scutum, lobes dark brown, the depression between them greyish; scutellum and post-notum brown with a sparse grey bloom. Pleurae dark brown with a sparse greyish bloom, the extreme dorsal portions of the pleurae are darker, producing an indistinct dorsal pleural stripe. Halteres brown, extreme base of stem rather paler.
Legs: coxae and trochanters, brown; femora, tibiae and tarsi dark brown, not darker at the tips.
Wings: subhyaline, veins brown: Venation (See fig. g.) : Sci ending opposite the origin of Us; deflection of Mi+2 a little shorter than that segment of MI+* be- tween cross-veins r-m and m; basal deflection of Cui situated far before the fork of M; basal approximation of Cu and 1st A rather extensive, about two-fifths the length of Cu beyond the arculus.
Abdomen: segments dark brown without distinct darker markings on the incis- ures.
Ovipositor of the Q , upper valve, base not strong, the tip slender but rela- tively short; lower valve, very broad, almost as wide as the base of the upper valve. Holotype, 3 Igarape-assu, Para, Brazil; Jan. 26, 1912 (H. S. Parish). Allo-
type, Q, Igarape-assu, Para, Brazil, Feb. 1, 1912 (H. S. Parish). Paratype 1;
3 Igarape-assu, Para, Brazil; Feb. 4, 1912 (H. S. Parish). Paratype 2; 3 Igarape-assu, Para, Brazil; Feb. 4, 1912 (H. S. Parish).
Types in Cornell University, except paratype No. 2, in author's collection. Toxorrhina centralis sp. nov.
Brown; antennae uniform in color; abdomen with base and tip of each sclerite dark; Q ovipositor with long slender valves; basal approximation of Cu and 1st A moderate.
3 Length, 6.6-7.2 mm.; wing, 6.2 mm.; rostrum, 5.1 mm. Fore leg, femur, 4.8 mm.; tibia, 5.3 mm. Q Length, 7.2-8 mm.; wing, 5.1-6.3 mm.
Middle leg, femur, 4.1 mm.; tibia, 4.6 mm. Hind leg, femur, 3.8-4.7 mm.; tibia, 4.2-4.5 mm. Upper valve of 9 ovipositor, 2.0 mm.
19131 Alexander-New Neotropical Antochini 53 Head: rostrum dark brown; antennae uniform dark brown. Front, vertex and
occiput light grey, suffused with brown. Thorax: prsescutum rich light brown without apparent paler stripes; sides of the sclerite broadly pale buff; scutum similar, brown; scutellum and post-notum with a sparse greyish bloom. Pleurae light brown. Halteres light brown, stem paler.
Legs uniform light brown.
Wings subhyaline, veins light yellowish-brown. Venation: (See fig. i.) : Sc ending
opposite origin of Rs, basal deflection of Mi+a about equal to that segment of Mi+2 between cross-veins T-m and m; basal deflection of Cui usually at, or very close to, the fork of M; basal approximation of Cu and 1st A moderate, about one-third of the length of Cu beyond the arculus.
Abdomen, tergum, sclerites light brownish-yellow, the apice and basis of each sclerite broadly brown, each band as broad as the median pale band; sternum light yellow, the apical fifth of each sclerite brown. Ovipositor of the 9, upper valve, '
very long and slender, lower valve also slender, but stouter than the upper valve. Holotype: c? Surinam (H. Polah). Allotype, 9 Surinam, (H. Polah). Paratype
1, sex? Cordoba, Mexico; April 1, '08 (Fred'k Knab). Paratype 2 9, Cordoba, Mexico; May 8, '08 (Fred'k Knab).
Paratype 3, Q , Cordoba, Mexico, May 8, '08 (Fred'k Knab). Paratype 4, 3, Rio Dulce, Guatemala; Mar. 21, '06 (Schwarz and Barber).
Paratype 5, Q , Cacao, Trece Aguas, Alta V. Paz, Guatemala; April 14, '06 (Schwarz and Barber).
Paratype 6, 3, Steamship "Algiers," second day out from Port Limon, Costa Rica; June 20, 1903 (Dr. J. B. L. Layton). Paratype 7,
Q , Bocas del Toro, Panama; Sept. 28, '03. (P. Osterhout). Paratype 8, Param- aribo, Dutch Guiana (Miss K. Mayo). Paratype 9, Q Igarape-assu, Para, Brazil (H. S. Parish).
Types in the U. S. Nat. Mus. coll. (No. 15,128). Paratypes in U. S. N. M., except No. 4 in author's collection, No. 8, in Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. and No. 9 in Cornell University. This species exhibits some differences in coloring and other vari- ations from the type-description but I am quite certain that but one species is included. Most of the specimens show clearly the dark basis and apice of the abdominal tergites. Some variation exists in the position of the basal deflection of Chi, in relation to the fork of M. In most specimens it is close to, or at, the fork; in some rather far proximad of the fork; in paratype No. 9 it is distad, underneath cell 1st M2. A few examples show an open 1st M2, occasionally one wing exhibiting this character while the opposite wing is quite normal.
Explanation of the Plate 2.
Fig. a. Wing of Teucholabis sackeni, sp. n. ' b. " Teucholabis pulchella, sp. n.
' c. " " Teucholabis parishi, sp. n.
Volume 20 table of contents