H. M. Parshley.
On Some Tingidae from New England.
Psyche 23(6):163-168, 1916.
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19161 Parshlq-On Some Tingidvs from New England 163 As matters are, however, I prefer to consider it a form for which I propose the name arctica.
The male is 1% mm. in length, face black with light yellowish pile, pile on vertex dull yellow, antennae dark brown, aristae brown. Thorax black with black pile, except the post-alar callosities which are yellow with yellow pile, pleura black with black pile, scutellum yellow, with yellow pile. Abdomen black, the second and third segments largely yellow with only a dorsal line of black, all the pile of the abdomen yellow. Legs black, tarsi dark brown.
Clouding on the wings slight.
The female is similar to the male.
The pile on the front is
yellowish and on the entire thorax (except the post-alar callosities) a dull yellow more or less mixed with black, when viewed from above the appearance is black. The yellow markings on the third segment are much smaller or obsolete and the pile on the entire abdomen noticeably thicker and a darker yellow. This species resembles the species of the Bombus borealis group. One male and nine females. Rama "N. of three line," 1898 (J. D. Sornborger) ; Rama, 1898, 1899 (A. Stecker and J. D. Sorn- borger); Nain (J. D. Sornborger); Nain, August 18, 1908 (Owen Bryant). Holotype, allotype and six paratypes in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and two paratypes in the author's collection.
Bussey Institution, Harvard University.
In working on the New England Tingidae I have come across three apparently undescribed forms, which are characterized here- with. The first'belongs to the genus Dictyonota, not hitherto repre- sented in the American fauna, of which twenty species and one variety are recognized in the Palsearetic region. Some of the species live on the broom and furze, and the naturalization of these plants along our eastern coast may possibly account for the presence of the insect in question, although D. tricornis Schrank is not itself recorded as dependent on the plants mentioned.
164 Psyche [December
Members of this genus are easily recognized by their thick, rugose, spinous antennae.
Dictyonota tricornis Schrank, var. americana var. nov. Head, and disc of pronotum black, nervures brown, membrane between the nervures gray. Legs and body beneath very dark brown, antennae black. Anteocular processes spinose, slightly curved, strongly divergent, frontal spines slender, convergent, as long as the first antenna1 segment. Antenna1 segments of equal thickness, rough and setose.
Pronotal hood transverse,
with two or three rows of areoles dorsally, not projecting over the head. The three longitudinal pronotal carinae uniseriate, sub-parallel, extending from the hood to the posterior edge of the angulate process of the pronotum. Disc of pronotum punctate, transversely convex, narrowed anteriorly, lateral expansions with three to four rows of areoles, not produced anteriorly beyond the eyes, somewhat reflexed, concave above. Hemielytra without discal elevations, the costal vein depressed, those bounding the discoidal area sharply raised; costal area as wide as the discoidal, with two slightly irregular rows of areoles; subcostal area with two rows anteriorly, one posteriorly; discoidal area extending nearly to apex of abdomen, with three slightly irregular rows of areoles, its inner border curved. Pleurae and bucculse reticulate, the latter open anteriorly and evenly rounded posteriorly; sternal ridges but slightly elevated; rostrum extending a little beyond the metasternum. Orifices absent. Ventral abdominal segments each with an anterior finely shagreened area, behind which are a few curved striae connecting the posterior angles. Males with two strong copulatory hooks at apex of abdomen. Form oval.
Length 3 mm.; width 1.2 mm.
Holotype c?, Eastport, Me., 15 July, 1909 (C. W. Johnson), in my collection; paratypes, 2 c^ 8, Machias, Me., 26 July, 1906 (C. W. Johnson); Roque Bluff, Me., 15 July, 1907 (J. A. Cushman), in the collection of the Boston Society of Natural History.
This form differs from typical tricornis (crassicornis Fall.) as follows: in shape it is a little more elongate; the lateral ex- pansions of the thorax are a little wider; the anteocular spines are more divergent; the hood is a little more elevated; the costal
19161 Parshley-On Some Tingidoe from New England 165 area is biseriate at middle; and the bucculse are evenly rounded posteriorly, in tricornis somewhat angulate. As all these charac- ters are somewhat variable, the form may be considered a variety rather than a distinct species. My thanks are due to Mr. 0. Heidemann, for his kindness in examining a specimen and point- ing out some of the distinctive characters of the form. As the genus is new to the American fauna, I have included generic and specific characters in the description. Physatocheila plexa Say, not Osb. & Drk. Long-winged form.-Uniform dull yellowish brown, eyes and fourth segment of antennae darker.
Head with five adpressed
spines arranged as follows: two anterior close together and con- verging, extending forward between the first antennal segments, one median arising behind and extending forward between the an- terior spines, and two lateral, arising beneath the margin of the pronotum and extending forward close to the eyes beyond the base of the median spine; anteocular processes stout, incurved; first antennal segment a little longer than the second, both of these but slightly longer than broad, fourth fusiform, nearly as long. as the first and second together, third somewhat longer than the front tibise, more slender than the others; rostrum moderate and slightly variable in length, extending more or less beyond the middle coxse, but not beyond the posterior. Disc of pronotum strongly convex, with three low uniseriate carinse and broad lateral expansions as in the related species; hood a little lower than in brevirostris but higher than in variegata. Costal area of hemielytra with two almost regular series of areoles; sub- costal area with three rows at middle, narrowing to one posterior- ly; discoidal area almost straight exteriorly, extending beyond the middle of the hemielytra; hemielytra extending considerably beyond the apex of the abdomen, apical areoles enlarged. Bucculse large; rostra1 channel low, widened posteriorly, open behind; tips of wings visible beyond genital segment. Narrow elongate oval.
8 Q , 3.1-3.2 mm., width 1.1 mm.
Short-winged form.-Disc of pronotum but slightly convex; hemielytra extending but little beyond apex of abdomen, the areas all present but somewhat shortened; wings, if present, not visible beyond genital segment. Broadly oval. Length 3 mm., width 1.1 mm.
166 Psyche [December
Redescribed from specimens taken at Kingston and Providence, R. I., and Truro, N. S.
That this is the form on which Say based his description of Tingis plexus (Compl. Writ., Vol. 1, pp. 349-350) is perfectly evident from these quotations: " . . . brownish, more or less tinged with yellow," and " . . . two series [of reticulations] . . . on the lateral margins . . . [of the hemielytra]," statements which apply particularly to this insect, while there is nothing inapplicable in the rest of the description. The characters of P. varieqata sp. nov. (=P. plexa Osborn and Drake, not Say, Ohio Biol. Surv., Vol. 2, 1916, p. 242) are distinctly at variance with Say's description, especially the color, and the reticulation of the costal area.
Moreover, if this species had been before him, it is extremely probable that he would have noted the unusual length of the rostrum, as he did in the case of other small Hemiptera. Physatocheila variegata sp. nov.
(P. plexa Osb. & Drk., not Say)
Long-winged form.-Brown, variegated with black and pale cinereous, eyes and fourth antenna1 segment darker; spines of head pale; disc, reflexed expanded margins, and angulate process of pronotum more or less marked with black, longitudinal carinse more or less pale on the ends, this feature persisting especially at the posterior ends of the lateral carinse, and anterior end of the median; costal area of hemielytra with some of the veinlets black, subcostal and discoidal areas pale cinereous at base and apex, the intervening veinlets more or less blackened; legs brown, femora paler at apex; body beneath cinereous brown. Rostrum unusually long, extending beyond the base of the second abdominal segment. Costal area of hemielytra with areoles irregularly arranged in con- fused rows, averaging three areoles in width. Other characters about as in the preceding. Form rather broad oval. Length 3.4-4 mm., width 1.3-1.5 mm.
Holotype c? and allotype, Gowanda, N. Y., 22 August, 1909 (E. P. Van Duzee); paratypes, Gowanda, N. Y., 21 August, 1898 (E. P. V. D.); Salamanca, N. Y., 20 July, 1911 (E. P. V. D.); Berkeley Springs, W. Va., 26 July, 1888; Wellesley, Mass., 10 May, 1891 (A. P. Morse) ; Portland, Conn., on white pine, 15 May, 1914 (B. H. Walden) . Types in collections of Van Duzee, Parsh-
19161 Parshley-On Some Tingidoe from New England 167 ley, Ohio State University, and Boston Society of Natural History. This species varies in distinctness of markings but never ap- proaches the uniform yellowish brown of the true plexa Say, from which it is further distinguished by its longer rostrum and irregu- larly triseriate costal area. In P. brevirostris Osb. & Drk., the rostrum does not extend beyond the middle coxse, the color is uni- form dull brown, and the costal area is regularly triseriate. Some time ago Mr. C. J. Drake kindly sent me a specimen of this species, determined as P. plexa Say, and recently Mr. Van Duzee, learning that I had a new Physatocheda under considera- tion, most generously submitted specimens known to him to be of a new species, which have been of great assistance to me in working out the true status of these forms. Melanorhopala obscura sp. nov.
Long-winged form.-Dark yellowish brown, tinged with gray, eyes, tips of antennae, rostrum, and tarsi darker. Head with five long acute spines, three arising from the vertex and extending freely forward between the antennae, two adpressed, arising from the base of the head and extending forward near the eyes. Anten- nse proportionally about as long as in clavata, but less distinctly club-shaped, the third segment being only slightly more slender than the fourth and but little, though distinctly, enlarged at apex; fourth about as long as the first, regularly fusiform; the second shorter than the first, very slightly enlarged apically. Pronoturn convex, with three longitudinal carinse and uniseriate lateral expansions which are vertically reflexed. Costal area of hemie- lytra uniseriate, subcostal biseriate, discoidal not quite reaching middle of hemielytra; costal margins parallel, slightly sinuate near middle. Length 4.8 mm.
Short-winged form.-Pronotum narrower, disc perfectly flat, hemielytra narrowed apically, the costal margins evenly curved. Length about 4.5 mm.
Holotype, long-winged c?, Beach Bluff, Mass., 21 June, 1915 (Parshley) , taken in ocean beach drift; paratype, short-winged 3, Nahant, Mass., 16 July, 1915 (Parshley), with apices of hemielytra somewhat injured; both in my collection. Sufficiently distinct from the other species of Melanorhopala by reason of its small size, narrow form, and antenna1 structure. In
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