![]() | PSYCHE A Journal of Entomology founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club | |
Volume 20 (1913)Notes on the Habits of Some Central American Stingless Bees. Meliponine Bees from Central America. Mallophaga from Brazilian Birds. A New Genus and Three New Species of Phoridae from North America, with Notes on Two Recently Erected Genera (Crepidopachys and Pronomiophora Enderlein). New North American Elateridae and Scarabaeidae. A Giant Coccid from Guatemala. Species of the Genus Gaurax of the Eastern United States. Positive Thigmotropism of Culex pipiens in Hibernation. Peculiar Habits of Small Diptera, Desmometopa latipes Meig. An Undescribed Hymenopterous Parasite of the Housefly. New Neotropical Antochini. Book Notices. A Synopsis of the Sapromyzidae. Neuropteroid Insects from Brazil. A New Species of Phoridae from New England. Muscoid Parasites of the Cotton - Stainer and Other Lygaeids. The Genus Phryganea (Trichoptera) in the Florissant Shales. A Study of the Clusiodidae (Heteroneuridae) of the Eastern United States. On the Tribe Dejeaniini of the Muscoid Family Hystriciidae, with Five New Genera. A New bee of the Genus Emphor. Some Observations on the Nesting Habits of the Mining Bee, Emphor fuscojubatus Ckll. Ants Collected in Georgia by Dr. J. C. Bradley and Mr. W. T. Davis. On a Collection of Thysanoptera from Panama. The Phytophaga (except Cassidae and Hispidae) of the Stanford Expedition to Brazil. The Gall Midge Fauna of New England. A Vernal Bee (Collets inaequalis Say). The Life History and Habits of Spalangia muscidarum Richardson, a Parasite of the Stable Fly. A New Genus of Mallophaga. Notes on the Duration of the Pupal Stage in Certain Lepidoptera. Notes on the Variation in the Venation of the Species of the Genus Leptogaster. The Life History of Thrypticus muhlenbergiae. Some Acalyptrate Muscidae. A Question of Authorship. Merope tuber in Massachusetts. Mantispa interrupta Say in New England. Exchange Column. The Dragon-fly Genus Agrion (Calepteryx) in Colorado. Didactylomyia capitata, sp. nov. The Alimentary Canal of Flata and other Homoptera. On the Early Stages of Some Western Catocala Species. The Distribution of Some Species of Drosophila. Note on Two Preoccupied Muscid Names. Book Review: The Macrolepidoptera of the World by Adalbert Seitz. Exchange Column. Front and back matter for issue 1 Front and back matter for issue 2 Front and back matter for issue 3 Front and back matter for issue 4 Front and back matter for issue 5 |