A. L. Melander.
Note on Two Preoccupied Muscid Names.
Psyche 20(6):205, 1913.
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19131 Book Review 205
dantly in Cuba, it seems probable that it was brought over in slave ships." This species has also spread northward into Florida and Bermuda and southward to Brazil.
In the April issue of Psyche I published a synopsis of the Sapromyzidae in which on page 58 was described a new genus of Sciomyzidae under the name Poecilomyia. Hendd (Genera Insectorum, Richardiinae, p. 24, 1911), has previously used this name, hence I propose to change it to Poecilographa. In the same paper, on page 73, I described a Minettia annulata, overlooking Becker's Lauxania annulata {Ztschr. Hym. Dipt., 1907, 383). In as much as the present tendency is to con- sider Minettia as a subgenus of Lauxania the preoccupied name may be changed to annulark.
Seitz, Adalbert.
The Macrolepidoptera of the World. To be completed in 16 volumes containing about 485 parts, of which two complete volumes and numer- ous parts have been issued. Stuttgart, Verlag des Seitzschen Werkes (Alfred Kernen) 1906.
This elaborate compendium of the larger Lepidoptera, undertaken by Professor Seitz in 1906, has now reached the stage that its completion within a reasonable time seems to be assured. A large number of fascicles have been issued by Seitz and his various collaborators, who include, Aurivillius Bartel, Eiffinger, Fruhstorfer, Grunberg, Haensch, Janet, Jordan, Mabille, Pfitzner, Prout, Rober, Rothschild, Standfuss, South, Strand, Warren and Weymer. The main feature of the work is a large series of beautifully executed, colored plates, which according to estimate will number about one thousand in the com- pleted set. All which the reviewer has seen are of very exceptional quality in spite of the low price at which they are sold. The letter-press includes descriptions of genera and higher groups as well as of species and these seem on the whole to be fairly complete, although occasionally the specific descriptions drift into a run- ning commentary on the illustrations. Considering, however, the enormous mass of material to be dealt with, the authors are to be congratulated on avoiding this latter condition to a very great extent. Taken together, the text and figures should make it a comparatively simple matter for any one to identify a large proportion of the species that are described and figured. To facilitate this process, the faunae of the different zoological regions have been grouped into four independent series dealing with the Paleearctic, American, Indo-australian and African faunae respec- tively. Each is to be complete in itself as a set of four volumes and an additional 17th volume to contain general matter on structure, biology and distribution is promised.
Lepidopterists as well as amateur collectors throughout the world will be very fortunate to have such a generally complete cyclopaedia account of the larger but- terflies and moths. C. T. B.
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