![]() | PSYCHE A Journal of Entomology founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club | |
Volume 23 (1916)The Immature Stages of Tropidosteptes cardinalis Uhler (Capsidae, Hemiptera). Prothetely in the Elaterid Genus Melanotus. Two New Thysanoptera from West Africa, with a Note on the Synonymy of the Phloeothripidae. A Preliminary List of the Odonata of Concord, Mass. Elateridae and Throscidae of the Stanford University Expedition of 1911 to Brazil. A Psyllid Gass on Juncus (Kuvua naculipennis Fitch). The Coccidae of New Jersey Greenhouses. The Host of Zelia vertebrata (Diptera, Dexiidae). Dr. Frederick William Russell. Exchange Column. Further Studies on the Platypezidae. Two New Texan Parajueli. The Pupa of Boreus brumalis Fitch. A Nematode Parasite of Root Aphids. Some New Formicid Names. New Encyrtidae from North America. Three New North American Species of the Genus Agromyza. A New Species of Thripoctenus. Exchange Column. New Species of Asilidae from Southern California. Plaster-casting Insect Burrows. Some New England Syrphidae. Parasites of Archips cerasivorana Fitch. A New Ant of the Genus Messor from Colorado. A Comparative Study of the Maxillae of the Acridiidae (Oedipodinae and Tettiginae), Phasmidae and Phyllidae. Table of Males of the North American Species of the Genus Asyndetus with Descriptions of Six New Species. Cora H. Clarke [Obituary]. Exchange Column. Notes on Anoplura and Mallophaga, from Mammals, with Descriptions of Four New Species and a New Variety of Anoplura. Notes on the Life-History of Methoca Stygia Say. A New Species of Lepidopria from North America. Book Review. Exchange Column. Sarcophagidae of New England, III, Sarcofahrtia ravinia, New Genus and New Species. Taxonomic Notes on Agathinae (Hymenoptera-Braconidae). Notes on Genus Hyoidea Puton (Hemiptera). Note on the Brazilian Fire-ant, Solenopsis saevissima F. Smith. An Anomalous Blind Worker Ant. A New Brachelytrous Trogositid Beetle from Colorado. Notes on the Egg-Parasites of the Apple Tree Tent-Caterpillar (Malacosoma americanum). Monarthropalpus buxi Lab. in New Jersey (Dip.). Exchange Column. The Volucella Bombylans Group in America. On Some Tingidae from New England. Questions on Nomenclature Connected with the Ant Genus Lasius and its Subgenera. A Phosphorescent Ant. A New Species of Aphiochaete (Diptera; Phoridae) from New England. The Panurgine Bees of the Genera Hesperapis, Zacesta and Panurgomia. A New England Orthopteran Adventive. Ants Carried in a Floating Log from the Brazilian Mainland to San Sebastian Island. On the Tympanum of Certain lepidoptera. Book Reviews: The Rynchopora or Weevils of Northeastern America, by W. S. Blatchley and C. W. Leng. Exchange Column. Front and back matter for issue 1 Front and back matter for issue 2 Front and back matter for issue 3 Front and back matter for issue 4 Front and back matter for issue 5 |