Nathan Banks.
Neuropteroid Insects from Brazil.
Psyche 20(2):83-89, 1913.
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East Falls Church, Va.
Mr. Mann turned over to me a small but very interesting col- lection for study; some of them were in alcohol, and these cannot always be placed with certainty, so that a few caddice flies remain unnamed.
Several of the species show a relationship with the fauna of western Argentina; but there are hardly enough species for general- izations in this regard.
Th~ysophorus specioaus Busmeister.
Several examples of this striking species from Porto Velho, Brazil (Mann coll,) known from many parts of South America. Ischnopteryx cincta Enderlein.
One specimen from Porto Velho, Amazonas, Brazil. Previously known from the Amazon Region.
Psocus albostigmus sp. nov.
Dark brown; antennze brown on the extreme base, first long joint mostly yellow, its tip and rest of the antenne nearly black; legs pale yellowish brown; abdomen blackish near tip, very pale yellow on basal part of venter. Wings dark brown, a broad whitish band across near base, and the basal half of the stigma white, rest of stigma nearly black; a pale dot on the forking of the radial sector just behind the stigma, one on the end of the anal vein, and the lower edge of the discal cell hyaline white; veins blackish; hind wings gray, veins darker. -4ntennze sparsely hairy, the hairs about twice as long as width of a joint; head with short hairs. Discal cell nearly twice as long as broad at base, base one-half broader than tip, outer side barely concave; stigma nearly angulate behind, the outer side long and sloping. Length E.7 mm.
From Madeira Mamor6 River, Matto Grosso, ' Brazil (Mann coll.).
Notiopsocus gen. nov.
Related to Peripsocus and Ectopsocus.
Tarsi two-jointed? in fore legs the joints subequaly in the hind legs the basal joint twice as long as the apical joint, Head
broad, eyes rather smally ocelli distinct; legs moderately slender. Fore wing with long stigma; median vein near its tip with but one branchy and in some cases this is faint or absent; cubitus simpley not quite reaching the margin; in hind wing the median and radius united for some distance. Type? N, simplex sp. nov. Notiopsocus simplex sp. nov.
Pale yellowishy head and thoracic notum brownish? eyes blacky ocelli on black spot; legs wholly pale; wings hyaline; stigma grey? nearly four times as long as broad* with three rows of bristles. Wings hardly reach to tip of abdomen, dorsum of abdomen very soft, venter more chitinous and brown, and two apical rings also more chitinousy the last segment bilobed at tipy and sparsely hairy. Length 1.7 mm.
From Manaos? Amazonas? Brazil (Mann coll.) . Cumpsurus dorsalis Burmeister.
A number of specimens of a large species which I identify as this species; I figure the male genitalia; they are similar to those of C. albijilum Walk., and perhaps that species is a synonym of C. dorsalis. From Camp 4lY and 3g9 Madeira Rivery Brazil. De- scribed from Brazil. I suspect that C. pictetii Kirby is the same species.
Cumpsurus latipennis Walker.
A few specimens of a small species; I figure the male genitalia which agrees fairly well with the figure of Eatonå the process near base of the long appendage is very slender? the size and marks agree with Eatonys description.
From Camp 4lY Madeira River, Brazil.
Described from Brazil.
Spaniophelbia assimilis sp. nov.
Head and thorax dark brown; abdomen and legs paler brown; set= whitish, the basal joint brown, the next short oblique joint almost black; the set= furnished with many short spine-like hairs, and few very long fine hairs? mostly on t.he inner side, wings hyaline, veins dark? three radial cross-veins, two medial ones, behind the cubitus is a weak sinuous vein that is connected to cubitus by a cross-vein; by this character it is related to 8. anceps Eaton? but that species has more cross-veins.
19131 Banks-Neuropteroid Insects from Brazil 86 Differs from 8, traili Eaton in not having the cubitus forked) and unmarked wing- Expanse 16 mm.
From Camp 41, Rio Madeira River, Brazil (Mann.) Tricorythus australis sp. nov.
Pale yellowishy thoracic notum browny vertex with a black crescent-shaped mark each side near the eye; pronotum and pleura with some faint blackish spots and sometimes two submedian dark streaks on the mesonotum; abdominal segments blackish on the sidesy sometimes all across on the hind marginy the last few segments more broadly marked than the others; legs long and slendery wholly pale; wings moderately broad, subhyaliney subcosta and radius darkenedy but few cross-veins and these mostly before the middle of the wing. Set= threey the laterals rather larger than the mediany especially in male. Expanse 8 mm.
From Camp 41, Rio Madeira, Brazil (Mann.) Badis oldendorfl Weyenbergh.
Three specimens agree with the figure of the fore wing given by Weyenbergh, but that author evidently overlooked the hind wings which are very slender and inconspicuous. From Camp 41, Rio Madeira River, Brazil (Mann coll.). One from Madeira Mamor6 River, Matto Grosso, Brazil (Mann). Described from Brazil.
Neoperla posticata sp. nov.
Hedd yellow, with black mark extending forward from between the oceIli, and then bending at right angles to the eyes; antennz dark; pronotum dark brown, with a broad pale median stripe, widened in front; thorax and abdomen pale yellow; set= dark brown except the basal joint which is yellow; legs blackish, but basal half of fore and middle femoray basal two-thirds of hind femoray and a broad band beyond middle on hind tibi~? bright yellowish; wings a uniform browny except the yellowish costal margin. Ocelli about two diameters apart and but little farther from the eyesy lateral bosses close to the ocelliy and about their diameter from the eyes; pronotum much broader than longy slightly narrowed behindy sides strongly rugose; hind tibia longer than hind femur, very broad, Fore wings with two branches to the radial sector; three median and three cubital cross-veinsy alternat-
. ing.
In hind wings also two branches of radial sector7 and four cubital cross-veins; in both wings two cross-veins beyond end of the subcosta. Expanse 19 mm.
From Rio Madeira, Abunh, Braz-il (Mann coll.) . NEUROPTERA.
Corydalis nubila Erichson.
Two specimens of this species, of small size? from Porto Velho, Rio Madeira River, Brazil (Mann and Baker). Common in parts of Northern South America. Chrysopa lanata Banks,
Several from Natal, and Pirangi, Brazil, Previously known from Argentina.
Chrysopa hybrida Burmeister.
One from Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil (Mann coll.). Described from Brazil.
Chrysopa sp.
One from Marangape Mts. Cearh, Brazil (Mann coll.). Appears
to be new, but is not in good condition; the antennze beyond base are black, the basal joint with stripe above, pronotum red on side margins, most of cross-veins and the gradate veins black, the inner gradate series much nearer to the outer than to the radial sector. Dimarella eferus Walker.
Three specimens from Abunh, Rio Madeira, Brazil (Mann coll.). Described from Brazil.
Marilia fasiculata sp. nov.
#-Spurs, 2-4-92.
Dark brown; eyes nearly meeting above, basal joint of .antenn~ large, slightly swollen in the middle? antennze whitish, but the joints
19131 Bank$-Neuropteroid Imects from Brazil . 87 broadly banded with black; palpi nearly black? tips of the joints whitish; legs pale brownishy tarsal joints marked with dark brown. *Abdomen yellowish brown? the penultimate ventral segment with a black spot; fore-wings nearly uniform brownish? but the stigma1 region darker? and outer margin rather darker; hind wings grey with darker veins; at anal angle is a spreading fascicle of long hairs, nearly as long as width of fore wings. Fore wings slender? outer margin nearly truncate? discal cell longer than pedicely the first apical not so far back on the cell as in M. minor; the median vein does not reach outer margin; fork five does not reach as far back as fork one; the hind wings are broad? the anal portion twice as broad as the other part; venation similar to M. minor. The m~le appendages are long, similar to M. mi no^^ but the tip enlarged, and a pair of upcurved lateral pieces within the larger appendages. Expanse 19 mm.
From Madeira Mamor6 River, Matto Grosso, Brazil (Mann' coll.) .
Leptonema crassunz Ulmer.
Camp 43, Madeira Mamor6 River, Brazil (Mann and Baker coll.) and Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil (Mann coll.). Known from Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, and Central America.
Leptonema extemum sp. n0.v.
Pale yellowish white? a dark cloud near the stigma? two black dots near costal base of fore wings and a black dot on outer base of basal joint of each antenna, rest of antenne faintly annulate; vertex tuberculate near base of antennq clothed with fine short hair; third joint of maxillary palpi rather more than one-half the length of the second? much swollen below, fourth joint about one-half as long as third.
Wings of moderate lengthy median cell very broad? fifth apical some dis- tance back on the median celly discal rather longer than broad. Expanse 25 to 30 mm.
From Camp 41,360 Kilometers from Porto Velho, Brazil (Mann coll.) .
Leptocella jenseni Ulmer.
One from Camp 43 Madeira Mainor6 River, Brazil (Mann coll.). Although much rubbed it seeems to agree with cotypes of this species from Argentine.
Ghetina sp.
One specimen, with the anastomosis strongly marked; not a. excisa, for fork one is quite long pedicellate. From Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil (Mann coll.) . ,
Rhyacophylax lobatus Ulmer.
Many specimens from Manaos, Amazonas; Camp 41, 360 Kilo- meters from Porto Velho; and Madeira Mamore River, Matto Grosso, Brazil. (Mann coll.) . Previously known from Argentine. Ecnomodes buchwaldi Ulmer.
Four from Manaos, Amazonas; and Camp 43, Madeira Mamore River, Matto Grosso, Brazil (Mann coll.) . Previously known from Peru; a very distinct and handsome little species. Cyrnellus gen. nov.
Differs from Cyrnus in having median cell of fore-wings open, and the subcosta runs into radius, or connected obliquely thereto. Type C. minimus Bks. Includes also Cyrnus risi Ulmer.
Cyrnellus minimus sp. nov.
Agrees with C, risi in venation, length of cells and forks of both wings. However the wings are of a uniform brown, not darker around outer edge; the lower appen- dages of the male are not as heavy as in C. risi when seen from the side, and the insect is smaller (fore wings hardly 4 mm. long); only apical half of antennae strongly serrate; the wings are rubbed, but show some scattered golden hairs. . From Camp 41, 360 Kilometers from Porto Velho, Brazil, and Madeira Mamore River, Matto Grosso, Brazil (Mann coll.). As an appendix I give a table of the species of Leptonema known to me; two others are described, one, L. speciosum Burm. from Brazil has dark marks on the wings but not near as heavily marked as L. cinctum, the other from Southern Brazil, L. sparsum Ulmer, has a peculiarity in the venation. I describe one new species from Guatemala, and have yet one other species which appears to be new.
.......... 1. Wings with dark streaks all over, leaving hyaline spots. .cinotum. Wings nearly uniform, or darker only near the stigma. ..................... .2 ....................
2. Two or three black dots near costal base of fore wings. .3
....................................................... No such dots. .5
- 19131 Banks~Neuropteroid Insects from Brazil 89 ...
3. A black spot at base of outer side of each antenna; wings whitish. externum,
No such spot at base of antenna.
4. Wings brownish, often darker on costal part near stigma, third palpal joint not ....................................
twice as long as fourth..
Wings whitish; palpi more slender, the third joint about twice as long as the .................................................. fourth.. colurnbianum.
5. Wings white or greenish white.
.......................................... Wings more or less brownish.
6. Fifth apical cell of fore wing reaches well on the median cell. ................ .8 ..........................
Fifth apical cell reaches only to the median cell. .7
7. Discal cell long; dots distinct and black. .stigmosum.
Discal cell hardly longer than broad, dots obsolete.. .agraphum.
8. Discal cell hardly longer than broad, outer side very oblique. ...... pallidurn. Discal cell but little longer than broad, outer side vertical; second palpal joint ..................
not one and a half times as long as third. .guaternalum,
Discal cell nearly twice as long as broad; wings long and slender; second palpal joint more than one and a half times as long as the third. ......... furcaturn, Leptonema guatemalum sp. nov.
Pale yellowish brown, about as in L. pallidurn; antennae plainly annulate with brown; vertex flat, with only short hairs; maxillary palpi slender, the second joint hardly one and a half times as long as the third, which is longer than usual, but not much swollen, the fourth not one-half the length of the third. Wings of moderate length, pale yellowish brown, the costal margin not darker, discal cell longer than in L. pallidurn and the outer margin vertical, fifth apical a short distance on median cell, median cell not very broad. Expanse 30 mm. From Olas de Moka, Dept. Solola, Guatemala, Sept. (Englehart coll.) .
Figure 1. Leptonema externum wing cells. 2. Notiopsocus simplex wings.
3. Spaniophlebia assirnilis, genitalia.
4. Spaniophlebia assimilis, fore wing.
5. Tricorythus australis, genitalia.
6. Marilia fasicdata, genitalia.
7. Campsurus dorsalis, genitalia.
8. Cyrnellus minimus, genitalia.
9. Leptonema guatemalum, wing cells.
10. Tricorythus australis, genitalia.
11. Leptonema guatemalum, palpus.
12. Leptonema externurn, palpus.
13. Campsurus latipennis, genitalia.
14. Notiopsocus simplex, head.
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